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Old 17-02-2017, 01:28 PM
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Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....

Singapore is a strange society. I told the real thing, u think I dare to go around telling my friends I am such a sex addict and get so many gals?

So u guys doubt me, and I give some hints u call me liar. U mean lucky guys that earned more and get quite a bit of girls must be lying. The maths showed it all. 11 new gals in 4 months. 5 gals last week. 3 of them new. Last week is my luckiest week. Didn't expect Sunday dinner to turn sexual.

My main point is I never expect it to be like this, the last 4 months. And I never expect so many gals that I went out with agreed to have sex, amongst them some have 2-3 bfs in the past and averagely have 2-3 partner before. Which is exactly this topic. I learned to get such sex by reading other's sexperience and seduced the girls too.
Old 17-02-2017, 01:47 PM
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Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....

Originally Posted by jimmi2306 View Post
Good try!!! But. . .

Citibank has a reverse 10:1 stock split in 2011. Fortunately or unfortunately for u most stocks charts don't show this split. If u had bought 1000 shares at US$1, it became 100 shares at US$10. So if u had bought at $1.30 in 2009 and sold at $48 in 2016 ur profit is only about $4 and not $40 because of the reverse stock split.
At ur age how much cash do u have to buy in 2009? And how much could u had borrowed considering all banks were not only not lending at that time, they were even calling back loans or asking to top up collaterals.
Assuming u bought $1 million, profit is only about $3+ million and not $30+ million! Is $3+ million enough to stop working completely? Maybe but definitely not enough to go for monthly holidays unless u r talking a about Johor or Batam?
What also does not make sense is why sell 50% at $20 (i.e. $2 before split) in 2012 when Citi shares were already $5 in 2009/2010 ???

Hi! You are not wrong!
But we aren't trying.. Lol..

Mr Ow here,
Usually I don't explain so much but to clear your doubt.
My dad passed on in 2008, leaving us with close to 2.5 millions insurance + assets.
I bought Citi at close to 1 dollar, March 2009.
Together with LVS, BAC and Fannie Mae.

Yup! Citi went thru a reverse stock split in 2011.
Shrinking my number of shares with them.
I let go a portion when it was at $18++. (30%)
But I cashed out all the others, except for Fannie,
I bought it at 1.20 and subsequently was "delisted"!
My balls shrink when it was announce in CNA!
But it actually went into OTC, pink sheet.
Went down to 0.2 at 1 point. But Thanks god, I manage to let go at $3.80 about 3 years ago.

Well, cut the stories short,
Sold my remaining 80,000 shares (after the reverse split)
with Citi last year @ ard $47.
With the brexit and US PE, I thought it's safer to hold cash.
Considering USD/SGD at 1.36.
You do your math ba.

Well, It not entirely wrong that we don't actually work.
I bought over a freight forwarding firm in 2012.
Not locally base thou. It was base in Thailand, bangkok, but we can recently just expanded it to another province.

It was in quite a bad shape when I bought over, but with lot of efforts and helps.
Manage to turn it around. By opening up markets from Japan, Taiwan and China..
It is generating USD 2-2.5m yearly.
I'm the owner, major shareholder. But I don't run the operation.
We have a CEO and we have our board of directors managing it.
As the owner, I help in opening up new market and host our guests when they visit us.
I draw 10% yearly from the company.

Yes, we travel monthly.
With our 20th mth boy, can't expect us to travel far.
But please don't be so sacastic.
We don't travel to Johor nor Batam, minimally Bintan please! Lol..
Usually is SEAsia region. Mainly Thailand actually.

I own a town house here and 2 properties in Thailand, rented out now.
I drive a Porsche Cayenne, and my wife drives beetle cab.
All fully pay up.
So ya,,, not ultra rich but enough to lead an easy and carefree life,,
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Old 17-02-2017, 02:25 PM
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Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....

Originally Posted by JasonPhang View Post
Singapore is a strange society. I told the real thing, u think I dare to go around telling my friends I am such a sex addict and get so many gals?

So u guys doubt me, and I give some hints u call me liar. U mean lucky guys that earned more and get quite a bit of girls must be lying. The maths showed it all. 11 new gals in 4 months. 5 gals last week. 3 of them new. Last week is my luckiest week. Didn't expect Sunday dinner to turn sexual.

My main point is I never expect it to be like this, the last 4 months. And I never expect so many gals that I went out with agreed to have sex, amongst them some have 2-3 bfs in the past and averagely have 2-3 partner before. Which is exactly this topic. I learned to get such sex by reading other's sexperience and seduced the girls too.

Hey mate! If whatever you said is real, (Anyway, not for me to judge.)
Then you probably love yourself more than others.
Rich doesn't necessary means go around flirting.
So why asking advise or trying to seek the meaning of life when you are not ready for change? And in return, That's what you got.

I earn my millions when I was your age, but doesn't mean I go around looking for new girls. Or bringing different girls home every now and then.
And the way you describe, you cheapen every girls that cross your path!
Which is a huge disrespect to me.
Rather then flirting or wasting my wealth.
I work harder and plan to enchanted my assets.

If you choose a different path, it's not wrong,
So That's your personality or your upbringing mate.
Why try to seek advise here and get urself shot down?
Like an open target!
You asked for it isn't it? Lol..

Mr Ow.
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Old 17-02-2017, 03:08 PM
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Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....

Anyone who can share their sex stories that you never thought?
If you post just make sure that your post is long hahaha
Old 17-02-2017, 03:16 PM
tuikboo tuikboo is offline
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Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....

Originally Posted by gazette05 View Post
Actually hor, why argue so much? There are many ways to spend one's money and structure wealth/business holdings/assets. So long as it makes one happy, then who cares whether you store the money in your bank account, transfer it to your children or splurge it on booze/sex/luxury gifts?

Money is just a mean to an end. Let people who have the money spend it the way they want. Let people who don't have the money earn enough to lead a decent and comfortable life. To each his/her own. Hua hi tio ho.
Like ur view. Ups n cheers.
Old 18-02-2017, 06:00 PM
Neoguri Neoguri is offline
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Talking Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....

Remembering all my WeChat encounters over the last 2 years or so.
I found all of them using the people nearby feature.

1) A married neighbor (31) who lives really near to my house.
She was also looking for a good fuck, so the chat proceed to sex very quickly and I met her for coffee just to see if it work out. The feeling is good so we arranged another day for movie and then to the hotel for a good session. She was very horny, wet and moaned loudly.
After that, we met whenever her husband was travelling. We still maintain contact.

2) A 23 year old living with her relatives.
She was bored as she don't drive and don't know anyone in the USA.
She didn't look as good as her photo as was a plain girl.
Treated her to lunch and brought her to the nearby tourist attractions for sight seeing. Then, it is back to my house for dinner and watch TV.
Put my arms around her and tried to be intimate with her, smelling her hair and kissing her neck. She resisted initially but then asked me to close the curtains and switch off the lights.
Went on to lick her pussy, got her real wet and had a session with her.
She french with a very weird expression, so I was not very satisfied.
Met her another weekend and had another session again. She said she 挺喜欢爱爱的!
I dumped her the following week as it was not so fun with her and she wouldn't BJ.

3) A 30 year old MILF who is not on good terms with her husband.
Found out later that her husband could not satisfy her.
Met her for coffee, then another time for coffee at my house, but nothing happened.
The 3rd time at my house for coffee, I decided to make my move as I think the time is right. Got to hug her and kissed her neck and ear lobes, but she refused kissing.
That same night, I asked to go to her house and she agreed.
Learned that her husband was travelling and she had put her kids to bed.
We sit on the sofa, drink tea and chat. I hugged her and this time, she responded to the kiss and we french. Tried to remove her bra but she resisted, so I carried her to her master bedroom and continued the kissing and licking. Finally, I pulled down her pants and panties which she resisted too, but i proceed to lick her pussy and gave her no chance to resist.
Then I proceed to fuck her.
We became very close soon after and she would cook for me as well.
We met about twice a week at my house and I would spend the night at her house whenever his husband went on business trips. She do BBBJ readily and the feeling was really good. I arranged a business trip in China when she went back for vacation and we had a good one week fucking everyday and behaving like love birds.
We are still in contact.

4) Another MILF (33) who I have been chatting for a year but didn't have the chance to meet.
Then, I help her brought some of her purchases from China back during my business trip. So arrange to meet her and brought her back to my house.
After coffee, she said she needed a rest and I made the bed for her.
Gave her a hug, kiss and proceed to have a session with her.
Cum doing her from behind.
I knew she is a materialistic women, and she starts to chut pattern after that. I took the chance and dumped her.

5) Another MILF (37) in Singapore when I was there for a business trip.
Actually, I was knew met her on the first trip and maintain contact and chatted for another 6 months, before I went back for a second trip.
She booked a hotel for 3 days 2 nights and I fuck her raw everyday and cum in her as she cannot get pregnant.
She was a bit emotional and I felt pressurized with her, so dumped her when the chance came.

6) Another chat (19 year old) in Shanghai.
This is a real surprise encounter. She was getting off work at about 10pm when I chatted her up.
Asked her to come to my hotel for a coffee and chat and she came to meet me at the hotel lobby.
She wanted to have the coffee somewhere else but I convinced her to come up to my room. At the room, I make her tea and chat for a while, then moved closer to her and start hugging and kissing her and proceed to carry her onto the bed.
She french good and is pretty with very slim figure which I like.
And she readily gave BBBJ when I asked.
She is also pretty tight and I came after a while.
We slept till the morning and had a second round when she was about to leave. This time, I had ran out of condom and I asked her if I can do her raw? She said just don't come in her, so I proceed to fuck her a second time.
After that, she showered and left without asking for money (I was expecting that).

7) A single 27 year old Au-pare girl from China.
She could be quite pretty when dressed up and is a C cupper.
The funny thing is at my house when I got intimate with her, she resisted but not really resisting, so I kept pushing my limits and at the end did her on the living room carpet floor!
Usually I need some time pumping to cum with condom, but with her I just felt so good I cum after just 1 minute. :-)
The second weekend, we went for a morning run followed by lunch and library. Ended up at my house again and she resisted again in a very weak way and this time I fingered her G-spot till she was moaning so intensely.
Put on the condom and pumped her and she was moaning like hell.
Maybe it was too erotic I cum in 3 minutes again.

There are a few more encounters which I will write at a later date.
Wanted to capture all these nice memories before I forget them in the future...
Old 19-02-2017, 10:15 AM
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Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....

Just had an encounter last night. My folks were away during the weekend, so I made arrangements weeks prior, seeking couples who needed a place for the night, with a watcher included, myself.

Got a few emails, most didn't work out eventually, except for a Chinese couple. Slightly older than I am, late 20s. Guy was named Z, girl was J for privacy. Got their permission to post this online without naming them.

Came over to my place around 12am, had a few drinks to break the ice, chit chat a little, which very quickly led to adult conversations. Z suggested that we began and I took off all my clothes, sat in a corner and watched.

J started off by doing a slow striptease for Z, not very experienced but still hot to look at. Could tell they were both a little shy, so I dimmed the lights in the living room and drew the curtains. 1st round lasted about 45 minutes with a facial for J.

They washed up while I got more drinks. 2nd round they were a little more open, either due to the initial awkwardness gone or they were slightly drunk. This time Z finished with a creampie in J, and I nearly blew my load watching J moan.

Washed up again and rested, chit chat in the living room. Waiting for 3rd round. Almost 4am already, and Z said he needed more time to rest, and suggested that I join in. I was pretty happy just watching, so I jumped at the chance and said yes. Started off with a BBBJ from J, not as smooth as other FLs that I've tried but what the heck. It was 4am and I had not the chance to release yet. Capped on and J rode me cowgirl on the living room chair till I came inside the condom. Z was hard by this time so he took over while I went to wash up.

Came out to see Z pumping J doggystyle, Z looked at me and said "2nd round?" Fuck yeah, positioned myself in front of J and had another BBBJ. Switched positions and grabbed a condom. But J looked at me and said forget it. Was kinda skeptical about barebacking her but the feeling of lust took over so I entered her raw. Z gave her another facial while I nutted inside her. Knees were shaky by this time.

Washed up and 3 of us slept for a while on my bed. They left at 730 and I'm still replaying the events of last night in my head. This has got to be one of the more exciting encounters I've had.

Unexpected sex. What an experience.
Old 19-02-2017, 04:12 PM
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Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....

Originally Posted by hil169 View Post
1) 2 years ago, early 20s, just came back not from studies overseas. Met at the club while drinking with my friends and she's drinking with hers. Making whispers on the dance floor, brought her home after that. Her friend told me to take good care of her. i sure did.

2) Was at a workshop on positive personal development. Met a divorcee (early 30s) through a friend. Clicked right on the spot. Had a great conversation during the seminar. Not wanting the evening to end so early, we left the seminar and went for happy hour (chat over pint of beer and fries). After that, we walked home ...right past my door, moving on to my bed.

3) This one is a missed goal. Met a girl (late 20s) via an app.. chatted with her for quite some time before meeting. Didn't manage to score even after we stripped off all of our clothes. We did everything except penetration. Tried to penetrate but either her vagina was too tight or my penis wasn't hard enough. just couldn't enter.. (any bro experienced that before?)
Bro, I had this same experience when I up my 3rd women from Wechat.
That was during the first time. I just couldn't penetrate her although I was hard enough.
Just felt that the angle of her love canal seems to be different or what?
I only managed to penetrate her when we met the second time.
I had started a thread asking bros here if different pussies gives different feelings.
Got some replies but not really answering my question about the different angle?
Old 20-02-2017, 01:18 AM
kencongee kencongee is offline
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Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....

1. As a virgin, was singled out during a university party by an American student who was very drunk, she stayed by me all night and loudly demanded I take care of her whenever we moved from place to place, all her friends knew what was up and I knew what was up and we just let it happen until it was almost automatic when she announced she was too drunk to go back to her uni hall and I told her to just stay at my place. I was very bad in bed, she let me shoot inside her but I was so nervous I didn't feel anything enjoyable, second time we had sex a few months later I decided either I wasn't attracted to her or sex wasn't as amazing as everyone promised it would be

2. Went on a long trip with friends, one of the girls who went was the type I am super attracted to, small petite frame, very bony, lean muscles, almost no breasts, at the time I was dating one girl from my uni and she was dating this big and very cute European boy and we were both happily attached. during the trip we talked a lot and became close and sometimes when we were tired we would do things that are on the boundary, like light petting disguised as massages, and massages that are a bit more intimate than just for our tired legs and back, although the rest of the people on the trip were always around and did not notice. when we got back after the trip a few days later she came over to my accommodation for dinner and we talked until late, and when I offered to get her a taxi back she asked me very seriously if she could stay over at my place "as long as it doesn't mean you have to sleep on the floor" meaning either she sleeps on my floor or she shares my bed. end up she gets into bed with me wearing only one of my t-shirts and her panties, and after we cuddle for a while my heart is going too fast for me to actually sleep, so I start kissing her fingers, then she starts kissing my lips, and then she's pulling off my shirt and dragging my hands up the shirt she is wearing. I ask her if she wants to have sex and she says yes, and I tell her I've only ever done it once and she says it's okay. until today she is the most amazing person I have had sex with, and also the person I have had the most sex with. for the next few months until her boyfriend came to visit she would message me asking if she could come over, and then whenever she came by, we would have dinner, have sex, sleep together, and have sex again in the morning before we went to school separately. now we are in different countries and I miss her dreadfully
Old 20-02-2017, 01:23 AM
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Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....

3. university friend who gets easily stressed like me over uni work, we both worked late with each other while rushing deadlines. first time I met her she was trying to date another guy on my course so we became good friends and she confided in me, but the relationship did not work out. when we work late with each other sometimes to release stress we would bite each other, because we both had very strong muscular arms and we each liked biting the other's muscles to let off steam. one night after she came over dinner while we were stressed with work I just picked her up and threw her onto the bed and then we started kissing violently and taking off each other's clothes. nothing planned, and actually a surprise that she didn't just shove me away, but work was driving us both mad I think. I took her virginity but she doesn't care about that sort of thing, and was surprised at first at the feeling of having sex but enjoyed it very quickly. from then on aside from biting and hitting each other we also fucked each other for stress relief, and we continued to be very good friends. later she started traveling around europe and she shares her sexual exploits with me, sometimes she meets men who are very good and sometimes she meets men who are just bad in bed, and I'm happy that after all the experience she still considers me one of the better ones
Old 21-02-2017, 04:30 AM
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Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....

Originally Posted by neoguri View Post
i had started a thread asking bros here if different pussies gives different feelings.
Originally Posted by neoguri View Post
got some replies but not really answering my question about the different angle?

When got time I will reply to you thread for more details.
Old 21-02-2017, 08:00 AM
Blong Blong is offline
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Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....

Originally Posted by tuikboo View Post
Like ur view
Agree with the view too
Old 21-02-2017, 09:22 AM
Shubet66 Shubet66 is offline
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Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....

Originally Posted by Blong View Post
Agree with the view too
Agree with you too
Old 22-02-2017, 02:06 AM
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Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....

Originally Posted by ourworld View Post
Hey mate! If whatever you said is real, (Anyway, not for me to judge.)
Then you probably love yourself more than others.
Rich doesn't necessary means go around flirting.
So why asking advise or trying to seek the meaning of life when you are not ready for change? And in return, That's what you got.

I earn my millions when I was your age, but doesn't mean I go around looking for new girls. Or bringing different girls home every now and then.
And the way you describe, you cheapen every girls that cross your path!
Which is a huge disrespect to me.
Rather then flirting or wasting my wealth.
I work harder and plan to enchanted my assets.

If you choose a different path, it's not wrong,
So That's your personality or your upbringing mate.
Why try to seek advise here and get urself shot down?
Like an open target!
You asked for it isn't it? Lol..

Mr Ow.
Quote from the movie "Passengers"

Hell of a life ...

Doesnt matter what others say Mr Ow.. . enjoy yourself with your love ones cause you only live once...
Old 22-02-2017, 08:11 AM
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Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....

Originally Posted by twinresist2 View Post
Quote from the movie "Passengers"

Hell of a life ...

Doesnt matter what others say Mr Ow.. . enjoy yourself with your love ones cause you only live once...
Very well said
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