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Old 06-01-2011, 10:01 AM
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Re: Reputation system update - 12 March 2010

You can start off by creating more clones to add points to yourself. However, this time make sure you don't get caught!

I hardly ever check what's going on in rep system database. The only time I take a look is when someone complains about clone or "unreasonable" zapping.

I then investigate and end up unearthing all sorts of dastardly deeds!

In your case, you were found out because the nick "jakarta browser" complained about mass zapping. Turns out he was guilty of mass "upping".

Don't take the rep thingy seriously though. It's just there to add a bit of fun to the forum by adding another dimension to the interaction between members. It also brings out the best and worst of human nature and this is what makes the forum a lot more interesting.

Originally Posted by aakumu View Post
Bro Sam,
Is there no way to redeem my old statues?
YOU were the one that bounce my rep points to where it is now from negative[most of it any way......]
How am I suppose to earn my way back from -212 points?
Like to have your fair judgement on this, not asking for a free ticket, but an opportunity to earn my way back.
Thank you.
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Old 06-01-2011, 10:19 AM
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Re: Reputation system update - 12 March 2010

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor View Post
You can start off by creating more clones to add points to yourself. However, this time make sure you don't get caught!

I hardly ever check what's going on in rep system database. The only time I take a look is when someone complains about clone or "unreasonable" zapping.

I then investigate and end up unearthing all sorts of dastardly deeds!

In your case, you were found out because the nick "jakarta browser" complained about mass zapping. Turns out he was guilty of mass "upping".

Don't take the rep thingy seriously though. It's just there to add a bit of fun to the forum by adding another dimension to the interaction between members. It also brings out the best and worst of human nature and this is what makes the forum a lot more interesting.
Hello bro Sam,
Thank you for that insight, I will take it in a positive way, just this nick aakumu has some sentimental value, that is why I would like to keep it alive. it would quite impossible from -212..........huh.................
Any way thank you for your time..............
If you are ever in town, let me take you around on the house.

Please leave your nick when you up me, thank you.
Old 08-01-2011, 12:14 AM
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Re: Reputation system update - 12 March 2010

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor View Post
updated by Big Sexy (12 Mar 2010)

4. 1 point of reputation power is gained every ONE YEAR...
Boss, I hv been here since Dec 09 but I still hv 0 power leh... May I knw why ?
Old 08-01-2011, 02:17 AM
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Re: Reputation system update - 12 March 2010

Originally Posted by CJTKS View Post
Boss, I hv been here since Dec 09 but I still hv 0 power leh... May I knw why ?
You haven't reached the 35 point threshold yet.
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Old 10-01-2011, 07:33 PM
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Re: Reputation system update - 12 March 2010

I'm a bit peeved about this point system, I post a new thread with three Field Reports and all of a sudden I lost 8 points.

I don't really care too much about getting a multitude of points but when a user posting FR's get zapped like this for no apparent reason then the impetus to post more FR and keeping the forum alive quickly fades.

Why should I not be allowed to see who is zapping and who is rewarding? The anonymity only induces abuse of the system.

Would also bee good to get a reason for the zap more than "I dont understand" and "shithead", not very clear reasons for zapping in a post that does not really talk negative about anyone.
Old 14-01-2011, 11:32 PM
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Re: Reputation system update - 12 March 2010

No doubt clone zaps are a slight irritant initially to Pak but now it seems to humilate Pak

Batam Info Thread 14-01-2011 10:34 AM yah agree indonesia also got a lot of terrorists
Batam Info Thread 13-01-2011 11:11 PM we have also a welcoming committee waiting for you in batam
Batam Info Thread 12-01-2011 11:01 PM i also salute you
Neighbourhood fucker... 11-01-2011 10:22 PM We will send a welcoming party to greet you at the airport
RealEstateGuy & It's... 04-01-2011 10:39 PM hahaha ... you very funny
Batam Info Thread 04-01-2011 12:28 PM You are president of zappers
Bad Luck To Bonk A Girl... 03-01-2011 11:20 PM Happy New Year Mr President
InDo cEwE (Freezone) 31-12-2010 10:08 AM happy new year
InDo cEwE (Freezone) 30-12-2010 12:00 PM You are a naughty president

Reporting to Sam won't to much help

Just accept it in a positive manner

Trims (thanks) for expanding your ALQaeda cell clone zappers network (hehehehehe)
KliK sInI >>>IndO C3W3
Old 14-01-2011, 11:59 PM
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Re: Reputation system update - 12 March 2010

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor View Post
You can start off by creating more clones to add points to yourself. However, this time make sure you don't get caught!

I hardly ever check what's going on in rep system database. The only time I take a look is when someone complains about clone or "unreasonable" zapping.

I then investigate and end up unearthing all sorts of dastardly deeds!

In your case, you were found out because the nick "jakarta browser" complained about mass zapping. Turns out he was guilty of mass "upping".

Don't take the rep thingy seriously though. It's just there to add a bit of fun to the forum by adding another dimension to the interaction between members. It also brings out the best and worst of human nature and this is what makes the forum a lot more interesting.
I have only this to say! Well done Sammy!
Old 20-01-2011, 01:20 AM
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Re: Reputation system update - 12 March 2010

Hi Boss,

I've noticed the word samster below everyone's Nick but I've just noticed one with the word 'fake?''. What does that word stand for?

I've also noticed the letter (M), for moderation, beside the word samster but what does (ep) stand for?

Just a bit curious..


Old 20-01-2011, 03:58 PM
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Re: Reputation system update - 12 March 2010

Hi Boss Sam,

I was zap with the following remarks on 19 Jan 11.

Hanging Flowers Joints 19-01-2011 02:30 PM You, MoralEpitome, Ichigo Kurasaki and DYBJ blowjob cheebye really have nothing better to do whole fucking day than to post here again and again boasting about your fucking exploitations of the poor KTV girls? Chowcheebye you all hor gao GAO......

I understand that using people who abuse the system by making vicious attacks and spewing vulgarities anonymously without leaving nick will have their nicks exposed and placed under moderation

Please advise and Thank you
Old 20-01-2011, 04:12 PM
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Re: Reputation system update - 12 March 2010

Originally Posted by jacky chan View Post
I understand that using people who abuse the system by making vicious attacks and spewing vulgarities anonymously without leaving nick will have their nicks exposed and placed under moderation

Please advise and Thank you
The nick that left those remarks is grouchycabi.

The nick has been placed under moderation.
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Old 20-01-2011, 04:21 PM
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Re: Reputation system update - 12 March 2010

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor View Post
The nick that left those remarks is grouchycabi.

The nick has been placed under moderation.
Thanks boss for Yr reply. Appreciate that for up keeping the rules n regulation.
Old 20-01-2011, 04:56 PM
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Re: Reputation system update - 12 March 2010

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Old 20-01-2011, 05:10 PM
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Re: Reputation system update - 12 March 2010

He deserves what he did.
Let's not kick someone who is down.

Bonk Bonk....
Old 20-01-2011, 10:15 PM
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Re: Reputation system update - 12 March 2010

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor View Post
I understand that using people who abuse the system by making vicious attacks and spewing vulgarities anonymously without leaving nick will have their nicks exposed and placed under moderation
Mr. Mod,
what is your definition of vicious?
Old 20-01-2011, 11:22 PM
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Re: Reputation system update - 12 March 2010

Events in Chang ping 20-01-2011 11:10 PM ????
Events in Chang ping 20-01-2011 08:37 PM sss
For your viewing pleasure 20-01-2011 04:53 PM )

Hahaha.. after the lesson you taught a samster, all the zappers are left speechless to protect their nick and points...
I feeling great !!!

Good night to you zappers? May you sleep well and sweet dreams !

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