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Old 27-09-2006, 06:54 PM
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Re: HIV screening info

dear friends here,

recently i found myself easily fall sick, and iam currently suffering from mouth ulcers and throat pain. personally i like to eat fried food..i do not know if this has caused me to fall sick recetly or could i really have infected with some illness?

i went to doctors in clinic, and the doctor was like saying "oh ur lungs are okie, ur heart is okie..ur strong" and prescribed some flu medication.

does AIDS sympthons cause throat ulcers,mouth ulcers, headache ??

pls advise. appreciate
Old 10-10-2006, 12:55 AM
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Re: HIV screening info

Does the DSC test include syphillis?
And if not, how much is it? and is it still annoymous?

Recently i've got hand rash and decreased alertness as two of the symptoms.

I heard syphillis can be treated early. Pls reply any kind soul, asap!!!
Old 10-10-2006, 08:24 PM
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Re: HIV screening info

Originally Posted by Applefruit
Does the DSC test include syphillis?
And if not, how much is it? and is it still annoymous?

Recently i've got hand rash and decreased alertness as two of the symptoms.

I heard syphillis can be treated early. Pls reply any kind soul, asap!!!
You would probably be advised to do more than just the syphillis test and all in, inclusive of consultation cost, should be $40-$60. Get treated early. Damage control.
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Old 24-10-2006, 07:44 PM
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Question Re: HIV screening info

Can anyone advise whether during a normal annual medical checkup by company or those medical health packages offered and where blood is taken for test it is possible to know if a person is HIV infected. I understand it is taken for cholestrol checks but during such checks is it possible that HIV virus is detected>
Old 07-11-2006, 12:46 PM
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Re: HIV screening info

Originally Posted by KL_boy
In malaysia, the OTC test kit for HIV are readily available. But most customers are reluctant / shy to purchase..Most pharmacies dont keep stock. But can order lar.
Thank you for the information on the OTC test kit in Malaysia. There is indeed a stigma attached to buying such a test kit over the counter. However, we believe that testing for HIV should come with pre-test counseling (to gauge the risk of exposure) and post-test counseling (to explain results properly, assure the person). Testing should be done by personnel who are trained, as people may not know how to use or read the test kit results properly.
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Old 07-11-2006, 12:48 PM
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Re: HIV screening info

Originally Posted by goodsex
does AIDS sympthons cause throat ulcers,mouth ulcers, headache ??
Bro goodsex, AIDS is the final stage that someone infected with the HIV will progress too. Once a person contracts the HIV virus, which starts to attack its immune system (the white blood cells), most people may show no signs (this asymptomatic stage may last for many years). Those who come down with acute (primary) HIV infection may experience flu-like symptoms, swollen lymph nodes (at the neck, underarm or groin), fever, malaise, and skin rashes which may last about 2 to 3 weeks.

If you are worried, do come to our test site for an anonymous HIV testing. Please refer to our website for the timings. It is done on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Saturdays.
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Old 07-11-2006, 12:50 PM
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Re: HIV screening info

Does the DSC test include syphillis?
And if not, how much is it? and is it still annoymous?

The anonymous testing done at DSC does include syphilis testing, but only on Saturday afternoons. It costs $20 for the syphilis test, and $30 if you do both the HIV and syphilis test together. Both tests are indeed anonymous.

Some of the symptoms of syphilis infection include painless sores (on the penis, vulva or cervix). Syphilis can be treated in the early stages. Do come down and test yourself, bro Applefruit.
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Old 07-11-2006, 12:52 PM
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Re: HIV screening info

Originally Posted by Ah Thut
Can anyone advise whether during a normal annual medical checkup by company or those medical health packages offered and where blood is taken for test it is possible to know if a person is HIV infected. I understand it is taken for cholestrol checks but during such checks is it possible that HIV virus is detected>
Such tests usually test for other things, and not for HIV. The test carried out is different from the tests used to detect the HIV virus. However, there maybe special situations that the HIV test may be requested, but that will probably require your consent.
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Old 07-11-2006, 12:53 PM
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Re: HIV screening info

Originally Posted by katak1
hiv antibody screening done on a normal day in dsc takes how long for results?
During normal office hours at DSC, the HIV test is usually done with other STDs tests, and may take a week to 2 weeks (maybe more) for the results to be out. It is great to know that your wife have taken the test, how about you?

If you are worried, perhaps you can come down to do the anonymous testing.
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Old 24-01-2007, 09:32 AM
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Unhappy Re: HIV screening info

[QUOTE=Fabregas_sg;1665296]hi, first of all it was indeed brave of u to take the first step to go for the test.

Unfortunately, perhaps u got to DSC on a busy day. I know exactly how u feel cause when I first went there think is 3 years back, I waited for quite sometime also. 'Du lan' yes, nervous yes, I suppose u went for same HIV/syphillis test cause u mentioned $30. (Day clinic have to wait 1 week for result)

There is this anonymous testing done at DSC

Tues,wed : 6.30pm to 8.00pm.
Saturdays: 1.20 pm to 3.30pm
(except on public holidays)

To avoid the crowd one way is to go when the clinic just open. Works for me. Although u have to wait also but will be much faster.

Cost: S$20

Pre- and Post-Test Counselling is provided by trained volunteers.

Results are available within 20 min of doing the test.


I went to DSC yesterday . 1st time for me . As advised by Bro-Fabregas , reached there @ 18.30 sharp but there were already 4persons ahead of me. After paying the $20+filling the questionnaire, waited for 15min before my no. was called for the test. After-that, waited for 10min before they called for the result. Again I asked the same Old Qs of the window frame & was told that 4-6 weeks should be sufficient, but 12weeks(3mths) will be more conclusive. The Whole process took less than 20min & I left DCS exactly 18:50 as a happyman . If any Bros feel shy/afraid anyone will see/know , dont hesitate & just go for it . It's your life at stake .

Anyway just want to highlight another point here. Never request/force funny Act to your Bro/friend when they are drunk. It's a life at Stake if we were doing RAW without our knowledge. What if the final result is HIV(+)???. Who to be responsible ??? I was drunk(Bad drinker) in a KTV in somewhere near FunanCentre last Oct(Friend's Birthday). When I woke-Up, bottom was naked & everyone were laughing. Friend just said I did the Rambo stunt to have BJ RAW...with Viet-gal. I was so STUNT that night (Still half sober) & questioned the Viet-gal that she informed that it was requested by the Birthday-boy..??? Initialy i dont really believe thinking the guys might just be joking , but during the Bill time I saw the tips to the Viet-gal for $150. So ???????Most Likely.....Also I was susprised that such KTV can allowed such act(RAW). Till now , they still just saying so. Anway in short , Fun is not at the expense of other people life. Lets enjoy together but be a healthy-man .
Old 28-01-2007, 02:10 AM
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Re: HIV screening info

btw i have questions
1. can we get std or hiv if we fingering the gal and we accidentally lick the finger that we used to finger her?although u only doin her clit,not goin inside

2.can we get std or hiv if they suck, like only 2 times, and then we put condom on? we forgot to ask her to put condom before BJ and she accidentally put her mouth on our dick already

3.where is DSC btw?
Old 28-01-2007, 06:35 AM
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Re: HIV screening info

Originally Posted by leody1 View Post
btw i have questions
1. can we get std or hiv if we fingering the gal and we accidentally lick the finger that we used to finger her?although u only doin her clit,not goin inside

2.can we get std or hiv if they suck, like only 2 times, and then we put condom on? we forgot to ask her to put condom before BJ and she accidentally put her mouth on our dick already

3.where is DSC btw?
1. YES.
2. YES.
3. DSC is in Singapore.
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Old 06-02-2007, 04:25 PM
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Re: HIV screening info

Hi, I do have a few question that I am asking for my close friend.

My fren had a sexual encounter with a vietnam girl in a pub somewhere near GL in last sept. It was protected thru out but there were some contact (penis rubbing virgina) during the course of action. He found that he have a red small dot on his penis skin the next day an then found to have fever which lasted for a few days.

He went to a clinic that recomended by his fren and the doc told him that he kanna NGU which is a common STD. His dick was a bit minty but no pus.
The doc gave him a jab and a week of anti-biotics. After that he was ok with no other symptom.

However, he had another fever last week again which lasted for 5 days. thus, now very worried. The previous doc did not do any blood test.
To make it worst, he also have a cough recently that persisted for 2 weeks.

As such, I would like know what is his chances of contacting HIV?

Originally Posted by AfA_hmor View Post
During normal office hours at DSC, the HIV test is usually done with other STDs tests, and may take a week to 2 weeks (maybe more) for the results to be out. It is great to know that your wife have taken the test, how about you?

If you are worried, perhaps you can come down to do the anonymous testing.
Old 12-03-2007, 12:28 PM
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Re: HIV screening info

After the testing of Blood at DSC, hw do they inform u the result on the spot? they print out a slip stating HIV positive or negative , or they tell u face to face?

And also anyone can direct me how to go DSC when i alight at Bugis MRT? tks
Old 12-03-2007, 03:55 PM
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Smile Re: HIV screening info

Yo, U can check . There's a map there .
I think Bus is more convenient .

The counseller will tell U face to face after 10-15min (after the counselling & blood test).
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