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Old 17-03-2021, 03:42 PM
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Originally Posted by 88miles View Post
This sunday i am going to meet with a maid i met online for the first time.
Which hotel is good for staying whole day. Can anyone recommend hourly rate hotel with bathtub.
This type question really waste my time
Old 17-03-2021, 03:44 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Wednesday morning had FB meetup session. I was her lollipop today. WHEW!
Old 17-03-2021, 03:52 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by fuckingbaby View Post
Posting pics of his passport just to prove a point. That guy just made me LOL. Reminds me of a classmate who took a pic of his cum filled condom to show the world that he got laid.
Upped you +10
Welcome to exchange points.
Old 17-03-2021, 07:40 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by phelps View Post
Not easy to find good indo maid these days.
Upped u
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Old 17-03-2021, 10:22 PM
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Originally Posted by TomMAffolter View Post
Like they say if no pics then it didnt really happen.

But i bow you your greater diplomacy hahah, I still think idiots who pay 100 for a 40yrs old maid are idiots. I have only been to maid sundays 3-4 times and include the vids about maid hunting, plus logic, i have never seen an attractive maid that is up to my standards , ie that i would want to fuck. Sure maids in their 20s that are 59kgs, like there is a SB who is 20, is 59kg on the sb thread wanting big money, so clearly there are guys willing to pay good money for young fatties. Makes no sense that a young attractive girl who can stay in their own country who can earn 20 +dollars ie 400k vnd, 1200 baht, 300k ir, 1500 peso , this all equates to greater than 500 sing a month would bother to leave when if they fuck just 1 times a day would earn more than being a maid
And you talking about you viet EX wife not being nice etc etc, well the WIFE part explains it, women, most women and definately most viet women, once they have you married, why they bother to try. They are only sweet and trying to please you when they trying to get you married. Now a viet girl in SINGAPORE, get LTVP, get money from women charter hahah...why she need to be nice to you, seem you got played pure and simple because you dont understand women. Thats not even including the fact you more than likely met her in vice trade which is the norm it seems for singy men.
Here is a recent 10 dollar fuck, shaved pussy, if give time for me to take pics then how can be rushed. You clearly not hunting in my jungle.
Its like telling someone what wagu beef tastes like when cooked by a 5 star chef when they only eat chicken and tasted shank beef that was cooked in the wrong method.
Actually the photos you posted could be easily downloaded, how do you prove authenticity?
Previously known as kynu
There are literally thousands of such photos here which you can download, post here and claim it's a girl you just bonked.
As long as you tell them you're going to write them a field report and ask them for some photos, a lot of them will let you do it. How much time does it take to take a few photos?
Last time I was there having fun was at least 3-4 years back.
Maybe things really changed over the years, but I don't think so.

One of my regular helper fb that dressed up in a school uniform at my request.
Queenstown Sec, not sure if the tag is really that visible
Just because some fdw are plump or meaty doesn't mean all are. Just because a lot of them aren't pretty, unlike your Vietnamese favs, doesn't mean all of them are not pretty. Just because generally they are in their 30s, and many in their 40s, it doesn't mean all are in that age range.
There are young, pretty and slim Pinoy fdws too in their early to mid 20s as well, maybe you just haven't met any yet.
These Pinoy OFWs even have their own private beauty pageants which are held in 3-4 star hotels.
You'll be surprised how pretty some of these Pinoy fdw are, just like models. If you haven't attended or even heard of any of these beauty pageants, you're clearly not in the same league as me when you claimed that you had your share of maid hunting.

Like they say if no photos, it didn't really happen?
Come on, photos can be downloaded from internet.
Posting photos don't prove anything.

Btw, the last pic of yours isn't a shaved pussy. It's just a picture of an unshaved pussy that's not hairy.

Last edited by babyjohnwong; 18-03-2021 at 04:54 PM.
Old 17-03-2021, 10:50 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by funboi View Post
Eating a bowl of normal ordinary plain noodles in Singapore, the price also differ from other countries.

Picking bones out of eggs gets to no where.

Most here just concern about "spoiling market". Because if screw maid need to pay her more than FL or SB then obviously we are heading or pushing for a more expensive lifestyle in Singapore.
Very good analogy

Bros with rep power are welcome to exchange my humble points daily
Old 17-03-2021, 10:56 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Met up with my FB last sunday with another bro and his maid, great session. Halfway we had an idea, call grabfood, and ask our maids to answer the door naked.

To the ah bang who delivered our food, you know who you are, we hope you enjoyed your surprise
Old 18-03-2021, 02:12 AM
babyjohnwong babyjohnwong is offline
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Originally Posted by TomMAffolter View Post
Just look how stupid you are.
So I have proved I am currently in vietnam, i have proved i have been coming here since 1993. You say the pics are from a website, so if i "stole" those pics from that website, then i must know how to contact her, and the cost of the fuck is 10 dollars. So to summarize, Im currently vietnam, i know how to find and contact this girl, i can afford the 10 dollars, and YET i dont fuck her and must lie that i fucked her?
What is more plausible and logical, my assertion, or the assertion you made that i lie. What proof have you got that i lied, can even produce evidence, especially when the things you say are things i myself have posted in my past and other have again repeated, you haven't said anything that even shows you have even been to vietnam
You heard about waxing, believe it or not it can make a girls pussy look like its naturally unhairy?
haha pinoy maids who look like models, well if true why aren't they models, why are they maids. There are some very plain pinoy cam girls who make more than 500 a month working as a maid in sg, as i said even some cheap fucks in manila the girl can earn 1500 p a fuck, thats 30 a fuck, 1 fuck a day can earn 900, much more than being a maid, being fucked by bangla and ceca rejects.
Honestly you very stupid, so you think everyone is just as stupid as you, you hang out on this thread with other losers who have never been overseas and so you can talk cock and lie about shit and none can ever call you out

And thanks you pics just proved what i said UGLY dark skin maid, look like she a 30yr old dressed in a uniform, well done, you sure proved me wrong when i said that you are a bottom feeder only capable of fucking low hanging fruit. You should be called a hyena as they can even stomach eating rotting meat.
Ps i found your pasts posts on the tcss vn thread, and now that i have reread I recall at that time there were many of the regulars who found you story questionable, and you came across as someone who read the posts and repeated it like it was your own experience. Wasn't even it hayhay on this thread who call you out for bullshit and lying as he caught you out.
Ah Mr Clever, seems like you are not really getting my point
Photos can be downloaded and that can't really prove anything
Did I say you downloaded it? Did I say you're lying?
I'm just saying these can be easily downloaded by anyone, so what's the point of sharing them? Sharing them proves what?

Does it prove I'm in Vietnam on these dates?
Forgot to tell you there is something called photoshop.
I can change the year to 2021 too if I want.
So how to prove you're actually there?
Why are you even so eager to prove your credibility?
As what I've said in one of my previous post, I don't doubt most of the things you said, I just take it at face value.

My other point is, if this isn't your cup of tea, there is no point in insulting people here and proving your "superiority" and "wisdom" in choosing Vietnamese over maids.
You have the option of not reading and not posting anything here.
You can go elsewhere that suits you and your preference.
But you just conveniently miss this point despite claiming having read all my posts.

Anyway, dark skin or white skin, does it really matter?
A pussy is still a pussy.
Everything looks and feels the same when the lights are off.
She was around 26-27 when I took the photo. Not 30s.
You don't believe the things I said, so be it.
Unlike you, I don't need you to believe me.
As for hayhay, he's the one who doubted me and wanted to meet me up to check me out. I agreed to it and asked for his number. He chickened out and asked me for my number instead then started calling me names.
Seems like you didn't read properly and get the facts straight.

And in case you didn't know, there are maids who are getting 800-1000 salary too. Just because many of them are paid in 400-600 range doesn't mean all of them are getting this salary.
And your logic is damned profound.
Just because they can earn more as a working girl compared to maids, does it mean that they have to do it?
To get a local SG working girl for a night would easily cost at least 500-600
Equivalent to 30k salary a month
Are all SG girls prostitutes? How many local SG girls actually get such a salary working any normal 8-5 job?

Since all of us here are so stupid with our choices and are bottom feeders eating low hanging fruits or hyenas eating rotting meat
Why is it that a superior, high and almighty genius like you not fucking girls from your own superior and almighty genius race, but instead degrading yourself by taking advantage of and paying peanuts to fuck some Third World country girls who had already slept around, kissed and sucked the cocks of so many other men, easily 20-30 times more than any random maids that you so detest and look down upon?

It's ok, you can keep it to yourself.
I'll probably be too stupid to understand your reasonings anyway.
So I don't think I'll be interested in reading any of your further replies, let alone attempt to reply you again.

Last edited by babyjohnwong; 18-03-2021 at 02:24 AM.
Old 18-03-2021, 02:27 AM
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Originally Posted by sshelterz View Post
Bros i think time to quit Michat. Too many fake and scam
Yes agree! Any better platform to intro?
Old 18-03-2021, 09:12 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by babyjohnwong View Post
Ah Mr Clever, seems like you are not really getting my point
Photos can be downloaded and that can't really prove anything
Did I say you downloaded it? Did I say you're lying?
I'm just saying these can be easily downloaded by anyone, so what's the point of sharing them? Sharing them proves what?


Does it prove I'm in Vietnam on these dates?
Forgot to tell you there is something called photoshop.
I can change the year to 2021 too if I want.
So how to prove you're actually there?
Why are you even so eager to prove your credibility?
As what I've said in one of my previous post, I don't doubt most of the things you said, I just take it at face value.

My other point is, if this isn't your cup of tea, there is no point in insulting people here and proving your "superiority" and "wisdom" in choosing Vietnamese over maids.
You have the option of not reading and not posting anything here.
You can go elsewhere that suits you and your preference.
But you just conveniently miss this point despite claiming having read all my posts.

Anyway, dark skin or white skin, does it really matter?
A pussy is still a pussy.
Everything looks and feels the same when the lights are off.
She was around 26-27 when I took the photo. Not 30s.
You don't believe the things I said, so be it.
Unlike you, I don't need you to believe me.
As for hayhay, he's the one who doubted me and wanted to meet me up to check me out. I agreed to it and asked for his number. He chickened out and asked me for my number instead then started calling me names.
Seems like you didn't read properly and get the facts straight.

And in case you didn't know, there are maids who are getting 800-1000 salary too. Just because many of them are paid in 400-600 range doesn't mean all of them are getting this salary.
And your logic is damned profound.
Just because they can earn more as a working girl compared to maids, does it mean that they have to do it?
To get a local SG working girl for a night would easily cost at least 500-600
Equivalent to 30k salary a month
Are all SG girls prostitutes? How many local SG girls actually get such a salary working any normal 8-5 job?

Since all of us here are so stupid with our choices and are bottom feeders eating low hanging fruits or hyenas eating rotting meat
Why is it that a superior, high and almighty genius like you not fucking girls from your own superior and almighty genius race, but instead degrading yourself by taking advantage of and paying peanuts to fuck some Third World country girls who had already slept around, kissed and sucked the cocks of so many other men, easily 20-30 times more than any random maids that you so detest and look down upon?

It's ok, you can keep it to yourself.
I'll probably be too stupid to understand your reasonings anyway.
So I don't think I'll be interested in reading any of your further replies, let alone attempt to reply you again.
Agree with all you said.
Old 18-03-2021, 09:27 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by babyjohnwong View Post
Ah Mr Clever, seems like you are not really getting my point
Photos can be downloaded and that can't really prove anything
Did I say you downloaded it? Did I say you're lying?
I'm just saying these can be easily downloaded by anyone, so what's the point of sharing them? Sharing them proves what?

agree with you, bro
Just ignore the clown, save the energy for more maid
Old 18-03-2021, 10:00 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

Anyone know this maid stay bukit timah?

Goodu going into semi retirement...
Old 18-03-2021, 10:03 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

Been trying to meet this model look maid but timing always cannot match.

Goodu going into semi retirement...
Old 18-03-2021, 10:22 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

There he goes again
From Mr Clever becomes Mr Moral as well

Is there a law in Singapore that says you can only marry one girl
Or you cannot re-marry after divorce?
Ok, maybe he thought all my ex-wives are the same person
Maybe there is actually a law in Singapore to say if you re-marry after your divorce, you have to marry the same person

Wow, such profound logic and reasoning
No wonder all of us here look stupid to him
Old 18-03-2021, 10:36 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by TomMAffolter View Post
look like same one you post before
different girl
Goodu going into semi retirement...
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