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Old 30-07-2009, 08:41 PM
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Re: Happily Married with an ex WL(VN)

No man in the world can be sure their marriage would work regardless their wife background. Be good or bad.

Frankly, i am always ready if one day she was to betray me.
Or maybe i'm the one who betray her.

As saying goes, marriage is actually a gamble.
Old 31-07-2009, 05:42 PM
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Re: Happily Married with an ex WL(VN)

Originally Posted by JediSkull View Post
Many men love to think themselves as heroes who can save the poor WLs from their miserable lives only to have divorces in the end.......

I'm saying all these from a neutral stand.
Yes, Its the bitter truth. Like I've mentioned before, it takes time to understand a person and to decipher any ill intentions.

So while I truly believe that one can find a decent vn gal somewhere in the midst of these scheming Wls, I would advise anyone (AGAIN) to take their time to understand any gal you know from the entertainment realm.

Even with non-WLs, you need time to understand each other before settling down so pls exercise caution.
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~Vi wa yeu a nen e chap nhan la nguoi thu 3.Nhung co ai hieu duoc noi kho va noi dau cua nguoi thu 3 vi nguoi ta chi nghi nguoi thu 3 la nguoi co toi.minh bun vi minh la nguoi da roi vao hoan canh nay,suy nghi rat nhieu,moi dem k the ngu!~
Old 31-07-2009, 06:07 PM
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Re: Happily Married with an ex WL(VN)

it's impossible for that to happen
Old 31-07-2009, 06:08 PM
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Re: Happily Married with an ex WL(VN)

it's impossible for that to happen

it's impossible for that to happen
Old 02-08-2009, 08:25 AM
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Re: Happily Married with an ex WL(VN)

Originally Posted by casannova03 View Post
Looking back on my own thread, i believe that I have more or less covered the period from ....

1.) Getting to know you.
2.) Developing the relationship
3.) Encountering cultural/fundamental differences
4.) Handling family objections
5.) Getting married and the initial life after marriage.

Seriously, i think there is nothing more to write on....

Simply because if you have come to this stage, you should be experiencing the relationship as a normal couple. Whatever problems - monetary, language, expectations etc - should be taken in your stride as challenges you would have in any other normal marriages.

From hereon, its how you managed and handle the marriage problems and conflicts, just like any other normal ones. So i think its quite unnecessary to write further..because I only have like 5 years plus of marriage experience and i dun think it much compared to many other bros in here....

However, as i was pondering on how to continue my thread, I have come up with an alternative....

That is to engage the psychology when one is in such a relationship...It might have been covered here and there in the past postings but i thought this requires a bit more study because in any relationship involving WLs, I think there is a bit more mental challenge involved....

Hope I can start soon!!

Cheers! and happy labour day!!
Bro Casa ,

you may wish to touch on the part whereby

1) what did u study in UNI
2) Your 1st job
3) The 1st time u had sex with your then GF
4) Did you pay the 2 k back to her

thanks and keep up the Good work
ps. Can some 1 up me so i can reach 25 pts .
Old 02-08-2009, 03:16 PM
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Re: Happily Married with an ex WL(VN)

Originally Posted by demonhunter View Post
Bro Casa ,

you may wish to touch on the part whereby

1) what did u study in UNI
2) Your 1st job
3) The 1st time u had sex with your then GF
4) Did you pay the 2 k back to her

thanks and keep up the Good work
ps. Can some 1 up me so i can reach 25 pts .
Haha...why you want to know so much about me huh??

Some things are better left private la bro, cos anyway the intention of this thread was not to make your cock steam but to let you know that some things do happen and that nothing in this world is impossible.

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Vietnamese songs/lyrics for your heart

~Vi wa yeu a nen e chap nhan la nguoi thu 3.Nhung co ai hieu duoc noi kho va noi dau cua nguoi thu 3 vi nguoi ta chi nghi nguoi thu 3 la nguoi co toi.minh bun vi minh la nguoi da roi vao hoan canh nay,suy nghi rat nhieu,moi dem k the ngu!~
Old 07-08-2009, 09:24 PM
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Re: Happily Married with an ex WL(VN)

Earth is round!

Recently, I met up with a vietnamese lady who used to work in the pubs in JC area. She is here in Singapore to visit her SG bf.

Some 5 year ago, she was one of the hottest property in the area and she had on hand a list of guys who would beckon on a flick of her finger. This said, she was no short of money and as you can imagined, she was well-to-do, even by our local standards.

Unlike most gals her time though, she did not spend money wildly on branded goods or gambling or whatever vices these Wls often splurged on. Though she had her ways with guys, she treasured every dollar that she was able to get. She spent the money on buliding a house for her family and invested the others on buying properties.

Today, she is rich by VN standards and she can choose not work another day of her life if she want to. And no, she has quit the WL line and is no longer involved in anything that has to do with the night life. If you do not know her then, you will not know that she had such a past.

While she is sound financially, she has had trouble with her love life. While many of us in here have heard about the countless number of vn gals scamming local guys, hers is just the exact oppposite.

After leaving the trade some years ago and having settled whatever that she came into this trade for, all she ever wanted was someone who was true to her and did not mind her past. She thought she had found the one. She even supported him when times were bad and he was retrenched. this guy made her waited more than 2 yrs for him.

Now, the guy is trying to find excuse not to meet her saying that he is bogged down by work and is often required by business associates to travel frequently. Even though she took the initiative and flew here because he said he had no time to go vn, this guy does not seem to be appreciative. According to her, he's actually going on a tour and would not be with her till next weekend cos after this long wkend, he has to start work again.

But alas, he's forgotten that this lady was someone who used to use excuses more than him. Now, she is sure that during the times that she was in vn, this guy has got a new gf and is finding it hard to cope when she made her surprise visit here. Thus the going overseas excuse. She knows it in her guts that its not possible anymore.

However, what she said impressed me:

" It's my fault! I thought I had found the one but never did I realise that one day I would also be blinded by a guy. Money is a small thing but the emotional baggage is the one that hurts most. Anyway, I know I have to move on. No point asking him too much since he wants to avoid me. Sometimes, some thigs are better left unsaid. Now, I feel so much lighter after this trip to SG and seeing for myself the excuses that he's made thus far, I can safely conclude that it's all over. At least I know the truth and do not have to spend another 2 years waiting for him."


I believe that the God is fair. What goes around comes around.

She herself admit it as much and said that maybe it's God's wish for her to have a taste of her own medicine. These few years spent waiting for this guy was retribution for what she had done to guys in her hey days. And she is expecting it to end in tears just like how she had left many in tears then.

So brudders, before you guys start to curse and swear at these vn gals who are here to earn a living, always remind yourself that nobody forced you to part with the money that you eventually lose. Do not always put the blame on these WLs. As much as they are at fault for tugging at your emotional strings, you are at fault for not being able to control yourself and your money.

Take a leaf from this ex-wl(vn):

Be gracious about it all. At no point during our coffee session did she curse and swear at this particular guy. No blaming him for asking her to wait for the past few years. No blaming for the money lost. No talks of revenge. Nothing! Just sincere disappoinement and regret. Most importantly, she felt relief that she now knows this guy is not true to her and she doesn't have to waste her time on him....ever again.

Cool, gracious and absolutely "steady"!!

I think she has put many of our local guys to shame!!

What with the many whore naming, xenophobic comments and behaviour and most of all the sour feeling in their words!!!
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Vietnamese songs/lyrics for your heart

~Vi wa yeu a nen e chap nhan la nguoi thu 3.Nhung co ai hieu duoc noi kho va noi dau cua nguoi thu 3 vi nguoi ta chi nghi nguoi thu 3 la nguoi co toi.minh bun vi minh la nguoi da roi vao hoan canh nay,suy nghi rat nhieu,moi dem k the ngu!~
Old 08-08-2009, 02:06 PM
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Re: Happily Married with an ex WL(VN)

Hi Bro Casa,

wat does "Cho tim anh cô đơn còn em vui chốn nơi nào? means?
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Old 08-08-2009, 02:30 PM
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Re: Happily Married with an ex WL(VN)

WL or not, everyone's entitled to a fair relationship.

Just put the letters 'WL' into the relationship equation and everything seems complicated all of a sudden.

IMHO, the chances of being Xao by a local girl and a WL is not that all different.

I told my friend this yest... VN girls always Xao but they are not very good at doing it. Those guys who eventually get Xao-ed usually are willing victims. Cheong using brain.. not heart.
Old 09-08-2009, 01:29 PM
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Re: Happily Married with an ex WL(VN)

Originally Posted by jackbl View Post
Hi Bro Casa,

wat does "Cho tim anh cô đơn còn em vui chốn nơi nào? means?
The whole sentence means generally:

make my heart lonely but still you choose to be happy

Exact i forgot cos wife explained the meaning of the whole song to me long cannot remember the word for word translate
<My Threads>

Vietnamese songs/lyrics for your heart

~Vi wa yeu a nen e chap nhan la nguoi thu 3.Nhung co ai hieu duoc noi kho va noi dau cua nguoi thu 3 vi nguoi ta chi nghi nguoi thu 3 la nguoi co toi.minh bun vi minh la nguoi da roi vao hoan canh nay,suy nghi rat nhieu,moi dem k the ngu!~
Old 09-08-2009, 01:32 PM
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Re: Happily Married with an ex WL(VN)

Originally Posted by AdGuy View Post
WL or not, everyone's entitled to a fair relationship.

Just put the letters 'WL' into the relationship equation and everything seems complicated all of a sudden.

IMHO, the chances of being Xao by a local girl and a WL is not that all different.

I told my friend this yest... VN girls always Xao but they are not very good at doing it. Those guys who eventually get Xao-ed usually are willing victims. Cheong using brain.. not heart.

Yes, if you understand a bit of their language, then you'll know that they sound false in many instances...

But then again, many bros still fall for the tricks. I'll say learn a matter how much ppl tell you, nothing is more priceless than a direct experience.
<My Threads>

Vietnamese songs/lyrics for your heart

~Vi wa yeu a nen e chap nhan la nguoi thu 3.Nhung co ai hieu duoc noi kho va noi dau cua nguoi thu 3 vi nguoi ta chi nghi nguoi thu 3 la nguoi co toi.minh bun vi minh la nguoi da roi vao hoan canh nay,suy nghi rat nhieu,moi dem k the ngu!~
Old 09-08-2009, 02:38 PM
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Re: Happily Married with an ex WL(VN)

Originally Posted by casannova03 View Post
Yes, if you understand a bit of their language, then you'll know that they sound false in many instances...

But then again, many bros still fall for the tricks. I'll say learn a matter how much ppl tell you, nothing is more priceless than a direct experience.
As you had mentioned willing victims...dun forget these are WL which means they are working for money and as long as they are willing buyers there are willing sellers....
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Old 09-08-2009, 03:04 PM
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Re: Happily Married with an ex WL(VN)

Originally Posted by casannova03 View Post
Earth is round!
Totally agreed with that........
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Old 19-08-2009, 02:04 AM
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Re: Happily Married with an ex WL(VN)

Hi to all here.

Never would I have ever dreamt that I could read through Casanova's post and be able to relate it so well to what I am going through now.

I also knew my wife-to-be from a KTV joint in SG and she is also vn. The best part is that the ktv that she worked in was known to be one of the playable ktv before it closed down for reno works. I went there not looking for true love but in the end I found my life partner.

All I would like to say is a big Thank you to Casanova for your wonderful and real life insight into marrying/ being married to an ex wl.
Old 19-08-2009, 07:55 AM
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Re: Happily Married with an ex WL(VN)

Originally Posted by oshkosh View Post
Hi to all here.

Never would I have ever dreamt that I could read through Casanova's post and be able to relate it so well to what I am going through now.

I also knew my wife-to-be from a KTV joint in SG and she is also vn. The best part is that the ktv that she worked in was known to be one of the playable ktv before it closed down for reno works. I went there not looking for true love but in the end I found my life partner.

All I would like to say is a big Thank you to Casanova for your wonderful and real life insight into marrying/ being married to an ex wl.
Congratulations for a blissful marriage...
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