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Old 04-11-2013, 11:23 PM
tigerwoody74 tigerwoody74 is offline
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Re: Life as a Limo Driver

Chapter 4

Client : Japanese client
Car: two black Toyota alphard , MPV.

I arrived at Fullerton hotel at 2145 hrs and saw two black Toyota alphard with curtains parked aside.

Me: hey lim, thanks for helping me out. Have u eaten ?

Knowing thAt the clients are out to have a good time and don't give the shit about us, we have to take care of ourselves first.

Lim: eaten already, better to eat early then empty stomach, if not how to work long hours.

Lim speaking like a true pro, having many years of experience in this trade.

Coming down at 2230hrs,....

Japanese client: mr Charles San... We are going to KTV , can you recommend us anyone.

Me: sure, what type of country girls you want ? PRC , thai, Vietnam ... ?

I waited for his response .

Client: .... We want local....erhhhhh .... Erhhhhh

He was looking for a word to describe .... Just then a hot Malay chick in skin tight dress walk pass.

Client: like her... The client whisper softly.

Me: ok, HAI. Understand .

I signal LIM. He open the doors of his MPV. Load them all up. Curtains drawn. I told him to,wait for signal as I will lead the way . Lim gave me the ok hand signal.

I called Siti. She did not answer. I SMS her,

"urgent 5 Japanese client coming to yr work place KTV. Get me a big room. "

I started to proceed slowly first.. Is a very short distance to Siti work place. I got to buy some time.

Siti reply came in... " leave it to me , I will handle for you..."

I started to increase my speed and make my way there.

Drop off the VIP just outside the KTV. On the MPV hazard lights .

Me: lim standby here first, i go in settle the booking first .

A mama San came out to greet me with Siti standing by my side.

Welcome welcome.... She went on to speak some basic Japanese greeting.

The room was big and able to take ten to fifteen pax. I pull the mama San and Siti aside...

me: " this is under my boss account, whatever they want pls give it to them, give me a good package on the drinks. For the gals booking we talk abt it just before they check out ."

Mama San wAs smiling ear to ear....

I went out to find LIM .

Me: lim let's find a place to park and have some makan, it might be a long night for us,

Lim: " sure, let's go I buy you...since you give me this lobang.

Me: thanks man , towkay lim !
Old 05-11-2013, 02:14 AM
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Re: Life as a Limo Driver

Great story bro! Just spent almost an hour reading. Please keep the story going!
Old 05-11-2013, 09:12 AM
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Re: Life as a Limo Driver

exciting. see more soon
Old 05-11-2013, 04:17 PM
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Re: Life as a Limo Driver

one of the best story of my 5 years in here !!!
Old 05-11-2013, 05:32 PM
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Re: Life as a Limo Driver

solid.... i hope you will do very well in the shares tips... more money means more good things..
Old 05-11-2013, 05:33 PM
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Re: Life as a Limo Driver

Originally Posted by MightyQueen View Post

X.X I know that's not siti be because that girl in that pic is my friend in real life LOL X.X
TS said is Siti look alike. Of course the woman in the picture is not Siti.
Any ladies have kink to fulfill or enjoy teasing a man cock in public whenever she wanted? Don't be shy to PM me, very open to suggestion too.
Old 05-11-2013, 07:47 PM
tigerwoody74 tigerwoody74 is offline
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Re: Life as a Limo Driver

Me: teh Terik and kopi o

The hot drinks arrived.

So how is business lim any lobang to share with yr small brother ... I say .

Lim: don't joke lah . You know I don't deal direct with clients. I need ppl like you to support me . To give lobang for work.

Lim works with us limo drivers to provide support vehicle. When rich clients like the indo come here for shopping . His cars are are fully book just for transporting shopping stuff.

Lim: seriously speaking why don't you come out and start yr own limo business. You have a lot of high end client contact, you just need to link up with them. I am sure they are very happy with yr service standard.

Me: lim working as an employee and running yr own business is different . There are overheads to manage . Is no that easy.

Lim: of course is not easy. But do u want to be a limo driver for e next ten years? Or u want to be yr own boss ? Why don't you come partner
Me ? I can do with someone like u.

Me: brother lim. U see me too up already. I am a nobody.

Lim: this industry there are only a few big boys. Even a freelance contractor like me knows yr standard . If u are a lousy Limo driver , nobody Will work with you.

Me: I have no intention to join venture with anyone. My boss treats me very well. I just want to so my best for the company.

Lim: yr boss is very lucky to have u as his worker.

In this line of work we are always poach by ppl who offer us bigger and better deals . Sometime is not abt you , sometimes they are out to sabotage yr company. I have learnt to just work hard and don't take all these offers to seriously.

Me: hey let's order some prata , I am getting hungry already

Lim : sure
Old 05-11-2013, 08:51 PM
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Re: Life as a Limo Driver

We head back to the KTV area , after finishing our supper.

Parked just outside the KTV . I told lim thAt we will take turns to take our rest in the MPV and ask him to go rest first.

I must have rested for an hour after LIM took over me to be on standby.

Siti : abang is 1am we closing the bills can you pls come inside.

Me: ok

I went in...

Japanese client : arhhhhh CHARLES SAN, come drink with us..... He took a beer and pass it to me

I took a sip.... When siti came and pass me a short glass .

Siti : he doesn't drink beer , he drinks whisky water...

I took a sip and it was green tea actually , Siti had actually dilute e green tea to make it look like whisky water. ...

Me: hey mama San , get me the bill on the drinks.

She pass the bill and i settle it after going thru the sums.

I tip the minimum require for the gals.

I brought mama San out and Siti follow along too.

Me : ok how many gals and what is the damage .

Mama San: they want 7 gals.

Me: 7 !!! but there is only 5 of them. Ok nvr mind . How,much ?

Mama : 2500 dollars .

Me. No. My best offer is 1800 . U take the money and settle it with the gals.

Mama: ok ok. .... She is not in a stet to nego with me. She is half drunk already.

Took out HP call lim...

" lim lock up the MPV and come in. "

Lim : ok

I went to siti and whisper to her ears.

Lim " brother everything ok we good to go. "

Me: not yet bro, find a place sit down. We will leave after the show"

Lim " what show "

About three waitress come In and clear all the drinks And glass on the table. They replace the glass table with a wooden table instead. They left in a hurry. Two bouncers stand outside the door. Lim got worry. ...

Me: relax .... Just enjoy.

Suddenly Siti and two other of her friends came in. The lights were dim. The song started ...

" hey sister go sister soul sister go sister...."

Siti and the two other gals were doing a hot dance N taking turns to stand on the wooden table . Very soon their tops came off, and follow by their bras, and bottoms ...leaving them dancing In their g string with their @@ bouncing all over.

I look at lim, he was smiling N enjoying what he saw.

The Japanese client were all clapping And cheering on...

It was just for one song N things return to normal.

5 Japanese clients and 5 KTV gals hop on the two mpv

I told Siti I would come back for the two gals later as we are not Allow to carry excess passengers on board. If we get stop in a road block we will get into trouble.

I took the lead and brought them to "amber glorified " motel off geylang.

Me: boss five rooms, low floor pls.

I took my nric out and pay for it . Pass the key to the clients and ask the KTV gals to follow up .

I and lim then drove off and head bAck to the KTV.

Siti saw me coming out of the MPV and pull me aside. The two KTV gals hop Onto lim MPV. Siti told me that the mama San over charge me and bill me for extra two gals. So basically the two gals no need to follow the Japanese client.

Me: " then how ? Send them back.?

SITI WHISPER into my ears...

I nod in agreement .

I went over to lim MPV .

Me : lim come out for awhile .

Lim: brother why arh , got change in plan arh ?

Me : this is your tips for the day. This for yr hotel satay. You bring the two gals back to the same hotel. Get a room and rest with the two gals . No need to pay them . They suppose to follow the Japanese client. Mama San over charge me . So u just do what u need to do ok?

Lim : that's why I say you steady , always got good " lobang" he wink back at me.

Lim left with the two gals.

I drove Siti back . She slept at my home.
Old 05-11-2013, 09:53 PM
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Re: Life as a Limo Driver

Thank you TS for writing such a superb story.
Old 05-11-2013, 09:57 PM
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Re: Life as a Limo Driver

Bro, got any good lobang can offer me ?
Old 05-11-2013, 10:24 PM
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Re: Life as a Limo Driver

Once Again i log on jus to read your new update stories. TS... if you write stories and make it into a book... it be selling fast like pancakes!
Old 05-11-2013, 10:25 PM
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Re: Life as a Limo Driver

how come never bring the Japanese clients back to their hotel instead of staying in 3 star ?

When they wake up, who fetch them back?
Old 05-11-2013, 11:15 PM
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Re: Life as a Limo Driver

Bro, patience, patience.

This is good story.

Waiting for next update.
Old 06-11-2013, 02:48 AM
audis5quattro audis5quattro is offline
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Re: Life as a Limo Driver

i run a limo company as well.. didnt know that my drivers are so happening.. haha
Old 06-11-2013, 05:20 AM
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Re: Life as a Limo Driver

You surely been through a lot, good story line with links that make it so exciting. Be it or friction it all good. Well done bro!
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