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Old 11-01-2017, 03:40 PM
winphenom winphenom is offline
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Singaporean ministers are just multi-star paper generals who are happy to sit peacefully and collect their super scaled salaries with bonuses and await their awesome pensions. Tell us to donate generously but they set example by storing their riches. When will ministers come out often to donate their huge allowances for the year to charity? But poor Singaporeans are encouraged to donate no matter how small you are. Set the tone and show your love for the country and its people by serving with pride and joy but not money-faced type of laced enthusiasm. People will respect you more and stand by you stronger. Not by getting more New citizens to show your strong % support cos it's all fake. Caring and helping your own citizens is true support unlike your policy of foreign talent and foreign investments, cos at the end of the day, they will abandon you and break those bridges in search of greener pastures.
Old 11-01-2017, 06:43 PM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Originally Posted by livenowlivefree View Post
We are hypocrites , but which country is not ? This is just diplomacy and how we play the game . Look at how U.K. Use to support both sides , or the weaker side so that war can persist and U.K. Can gain from the side lines while weakening other nations . Usa policing the South China Sea has an advantage to keep china in check . Our country thrives on neutrality and if china is coming to claim Asia territories , it will only be a matter of time that they can control most of the region and trade routes . It is all about national interest . Usa talks about all the ideals like human rights and what not . God knows what dirty things they had done and is still doing .

If we have the military power and as big as Russia or USA , would china dare to not return ? In such a case china already have the vehicle and they will demonstrate how "powderful" they are by holding on to the vehicles as long as they can especially when our pm and the whole country and government protest . It just give them more to show that we cannot do anything to them . The more we say the more ya ya they will become .

In my opinion , we shld have special ops to steal those back or destroy it completely followed by asking for the vehicles back openly . When they found the vehicles are missing , and the debate has reach a certain level internationally, they will find themselves shitting their pants .
Right on Bro Livenowlivefree ! China is a bully ! We long ago already train in ROC and R&R there. China know this long time already so what's new ? If we don't stand up for Singapore and talk-back+tua+slap China, next time China will be bolder ! Tell you who cannot fly over Singapore, who can or cannot visit Istana. Soon, they will be telling us every Spore company must employ their little Emperor sons and daughters as managers. Let China makan you now, they will be bolder and want to screw our backsides next time. You think if we USA or Russia, China dare do this meh ? China is a coward and bully lah ! Who is the real hypocrite ? China and the bloody Cheena Foreign Ministry spokesman Lu Kang- he say."I hope the relevant parties can be cautious in their remarks and action." Ahh puui la.. who is the one recklessly take people's assets ? Then, make stupid comments ? He come to Singapore, he will kenna jiatlat !

Support Singapore ! Whether the White Monkeys did not handle it well or have no foresight (or backsight) is besides the point. The point is that Spore is independent nation and we have sovereignty over our assets and China better follow International Law.

We up till now very polite already. If we really follow China's mannerism, we already protest in front of their embassy, burn their flag and throw rotten eggs there already. We 'gentlemen' hor but China better be 'automatic'..

Singapore have many ways to give 'tight slap' to China, no need send in special ops .. yet !

Again, we hokkien peng, we ask China nicely first.. after that.. watch out boh pan chan.. we will suggest in Sammy but White Monkeys got balls or not- don't know la.

PS: One way to slap, is to 'special ops' and destroy the embassy car when it is parking at his mistress house downstairs. Then, when embassy want to replace car, wah the paperwork very heavy, lots of red-tape to 'chop & sign', complicated la. Quietly, tell all car dealers don't sell car to embassy. China import car, reach PSA, impound ! Next week, another embassy car 'special ops' again ... ha ha ha! No need to use C130 to go all the way to 'special ops' !

Last edited by ibanezjem555; 11-01-2017 at 07:01 PM.
Old 11-01-2017, 07:10 PM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Originally Posted by arsenal168 View Post
Dun embarrass yourself here la...

Ok la...Kudos to u for being such a loyal government ��.

Government plp ����

U plp government.
Let him continue to embarrass himself. It is what we call " Big Cannon " . Singaporeans will know whether it is trustworthy or not .
Old 11-01-2017, 07:13 PM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Originally Posted by livenowlivefree View Post
We are hypocrites , but which country is not ? This is just diplomacy and how we play the game . Look at how U.K. Use to support both sides , or the weaker side so that war can persist and U.K. Can gain from the side lines while weakening other nations . Usa policing the South China Sea has an advantage to keep china in check . Our country thrives on neutrality and if china is coming to claim Asia territories , it will only be a matter of time that they can control most of the region and trade routes . It is all about national interest . Usa talks about all the ideals like human rights and what not . God knows what dirty things they had done and is still doing .

If we have the military power and as big as Russia or USA , would china dare to not return ? In such a case china already have the vehicle and they will demonstrate how "powderful" they are by holding on to the vehicles as long as they can especially when our pm and the whole country and government protest . It just give them more to show that we cannot do anything to them . The more we say the more ya ya they will become .

In my opinion , we shld have special ops to steal those back or destroy it completely followed by asking for the vehicles back openly . When they found the vehicles are missing , and the debate has reach a certain level internationally, they will find themselves shitting their pants .
You ok or not ? Send in special ops to recover or destroy the Terrex ? This will only make matters worse . It will give the PRC every right to attack Singapore . The Singapore government should just let the Hong Kong government keep it and write it off since they are not able to recover it .
Old 11-01-2017, 07:32 PM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Yes, military special ops always fraught with dangers. Easily detected too as area of ops will be very far away. But why just only write off ? Can give China a tight slap and a kick in their balls ?

How about get a list of properties bought by mainlanders with acquisition prices, with China politburo names or their spouses names highlighted.

Leak it to Wikileaks and other social media, get a spin doctor to suggest that there is possible corruption. How can buy so many properties with such pay/ income ? Got declare or not ?

If mainlanders panic and sell, freeze return of sales proceeds money at the bank. Cite possible investigations of corruption and clarification and hold the money indefinitely. Further escalate, subject all Mainlanders property to inspection. Tenants sure got problem. Landed properties sure got drainage, never cut grass, mosquito breeding issues wan.

Do like this and every time Chinese embassy ask why, produce the corruption cock and bull & we following law story. Never ask for the Terrex in exchange. Let them offer return, then say,"Hmm.. actually not related.. but we will consider !"

Play dirty, fight dirty !

PS: When doing this, don't expect China to sit by and cry father and mother. They WILL retaliate. Only thing, does White Monkeys have balls of steel ?
Old 11-01-2017, 07:35 PM
moscato moscato is offline
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Originally Posted by ibanezjem555 View Post
Yes, military special ops always fraught with dangers. Easily detected too as area of ops will be very far away.

How about get a list of properties bought by mainlanders with acquisition prices, with China politburo names or their spouses names highlighted.

Leak it to Wikileaks, get a spin doctor to suggest that there is possible corruption. How can buy so many properties with such pay/ income ? Got declare or not ?

If mainlanders panic and sell, freeze return of sales proceeds money at the bank. Cite possible investigations of corruption and clarification and hold the money indefinitely.

Do like this and every time Chinese embassy ask why, produce the corruption cock and bull story. Never ask for the Terrex in exchange. Let them offer return, then say,"Hmm.. actually not related.. but we will consider !"

Play dirty, fight dirty !

PS: When doing this, don't expect China to sit by and cry father and mother. They WILL retaliate. Only thing, does White Monkeys have balls of steel ?
luckily i already ROD, as if special ops activated i have to go for it for reservist. Sian
Old 11-01-2017, 07:44 PM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Originally Posted by moscato View Post
luckily i already ROD, as if special ops activated i have to go for it for reservist. Sian
Ha ha ! Me too- ROD liao (but I no special ops). I really enjoyed ROC ! Last ROC (long long ago), sneak out of camp without pass for a total of 5 nights (3 b4 exercise and 2 after), before flying back. Shiok !
Old 11-01-2017, 09:45 PM
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Originally Posted by SiaSuay View Post
You ok or not ? Send in special ops to recover or destroy the Terrex ? This will only make matters worse . It will give the PRC every right to attack Singapore . The Singapore government should just let the Hong Kong government keep it and write it off since they are not able to recover it .
Wat u said I already said before le.
Got give me credit ma
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Old 11-01-2017, 09:56 PM
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Originally Posted by winphenom View Post
Singaporean ministers are just multi-star paper generals who are happy to sit peacefully and collect their super scaled salaries with bonuses and await their awesome pensions. Tell us to donate generously but they set example by storing their riches. When will ministers come out often to donate their huge allowances for the year to charity? But poor Singaporeans are encouraged to donate no matter how small you are. Set the tone and show your love for the country and its people by serving with pride and joy but not money-faced type of laced enthusiasm. People will respect you more and stand by you stronger. Not by getting more New citizens to show your strong % support cos it's all fake. Caring and helping your own citizens is true support unlike your policy of foreign talent and foreign investments, cos at the end of the day, they will abandon you and break those bridges in search of greener pastures.
Last time when goh Jack up their pay, he said the ministers all offer to take pay freeze.

Goh said NO cos that'll render the pay rise meaningless so the ministers very very reluctantly forced FORCED to accept their millions. See how much they sacrifice
Exchange points sacrifice ma
Old 11-01-2017, 09:58 PM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Originally Posted by sadfa View Post
Wat u said I already said before le.
Got give me credit ma
Exchange points need credit ma
Hahaha.... You did not say anything. You just slam and criticize when people give their solutions. At least they give some suggestions, whether are they applicable and effective or not, only results will tell. As compared to you, you provide NOTHING....
Old 11-01-2017, 10:07 PM
sadfa sadfa is offline
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Originally Posted by AAdam View Post
Hahaha.... You did not say anything. You just slam and criticize when people give their solutions. At least they give some suggestions, whether are they applicable and effective or not, only results will tell. As compared to you, you provide NOTHING....
I can see from your posts especially in yr replies, you're really lacking. The fundamental premise u can't even grasp . Or refuse to grasp. I'm being honest.

I also know even if I tell u the truth, u wil refuse to accept. Becos yr ego prevents that n u will just argue n argue more n more meaninglessly. U don't even know wats the crux of discussion

So no point spending too much time educating u. Let garbagement do that n u can be their needed human shield
Exchange points like human shield ma
Old 11-01-2017, 10:11 PM
sadfa sadfa is offline
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Originally Posted by ibanezjem555 View Post
Right on Bro Livenowlivefree ! China is a bully ! We long ago already train in ROC and R&R there. China know this long time already so what's new ? If we don't stand up for Singapore and talk-back+tua+slap China, next time China will be bolder ! Tell you who cannot fly over Singapore, who can or cannot visit Istana. Soon, they will be telling us every Spore company must employ their little Emperor sons and daughters as managers. Let China makan you now, they will be bolder and want to screw our backsides next time. You think if we USA or Russia, China dare do this meh ? China is a coward and bully lah ! Who is the real hypocrite ? China and the bloody Cheena Foreign Ministry spokesman Lu Kang- he say."I hope the relevant parties can be cautious in their remarks and action." Ahh puui la.. who is the one recklessly take people's assets ? Then, make stupid comments ? He come to Singapore, he will kenna jiatlat !

Support Singapore ! Whether the White Monkeys did not handle it well or have no foresight (or backsight) is besides the point. The point is that Spore is independent nation and we have sovereignty over our assets and China better follow International Law.

We up till now very polite already. If we really follow China's mannerism, we already protest in front of their embassy, burn their flag and throw rotten eggs there already. We 'gentlemen' hor but China better be 'automatic'..

Singapore have many ways to give 'tight slap' to China, no need send in special ops .. yet !

Again, we hokkien peng, we ask China nicely first.. after that.. watch out boh pan chan.. we will suggest in Sammy but White Monkeys got balls or not- don't know la.

PS: One way to slap, is to 'special ops' and destroy the embassy car when it is parking at his mistress house downstairs. Then, when embassy want to replace car, wah the paperwork very heavy, lots of red-tape to 'chop & sign', complicated la. Quietly, tell all car dealers don't sell car to embassy. China import car, reach PSA, impound ! Next week, another embassy car 'special ops' again ... ha ha ha! No need to use C130 to go all the way to 'special ops' !
Bully...... I see.

Who's the biggest bully.
China bully spore or spore bully it's own ppl n crush them

When garbagement need sporeans, it's 'WE' 'WE' 'WE'. When garbagement don't need, they fuck sporeans n scold them , say they're lazy.


And China got control Malaysia n the many banana republics they feed in Africa meh?

Who the fuck will care about spore if they're not stirring shit with USA

And your retaliation tactics are amateurish. What spore can do, China Can do much much worse.

Garbagement damn proud they fix their own ppl.

You know the current generation of reds born from craziness n cauldron of cultural revolution where fixing is brought to whole new level. For them to rise to their present level , the shit they do far exceeds the cb garbagement where things are handed to them. Bo xilai publicly denounce his dad who's a leading cadre for his own skin. His dad also say he good.

Who will u bet in a fight like this. Hardcore thugs or make believe gangsters in their own world. BTW in cultural revolution, they drive themselves to such frenzy they actually eat human flesh OK. Those ppl are never punished n even now got no regrets.

Oh. Last time when ah bian publicly talk about Taiwan independence, China fired missile n scared the shit out of Taiwan.
Now, China unhappy with Taiwan but by simply using their tactics they already make life difficult for Taiwan Liao. And all without firing missile or massive exercise to show they can take Taiwan in short time.

If spore want to play silly childish games with China, honestly who do u think will win.

Before China really hit spore, spore will b in deep financial shit Liao n u think garbagement will GIVE alot of gst credits to alleviate sporeans sufferings ma
Exchange points dreaming ma

Last edited by sadfa; 11-01-2017 at 10:32 PM.
Old 11-01-2017, 10:16 PM
AAdam AAdam is offline
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Originally Posted by sadfa View Post
I can see from your posts especially in yr replies, you're really lacking. The fundamental premise u can't even grasp . Or refuse to grasp. I'm being honest.

I also know even if I tell u the truth, u wil refuse to accept. Becos yr ego prevents that n u will just argue n argue more n more meaninglessly. U don't even know wats the crux of discussion

So no point spending too much time educating u. Let garbagement do that n u can be their needed human shield
Exchange points like human shield ma
Since you profess that you are full of wisdom and insight, can I humbly submit to you that you can share with us your revelation concerning:

1) Why China confiscate our vehicles and what are the objectives for China to do so?

2) What would you do to claim back these vehicles? Highlighting the cost, impact and consequences.

Thank you for your wise counseling.
Old 11-01-2017, 10:18 PM
sadfa sadfa is offline
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Originally Posted by AAdam View Post
Since you profess that you are full of wisdom and insight, can I humbly submit to you that you can share with us your revelation concerning:

1) Why China confiscate our vehicles and what are the objectives for China to do so?

2) What would you do to claim back these vehicles? Highlighting the cost, impact and consequences.

Thank you for your wise counseling.
Read earlier post to u.
Answer is there. Promise u.
Exchange points Ask n ask ma
Old 11-01-2017, 10:30 PM
AAdam AAdam is offline
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Originally Posted by sadfa View Post
Read earlier post to u.
Answer is there. Promise u.
Exchange points Ask n ask ma
Sad to say, the answer is not there at all.

No need to beat around the bush. Just answer straight to the point.
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