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Old 17-01-2011, 04:44 AM
Glock Glock is offline
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Re: HK Happening

Originally Posted by AH_DRAGON View Post
Just wondering where to find the hookers at mirador mansions especially the African ones since I am living there now and as for the champagne court b areas...I can just knock on any doors or only some floors allocated for whoring?any advice will be greatly appreciated bros.thx in advance
hmmmmm......... i have never tried black women before

you have a taste for it ? what is special about them you feel?

actually this remind me of some interview i see before , a black prostitute was being interviewed and she said that her largest number of customer was jewish men and japanese tourists !! she said she was surprised the japanese was interested
Old 17-01-2011, 06:15 PM
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Re: HK Happening

Just came back from my first trip to c court b.very interesting.rate it better then Singapore by a lot.haha.anyway I chose a hk gal who looks 90% like celestine the fhm winner and blogger.feels so good.480 bucks and she wad wearing French maid。
sex is a beautiful activity...i love it!
Old 20-01-2011, 09:16 PM
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Re: HK Happening

Before the new year holidays HK had a very good run of LB's from Indo. Not sure if anyone in HK is into boy clit? I mean if I wanted fish-taco I'd eat at home but do go GG now and again.
Old 21-01-2011, 08:26 AM
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Re: HK Happening

Any of LB lovers tried Erika?!D.html seems like she's got nice jubblies and quite a meaty treat.

Any bros had?
Old 23-01-2011, 05:25 PM
besafe besafe is offline
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Re: HK Happening

警方昨凌晨接到一名內地少女的求救後,包圍灣仔王子酒店,並連環破門搗破一個「性奴集中營」, 截獲合共 11名來港賣淫的內地少女,有人聲稱在深圳被淫媒以做「酒吧拳手」搵外快為名欺騙來港,並遭集體禁錮在酒店 內接客。事件中,疑有人受不了折磨,尾隨嫖客逃出酒店報警.

警方消息稱,被截獲的 11名內地少女年齡由 17至 22歲,分別來自湖南、湖北、四川及重慶市,其中 8人是偷渡客, 3人持雙程證來港。警方從她們口中得知有一男一女內地人負責看管她們,相信該對男女是賣淫集團的骨幹成員, 現正展開通緝。

據悉,她們的證件及部份個人物品交由雞頭保管,平日不准離開酒店,像困在集中營一樣,警方昨天發現她們時, 她們已接了數天客,每次肉金 700元,全部盡交予雞頭。

Old 23-01-2011, 05:42 PM
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Re: HK Happening

Anyone in HK and want to go punting in TST?
Will be here for a week.
Old 25-01-2011, 06:28 PM
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Re: HK Happening

Been reading SB for a while now though its about time to contribute something. Went to HK in June for a work and decided cheong for the 1st time. So login to get some guide and saw some post asked to check out building nearby my hotel.

So took the courage to go in the building.. very run down building and can tell that many guys are rushing off to their favourite spot leaving me just wondering around. Press a few door bell but cant find something i want finally stop at 10th floor or something and press the bell saw this very petit gal open the door. Check with her the price ans she said 'come in and i will tell u' then i went in and she said 'wah u really come in ar?
' KNS damn cheeky.

Anyway after short chat decide to jus go ahead since i dont think i wanna check out other unit. So took off clothes and take shower together. Then action starts with CBJ very boring coz she is doing it like a machine and stop go stop go.

Then start with her being on top and she is riding me again like a machine. Decided that I should be on top and pound her. Only then she started to moan and giving me some reaction. Maybe due to lack of experience the session didnt last long and I came. Then shower together again only then she is more friendly and chat more coz she realised i'm not local. then she asked me where i'm from and what i was doing in HK etc etc...

Overall is not as good.

Here is the stats:
Name: didnt ask
Age: didnt ask
Nationality: Hongkie
Boobs: A cup
FK: No
FK: 4/10 (My problem as well i guess)
Damange: HKD 400

There u go my 1st FR pls dont kill me if i didnt do it right
Old 25-01-2011, 10:48 PM
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Re: HK Happening

Finally back to HK again, after all these months. Have been punting all the way back in humid and rainy Singapore, but got sent back to HK this week for meetings.

Decided to try Champagne Court, so took a train ride here.

Name: Dora
Location: Champagne Court, 8th floor, B5
Age: Early 30s
Face: 3.5/5 (No photo or DB, but she has a wide face, quite pretty, a lill like Kelly Chen)
Body: 3.5/5 (nice soft B cup tits, quite big, long nipples, slim body with small tummy, trimmed pussy hair, slight tummy, tall @ 1.68m with long slim legs)
Skill: 4/5 (GFE, nice and slow BJ)
Service: 5/5 (helps to undress you and hang up clothes, shower together before and after, medium duration BJ, ear licking, GFE)
Language: Mandarin
Damage: 600 HKD

This lady is from Sichuan, Chengdu, and I think she's not that young anymore. And that is the way I like it. Younger chicks sometimes have no service, and I don't feel that
comfy sometimes. After taking everything off, showered with Dove soap (I like Dove haha), and then proceed for massage.

I specifically requested for that as I don't like all business. She took her time to rub me down and build up the GFE, which I highly appreciated. Everything was done in a slow
gentle manner which is very very important for me. If tis' rushed, my lill bro will not cooperate. After the rubdown, flipped over, hugged me and kiss me while I like down like a dead fish while this mature lady treats me like King. Perfect.

Rubbed her B+ titties on me, slowly, then cap and BJ for quite some time. After that, change cap and want to prepare to ML already. I find my hardness not there yet, ask herto stop and hug me instead, which she did. Her slow gentle manner aroused me again to full hardness so I climbed on top. Pushed in the tip, and she curled up a long smooth
leg gripping me. I hate it when they spread them like some whore. I know they are, but you know.. slowly makes my day. The tighter she grip, the harder I become so I slam it in after awhile. Started rocking away and this lady really knows how to moan. I looked at the mirror on the side of the bed, and saw myself slamming her. Perfect, can feel myself hardening again. So gogogo, turbo and then unload. I think she got quite wet.

Showered me, and wipe dry and left. She gave me her phone number, maybe I will go and look for her again.

All in all, quite a fair bit of service and GFE, and I like the way she looks. Mature and full of woman. I like to slam them hard when they come in that kind of package.

Maybe will do some KTV with colleagues this week, let's see!
Old 27-01-2011, 07:52 AM
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Re: HK Happening

currently here inHK...surfing thru 141 to see whats there
Old 27-01-2011, 10:01 AM
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Re: HK Happening

newbie so pls forgive me if i not doing this correctly.

anyway, i been to HKG a couple of times and wondering if there is outcall service; i.e. you call up and they come to your hotel?

Old 29-01-2011, 01:35 PM
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Re: HK Happening

A SEX141 girl I bonked in Hong Kong
Name: Happy Jack
OKT phone : 6170 8409
Fantastic Experience with her

Old 09-02-2011, 10:59 PM
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Re: HK Happening

Bro besafe: Can you kindly advise? How much is the WG you bonked in HKG as per your attached pictures? Accordingly to a local (Sillyporean) living in HKG, if you engaged a WG through an OKT, it would cost at least HKD700.00/800.00 for each transaction/session. I am just wondering if getting a WG through an OKT is whether worth it or not?

Originally Posted by besafe View Post
A SEX141 girl I bonked in Hong Kong
Name: Happy Jack
OKT phone : 6170 8409
Fantastic Experience with her
Cheong, Monger & Punt Safe

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Old 10-02-2011, 02:11 AM
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Re: HK Happening

Bro, i would say, go for those hkd 800 or 900 ones (wan chai area) if you are searcing from sex 141, i tried a few, most of them are under short term visa.

i started with 600 ones (cannot la) nice in photo, after shower another face... of course i pay the girl and do my thing la

the next day i called again and i asked for something better... they ask me to choose from the 800 range, which at the end of the day i pay 200 bucks tips (damm worth it) tried 3 worth 800 - 900.. all i give 8 - 9 / 10

the 800 - 900 includes a CD (i suggest you get your own, those they provide is as thick as car tyre), you can opt to go their place or them coming to your place.. i cant remember clearly (too busy chionging)but i think there is a very small charges for them to come over (taxi fare) but trust me.. all damm worth it

The girl will shower you and wash your didi, then BJ so far most of them doesnt use CD while BJ but i insisted to use CD (you never know what went in earlier...) then choose a pose and 45 minutes you are done...

is you got budget, go to lockhart road, the damage there is minimum 1500 - 3000 hkd, got pinoy, chinese and my favourite columbians... the cheapest i chiong one is around 2500 1 shot.. and if you keen in taking prc... i suggest you go to 141 (prettier and cheaper)
Old 10-02-2011, 04:46 PM
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Re: HK Happening

Originally Posted by NorthEast View Post
Bro besafe: Can you kindly advise? How much is the WG you bonked in HKG as per your attached pictures? Accordingly to a local (Sillyporean) living in HKG, if you engaged a WG through an OKT, it would cost at least HKD700.00/800.00 for each transaction/session. I am just wondering if getting a WG through an OKT is whether worth it or not?
Unless you are going for quick fix, I recommend that you skip the 141 girls.
For the cost of 1 shot, you can have a girl for overnite in CP.
Yes.. go to the web and search for number. Call and you will be directed to the hotel. No difference from what some Sg OKT are doing.

Old 13-02-2011, 11:42 AM
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Re: HK Happening

K Pressure
It on the corner of Jordan and Woosung. There is a yellow sign which has the letter K and the figure 390. Walk through the entrance and straight up the stairs. If there is a security guard or building manager there – just say massage and he will point to the stairs. Go up to the 1st floor.
The mamasan will speak to you in English, very nice and wants to help. Just say you want the full service. She will explain the costs which are about HKD 390 for the girl and another 110 for the hotel. The facilities at K pressure are good and clean and the girls in the range 5-8. All the ones I saw were Chinese some younger, some older. There was no pressure and the mamasan kept saying I have many more girls when I turned one down.

141 and 161 - Champagne Court etc. etc.
Girls in individual rooms in apartment blocks - some good, some young. Building ok to run down. Just ring the bell and girl answers. If like then go in and negotiate. Girls are easy going. Lots of other punters around. Not all apartments are girls some are normal apartments - its easy to tell the difference bcos the girls have bright coloured labels on the doors - its obvious.

Around Temple street night market stood along the walls of the street.

The action centres around Lockheart road and Jaffe road (streets run parallel).
Escape - about 25 fili, thai
Neptune – about 30-40 fili, thai etc
Lots of other strip clubs, bars
Just smile and talk to them. They are quite fun.

Enjoy HK its a fun place.
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