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Old 29-09-2005, 11:42 PM
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Re: A gutless man who slapped a GRO......

Originally Posted by sdfr
i find a lot of forummers here are self congratulatory people who like to defend whores and prostitutes as if their own sister had been insulted, just to look good. I do not, for a moment, believe that these same people are so righteous, so blameless, as to defend the poor and downtrodden when the time comes for them to make it count.

Women are not the meek in this modern world. It is the poor people from undeveloped countries. When a GRO makes more money than you in an evening, I hardly consider them weak and defenseless.

If he meant the former, he would have just gone and kicked the slapper's ass, instead of mouthing off here, acting angry that some GRO got slapped around a bit.

Oh, and sorry I took so long posting me retort here, I was busy.
Who said anything about whores and prostitutes? Have you never touched a whore before???????? You are rather quick in your conclusions so you are no better than any of us here. There wont be any demand for whores and prostitutes if not for people like you and me...


Sorry for taking so long to answer... I was busy as well...

Old man... new place!!!!


Old 29-09-2005, 11:49 PM
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Re: A gutless man who slapped a GRO......

Originally Posted by sdfr
the point, for all you people here who answered me, is that the guy who slapped the girl (the slapper) might conceivably have a good reason to slap the slapee.

And being not present at the scene, isn't it purely circumstantial and convenient to just point the finger at this guy for showing "loutish" behaviour.?

i find a lot of forummers here are self congratulatory people who like to defend whores and prostitutes as if their own sister had been insulted, just to look good. I do not, for a moment, believe that these same people are so righteous, so blameless, as to defend the poor and downtrodden when the time comes for them to make it count.

Look at the way so many here degrade a bangladeshi worker, just because he is not a pretty woman, and he is of different colour to them.

Please, all of you who jump to conclusions, don't bother with your self righteous speeches to me.

Women are not the meek in this modern world. It is the poor people from undeveloped countries. When a GRO makes more money than you in an evening, I hardly consider them weak and defenseless.

The person who originally posted the topic. Is he really indignant that a GRO got slapped? Or is he trying to show that he is such a great guy for being indignant that a girl got slapped?

I contend he did the latter.

If he meant the former, he would have just gone and kicked the slapper's ass, instead of mouthing off here, acting angry that some GRO got slapped around a bit.

Oh, and sorry I took so long posting me retort here, I was busy.


Old man... new place!!!!


Old 30-09-2005, 10:09 AM
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Re: A gutless man who slapped a GRO......

Originally Posted by S3vw
hahaha i will pm you.......
there will be only one outcome bro M98.......................

We shall see...........
Old 30-09-2005, 11:19 AM
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Wink Re: A gutless man who slapped a GRO......

Originally Posted by sdfr
the point, for all you people here who answered me, is that the guy who slapped the girl (the slapper) might conceivably have a good reason to slap the slapee.
Hmm... I don't know and don't really want to go into the "specifics" of what has happened.. it has already happened and there is no point getting offensive or defensive over it.. I'd rather threat this thread as a general discussion of hearing views on the basic question of "Should violence be used to settle a dispute?".. I personally don't think that there is/are any conceivable reason/s to slap anyone.. For example, would you actually slap your in-laws for getting on your nerves? Or would you, after taking a few deep breaths to help think clearly and just walk away and think about how to get what's bothering you off your chest? Or, if your wife nags at you and your kids kept creating a racket in the house just when you had a really bad day in office, would you just slap them all?? Or would you just walk out of the house to meet some bros to let of some steam over a TCSS session? Or taking it away from the Family context.. If your colleague (guy or girl doesn't matter) bad-mouths you behind your back, resulting in you losing face during a meeting, would you just stand up, walk over, and wallop the hell out of the bugger or would you just think of some wise-ass rebuttals (provided you're at the top of your game and have a brain that can think or think fast when on your feet...) to put them back where they belong? What would you do?

Originally Posted by sdfr
And being not present at the scene, isn't it purely circumstantial and convenient to just point the finger at this guy for showing "loutish" behaviour?
Personally, I would too... primarily because of my basic dislike for violence.. in movies it's ok, because it's silver screen.. not real.. just like Superman.. but in real life, it's something that I truly find distasteful... Maybe the words used were a bit too strong for your liking but still, everyone has the right to voice their opinion in whatever form they choose to.. right? Same applies to you..

Originally Posted by sdfr
I do not, for a moment, believe that these same people are so righteous, so blameless, as to defend the poor and downtrodden when the time comes for them to make it count.
Once again, maybe you're still dwelling on the specific incident and is blinded to the fact that this has become a general discussion. I am not that righteous, I have sinned and try as I may, continues to sin and thus can never be considered blameless yet I try my best to do my part in helping others whenever I can, perhaps to redeem myself or perhaps for want of better Karma for my family.. but then again, that's probably just me.. there is no need to look good when you KNOW that you have done good.. at least there will be peace within..

Originally Posted by sdfr
Please, all of you who jump to conclusions, don't bother with your self righteous speeches to me.
Sorry.. I don't know what conclusion you're talking about.. and therefore I'm not jumping anywhere.. and sorry.. I'm not giving you any speeches, self-righteous or not, as I'm merely saying my PERSONAL opinion, which may or may not be in line with what you think.. but then again.. LIKE I REALLY CARE WHAT YOU THINK?!?!?! Everyone has the right to think and say what's on their minds in accordance to one's upbringing and moral standards.. there is no clear right or wrong.. which is why like-minded people tends to stick together in real life.. sdfr, I'm sure you have your own "group" who thinks along your line.. good for you.. but there is no need to impose what you think on others.. it's what you believe and I'll respect you for that.. just like I'll respect what others think..

Originally Posted by sdfr
Women are not the meek in this modern world. It is the poor people from undeveloped countries. When a GRO makes more money than you in an evening, I hardly consider them weak and defenseless.
Women are never meek.. some may "act" meek to get what they want in life.. this is a modern era.. people are adaptive and takes on multiples social masks.. nobody is truly weak and defenseless, guy or girl, rich or poor, it just a matter of taking situations into their own hands and not let fate decide what should happen to them... and you're right about GROs making more money that me.. hahaha.. but it is a "career" they chose and while some are contented with just receiving tips on a nightly basis, others will want more by offering "more".. that's their choice and not anyone else’s..

Originally Posted by sdfr
The person who originally posted the topic. Is he really indignant that a GRO got slapped? Or is he trying to show that he is such a great guy for being indignant that a girl got slapped?
I contend he did the latter.
If he meant the former, he would have just gone and kicked the slapper's ass, instead of mouthing off here, acting angry that some GRO got slapped around a bit.
Bro San Ge (although you don't know me but I've heard so much about you.. ) is a stand up person who does not need to resort to posting such things in the forum to get respected. Respect is earned.. Rep Points may be accumulated automatically over time (you've been in the forum since 2002.. good for you.. ) but the same does not apply to respect. I believe Bro San Ge started the thread after hearing of such an incident out of perhaps a little anger but over time, I feel that this thread has evolved into a more meaningful one as it now touches generically on "Views and Standpoints on Violence and it's validity.."

Originally Posted by sdfr
Oh, and sorry I took so long posting me retort here, I was busy.
Oh, and sorry my posting is so long.. I must have not been very busy..

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Old 30-09-2005, 11:51 AM
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Re: A gutless man who slapped a GRO......

Originally Posted by sdfr
Look at the way so many here degrade a bangladeshi worker, just because he is not a pretty woman, and he is of different colour to them.
Yes i see some racist joke on bangladeshi in the forum, but it's just joke. Don't think anyone here agreed that slapping a banglas is correct too. The point is, why use violence.

The person who originally posted the topic. Is he really indignant that a GRO got slapped? Or is he trying to show that he is such a great guy for being indignant that a girl got slapped?

I contend he did the latter.

If he meant the former, he would have just gone and kicked the slapper's ass, instead of mouthing off here, acting angry that some GRO got slapped around a bit.
If he gone to kick the slapper, he too is resort to violence, which he know is wrong.

Think the treadstarter is just posting to tell us the unjust he saw in that night, not to portrait himself as a great guy,
If you really contend he did the latter, so what is you aganda, to portrait youself as a great and justice guy who here to expose all the so call "fake great guy" in the forum?

I use always hate kids running around and shouting in the public while their parent heck care. Do i have the right to go and slap the kids? The answer is NO.

What will you feel when your boss slap you and throw your salary at your face?
Old 30-09-2005, 12:15 PM
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Thumbs up Re: A gutless man who slapped a GRO......

Originally Posted by sexxxx
If he gone to kick the slapper, he too is resort to violence, which he know is wrong.

Think the treadstarter is just posting to tell us the unjust he saw in that night, not to portrait himself as a great guy,
If you really contend he did the latter, so what is you aganda, to portrait youself as a great and justice guy who here to expose all the so call "fake great guy" in the forum?

I use always hate kids running around and shouting in the public while their parent heck care. Do i have the right to go and slap the kids? The answer is NO.

What will you feel when your boss slap you and throw your salary at your face?
Well said bro~! Well said!!!
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Old 30-09-2005, 12:25 PM
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Re: A gutless man who slapped a GRO......

Originally Posted by monster98
How to end this issue with some strong supporters cuming in agreeing that slapping a gal is not wrong at all......
In that case, no discussion thread in this forum will ever have an end.
After all, different people tend to have different opinions. And if you have 59394 registered members in this forum, then chances are that you are going to have many differing opinions.

In conclusion, whether or not we agree with any individual opinion, that individual is still entitled to that opinion. And as this forum does not belong to any one of us, that individual is entitled to speak his opinion regardless of how unpopular it may be.

So there are two ways this thread could end:

1) Everybody agrees "yes, men who hit women are bastards!" or "yes, that woman deserved it"

2) Everybody disagrees, but lets go of the issue.

Hope this helps.

If you want to zap me annonymously, go ahead. But please save your comments. If you do not have the balls to leave your nick, then I don't really care what you have to say.
Old 30-09-2005, 01:29 PM
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Re: A gutless man who slapped a GRO......

Originally Posted by sdfr
And being not present at the scene, isn't it purely circumstantial and convenient to just point the finger at this guy for showing "loutish" behaviour.?

i find a lot of forummers here are self congratulatory people who like to defend whores and prostitutes as if their own sister had been insulted, just to look good. I do not, for a moment, believe that these same people are so righteous, so blameless, as to defend the poor and downtrodden when the time comes for them to make it count.
If he meant the former, he would have just gone and kicked the slapper's ass, instead of mouthing off here, acting angry that some GRO got slapped around a bit.

Oh, and sorry I took so long posting me retort here, I was busy.
Whatever the reason, however pissed a guy is, raising a hand at a lady is wrong.

As for not reacting to the situation, there are perhaps other reasons to it, please dun be an ass by making assumptions.

If you are interested to slap a lady, please let me know. I will ask the lady first, and if she says she doesnt like to be slapped by you, I will slap you right back.

My policy for make love not war will stop right there and then.
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Old 30-09-2005, 02:12 PM
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Red face Re: A gutless man who slapped a GRO......

Originally Posted by et911
Whatever the reason, however pissed a guy is, raising a hand at a lady is wrong.
Bro et911,
Agreed! I find no reasons to resort to violence.. to a lady or otherwise.. fact of the matter is, even Wars (although considered an act of force or violence..) nowadays are meant to be as bloodless as possible thanks to the creation of smart bombs and missles.. this is to avoid unnecessary casualties.. though sadly not always so.. but it's the thoughts and care put into each War that make it different from Wars of the past..

Originally Posted by et911
As for not reacting to the situation, there are perhaps other reasons to it, please dun be an ass by making assumptions.
ASSUME... that's making an ASS out of U and ME... that's not goot... hahahaha.. right??

Originally Posted by et911
If you are interested to slap a lady, please let me know. I will ask the lady first, and if she says she doesnt like to be slapped by you, I will slap you right back. My policy for make love not war will stop right there and then.
Bro, please let me know if you're going to do that.. I think it is fair that you asked the lady first.. and if need be, I may just change my policy for a one-off "violent behaviour".. kekekeke..

Hmm.. guess being of such "low rank" I'm now officially a sitting duck to all ZAPPERs.. hahahahaha.. but I will still state my opinions regardless..

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Old 30-09-2005, 03:16 PM
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Re: A gutless man who slapped a GRO......

Originally Posted by shanghaitan
Bro San Ge (although you don't know me but I've heard so much about you.. ) is a stand up person who does not need to resort to posting such things in the forum to get respected. Respect is earned.. Rep Points may be accumulated automatically over time (you've been in the forum since 2002.. good for you.. ) but the same does not apply to respect. I believe Bro San Ge started the thread after hearing of such an incident out of perhaps a little anger but over time, I feel that this thread has evolved into a more meaningful one as it now touches generically on "Views and Standpoints on Violence and it's validity.."
Oh, and sorry my posting is so long.. I must have not been very busy..
bro i am just a lay man..............
hope we will meet one day 4 a drink..........

sorry 4 the short reply cos i am busy............
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Old 30-09-2005, 04:41 PM
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Talking Re: A gutless man who slapped a GRO......

Originally Posted by S3vw
bro i am just a lay man..............
hope we will meet one day 4 a drink..........

sorry 4 the short reply cos i am busy............
Bro San Ge,
I'm sure we will meet..
It's ok that your reply is short.. you're a busy man.. hahaha.. but I'm not.. :P

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Old 30-09-2005, 04:55 PM
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Re: A gutless man who slapped a GRO......

Originally Posted by hamlinlau

Mai hot mai hot...............
Is TGIF..........................
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Old 30-09-2005, 05:59 PM
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Re: A gutless man who slapped a GRO......

Originally Posted by shanghaitan
Hmm.. guess being of such "low rank" I'm now officially a sitting duck to all ZAPPERs.. hahahahaha.. but I will still state my opinions regardless..
Dun worry, 99% of all human beings are born with brains. The less fortunate 0.5% are born brain dead. The balance are those with brains but are screwed up.

If any zaps you unnecessarily, I will know what to do.
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Old 30-09-2005, 11:50 PM
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Re: A gutless man who slapped a GRO......

Originally Posted by S3vw
tis incident happened on 12/8/05 at xxx niteclub......
Tis son of the bitch sit with one a PRC GRO and when she ask whether she does "side line" beside work as a GRO her replie was no during billing time tis son of the bitch doesn't want to give tips to the PRC GRO so when the mummy went to ask on behalf of the girl son of the bitch give a $100 to the mummy and follow up by a slap at the girl face.....

just becos the girl doesn't want to bed with u and tis fella reward her with a slap in regradless whether u have money or u r the customer do u think tis son of the bitch got any rite to hit a lady???? they r oso born by parents just like us........................
Fuck you lah, people slap prc hostess is pple's problem, u kao pey kao bu here for fuck? Those prc sluts deserve to be slapped n fuck n ditch lah. Use their body to cheat our money, knn, slap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Old 01-10-2005, 12:36 AM
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Re: A gutless man who slapped a GRO......

Don't know what is he busy with now..... Or maybe heed my advice had his fingers stuff into his smelly ass....
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