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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...
Nice. I think Nicole wanted to take the first shot into her pussy (assuming she thought you would be shooting into her sis too). I don't think she was happy that her sis took the first shot into her mouth. I suppose it was a really long night and a good birthday present for both of them.
Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...
Me: Natalie! I really cannot!
I pushed her away and ran up the stairs to the toilet, locking the door behind me. As I stood over the toilet bowl and tried to pee, a wave of pain hit my dickhead. Shit. Surely STDs did not work that fast. Or maybe my insides were screwed up from the forced ejaculations. Plus it was damn hard to pee with an erection. I stood there like an idiot while waiting for my hardon to subside. I was about to explode. Relief came as urine shot out of my peehole, emptying my full bladder. However, it came out in two streams, I wondered what the fuck was wrong with my dick. The two streams slowly combined and I was pissing normally. I heaved a sigh of relief and emptied my bladder. I did not feel like going back down so I sat on the floor, leaning against the wall next to the toilet bowl. I closed my eyes and contemplated my next move. I was probably in there for about half an hour when Nicole knocked on the door. Nic: Hey! You died in there? Me: No. Nic: What are you doing? Me: Hiding. Nic: From? Me: You? Nic: Why? Me: I can't take it. Nic: Take what? Me: The sex. It's too much. Nic: You wanted this is the first place. Me: Isn't your pussy sore? Nic: Nope. You're not that big. Seriously. Me: But I made you cum. Nic: Seriously? I made myself cum. You're not that good. The rumours were not true. Me: Well, you're not that tight thanks to your dildo. Nic: What the fuck?! Me: Sorry. Nic: You better apologise for that. Me: For what? Nic: For implying I'm loose. Me: But you are. Nic: Bastard! I made YOU cum! Me: Er. Nic: You premature ejaculator! Me: Hey! That's not fair. Nic: You started it. Me: Sorry. Nic: No cure. You're gonna regret this. Me: What are you going to do? Wait outside the toilet? Smack me with your dildo? Nic: Good idea. I'll fuck you with my strap-on. Me: What the?! Nic: Oh now you're scared? Me: Not really. There's no way I'm coming out. Nic: Have you forgotten something? Me: What? Nic: This is my house. Me: So? I tried to recall if the toilet could be unlocked from the outside. It could. No sooner had I come to that realisation, the push-button lock popped open and the knob turned. Me: Shit! I got up and tried to prevent Nicole from opening the door but she was too fast for me. She entered, wielding her huge, double headed dildo. Me: What are you gonna do with that? Nicole locked the door behind me and tossed the keys out the bathroom window. Me: Fuck. Nic: That's the only set. Me: HELP! HELP! Nic: Don't bother screaming. No one's gonna hear you. Then she swung the dildo between my legs, catching my balls by surprise. I collapsed to the ground in the shower stall, trying to catch my breath. It did not help that the floor was slippery and I lost my balance again, hitting my head against the wall. Fuck was I clumsy. I blacked out again. |
Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...
I awoke to the aroma of essential oils.
I was on Nicole's bed, still stark naked. I felt my head. There were no lumps or tenderness, except for the part where I had hit the sofa. I felt my balls. They felt fine. Natalie was asleep, curled up on my left, while Nicole was on my right. I looked at the table and saw that they had brought the alcohol up. What the fuck just happened? I glanced at the digital clock on the table, it was almost 5am. I had entered the toilet around 3am. Was I knocked out for that long? I felt my asshole. It did not feel violated. In fact, I smelt clean, as though someone had wiped me down with wet wipes. I gently shook Nicole. She stirred. Nic: What's up? Me: What happened? Nic: You didn't come down so we went up to find you. You were snoring on the toilet bowl. Me: What? Really? Nic: Yeah. Lucky you didn't lock the door, otherwise I might have had to call the police. Me: Huh? Nic: Or the locksmith. Me: And how would you explain the naked guy in your toilet? Nic: Which is why I didn't call. Duh. She looked at me as though I was stupid. Me: This is what happened? Nic: Yes. You're fucking heavy lor. Nat and I struggled to get you to the bed. Me: Seriously? Nic: What do you think happened? Me: Er. You barged in. Smacked my balls with your dildo, I slipped and hit the wall. Nic: Haha! You have a good imagination. Me: Did I dream that? Nic: I think so. She massaged my balls. Nic: Feels ok to me... Me: Yeah. Shit. Was I hallucinating? And I didn't even touch the absinthe. Nic: Perhaps. Me: Are you pissed? Nic: At you? What for? Me: Cos of this threesome? Nic: A little. But Nat was right. It was kind of fun. And I do like you. A little less than before though, you horny bastard. I looked at Natalie who was still sleeping. Me: She seems contented. Nic: Not really. She wanted more from you I think. But you KOed so fast. Me: You would allow me to fuck her again? Nic: Up to you. But after today, if we ever get together, I won't accept such nonsense. Me: Ok. What about you? Nic: Me? Well, I would appreciate some love-making. Not just fucking. I want to feel loved you know? Me: I know. Nic: Then? Me: You wanna do it? Nic: Now? Here? Me: Why not? Nic: You sure you can? Me: I rested enough I think. Nic: You can't be serious... Me: Oh but I am. Nic: Nat's lying like a dead fish over there. There's no space. Me: We can always go to her room... Nic: You're stupidly amazing, you know that? I merely grinned at her. Nic: Ok. Let's go before she wakes up. We slowly got out of the bed, and sneaked into Natalie's room. |
Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...
Natalie's room was pretty bare, save for a queen sized bed which took up
almost the whole room. There was also a wardrobe, dresser, and study table, all of which looked like they came from Ikea. There was a laptop cooler on the table. I remembered that Natalie hardly stayed there, except on weekends. The room was so simply furnished as compared to Nicole's room. Me: Hey, it's a queen sized bed. Why did Natalie have to use your bed last time? Nic: Cos I was the good twin while she was the havoc one. She didn't want our parents to find out. Me: Well, did they? Nic: Nope. But they were wondering why I washed my sheets so often. Me: Haha. That's hilarious. You were ok with it? Nic: She's my little sis. I'm ok with whatever she wants. Nicole searched around for the aircon remote control, found it, and switched it on. Me: So you are really ok with the threesome? We're alone now, let's be honest with each other. Nic: No. I didn't want it at all. I thought you would have better judgement. Me: I was horny. Still am. Will always be. And this is a fantasy that most guys won't ever get to experience. Nic: So you took advantage of us? Me: Truthfully? Yes. But I wanted to make sure that both of you would enjoy it too, at least a little bit. Nic: Tell me honestly, do you really like me? Me: Yes. It's not because I want to sleep with you or anything. But you're different from the other girls. Nic: Because I'm a lesbian? Me: I really don't know how to explain this. Nic: Well, you still slept with me anyway. And coming to this room means you want to do it again. Me: And you don't? Nic: Well... As I said, I want to make love. To you alone. Without Natalie hanging around. Me: Is my cock really too small for you? Nic: I don't know. You're really the first. Me: I think I'm average. Nic: I really wouldn't know. Me: But do you care? Nic: The size really doesn't matter. My dildos give me a different kind of pleasure. They don't make me feel loved or wanted. Me: I can do that. Nic: You could have. It would have been better if you didn't screw things up. Me: Well. Once in a lifetime. Would you at least give me that? Nic: I already did. But no more. Especially if we start a relationship. Be it long term or not. Are you sure you can handle it? Me: How about you? Do you want to be with me? Nic: I don't really know. Can you make me feel loved? Me: I'll try my best. Suddenly a cock crowed. Me: Wow. It's time to get up already. Nic: Yeah. Me: Shall we go to bed? Nic: Ok... I pulled Nicole in for a deep kiss, taking care not to caress her in an overly sexual manner. We both fell into the bed, kissing and stroking each other, while struggling to get under the covers. Not surprisingly, Big Bird did not stir this time, and remained asleep. We continued kissing for the longest time, swallowing much of each others saliva. Not once throughout the entire time did my hand go lower than Nicole's stomach and back, and hers never ventured into Big Bird's nest. We made out like pure, innocent lovers. The not so distant memory of the threesome slowly fading away. Maybe she still wanted me, and maybe she did not. I would have like to try a new relationship with her, but deep inside, I knew that I had already complicated things by fucking Natalie. And as long as Natalie was still around, things would not be so simple. As we drifted off to sleep, I pulled Nicole close and she hugged me tightly. Despite our innocent position, our legs were somehow intertwined, and my crotch was pressed against hers. I felt a slight wetness down below, scant proof that she was turned on by our making out, but I did not make further moves. The decision would not be made just yet, but soon. |
Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...
Enigma continue, following your story for the last few months.
Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...
I awoke a couple of hours later. We had forgotten to draw the curtains and
the damn sun was shining brightly into my eyes, disrupting whatever restful sleep I hope to have. I slowly untangled myself from Nicole who was still sleeping soundly despite the sun. I drew the curtains and left the room, leaving her to her sleep. I entered Nicole's room and saw that Natalie was completely gone, and decided to leave her alone as well. My throat was parched, and I wandered down the stairs to the kitchen in search of a drink. I grabbed my clothes that were strewn on the living room floor and dressed myself before heading to the kitchen. Opening the fridge, all I found were what looked like herbal tea, and beer. There was no water at all. What the hell. I grabbed a can of Anchor and headed back to the living room. I opened the can and lit a stick. Suddenly, I heard footsteps behind me. Someone was coming down the stairs. I turned to look. It was Natalie. She had the "just woken up" dishevelled, bed-head look, and all she was wearing was an oversized t-shirt. Me: Morning. Nat: Hello stranger. Drinking all by yourself? Me: Seems that way... Natalie came in front of me and settled down sideways on my lap, her arms encircling my neck. I sneaked a puff behind her. Nat: So, how was your night? Me: It was good, I guess. Yours? Nat: Oh, I had fun. You have a nice cock, not too big, not too small, a nice body too... Me: Thanks, I guess. Nat: And you aren't bad looking. Why don't you have a girlfriend? Me: You already know the story. Nat: So? There are so many girls out there. And out of all of them, you have to choose my sister? Me: She's nice to me. Cared when no one else bothered. Nat: She's also a les. No, wait. It should be bi now. Haha! Me: And you are amused because? Nat: It's funny. She never liked guys. Then suddenly she brings one home, gets drunk, then is afraid she's pregnant? Not funny meh? Me: Ok. It's amusing, maybe. Nat: I think she really likes you. Me: Ok. Nat: But I think you can forget about it. Me: Why? Nat: Twins always share things. But I'm guessing this is one thing she never wanted to share. Me: Then why the test? Nat: She wanted to see whether you would be tempted. And you failed. Miserably. Me: And you're ok with that? Having sex with me just to prove a point to her? Nat: Hey. I'm not a slut ok? But I did have fun. And do you really think I bother about what she wants to do with her life? Me: You don't? Nat: Of course I do. But everytime I try to introduce guys to her in the hope that she will change, she turns them down without even trying. Do you know how many strained friendships with my guy friends I have? How many of them still tease me for having a queer sister? Me: Carry on. But could you get off my lap? It's a little hard to smoke and drink. Nat: Fine. She got off my lap and sat next to me, her t-shirt inadvertently hiking up to her waist, giving me full view of her bald pussy. Again. Me: You want a drink? Herbal tea? Nat: Nah. Get me a beer. And do you have any more cigarettes? I passed her the Marlboro Lights. Me: Help yourself. I'll get your beer. As I got up to go to the kitchen, I sneaked a peek at her. Natalie decided to re-enact the scene from Basic Instinct ala Sharon Stone. I wondered if I had anymore juice left in me. |
Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...
Bro - late night post
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...
i'm on duty bro... but here's one last update before i sleep...
Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...
I returned with Natalie's beer. She did not bother to cover up, as though
she needed to air her pussy after last night's exertions. I sat next to her and passed her to unopened can. Nat: Help me open it? I don't wanna break a nail. I opened it and passed it to her. She took a long swig, paused. then burped loudly. She was just like a guy. Nat: So, as I was saying... Me: Yeah? Nat: My friends keep teasing me. I thought Poly people were more open minded. Me: Well, it just shows how childish they are. Nat: Agreed. But anyway, when she was afraid she was pregnant, she was really emotional. I never saw her like that before. When she called, I thought she had a really bad breakup with some girl. She didn't mention anything about you. Then I came and saw all the pregnancy test kits and all that. I was wondering which guy managed to get in her pants. He must have been amazing. Me: Amazing? Nat: Well, considering all the guys I introduced to her were of some standard, the one that actually got into her pants must have been something else. Me: They were your leftovers? Nat: How did you know? Me: Wild guess. But don't you think she knew as well? Nat: Who cares? At least I was finding guys for her. Me: Look at it this way. A guy you slept with is introduced to your twin sister, and you're not bad looking- Natalie stroked my thigh. Nat: Thanks. I tried to ignore her. Me: So they're expecting your twin to be just as hot, and willing... I decided to avoid the use of the word "loose". Me: What do you think they had in mind? Nat: Well, I was hoping maybe some of them could fuck some sense into her. Literally. Me: It shows you never considered her feelings. Nat: Nah. She's not that weak emotionally. Me: You sure? Nat: Hmm. Then it hit me. Me: Shit. I have become one of those guys... Nat: Precisely. But she let you. She didn't reject you. Me: Crap. I bet she's feeling awful. Nat: And you should too... Me: I do. A little. I probably shouldn't have given in. Nat: Hey. I'm irresistable ok? Me: Funny. Haha. Nat: Whatever. So what are you going to do now? Me: I don't know. Nat: Chances are, you'll just remain friends with her. Maybe with the ocassional drunken fuck. Since you exposed her to the other side... Me: Hmm. I could live with that. I think. Nat: But long term, you probably won't gain anything. Me: I figured just as much. Nat: But think about it, you could still sleep around. Without guilt. Me: I don't really do that. Nat: Seriously? Me: Seriously. Nat: Want a morning blowjob? Me: What? Nat: My mouth on your cock. Now. Me: Er. Nat: See, you're thinking about it. Me: So? Nat: So, you probably won't have lasting long-term relationships with such a mindset. Me: You're probably right. Oh yeah. Despite the reflections I had while cuddling with Nicole just a couple of hours ago, and the thought of actually being a one-woman man crossing my mind, the horny bastard was awakening again. Me: So about that blowjob... Nat: Yeah? Me: You're kidding right? Nat: Take off your pants and you'll find out. |
Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...
Dude, fine piece of work you've gotten here. Great command of English and you'r one helluva a writer. Great description and narration of emotions and of coz porn. Not too hard core but with sensual details that keep one reading for more.
Ppl says picture paints a thousand words.. I'll say your words paints pictures..porn pictures rather. Keep up your good work man!! ![]() |
Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...
tsk tsk tsk ... cock teaser of a twin ... she's kinda pushy & sorta trapped you in a corner where you couldn't say no ? Well ... don't think anyone would have anything to complain about when being propositioned that way hehe
So it didn't work out with Nic in the end coz of Nat I guess |
Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...
I was seriously thinking about it.
A long-term relationship with Nicole was probably not a good idea for me. Sure, maybe she would feel hurt for awhile, but in the end she would just dismiss as one of those guys whom Natalie had introduced to her. Maybe I was really on the rebound from my relationship with Charmaine. Maybe we had so much sex that now my brain was hard-wired for sex and not love. Maybe it was really the case that I wanted to sleep with Nicole to convert her. And I succeeded on the sleeping part, the conversion part was still uncertain. Maybe I was really such a big bastard. Even now, I still meet up with Jenny almost weekly to drink and fuck. And Shirley, whom I'm co-habiting with has no clue about it. I am not at home on most of the weekdays anyway, but weekends are supposed to be for Shirley only. But then again, we are not exactly in a committed relationship at the moment. I do not care much even if she's fucking someone else, although I am pretty sure she is not. But judging by my past experiences, I am not cut out for anything long-term. Not yet anyway. Now back to the story. I had not yet removed my pants and Natalie was waiting expectantly. Nicole was still sound asleep, so what did I have to lose? Natalie probably would not tell her anyway, and if time permitted, I could probably have more than one session with Natalie, seeing as how deep a sleeper Nicole was. It was time to take control of the situation. Me: You want it? Take it out yourself. Nat: Finally. I almost thought you didn't want it. Natalie knelt down in front of me and unzipped my berms. She slid them off together with my boxers. I spread my legs to let her come closer. She stroked my dick, teasing it to semi-hardness, then wrapped her soft lips around it, covering the head and twirling her tongue around, stimulating me with her tongue stud. As it grew, she ran her tongue stud up and down the shaft, teasing me, and caressing my balls at the same time. Soon enough, I was up and ready to go. She started wanking me while looking up. Nat: You ready? Me: You wet? Nat: Not really... She let my dick go and removed her t-shirt, I wondered if I should remove mine as well. She did it for me, then climbed onto the sofa, preparing to impale herself on my stake. Me: I thought you weren't wet? She leaned forward, licked my ear and whispered into it. Nat: I like rough sex. Then in one swift motion, she sat on my dick, forcing herself all the way down, her cervix clashing with my head. I grimaced slightly. I was pretty sore. Natalie grabbed the back of my head and started attacking my mouth, her tongue trying to reach the back of my throat, I almost gagged. At the same time, she rode up and down, the sensations heightened due to the lack of lubricant. I grabbed her boobs ands squeezed hard, pinching her nipples at the same time. She gave a loud moan. Me: SHHH! Do you want to wake Nicole up? Nat: Does it matter? She started grinding. I felt as though my dick was going to snap. Me: I don't want her to know. Nat: What makes you think I won't tell her? Me: You are gonna tell her? Nat: I'm gonna tell her how good a fuck you are. And she doesn't know what she's missing. Me: I'm sure that helps. She stopped grinding. Nat: Are you gonna fuck me or not? Me: I thought you wanted to fuck? Nat: Don't be lazy. She whispered in my ear again. Nat: I want you to fuck me so hard I won't want to fuck for days. I want your hot sperm deep inside me. Wow, she really knew how to talk dirty, but at least she did not say she wanted to have my baby. And since we were having unprotected sex, I assumed it was either safe, or she was on the pill. I grabbed her lower back and stood up. I tried to fuck standing up but realised I did not know how to. With her legs wrapped around my back, I looked around the living room for a slightly elevated platform to put her on so that I could drill her deep. I settled on the coffee table. Me: This won't break right? Nat: Tried and tested. What a slut. Me: Ok. Before I started pounding her, she grabbed another stick and lit it. It was gonna be pretty erotic, with me pounding her while she was smoking. Nat: Aren't you gonna start? I got into a comfortable position and pushed hard. Nat: Harder and faster please. I complied, and prayed that the coffee table did not break with each thrust. Natalie appeared to enjoy being dominated, and started to rub her clit while I was pounding away like a jackhammer. Kudos to her though, for not moaning too loudly. Perhaps she did not want Nicole to find out as well so that she could get fucked more. After pounding for 10mins, and feeling her pussy get wetter and wetter, I felt the urge to cum. I pulled out, and applied the head-squeezing technique to hold in the shot. It almost worked but somehow a single stream escaped, and landed on her chest. She coated her fingers with my cum, then began to suck them. I was so aroused by it that I remained hard. Without waiting for her to ask, I entered her again. |
Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...
walao geng le. .. i also wan try ... but after i shot 1 time i feel tired ad and cock start soft
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...
when u are abt to cum, pull out and shoot without wanking, just shoot. then straight away go in again. works for me. can last another 5-10 mins till next shot.
Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...
You had some what of a conscience and deliberated on your actions ? maybe you're not so bad after all ... well the intention to murder and the act of murder isn't much of a difference right ?
Hehe ... I don't know much about Les->strai8 conversion ... maybe it's something that you naturally inclined towards instead of being nurtured. Or maybe not ... i know of a guy who's supposedly went strai8->gay ... but I guess I can accept his theory that love isn't confined to gender and doesn't matter who but matters only who loves him back. Jen's a good FB ... Shirley could b long term ... maybe time isn't ripe yet ... oh well ... you'll probably have to figure it out soon ... time flies & b4 you know it ... someone gets pregnant ... they find a new love ... or they have to leave the country or something. |
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