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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 05-12-2023, 03:21 PM
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Re: 2024 the start of a new norm?

Originally Posted by BoobsterUnited View Post
Entrance + 50 hj + 50 roaming, jialat. Must control our big and small head
Sadly big head doesn't control small head but small head does control big head, reverse logic la ..
Old 06-12-2023, 12:33 AM
sxem sxem is offline
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Re: 2024 the start of a new norm?

to me literally no ML in business these days is worth 50 hj + 50 roam, or +30 roam for that matter.

If MLs want 2Bs, they better put out and provide at least a bbbj. dont let them get away with inflating the prices.

If MLs ask me to top up to roam, i have no problems just sticking to non-roaming for that session and never return.
Old 06-12-2023, 06:37 AM
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Re: 2024 the start of a new norm?

Originally Posted by sxem View Post
to me literally no ML in business these days is worth 50 hj + 50 roam, or +30 roam for that matter.

If MLs want 2Bs, they better put out and provide at least a bbbj. dont let them get away with inflating the prices.

If MLs ask me to top up to roam, i have no problems just sticking to non-roaming for that session and never return.
Kudos to you bro! Respect! Not all can be like you. A lot let their small head do the thinking.
Old 06-12-2023, 12:17 PM
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Re: 2024 the start of a new norm?

Too bad i am stingy..wanna enjoy hear the price already immediately will go soft.
Old 06-12-2023, 04:16 PM
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Re: 2024 the start of a new norm?

Originally Posted by SgBoy86 View Post
I agree bro, JB and batam packages are getting pretty competitive over the years and currently batam has the best value meal in all of SEA.

Really no horse run, I have nothing towards people who can afford 88 or pay 4b for a session. Its just that why should I pay more when I have the network and source to get something with the same value for lesser the price?

The more I cheong I discovered that beauty is overrated, skills is king.

Agree bro, usually i cross over to satisfy the urge.

Can piak 2-3 different ladies for the price of 1 in Sg.
Plus full tank drive back.
Up my points if you enjoy my humble sharing
Old 06-12-2023, 04:42 PM
CunningLingual CunningLingual is offline
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Re: 2024 the start of a new norm?

2024 we'll be lucky if the shops don't jack up their prices due to 9% increase. Coupled with MLs who keep on charging high prices for the little things, high time we start being selective. I only go to places that charge as low as $58 now. Maybe if they jack up their prices, I say goodbye to them.
Old 06-12-2023, 06:50 PM
Kaygws22 Kaygws22 is offline
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Re: 2024 the start of a new norm?

Originally Posted by sxem View Post
to me literally no ML in business these days is worth 50 hj + 50 roam, or +30 roam for that matter.

If MLs want 2Bs, they better put out and provide at least a bbbj. dont let them get away with inflating the prices.

If MLs ask me to top up to roam, i have no problems just sticking to non-roaming for that session and never return.
Agree. I just started cheonging MPs again and already in the past 2 months experience, usually 1B can HJ and roam already. But different ML will allow different range of roaming, some let you under shirt, some let you over shirt. Some even let you feel your way into her pants. Depends on chemistry, how well you talk to them or whether the ML want to chop you.

Same as you Bro, if ML ask for top-up I just stick to non-roaming then never return to the same ML again. Maybe can try go back to same MP try other MLs if the environment really good, get them to start competing with each other, weed out all the greedy ones but if all the same then say bye bye to the place.
Old 07-12-2023, 12:40 AM
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Re: 2024 the start of a new norm?

Originally Posted by Kaygws22 View Post
Agree. I just started cheonging MPs again and already in the past 2 months experience, usually 1B can HJ and roam already. But different ML will allow different range of roaming, some let you under shirt, some let you over shirt. Some even let you feel your way into her pants. Depends on chemistry, how well you talk to them or whether the ML want to chop you.

Same as you Bro, if ML ask for top-up I just stick to non-roaming then never return to the same ML again. Maybe can try go back to same MP try other MLs if the environment really good, get them to start competing with each other, weed out all the greedy ones but if all the same then say bye bye to the place.

If non-roaming, I will consider no HJ. If massage is good, I may consider. If ML is above 40s, I will just politely reject it. There are quite a number of 1B HJ with roaming. Just need to explore around.
Old 07-12-2023, 12:55 AM
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Re: 2024 the start of a new norm?

If you explored enough and depending on how much you make the ML develop chemistry with you, you will be surprised how much things you can get with just 1B (or none ).
My MVP WLs of GL: ex1669 默默(08/22), ex1820 小雪(10/23).
Thanks to my Viet ML for being with me whenever I needed someone and attending to all my needs with love. You will always be in my memory, wish you the best in the future.
Old 22-12-2023, 08:45 AM
UncleJian UncleJian is offline
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If causeway queue isnt that long, neighbouring land/island will still be the best option bah. 4Blues & rising is already quite unbelievable if in the eyes of old timer
Old 22-12-2023, 01:24 PM
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Re: 2024 the start of a new norm?

Use to read post bros blame price up due to GL closed
Now GL opened with same price / add another 10
But online / TN / HC / Spa still going up
Look like more bros having deeper pocket
Time for me to retire liao
Happy 冬至 bros
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Old 22-12-2023, 02:06 PM
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Re: 2024 the start of a new norm?

Originally Posted by loneyheart View Post
Use to read post bros blame price up due to GL closed
Now GL opened with same price / add another 10
But online / TN / HC / Spa still going up
Look like more bros having deeper pocket
Time for me to retire liao
Happy 冬至 bros
there is still hope la...there are still 50-55 entrance and 50 for happy ending...we just need to support them...the rest just ignore and boycott
Old 22-12-2023, 02:23 PM
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Re: 2024 the start of a new norm?

Originally Posted by Splitter100 View Post
$45-55 joints are getting lesser and lesser
These shops have also rundown condition due to poor maintenance
I think in the past, they are $30-45 standards

Bells and whistle also chopped very hard now

Life so sad
what does bells and whistles mean?
Old 22-12-2023, 02:29 PM
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Re: 2024 the start of a new norm?

It's natural that ml and shop boss will want to raise price but it still boggles my mind why some people willingly pay more than market rate for gq. The moment a ml insist on higher than market rate, no matter how good she is (and lets face it, their services are not unique), that's my first and last visit.
Old 22-12-2023, 03:09 PM
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Re: 2024 the start of a new norm?

Originally Posted by afterburn View Post
It's natural that ml and shop boss will want to raise price but it still boggles my mind why some people willingly pay more than market rate for gq. The moment a ml insist on higher than market rate, no matter how good she is (and lets face it, their services are not unique), that's my first and last visit.

paying high price is just a numbskull nincompoop...hokkien call then hai gong or tua call tai
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