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Old 09-07-2017, 08:22 AM
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Re: Grabhitch

Originally Posted by naturegreen View Post
LoL I got invited by a female rider to her home before and I went there thrice in fact.

Very 假假 lor or I call it kay siao..... But I like. LOL

No sexual actions between me and that lady too.

Wa ur hitch rides makiam damn happening sia.....

Your story with KK sounds like someone I know..... Hopefully you are not....

Totally agree but just enjoy the story and not flame the TS from continuing.

Wow, how to multi quote? Thanks for the effort!
U have interesting experiences as well! No worries, shadow warrior not flaming me. I appreciate his sharing

Old 09-07-2017, 08:43 AM
mavericklovesex mavericklovesex is offline
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Re: Grabhitch

Originally Posted by yying View Post
Haha, nailed me again.

Hmm, I'm not sure whether he can feel it or just a coincidence. Probably he can since you mentioned.

Due to my past records, he did give me the final straw and warned that if he catch me again, he will not give me another chance and will divorce me. He did nothing wrong, yet time and time again I betray his trust. Even if psychological betrayal he considered that as betraying him. He said he ever thought of getting a ONS out of spite but he thought of me getting upset, he didn't do it. Despite his warning, I still seek thrills, I also don't know what's freaking wrong with me. No, I'm not looking for any excuses in doing so.
It ia the thrill that you can not resist. You are even willing to risk divorce to seek the thrill. For me, i have passed the guilt from those timely call and you may soon.... Take care
Old 09-07-2017, 08:46 AM
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Re: Grabhitch

Originally Posted by mavericklovesex View Post
It ia the thrill that you can not resist. You are even willing to risk divorce to seek the thrill. For me, i have passed the guilt from those timely call and you may soon.... Take care
It is he thrill that you can not resist. You are even willing to risk divorce to seek the thrill. For me, i have past the guilt stage from those timely call and you may soon.... Take care[/QUOTE]
Old 09-07-2017, 11:26 AM
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Re: Grabhitch

Originally Posted by laotao View Post
Nice story sis, pls continue
Agree too
Old 09-07-2017, 11:51 AM
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Re: Grabhitch

Originally Posted by naturegreen View Post

Totally agree but just enjoy the story and not flame the TS from continuing.
the Sis/TS is opening sharing her experiences

and we are openly sharing ours

don't see how its flaming.

if we still need to pretend and censor our thoughts and experiences in this part of the forum, then there no point to sharing

All or nothing.

And hers or any other sharing is always welcomed by most(except those who are troublemakers)
The Best Way to overcome heart break is in the arms of another. You focus on making money, you get girls, you focus on your body, you get sex, you focus on the girl, you get NOTHING but heartache and disappointment
Old 09-07-2017, 04:41 PM
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Re: Grabhitch

Me: "kk, I.."
Before I could continue, kk stopped me and held my hand.
Kk: "don't say anything, I don't want to hear any sorry. I sincerely want to be your friend, I know you are married. I will not hurt you and I have no ulterior motives. We are both adults. Let's go somewhere before sending you home?"

My mind was telling me to go home but my heart didn't want to. I was speechless and nodded. Kk told uncle k to drive to Mount Faber. The image in my mind after hearing that was: What? You just told me you have no ulterior motive? Go Mount Faber for what? It is like a place for couple to hanky panky at night. What can we do there? However, I didn't raise any objection and we went ahead. Throughout the journey to Mount Faber, kk was still holding on my hand and we didn't talk. I guess uncle k sensed the tension and he switched on the radio to lighten the mood.

Uncle k didn't come with us, he seem to know the place well. When we alighted, kk took a small paper bag with him. I can't make out what is it as it was a plain brown paper bag. I didn't question him. Mount Faber is unfamiliar to me as it is a place I seldom explore. I followed kk and we had a short walk in silence until we saw a stairway of colourful steps. I kept a distance from him while we were walking.

I broke the silence and exclaimed "wow! So colourful! Is my first time here!"
Kk: "seriously? It's my 2nd time here, wait till you go up"
I could see some light at the top of the stairway.
I saw a 'bell of happiness' when we got up. I was in awe, I didn't expect it. There was a big tree and surrounding the area are many small bells, koi pond and a restaurant in the vicinity.
Kk:" saw that you looked so sad earlier, wanted to cheer you up, go on ring the bell"
There are many strings of small bells beneath the big bell, I pulled them. "Ding~~~ling" so that was the bell of happiness.
I smiled, "thanks kk for bringing me here. I thought you were up to no good"
Kk: "yy, you finally smiled, I'm not good but I wish the ringing of the bell will bring you happiness in your life. Close your eyes"
Me: "huh! Why?"
Kk: "just listen to me"

I closed my eyes and waited in anticipation. Is he going to kiss me or do something crazy again?
Kk: "ok, you can open your eyes, this is for you"
It was a pair of lovely Cartier earrings. He deliberately swop the Cartier paper bag for an ordinary brown bag.
Me: "no I can't accept it, is too expensive" I pushed the box away.
Kk: "i bought it for you after I know that we had the same birthday, been wanting to give it to you. Anyway I owe you a present"
Me: "no, I can't"
Kk: "remember I don't like rejection, is yours. You can give away if you don't want it . Let me put on for you."
I didn't want to get into an argument with him so I relented. He flipped my hair to the back of my ear and gently put on the earrings for me. Thereafter he took out his hp, switched to front camera mode to show me.
Kk: "you like it?"
I nodded and said "nice but I don't really like wearing accessories, too troublesome"
Kk: "I know you don't like cos I don't see you wearing but I like to see you wearing them"
Me: "you have so many fetishes, first was leg now ear, I really can't accept the earrings"

Kk: "scissors paper stone again? Same rules. You lose you keep"
In the 3rd round, his stone won my scissors. I lost again. My thought was to accept the earrings first and return to him another day.

The signage of the bell stated that it was from a Polish ship and presented to Singapore. Those who ring it will be blessed with everlasting happiness, peace and harmony....
Old 09-07-2017, 04:47 PM
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Re: Grabhitch

Nice update
Please continue soon...
Old 09-07-2017, 07:08 PM
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Re: Grabhitch

Originally Posted by yying View Post
Wow, how to multi quote? Thanks for the effort!
U have interesting experiences as well! No worries, shadow warrior not flaming me. I appreciate his sharing

beside the quote there is a multiquote on it and you can multiquote and reply to different thread..
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Old 09-07-2017, 08:13 PM
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Re: Grabhitch

Originally Posted by HonkyTonkyMan View Post
beside the quote there is a multiquote on it and you can multiquote and reply to different thread..
Testing !! Ohh that's what the icon is for! I always wonder?
It works when I preview post. Interesting! Thanks!

Originally Posted by brickbaton View Post
Nice update
Please continue soon...
Will do but probably not tonight

Old 09-07-2017, 09:45 PM
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Re: Grabhitch

Very well written sis, camping here!
Old 10-07-2017, 12:06 AM
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Re: Grabhitch


thanks for the great story.

i had two feelings when reading your story,

1st, damn if i was kk or jj this would be a great adventure, an adventure i would not want to miss.

2nd, what if my wife was like you, i think would be damn heart broken.

Ts, i want to say, you are not a bad wife, besides you are an outstanding one,

and i hope you could be honest with your hubby. if i was him, i would rather to know truth.
Old 10-07-2017, 12:26 AM
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Re: Grabhitch

Originally Posted by nicktiger View Post

thanks for the great story.

i had two feelings when reading your story,

1st, damn if i was kk or jj this would be a great adventure, an adventure i would not want to miss.

2nd, what if my wife was like you, i think would be damn heart broken.

Ts, i want to say, you are not a bad wife, besides you are an outstanding one,

and i hope you could be honest with your hubby. if i was him, i would rather to know truth.
true bro

we all want to be the driver not the hubby
The Best Way to overcome heart break is in the arms of another. You focus on making money, you get girls, you focus on your body, you get sex, you focus on the girl, you get NOTHING but heartache and disappointment
Old 10-07-2017, 12:43 AM
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Re: Grabhitch

I think i am sick.... i honestly don't mind Ts as my wife... provided she tells me everything and doesn't go all the way unless i agree.
Old 10-07-2017, 01:41 AM
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Re: Grabhitch

I wanted kk to find his happiness and forced him to ring the bell of happiness as well. Wished that he will find a partner who will treasure him. He reluctantly rang it and I cheered for him. We looked at each other and laughed. He rubbed his nose against mine, "No, I'm not going to kiss you, I know you are not in the mood after the call with your hubby" Admittedly, I was disappointed as I was anticipating a kiss? Mind games.

In fact, my heart fluttered, I felt touched by kk's efforts to cheer me up by bringing me to the bell of happiness, not because of the earrings. He appears to be a playboy but i felt like it is his mask to cover up his discontentment in relationships or some sort of happiness.

Me: "kk, don't waste your time on me, is better you spend the time to get to know other gals"
Kk: "I feel that you are my soulmate, it may sound exaggerating but is true. I can talk freely to you. You are different from the other gals who are just interested in my wealth. Don't worry about me, I know my limits."
Me: "woah, made me so flattered,as if, so what can I do for you?"

Kk thought for a while and whispered: "your gstring now, I need it tonight"
Me: "eweee, you are so sick, I regretted asking you"
Kk: "no choice, nobody to help me release. Can you please remove it now?"
At times, I can't fathom the reason for kk's behaviour. He turned a romantic night into an erotic night.

Me: "what? Can't, there are people here"
Kk: "that's the fun part, come on, I will cover you"
There were people in the restaurant area but nobody was at the bell area except for us.
I know how persistent kk can be so I quickly pulled my gstring off, holding onto him to him to balance myself and rolled it in my hand. I hope nobody saw that.
Kk: "hehe, warm and soaked" and he put it in his pocket.
Me: "tsskk task, you really have a lot of fetishes!"
Kk: "let's have a walk" he grabbed and caressed my butt.

In my mind I was worried whether will there be any insects attacking me from beneath, I know it was a silly thought but I'm very fearful of insects, especially in such an environment.
Me: "ok a while"
I don't know whether that was his plot but by walking naked beneath, it made me feel sexier and hornier. His movements on my butt made things worse. I needed a dick in me right now! But no! I must self control! I can't reveal to him that I'm horny.
Me: "kk"
Kk: "yah?"
Me: "let's go back, I'm not feeling well and btw don't touch me"
Kk: "ok, suddenly so pricky, I will call Uncle k"

In the car, I told kk that I needed a rest as I wasn't feeling well. This is to deter him from arousing me any further...
Old 10-07-2017, 01:43 AM
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Re: Grabhitch

Originally Posted by nicktiger View Post

thanks for the great story.

i had two feelings when reading your story,

1st, damn if i was kk or jj this would be a great adventure, an adventure i would not want to miss.

2nd, what if my wife was like you, i think would be damn heart broken.

Ts, i want to say, you are not a bad wife, besides you are an outstanding one,

and i hope you could be honest with your hubby. if i was him, i would rather to know truth.
I don't think I can totally come clean with him on such stuff, ignorance is also a blessing
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