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Old 23-04-2018, 07:57 AM
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Re: My Best Friend's Mom, Kat

Originally Posted by SamLoMo View Post
The next day. Alicia seemed to be closer to me than ever and what I meant wasn't mentally but physically as well as she would purposely sit closer and closer to me. Of course, it was troubling since after all our relationship was still supposed to be a secret. Jack would probably kill me if he realized that I was going out with the girl of his dreams, let alone having fucked her already. So I had to pull her aside and gave her a lecture.

" You wanna do it again after school? " Alicia then whispered into my ear seductively.

" Nah don't think so. You're walking a little funny today though, does it still hurt from yesterday? " I then asked her.

" Kinda stings I guess. " she played around with her fingers.

" Anyways, remember. Physical contact only when we're alone, alright? " I reminded her again.

" Yes yes. " she said as a matter-of-course and walked away.

Sometimes I do have to wonder why was she so fascinated with me? I think any other girl would have left me by now. But to be honest, even if she left, it wasn't much of a loss in my opinion. Like I mentioned before, she may think of me as her boyfriend but I was only using her as an outlet for sex. I had better things to do as today was the long-awaited Friday which also meant that the weekend was upon us. No school, yay! No, I wasn't excited about that. I was more excited about Uncle D coming over. I wonder what interesting things would I be able to see/hear this time.

I then went back home alone as Jack had his CCA to attend. According to him, 'Sam, you shouldn't just go straight home after school every day. You should get into some CCA and know more people, and also more girls. Otherwise how you going to find a girlfriend? '

Said the virgin child who never has had a girlfriend. I wasn't interested in wasting my time anyways. Contacts were important, I knew that but I prioritize my alone time more than anything else. Or at least that was what I thought as I reached home only to find that the door was unlocked.

" Hmm? " I thought to myself. We would usually keep the door locked if no one was at home. And if someone was at home, we will only lock the steel gate.

I opened the door and to my surprise, Auntie Kat was sitting by the sofa watching television. Upon hearing me open the door, she then greeted me. " Oh welcome back Sam. "

" You don't have work today? " I then asked her.

" Nope I'm on off. Have you gotten lunch yet? " she asked.

" Negative. Was about to put my bag here and head to lunch. " I replied.

" Oh then good, let's go have lunch together then. " she smiled and got up.

Both of us then headed to the market to get our lunch. Out of habit, I purchased the soya milk from the same stall that I always frequented and went back to her as we had our lunch there. I froze up the moment she took a sip of the soya milk and commented,

" Hmm, did you get this from a different stall as usual? Taste a bit different. "
Wahaha..waiting for new updates on the cum spiked soy bean drinks lol
Old 23-04-2018, 10:51 AM
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Re: My Best Friend's Mom, Kat

thanks for your updates tS.
Old 23-04-2018, 01:39 PM
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Re: My Best Friend's Mom, Kat

Nice story TS, do continue soon
Old 23-04-2018, 04:42 PM
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Re: My Best Friend's Mom, Kat

thanks for your updates tS. Waiting for the new one
Old 23-04-2018, 11:43 PM
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Re: My Best Friend's Mom, Kat

thanks for the update TS....
Old 24-04-2018, 12:30 AM
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Re: My Best Friend's Mom, Kat

Thanks for the updates. Keep them coming!!
Old 24-04-2018, 05:30 AM
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Re: My Best Friend's Mom, Kat

.. Shit. Of course, it tastes different. It doesn't have the usual special ingredient mixed inside of it. I immediately cooked up an excuse on the spot,

" Hmm really? " I took a sip to feign testing it.

" Yeah. It tastes a bit.. bland I think? Like watered down. " she commented.

" Maybe leftovers from yesterday lo hahaha. " I laughed nervously, hoping that she would not notice that I was breaking out in cold sweat.

" Maybe lo. " she then stopped commenting on that and just continued drinking her 'bland' soya milk.

Heng ah, never get exposed. Nearly die for a moment. After that, we finished eating and went back home. Not much happened afterwards. Uncle D dropped by at night and they commence with the usual events. Nothing too special, it was just the usual teasing and stuff like that so I won't elaborate much on that so that I won't have to make the story longer than it already is. TLDR: Uncle D continues to try convincing Auntie Kat to be more open through various ways such as talking dirty to her and using the sex toy while we are around and stuff like that.

Close to 2-3 months have passed since then, when things started changing just a little bit. I remember it was very close to the September holidays, probably 1-2 weeks before. Alicia and I only very rarely have sex because I couldn't really get in the mood for it so we just stuck with mutual masturbation most of the time. I have yet to tell her about my fetish of watching people because if I did, I had a feeling that I would lose all interest in her. I wanted to watch people when they are unaware that I'm watching not when they know that I'm watching. Perhaps that was why. The few times that I spied on her masturbating was the time that we would have sex.

But either way, it was a weekend which meant that Uncle D had came over. Literally, the same scenario was playing out before my eyes. Uncle D had beckoned Auntie Kat over into the room and presumably placed sex toys in her body. But today was slightly different. I saw Uncle D coming to the house yesterday with another plastic bag which had another box in it. Was it a different type of sex toy? I wasn't exactly sure but there was one thing that I know. Having her body played with during dinner whenever he comes by had almost become a routine and she was almost used to it and they would often have great sex afterwards just because of how horny she becomes. But today,

" Znnn.. " I could very faintly hear the sound of something vibrating.

There was something weird I would say. She took quite a bit of time inside the room with Uncle D and since I have heard the vibrator many times already, I kinda discerned that it was slightly louder than usual today. Furthermore, to cement my suspicions, she looked really flushed and could barely even sit still as she kept fidgeting around restlessly. Usually Jack wouldn't even notice but today, it was quite obvious that something was wrong.

" What's the matter Mom? You're sweating and fidgeting around quite a bit. " he asked.

" Mmm.. Don't worry.. Nothing.. I'm just feeling a little haa.. unwell.. " she told her in ragged breaths, probably trying to hold it in.

The minutes ticked by and I noticed that sometimes Auntie Kat would pretend to stretch as her whole body was tensed up like a bow and she would hold her breath and only to catch her breath afterwards. I'd assume those were the moments where she couldn't take it anymore and came right there and then. It happened a lot more than the previous times that Uncle D had played with her. He looked pretty satisfied with the response that he was getting as about another 5 minutes later, Auntie Kat stood up, her face redder than a tomato.There was wet spot at her crotch as suspected.

" I'm feeling a little unwell, I'm going to the toilet for a while. " she could barely even walk straight as she retreated back into her room and closed the door behind her.

" I will go check on her. " Uncle D then followed suite and went into her room and closed the door behind him as well.

" Hmm, I wonder what's wrong? " Jack then muttered and continued eating.

Yeah, I definitely wonder what was wrong indeed. Both of them did not come out until about 10-15minutes later.
Old 24-04-2018, 09:27 AM
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Re: My Best Friend's Mom, Kat

Good story TS, support
Old 24-04-2018, 11:42 AM
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Re: My Best Friend's Mom, Kat

great updates TS.
Old 24-04-2018, 12:38 PM
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Talking Re: My Best Friend's Mom, Kat

Thanks for updating.. looking forward for next chapter.
Old 24-04-2018, 11:10 PM
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Re: My Best Friend's Mom, Kat

By then, Jack had already finished eating and went back to his room. The first thing that I noticed was that Auntie Kat had changed into a different pajamas. She was originally wearing a two-piece light blue pajamas and now she was wearing a one-piece pajamas gown. It was a rather seductive gown that I have never seen her wear before. My cock immediately throbbed just seeing it. Her shoulders and collarbone were completely exposed with only two tiny straps hanging by her shoulders and it had a sexy plunging V line. I gulped on instinct.

There was another aspect to why she was acting really meek as she then sat back down on her chair and resumed eating dinner as though nothing happened. Her bra that was poking at the thin fabric of her previous pajamas set was gone and was replaced by two tips poking at the equally thin fabric of this new gown which clung onto her bodyline. Uncle D, in particular, seemed really pleased as she just pretended like nothing was wrong and continued eating dinner, her face still dyed in a crimson red. It was pretty hard for me not to sneak a peek or two while eating just because of how low cut the gown was and furthermore, her nipples looked like they were erected as they poked at the fabric.

Dinner was finally finished and without anyone watching me, I went into Auntie Kat's room and retrieved what I have planted inside earlier. I have hidden my phone inside of her room behind the television set and set it to voice record. I wanted to hear what they were talking about inside the room and knowing that this week's dinner was going to be no exception, I did just that and luckily enough, looks like tonight was a juicy haul. I then exited the room and went back to my room before putting on my earpieces and listened in to the conversation that had occurred during their 10-15minutes of absence.

" Hahaha, couldn't take it anymore? " I could hear Uncle D's voice calling out to her.

" Stop it please.. I can't take it.. " Auntie Kat was pleading with him.

" Really? How many times did you cum just now? " Uncle D asked.

" 3.. " Auntie Kat paused for a bit before answering him.

" Let me check. " Uncle D then uttered.

I could then hear the sounds of clothes shuffling in which I assume that Uncle D was undressing Auntie Kat to check her body condition. The vibrating sounds became more apparent as Uncle D's voice was heard again.

" Wow, you're really wet. Your juices are literally flowing out. "

There was no reply from Auntie Kat as Uncle D then continued on. " Did that turn you on? "

Auntie Kat finally raised her voice slightly, not so loud that we would be able to hear it outside but it sounded like she was annoyed. " Of course I would be wet.. which woman wouldn't be aroused with two vibrators taped to my nipples and a dildo stuck in my vagina! "

Jesus Christ almighty. My eyes opened wide in surprise upon hearing that. Was that why the vibrating sounds sounded a lot clearer to me tonight? Uncle D would usually just use just a normal egg vibrator on her but tonight he had used 3 instead.

" Now now don't get angry. Isn't that a good thing? " Uncle D then pacified her.

" I'm taking them off. No more. " Auntie Kat wasn't having any of it anymore.

This had become a torture to her. I could understand her anger and annoyance though, being forced to orgasm multiple times in front of her son and his friend must be pretty embarrassing. The last thing she would want was for someone to rub it in her face, especially the one who was responsible for it in the first place.

" I'm sorry. Don't get angry ok? " probably realizing that he pushed her too far, Uncle D apologized.

" No more next time ok. Bedroom activities will remain in the bedroom only. " Auntie Kat told him straight off the bat.

Or at least that was what she said, as muffled moans echoed shortly after. " Mmm.. haaa. don't.. "

" I only want you to accept who you really are. I'm sorry. " Uncle D began his sweet talk to pacify her.

Judging from the background sounds I could kinda tell that he was fingering her and kissing her at the same time, making it hard for her to even push him away just because she was leaning towards the submissive side. Without much effort, he managed to calm her down.

" Mm.. don't.. anymore and I.. " Auntie Kat tried to stop him but it was useless.

" You will what? " Uncle D egged her on.

" Want it.. " Auntie Kat then whispered softly.

" I will give it to you tonight as many times as you want but you have to listen to me alright? " Uncle D then started psychoing her again.

He made a deal with her. Basically, he would remove the two vibrators that were attached to her much sensitive nipples if she was to go braless. Of course that idea was met with rejection but having to choose one of the two evils, obviously, she would pick the lesser evil which was to go braless since Uncle D doesn't seem like he would budge. At that point of time, I'm sure she wouldn't be able to properly finish dinner if she goes out with all 3 vibrators still in her. But the catch was that the dildo would be replaced by the usual vibrator that Uncle D always asks her to put in the previous weeks. As such, Auntie Kat had no choice but to comply. Or at least that was what she thought she had to do as the sound of the wardrobe opened and Uncle D uttered,

" Here wear this. "
Old 25-04-2018, 06:46 AM
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Re: My Best Friend's Mom, Kat

I see. So that was how she ended up wearing that revealing pajamas and coming out braless. I finished the audio recording. But still, the fact that Uncle D pulled that pajamas out of her wardrobe already told me something. Was she always wearing those kind of pajamas prior to me moving in? I don't think she would buy them if she wouldn't even wear them in the first place. So far the pajamas that I have seen her in were fairly conservative I'd say despite the thin fabric. I could only imagine the amount of eyecandy that Jack could get just by being in the house everyday, though I doubt that he even sees his own mother in that kind of light to begin with. Perhaps that was why Auntie Kat dresses that skimpy in the house since I guess it was comfortable.

But still, it seems like tonight was going to be a rather fruitful night since Uncle D did say that he was going to give it to Auntie Kat as many times as she wanted. Even so, I think I would still love to see more of Auntie Kat in that scanty pajamas since she doesn't dress like that often. Hell, it would be even better if I could secretly take some photographs of her. In a way, both Uncle D and I are using each other for mutual benefits. He was using me and Jack as an outlet to expose Auntie Kat's shameful side in an attempt to lower her resistance to his sexual advances whereas on the other hand, I get to learn and see more of Auntie Kat. The only thing was that he doesn't know that I actually know everything that he was doing.

With that in mind, I went out of my room with my phone in hand. It seems that Auntie Kat was done clearing up the dishes and wiping the table and stuff like that and was now seated on the floor right beside Uncle D who was seated on the sofa. She was seated facing Uncle D, her left hand was resting on the sofa seat right beside where Uncle D was seated at, but when she saw me leaving my room, she immediately turned her head to look at the television. Seems really suspicious. But I paid it no heed. I walked towards the direction of Jack's room but stopped at the back of the sofa. Yes. This would be a good angle. I just have to somehow create a conversation to not make my presence suspicious. as I took a glance at the television.

" This show hasn't end yet? " I then asked while positioning my phone over the sofa right behind Uncle D. It was in his blind spot so I was pretty safe. I just have to take note of Auntie Kat.

" It's ending pretty soon. Last 4 episodes I think. " Auntie Kat then replied me while holding up 4 fingers. At that instant, I managed to take a shot.

-insert ExhibitF-

" I see. Been pretty long since the show aired. " I finished what I came here to do as I then retreated back to Jack's room to play.

It must have been maybe 10-20 minutes later but I swore I could have heard something while still inside of Jack's room. It was very faint but from all the months of listening to them, my ears were pretty sharp when it came to these things. Don't tell me that they actually started? I immediately took my phone and popped out an excuse to Jack.

" Imma go to the toilet for a while. " I told him as I exited his room. Glancing to my left to where Uncle D and Auntie Kat was prior to me entering Jack's room, my eyes opened wide in surprise.
Old 25-04-2018, 07:35 AM
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Re: My Best Friend's Mom, Kat

really nice story, enjoy reading it. keep on sharing TS.
Old 25-04-2018, 06:06 PM
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Re: My Best Friend's Mom, Kat

Auntie Kat had changed positions. Originally she was seated on the floor but now she was straddled over Uncle D who still remained seated on the sofa. He was still facing towards the television whereas Auntie Kat was facing towards my direction but she was gazing lovingly into Uncle D's eyes. My hearing wasn't wrong. Looks like I was right after all as I took a second to marvel at the sight.

" Haa.. haa.. ahh.. I'm cumming.. " I could hear her whisper to Uncle D's ears. One last thrust and I could see her face contort in pleasure, into one of debauchary.

Catching her bated breath upon having just orgasm, it seems that she finally noticed a shadow by the corner of her eyes. She then shifted her gaze towards me. Like mine, her eyes opened wide in bewilderment as she caught sight of me exiting Jack's room. Her reaction made me think that they probably wasn't expecting any of us to come out of Jack's room that soon because usually we would be preoccupied with games. That was the right assumption to make but, since I thought I heard something, I came out to check, otherwise I wouldn't even have bothered in the first place. The air around both of us froze for an instant.

The view that I got was something like this:

The only exception was that she wasn't in the nude of course. She was still in her pajamas. However, both of her pajamas's straps had slipped off of her shoulders as they loosely hung onto dear life on her arms which was on Uncle D and the sofa. Needless to say, that skimpy pajamas gown which had barely even covered her breasts to begin with had completely exposed her small firm breasts. The top hem of the pajamas which should have covered her breasts was by the base of her soft-looking mounds. Her brown nipples, the size of a mere 10-cent coin, was exposed to the air as Auntie Kat completely froze up upon seeing me. She probably couldn't wait anymore for the night to come and wanted to settle things quickly. That's why she was facing Jack's room just in case. But even then, I doubt she had expected anyone to come out.

Not knowing that I was out in the open because his back was facing the backrest of the sofa and me, Uncle D assumed that she had stopped just to recover from her orgasm. He didn't like the fact that she had stopped and took the initiative and pumped up into her as her whole body bounced repeatedly with Uncle D burying his cock into her without mercy. Her breasts, albeit small, danced in response to Uncle D's thrust as her nipples twirled around in a circular motion. Auntie Kat's face was priceless as it was truly a mixture of both pleasure and panic. She wanted to continue savoring the pleasure that was before her but at the same time, she knew she had to stop. She desperately tapped and whispered something to Uncle D before Uncle D stopped and she quickly pulled up her straps and concealed her boobs and fixed her attire.

I pretended that I saw nothing and just walked past them to the kitchen to get a can of coke before walking back to the living room. It seems like during my time in the kitchen, they somehow fixed their position a little. Not much though as I didn't know what got over me. I got extremely bold. I repeatedly told myself, there was nothing for me to be ashamed or afraid of. In fact, it was Auntie Kat and Uncle D that should be panicking. She was still on top of Uncle D, they probably didn't have enough time to take his cock out and stuff it back into his pants so I'd assume that his cock was still buried inside of her with her gown covering their bottom parts. I then walked to the back of the sofa again and created some more small talk.

" I just heard from my friend saying that today's episode was good. Did xxx and xxx end up together? " I then asked.

" Huh? Uhh I think so. " Auntie Kat then turned her head around and looked at the television.

Still in Uncle D's blind spot, I took a commerative photo.

-insert Exhibit G-
Old 25-04-2018, 06:51 PM
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Re: My Best Friend's Mom, Kat

bro, how to view your insert exhibit?
do share the photos if could.

nice story. please continue
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