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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 03-01-2012, 11:45 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by LLSC View Post
bro KLGL - i meeting another sammy bro go down also to BQ.. we meeting in 15 mins. if u are nearby, please sms me. i pm u already.
Oops sorry bro LLSC was too busy and egrossed for the past 2 hrs to log in to check.

Tonight's session for me was impromtu, saw too many hot syt and good looking milfs over christmas and new year period and I just had the urge to have someone hot in my embrace to carass, cuddle and feel.

Mission accomplished! Quite a fulfilling night will post more details tomorrow e.

Hope u are having a great time!
Old 04-01-2012, 01:00 AM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Updated P list, will not be posting any details here.
Old 04-01-2012, 03:12 AM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by KLGL View Post
Oops sorry bro LLSC was too busy and egrossed for the past 2 hrs to log in to check.

Tonight's session for me was impromtu, saw too many hot syt and good looking milfs over christmas and new year period and I just had the urge to have someone hot in my embrace to carass, cuddle and feel.

Mission accomplished! Quite a fulfilling night will post more details tomorrow e.

Hope u are having a great time!
thats just too bad then... next time.. u got my no. keep in touch.
upz my points if you like my posts.
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Old 04-01-2012, 05:16 AM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

To all Bros who approach me or Bro limborock for the xs to p-list, I now seek ur understanding and patience that the adding process might take slightly longer time. Busted my wallet for year end Japan trip and I am totally engulfed in my work, family and pinays.

Nevertheless, I will still login SBF daily to check out all the juicy FR.

All the best in ur cheoging in the new year!
Old 04-01-2012, 10:35 AM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by johnjohntan View Post
my friend then suggested we go a place at central on level 5. abit more ex. but he said the girls there are definitely better lookers. so off we went. arrived at the level 5. from the outside the place seems like a small pub with a few sofas and a bar counter. but enter the side door and theres another room with 6 tables.
Bro, I went to Central level 5 but couldn't find anything !! Ended up sitting in open air drinking beer by myself in a place called Helipad. Seriously there is no Pub in that building. Did you get your info correct ? I double checked with the waiters, they said that on 3 days a week Wed, sat, Sun a small club (not pub) opens downstairs which caters to decent guys/girls to come and party to R&B , other music, definitely no Pinays here
Old 04-01-2012, 11:02 AM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

I think central is referring to central area n not the building name call central. Next time look for the building next to OG orchard. Go lvl 5 n look for a pub name starting with letter G.
Old 04-01-2012, 11:16 AM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by bignround View Post
anyway share with u all a funny incident this week.
went to a pinay joint which i seldom go. one of the pinay there i know well usually just buy her LD and sing and nothing much just enjoy good old pure company. This time we did something different, we played pool and after winning her a few rounds she initiated a bet. being a gentleman i gladly accepted the challenge and the bet is if i lose i will give her anything she want(was thinking maybe she want long island or waterfall).

for whatever reason i played very badly and lost the game (guess this is why people always says the ball is ROUND).

time to fulfill the bet and she said "i want u with me in hotel"!!! I was like "f@#ked" am i dreaming??? like that also can???? dunno is i KC her or she KC me. any way the rest of wat we did that night is history........

one thing i have love about pinay pub is .... you can never expect what may happen.. thus enjoy every moment of it.
bignround, you lucky devil !!

maybe she knows u are long n round........ ready to satisfy her!

bro ilovejuagen,
could i have xs to the p-list, pls, pls, pls.......limborock is torturing me with all his refs to it...
To survive in Spore you have to be funny!

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Old 04-01-2012, 12:32 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by FunnyMan View Post
bro ilovejuagen,
could i have xs to the p-list, pls, pls, pls.......limborock is torturing me with all his refs to it...
Funnyman, maybe you can provide some useful info and FRs to begin your induction process?
Old 04-01-2012, 12:59 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

i went down again to my fav pub last night with a sammy bro.

i have my pinay lover again lor.. got a HJ again lor..

nothing new also.. but last night quite happening, got bit of crowd, playability was high.. see the people they all enjoyed.

but the sammy bro experienced in the pinoy scene so he only relax only.

got new updates on this joint from my pinay lover, will update in P-list later.
upz my points if you like my posts.
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Old 04-01-2012, 03:52 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by ratinacage View Post
inum tayo!!

Bros on p-list, updated the list with the names of 2 girls whom give empty promises but nothing just to lure u to the pub and buy her drink.

So I need new target now. Anyone knows which pub is this? PM me pls. Thanks.
Old 04-01-2012, 03:56 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by FunnyMan View Post
bignround, you lucky devil !!

maybe she knows u are long n round........ ready to satisfy her!

bro ilovejuagen,
could i have xs to the p-list, pls, pls, pls.......limborock is torturing me with all his refs to it...
Just added u. Enjoy.
Old 04-01-2012, 04:31 PM
limborock limborock is offline
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by ilovejuagen View Post
Bros on p-list, updated the list with the names of 2 girls whom give empty promises but nothing just to lure u to the pub and buy her drink.

So I need new target now. Anyone knows which pub is this? PM me pls. Thanks.
alrdy informed u which pub this is. situated in row of shophouses and mirror-like glass from outside.
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Old 04-01-2012, 04:39 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by limborock View Post
On new year's day, decided to go bar hopping since didnt go out on the day before.

Thought of going somewhere different from the normal places. Drove over to an outskirt of town. Heard old joint but only recently mgmt put in some pinays. Went in, only 3-4 auntie-auntie singing their cantonese songs and some opera songs .. Was told that the pinays dont work on Sundays. Ok we will check this place out next time. Off we go..

Decided on another place also just outskirt of town, 15mins drive away. Went in abt 11+, gerls look quite OK, but no music and karaoke cos they were showing live telecast of football. Sianz. Drove off again and somewhere nearer to town, 5mins drive.

This place supposedly was a pub with China gerls but been converted to pinay pubs by new owner. 6-7 gerls in. either hippos or maid. haha. left again. By now decided thinking shud we just abandon plan and go supper instead. so this place is a no-no for now. (p-list 43)

Met a fren who was at a pub stone's throw away. Invited me and my fren to meet him at town area. he was going there in abt an hrs time.

Ok so while waiting for him, went to a bar which is no.39 on p-list. got a jug.. out of 10 gerls, 5 seem good, 3 ok and 2 cmi. actions can, behind VIP, HJ confirm, BJ if ur lucky, FJ if ur brad pitt. but 1st LD at 100 for back VIP seats.
anyway, new rules, gerls hve to dance on the stage with pole. some really good dancers. showing their g-string, body and all. nice! wasnt interested in any action there cos waiting for my fren and then we will relocate.

got a call from my fren and reached town area by 2am. this place (newly added p-list no.41) was on 2nd floor and very small. only abt 400-500 sqf. one small vip room at the corner. otherwise, just a long bar and 2-3 other tables. the moment i step in the room, a gerl jumped at me. not too bad looking, very fair, syt. my type! jumping, caressing, hugging, flashing and kissing me. 10mins after her unorthodox introduction, i asked her to get a drink. VB at 30sgd. every sunday they would wear long floral dress. we were there for 1hr, 1 guy bought a gerl 1 x 30sgd Vb and demanded a bj. he got it! another guy had 2 gerls, used one of the gerl's long dress to cover his groin section while he fingers one and the gerl gave him a hj. the gerls with me was all over me. dont know if she was drunk, horny or i looked like brad pitt? (maybe not, cos didnt get a fj.. hahaha) oh my god she was damn fair.. groped her, did some finger on her. thought of paying BF for her but we were going another bar so decided not to. another day perhaps. in the end, bought her 2 VB and called it a day at that day. was 430am by then. gerls playability.. good!

last stop, 5mins drive. heard of this place of having private rooms and all so decided to explore. think same mentioned as blowtorchking. (p-list no.42) from outside looked big but went in and saw its so small. pool table occupied 1/3 of the place liao.. sat in a corner with the guys, small but solid body gerl came over for our order. when she came bck with our drinks, pulled her over and started making small talk with her. LDs were 50sgd for botl of beer and 60sgd for 5 shots of teq. asked if there was a room like what i heard. she pointed towards a curtain and said that its a section cordoned off from the majority of the patrons. to xs there, another round of LD at 120sgd had to be bought. asked if i would be happy if we went in there. she confidently said yes! ok lets go. paid up 120sgd and she got a couple of drinks and we went in. some waiter always standing guard at the entrance of the section. its actually another hall inside. abt 7-8 tables and a dancing pole inside. no one else inside. yaHOO!! settled down in a corner, and she proceeded to take off her top. helped me took my bottom off and proceeded down on me. wahh very automatic. didnt have a cap, or else im pretty pretty sure i could have bonk her there and then. she was more then willing. didnt think too much of it but just enjoyed the heavenly feeling til cim.. hahaha.. she was good i tell u! we spent abt close to 45mins inside and she didnt complain a single bit. good gerl! i like! deed done, went toilet washed up and proceeded to smoking room with her. well the usual company dont allow gerls to go out and BF was 300sgd for 3hrs. quite sure she enjoyed my company since she offered to pay half the BF if i wanted to take her out. ultimately the 150sgd she pays goes back to her... not that note, probably in a few days time. will update again once its been done.

conclusion to my lenghty FR for one nite..

Master Limborock....You are the one with the stamina and the looks of Brad Pitt

Very detailed FR...that shows your feelings and encapsulates the learning points of each pub without revealing too much of the actual location. A good read for me. I am just surprised by the ex-PRC joint all the pinay are hippo and maid...cos they just open up 3 private room (but same floor) same as their sister pub a few doors away. If their quality improve, this place got potential but for now just avoid this place like what you advise.

Just to ask how is the quality of the pinay of the last stop you went to?
can it fight with the 5th floor one? am deciding which one to go

Happy bonking and Thks bro!

Old 04-01-2012, 05:52 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by ilovejuagen View Post
Bros on p-list, updated the list with the names of 2 girls whom give empty promises but nothing just to lure u to the pub and buy her drink.

So I need new target now. Anyone knows which pub is this? PM me pls. Thanks.

if u r looking for high playabilty level, then this pub is not for u too. here. also buy LDs and talk feelings.
Old 04-01-2012, 06:00 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by CPVictim View Post
Bro, I went to Central level 5 but couldn't find anything !! Ended up sitting in open air drinking beer by myself in a place called Helipad. Seriously there is no Pub in that building. Did you get your info correct ? I double checked with the waiters, they said that on 3 days a week Wed, sat, Sun a small club (not pub) opens downstairs which caters to decent guys/girls to come and party to R&B , other music, definitely no Pinays here
Yes like bro bignround mentioned, think the 'central' in the sentence meant central part of Spore..

Originally Posted by KLGL View Post
Oops sorry bro LLSC was too busy and egrossed for the past 2 hrs to log in to check.

Tonight's session for me was impromtu, saw too many hot syt and good looking milfs over christmas and new year period and I just had the urge to have someone hot in my embrace to carass, cuddle and feel.

Mission accomplished! Quite a fulfilling night will post more details tomorrow e.

Hope u are having a great time!
have u updated yet? no. 40 on the list? i moved it up from 43 to 40 bcos i posted an FR and refered to the no. in the list.

Originally Posted by bignround View Post
FYI, as of 1st of Jan 2012
MOM has made the following changes for performing artist permit
1) monthly levy of about SGD310
What does this means? either LD price increase to cover or gal have to work harder
2) need to be absence for 1 yr before re-apply the permit again
in the past it was only 6 months, which is why usually u see the gal returning after 6 months. What does this mean? the experienced and regular gal will now work super hard so as to save enough for 1 yr absence?
yes that is rite.. also heard also that it would not be performance artiste permit and changed to something like working svc crew (sic)..

worst case scenario, gerls utang become more. they hve to work doubly hard. more BJs for us?
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