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Old 17-08-2016, 12:33 PM
chivas chivas is offline
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Re: My adventure in the office

nice story ....
SBF best story writer is back ...
Old 17-08-2016, 04:30 PM
Skechers Skechers is offline
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Re: My adventure in the office

Camping for updates!
Old 17-08-2016, 04:40 PM
focaccia focaccia is offline
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Re: My adventure in the office

Having hardon in office
Old 17-08-2016, 05:18 PM
Daiso2 Daiso2 is offline
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Re: My adventure in the office

Originally Posted by halibal View Post
Rashid will get Omar to have sex with Belinda and then get her to hj him or even worse blow him.
Difficult to predict who will be bonking who
Old 17-08-2016, 05:32 PM
slyhypo slyhypo is offline
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Re: My adventure in the office

Camping for more!
Old 17-08-2016, 06:46 PM
skl8188 skl8188 is offline
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Re: My adventure in the office

Calling for james.
Old 17-08-2016, 11:24 PM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Originally Posted by skl8188 View Post
Calling for james.

Me too,requesting for updates please.
"Temptation know no laws, standing prick has no conscience."

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Old 17-08-2016, 11:30 PM
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Re: My adventure in the office

if you want to turn this to a movie ...

stop writing now ..

-we only live once-

-I tried to be a heartless bastard, I couldn't.... -
Old 17-08-2016, 11:38 PM
ilikeoldchangke ilikeoldchangke is offline
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Re: My adventure in the office

I don't want to split up wed and thurs portion but as i edit further, i felt it would not be as good if i were to leave out friday's portion as well.

Would prefer to put it all up at once.

Will update once ready

Old 17-08-2016, 11:55 PM
kenichi808 kenichi808 is offline
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Talking Re: My adventure in the office

Haha, we will wait for the weekend edition lol.. No worries bro
Old 18-08-2016, 12:31 AM
PuaDehKor PuaDehKor is offline
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Re: My adventure in the office

Camping for more!!
Old 18-08-2016, 12:41 AM
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Re: My adventure in the office

bro ilock
waiting to improve my engrish with your good story

keep it up
Old 18-08-2016, 09:47 AM
clapton clapton is offline
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Re: My adventure in the office

Originally Posted by ilikeoldchangke View Post
I don't want to split up wed and thurs portion but as i edit further, i felt it would not be as good if i were to leave out friday's portion as well.

Would prefer to put it all up at once.

Will update once ready

Wah meaning Friday we will have all 3 days in 1 go

Work hard today lar bros!

Bcz tmr cannot work already. So many updates coming
NOT for Point Ex-change. Tks!

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Old 18-08-2016, 10:13 AM
ilikeoldchangke ilikeoldchangke is offline
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Re: My adventure in the office

Omar turned towards me and shook his head.

Omar : I’m disappointed James… if not for the fact I helped you a few months ago…. Belinda would have been taken right there and then…. You had a couple of months to talk to her and what?? You end up in a relationship ? Is that it ??

He tilted his head sideways and looked at me with a look that betrayed no emotions. It’s hard to tell if he was kidding with you or he’s fucking with you. I don’t know what to reply him.

Belinda : Omar… I know about that….. James told me that very night… I would not have agreed to it.

Omar smiled as he stroked Belinda’s hair and she backed away, moving closer to me.

Omar : Haha… I’m also disappointed with you Belinda…. You went to Rasid…. Before coming to see me ?? I might have offered you better terms no ?

Neither of us spoke until the lift chimed to indicate we arrived at the suite level.

Omar : Come… let’s have a chat in my room.

Belinda fell into step behind Omar and blurted out that we knew it was he and Rasid who suggested Mr Liew fired me.

Belinda : It was your doing all along…. !!! How could you !

Omar raised an eyebrow and replied as if he did nothing wrong.

Omar : Sure… I don’t deny that… but it was all for the big picture….. James needed to go over to the other side….

He paused and fiddled with his room key.

Omar : No one asked you to beg us for his job Belinda … hahha… if only you had a bit of patience to wait it out…. Mr Liew would have told you about the plan anyway…..

He spread his arms apart and looked at Belinda with a smile.

Omar : Am I wrong to say that… ??

Omar unlocked the door and invited us into his room.

James : Fuck this Belinda… let’s go..

Belinda shrugged me off and insisted on reasoning with Omar.

Belinda : Bullshit… you knew you would…..

She was cut off by Omar who offered her a drink from the fridge.

Belinda : I thought you are not allowed to drink….

Omar : I pour vodka in my tea pot and drink them in broad daylight back in my country…. Anyway…

Omar : Yes… yes… I admit…. It was to force you…. So ?

He gave a really charming smile and acted like everything was fine as he poured both of us a drink.

Omar : I could give you everything you ask for Belinda… haha…

He went on without bothering to see if we were even listening. He knew we would be.

Omar : A place to stay ?? I have units at Icon…. Just across the road… if you want somewhere out of town …. Mt Sinai ? no ? … what about… novena ?? …. You like the beach ? Bayshore ?..... sorry no Sentosa though…. It’s overhyped…. I could get a private island with that kind of money…. Anyway… my point is…

He handed a glass of wine to Belinda.

Omar : I want you… and…. Everything I want…… I get… it’s a matter of time… I know you Belinda…. I know you would not accept my offer of a house,….. money… oil…hahah….because the thought of this arrangmenet simply disgust you…..

Belinda kept quiet, her jaws tightly clenched.

Omar : You see…. It is exactly girls like you who would refused my offers that intrigued me….

He tried to search for some other description as he waved his hands in mid-air before deciding to continue.

Omar : As much as I would loved to have you safely tucked away in a nice place waiting for me whenever I’m in Singapore, I am a practical man…. You are no such women…. And you never would be….. which is why….. I’m proposing an alternative….

I grabbed Belinda’s hand and made our way towards the exit.

James : Fuck this… seriously… this is bullshit… let’s just go…

Omar : What do you think will happen when Terry takes over James ? …. If… Terry takes over…

I paused and looked at him.

Omar : You think… your colleagues would still have a job ? …. You think… you can really concentrate on this masterplan ?.... Mr Liew ?? His wife and kids….? Your friend and his elderly mum ? ….. the young kid…. The old man ?? And of course… the sweet little girl Sandy…. Yes… yes…. I know all about them…..

He added that he’s going to be investing a lot of money in the project and he likes to make sure he knows everyone that would be working on it.

Omar : And you two…… you….. two…. Hahhaa

He sniggered and shook his head.

Omar : Husband…………… and wife…….. Formerly…… from what I gathered….

He chuckled and said that he was surprised we managed to keep it under wraps for so long.

Omar : No one knew.... not even Rasid... haha..

Belinda : We’ve separated…. It’s been years….

Omar smiled and shrugged his shoulders, saying that it just makes
everything more interesting.

Omar : That’s besides the point… but just to let you know Belinda….. the excitement of…. Having you…. A married women….. turns me on another notch…. Haha….. ok… back to the big picture…

He pointed to Belinda .

Omar : Everything Belinda has done so far against Terry ? her past relationship with him….

He snapped his fingers and said we would be replaced within a month. His money would be fucked if Terry is running the project and there was no way he’s going to let that happen.

Omar : Besides… Rasid has James’s naked picture no ? hahah…

James : Go ahead… post it online… who gives a fuck about a naked man anyway…

Omar laughed and said he doesn’t do things like that.

Belinda finally asked the question Omar was waiting for as she shrugged my hand away.

Belinda : What do you want then…

Omar placed his fingertips for both hands against each other and smiled.

Omar : Rasid has a date with you this evening…. i shall not disturb him…. So that leaves tomorrow morning till I fly off in the evening…

A wide grin broke out on his face.

Omar : Make me happy Belinda…. And I will make sure this will never happen again.

James : Dear don’t..

I immediately caught myself but it was too late.

Omar : Dear ? My…. That’s a bit deep for a young relationship don’t you think ? hahah.. … you are no longer…. Husband and wife no ?

He gave a naughty look towards Belinda.

Belinda glared at Omar who sipped his wine and visually raped her body beneath her clothes. The thought of having someone who he could not buy with his money must be a new point of arousal for Omar.

Someone naturally radiant and beautiful, someone that refused his gifts, a girl who dared to say no to him, and not to forget, she is the wife of another man. The arousal comes not just from the impending act itself.

The very negotiation would have been a highlight of it’s own. I could see the budge in Omar’s pants as he lingered his gaze on Belinda’s full breast and her slim waist.

Belinda : Just once ?
Old 18-08-2016, 10:15 AM
ilikeoldchangke ilikeoldchangke is offline
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Re: My adventure in the office

He nodded with a grind and looked at his watch.

Omar : 6am tomorrow…. Till my flight at 4pm…. … James can stay by your side if you wished…

He refilled his wine and raised his glass for a toast, his eyes levelled at Belinda.

Omar : Don’t worry about James… Aisha is arriving in a few hours… I will make sure he’s properly entertained… haha… Rasid would not mind..

James : I don’t give a shit… I quit… i….

Belinda : I’ll do it.

James : What !.... wait…

Omar drained his glass with a clap of his hands as Belinda pulled me out the door and slammed it shut.

James : What the fuck was that ?? …. We don’t need this…

Belinda : Shut up James….

The moment we got inside the lift we started shouting at each other.

James : You’re out of your mind …. !

Belinda : I know what I’m doing !

James : You don’t !! …

Belinda : I Do!!!...

James : How could you agree to sleep with him !!!

Belinda : Well I watched you fucked Aliya didn’t I !!

That was all there is.

We said no more as the lift descended down to the ground floor.

As the door opened, Belinda added.

Belinda : Don’t think of us……. as husband and wife James….think of us as…. Just…. Close friends…. Aren’t we ??

She walked out before turning back to look at me.

Belinda : Stay with me James…. please… I don’t want to end up dead without anyone knowing in Omar’s room…. Rasid….is pretty screwed up in the head…. I’m pretty sure Omar would not be that far off…

James : Why can’t we just quit and get another job ?

Belinda smiled and looked away for a moment before folding her arms.

When she looked back at me 3 seconds later she added.

Belinda : The James….. I married…… he would never back down from a fight…..

James : The James you married… would never let his wife do this…..

Belinda replied with a smile.

Belinda : But we parted ways James…. we parted ways…

She turned and walked towards the café, leaving me behind in the lift.

I stepped out of the lift and I could see Sharon waving me over to the café.

The admin and HR staff were invited along for the post presentation lunch. After that they were tasked to go get ready for our dinner and dance together with the organisers. Team members from other teams were also present for the lunch and announcement.

There was a rumour going on that the boss would be handing out some form of a bonus of sort to thank everyone for the good work in the office so far.

Mr Lau : Is everyone here ??

I could see everyone gathering near Mr Lau. Terry stood like a proud peacock by his father’s side, even though he is taller and bigger, he looked like a child beside his dad.

Mr Liew had his arms folded with his grouchy face leaning against a table near the buffet spread

Sandy and the gang were looking moody as they sat at a corner. She exchanged looks with me as if she had something she wanted to say but she turned away a while later.

Mr Lau spent 3 minutes thanking everyone for the hard work and the usual bullshit before saying that it was time to hand over the reins to Terry since he’s getting on with age. The usual cock suckers from Terry’s team cheered and congratulated him as Mr Lau said the transition would be gradual, he would start taking a back seat and leave Terry with most of the decision making.

Mr Lau : I really appreciate all the effort everyone put in for the company…. And I hope you enjoy the dinner and dance party tonight. Before I wrap up the speech, finance department would be handing out a token of appreciation to all staff….. they will be past to your team leaders….

I switched off after that and when to sit down at the table assigned to our team and asked for a cup of coffee.

Hakim : Brother…. What is going on ??? You knew about Belinda’s model ??? Why never say anything ? Buay steady leh like that…..

James : It’s… it’s a long story…. I don’t know how to explain.

Uncle Tong and Alex joined Hakim but before we could get into a organised conversation, I heard Mr Liew’s voice coming over to the table.

Mr Liew : What are you doing at this table….. fuck off…

Uncle Tong : Liew… need to do until like that or not….

Hakim : Mr Liew…. Like that buay swee la…. We’re colleagues after all….

Mr Liew ignored their comments and stared at me until I got up on my feet and took my coffee to another empty table.

Alex : Eh… this is screwed up man… why need to do until…………

Mr Liew silenced everyone with his voice.

Mr Liew : None of you understood the gravity of this matter… I don’t want to discuss this further….just leave it at this…. If you are not happy… you can always leave…

No one spoke.

I could see Alex was very much tempted to quit there and then but I playfully slap him on his arm and ask him to sit down.

James : Got girlfriend already…want to go holiday right… want to buy things for her…. Think of the future….. calm down…

Mr Liew : This is yours Hakim….. Uncle Tong…. Sandy… Belinda….

He distributed the envelope with everyone’s name and Hakim was the first to open it.

Hakim : Wah…. Zhun bo….

Uncle Tong looked surprised too as he and Hakim looked at each other’s cheque. The amount is the same. Mr Lau gave everyone a one off bonus of 3800. An accompanying letter says that this is a one off special bonus with the usual admin crap and that it is not part of our performance bonus.

I could see 1 last envelope in Mr Liew’s hand.

He tore it up and I could hear my team member gasped

Hakim : ahhhh!!! …

Sandy : OH!!!

Mr Liew : He is no longer a member of our team…. He don’t deserve this…

Everyone looked at Mr Liew before turning to look at me.

I turned away, asking for a refill of my coffee and I saw Terry looking at us from one table away. Nothing could describe the look of pleasure and satisfaction in his face.

That cock sure fucked up look.

That same look that says he has beaten me.

I took a deep breath and braced myself for what is about to come.

Terry clapped his hands dramatically as he laughed.

Terry : Aiyoh….. poor thing…. No job… no money…. Hahhaa…. See you like this…. I really pity you James… hahha…

He walked over to my table and ignored the glaring stares of my team members.

Terry : Why ? Buay song ah ?? Not happy with what I said ??? you’re no longer with the company… walk out lor… hahaha…
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