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Old 12-02-2020, 08:03 AM
ilikeoldchangke ilikeoldchangke is offline
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

After lunch, I went back to the farmhouse intending for a short nap, however, passing by the smoking area, I almost fainted to see the state it was in. The cigarette butts are everywhere and overflowing from the bins.

In the end I spent an hour tidying up the smoking area and the garden.

Some asshole has been stepping off the path as well, mowing down an entire row of plants. It appears as if taking another 5 steps to the smoking point is too much to ask for.

I received a call from Declan at 4pm.

Declan : Get ready Jackson …. We’re moving out at 5pm…. It’s at the Ritz… You will take Kamal’s car… We will all set off from the garage by the castle….

Jackson : Ok…

31st May 2015

I slipped on my shoes and made my way towards the castle with my coat in hand. It’s been a while since I last wore my suit.

When I got to the castle , I was blown away by how good Hong, Seven and Kamal looked all dressed up. Gathered in the living area, Yiling’s lieutenants looked remarkably different from usual.

Jackson : woah…. Clothes maketh the man …. Hahah

Aaron came around the corner in a Tux reminding me of a typical villain in a James bond movie. Ok, to be fair, everyone looks like a villain that day.

Declan is looking like the godfather of crime with his charcoal decked double breasted suit while holding onto a walking stick with the silver jaguar handle.

Kamal finally shaved himself clean instead of leaving visible stubbles around his chin and above his lip. With his hair neatly gel and slicked back, he’s beginning to look like a proper doctor.

I could see how comfortable he was in that Tux, clothes he probably wore quite frequently in a different life.

Hong and Seven on the other hand, are already wiping perspirations off their brows despite being in the air conditioned living area.

Jackson : wah Declan… very gangster leh… hahaha…

Declan : swee bo ?? hahaha

Hong checked his watch only to get teased by Kamal not to show off his Rolex.

Kamal : Very uncle ok your Rolex…. Don’t need to show off… haha…

Hong : fuck off la… haha

Helping myself to a glass of water prepared by the dining table, I adjusted my pants a little. I don’t remembered it to be so tight. Must be the good food I have been having these few months.

Aaron came over to me, gave me a head to toe look as if he was judging me for my choice of clothes before adding.

Aaron : I heard you are doing the auction…. You sure you are up to it… ?

Jackson : You’re welcome to do it if you like…

Aaron : haha… shit jobs like this….. Boss don’t bother me with them… haha… you know the term SaiKang ( jobs that no one want to do ) .. ? hahah

Jackson : well…. If I keep doing all the jobs no one wants to do… one day… I will be the only one who knows how to do them…

Aaron : it’s harder than it sound…. So get so cocky …

Jackson : I’m never cocky….

Aaron : I heard Boss lent you her car….

Jackson : Yes she did….

Aaron : any idea why she did that ??

Jackson : what do you want Aaron ??

Aaron : Nothing… you get to sit with Boss at the table….

Jackson : your point is… ?

Aaron : are you happy ??

Jackson : Please don’t take this the wrong way… but I think I have problem communicating with you….

Aaron : Perhaps that’s because you spend too much time with others who are not on the same wavelength ….

I watch Aaron’s eyes drift to Hong who was doing the god of gambler walk with his coat behind him while Kamal hummed the tune as Seven clapped.
Jackson : Nothing wrong with having a bit of fun…

I was about to walk away when Aaron blocked my path with his body.

Aaron : Look Jackson ….if I were you… I would push the ball back to Hong’s court…. Let him do his job…. Just think…. Use your common sense…

He wanted me to think why would Hong push this over to me. There is potential for this task to go awfully wrong especially with such a hot politician coming.

Aaron : He’s just looking to save his own ass I tell you…. Anything goes wrong… it’s you…. Not him…. I’m surprised you don’t see it…

Jackson : Hong don’t strike me like that kind of people…

Aaron : If people are that easy to read… there would be no back stabbing in this world isn’t it… ? hahha

Aaron went on to say that if I do this, it goes well, Hong would get the credit, if not, I would get the blame. I fuck it up, all the family would know me, I would be on their radar.

Aaron : say something wrong during the auction…. Offend someone … I don’t know… the Rajahs… the thieves….. who knows what they would do to you…

Jackson : hmmmm…. Ok …

Aaron : let’s not forget if you make boss look bad…. She would surely hate you….

Jackson : hmmmmm….. makes sense….

Aaron : so …. What do you think…. You still want to do it… ? if you are too embarrassed to tell Hong you want to chicken out… I can tell him for you… hahah…

Jackson : hmmmm…….but I already told Hong I would do it…

Aaron : You can always change your mind….

Jackson : Not my style…. But thanks for the advice anyway…

I tapped Aaron’s shoulder and gently pushed him aside before heading over to join the others.

I could hear an audible smirk from behind me and I resisted the urge to shake my head. What a character he is.

It’s obvious Aaron wanted the seat beside Yiling at the table yet he is unwilling to take on a task that allows him to do that. What is it with these people ?

Before I got to the guys who were clowning around, I saw the body language of all of them change and the smiles and silly laugh disappeared without warning.

All eyes looked behind me at the same direction and I could feel my own heart skip a beat as I slowly turned around.

Candy stepped out of a room beside the study looking absolutely ravishing in a long sleeve vintage looking black lace dress that covered most of her body, that is if you could call sheer see through lace a cover.

I swallowed a gulp of saliva as she took out a pair of earrings from her clutch purse before putting them on. With exception of her bust area which is covered by what appears to be a black tube that is part of the dress itself.

Her flat tummy and slim waist curves in a seductive manner before the opaque material of the inner lining gave way to a pair of thighs that would make boys with leg fetish get on their knees.

A pair of peep toe platform heel gave Candy the additional height boost that if we were to kiss, she won’t need to tip toe.

Candy smiled bashfully at the attention she is receiving but she knows she is not the star of the show. Looking towards the back and holding her bag in front of her, she waited for our boss to make her entrance.

Jackson : woah…

I exclaimed under my breath when I saw YIling stepped out in a shade of red that screams power and confidence.

The sleeveless red dress comes with a cape of sort that when Yiling is not walking, falls perfectly around her arms and shoulders like a cardigan. The elegant and slim cut dress flows down her body before ending just below her ankles.

If she remained still, all I could see would be the sexy cleavage of her toes with it’s nail painted red. Her red peep toe platform is as high if not higher than that of Candy.

Everyone was just staring at YIling as Declan walked over to her side and offered her his hand.

This would have been a sweet party night out if not for the fact that I saw Xiaoyu and Cindy join us.

I’m sure they would have looked amazing in dresses all dolled up and all but they were not.

They were dressed in black pants and long sleeve top, the large shoulder slung bags they were carrying cannot be possbily holding shoes or makeup.

They are dressed for work. Exactly what kind, I don’t know.

Yiling : all ready ??

We nodded as Yiling made eye contact with each of us.

The convoy that left the estate is quite a sight to behold.

No, we did not take any super cars.

Hong and Seven lead the convoy with a black Volvo SUV. Kamal and I will be in the second one, a similar car. Yiling, Candy and Declan took the black Prosche Cayenne while Cindy and Xiaoyu brought up the rear in a white BMW X6.

I thought that was it but no.

When we reached the bottom of Binjai Hill, 3 other sedan cars lead the way before I saw another similar black Porche Cayenne join us from one of the houses outside the estate.

Jackson : my god… how many of us are going….

Kamal : we already have 30 men at Ritz…. A total of 80 will be there including us…

Jackson : are we expecting something to happen… ?

Kamal : I hope not…. don’t worry… we’re safe… the minister and his guards will be there….. they have swept the place twice already….

Jackson : I assume Xiaoyu and Cindy will not be joining us in the hotel eh…

Kamal : No.. they will be near… in case we need their help….

Jackson : I seriously doubt it…

The Ritz is no stranger to high profile security events. Upon reaching the hotel, I could see traffic being diverted into 2 lanes. Regular guest still go about their usual stuff while the lot of us head directly to the basement after passing through the 1st checkpoint.

The cisco guards on the outside are kept to a minimum and one would have assumed they were just doing regular traffic management duties for a business conference.

We were directed to the 2nd basement and the sheer scale and security of the dinner slowly began to sink in.

Jackson : holy shit….

The carparks on the left have been completely blocked off.
Security personnel here in the basement are armed with automatic weapons and everyone is required to step though a security scanner before entering the ballroom.

All vehicles, even though having been checked once at the carpark entrance, needs to be driven and parked offsite by valets.

Us being the organisers, we are the first to arrive.

The eyes of the men charged with guarding Welly Chin are all dark and cold. Their stares looked blank and no one is facing a random direction even though they are standing at staggered positions.

Each of them has their eyes on a specific quadrant and their fingers are resting near to the trigger of their weapons.

Welly Chin is not our prime minister yet but from the looks of things, it seems the die has already been cast by the powers to be.

Clearing the checkpoints itself proved to be a hassle already. Some of the men were unhappy at having to empty their pockets. Some were deliberately rude at the guards trying to stir up some shit.

There was a small commotion upfront with a few guys until Hong walked over and they quiet down.

Hong : if you don’t want to be here… you can jolly well fuck off…!!

His loud voice echoed in the basement carpark and if this was a public space, curious bystanders would gather at the outburst. Heads will turn to see what is happening but not here.
Old 12-02-2020, 08:04 AM
ilikeoldchangke ilikeoldchangke is offline
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

Not in this basement.

Welly’s personal guards remained fixed and focused. I emptied my pockets and cleared the checks with no issue and Kamal waited impatiently for the guards to return his armoury key.

I have only been inside the grand ballroom of the Ritz once for a wedding.

2 large tables took up the prime spot in the ballroom facing the stage.
Each table fits 12. 1 for us, 1 for the VIP

An imaginary circumference of about 3m formed a semi circle walkway around the main tables while smaller tables meant for grunts like us filled up the rest of the ballroom.

Buffet spreads are arranged along the perimeter of the ballroom for the men of each family while those at the 2 VIP tables will have their meals served.

Jackson : who pays for all of these…?

Kamal : Boss of course….

Jackson : This must cost a bomb….

Hong asked me to help him move the statues onto the stage from the storeroom. It had already been delivered the night before.

Hong : careful … careful…. Don’t break it…

Jackson : It’s quite heavy…. Where did you get this… ?

Hong : secret…hahha…. Good stuff ok…. Look at the colour and level of details….got money also cannot buy one ok… hahah..

After Hong and I were done arranging the 3 star statues on stage, we saw another 2 guys presumably from a rival family carry something up as well.

It’s a longevity peach about the size of a basketball but plated in gold. Their eyes didn’t look friendly at all as they looked at our statues.

After they were gone, Hong told me he recognised them as men from the Malu Malu.

Hong handed me a cloth and told me to help him wipe the statues down a little because they are a bit dusty.

I carefully dusted the figurines and I saw a tall and grave looking man come on stage before setting down a gold plated dragon.

Hong : hi King…. How’s things…

King : good… good…

He didn’t look like he was interested in a prolonged conversation.

Hong : that’s King,

Jackson : King ? of which gang ??

Hong : No… no.. he’s not the leader… just one of the elder within the white snakes…. He’s also one of the biggest distributor of paper products in the country…

Jackson : paper products…. Like toilet paper and kitchen towels… ?

Hong : no la… those joss paper and incenses….

Jackson : Oh… oh… I see….

The thieves arrived with a statue and Hong gripped my hand nervously, praying they are not auctioning the same thing as us.

Thankfully it’s a statue of Guan yu.

The monks came up with a sleeping buddha about a metre long with it’s head in solid gold.

After I was done polishing the 3 star statue, I heard Hong cursed silently below his breath.

Hong : fuck…. fuck… fuck… ji bai hong gan liao…. ( we’re fucked this time )

The Rajahs.

3 men with tattoos on the left of their face that starts slightly below their ear and down to their necks came onto stage. Each of them carried one of the trio of the 3 star statue.

A staring incident immediately occurred between us and them. I am not a staring expert and half a second in, I knew I’m losing. The menacing look smells like trouble already.

Hong didn’t know what to do too.

Yiling : Jackson ….

Yiling called out from the bottom of the stage with her arms folded and diffused the situation.

Jackson : yes… ?

Yiling : If you are done… join me at the table… we will be starting soon….

Jackson : ok…

Hong asked them Rajahs to put their item down and clear the stage.

The ballroom had started to fill up

Looking at the grand ballroom in front of me, I could see the men working for the different families scattered around their tables. We are the only ones in suits, the rest of Yiling’s men are at least in shirt and pants. Most of the other families came in jeans and polo tops. Some even in berms and sandals.

A few did not even bother to cover up their tattoos.

The language that filled the air is coarse and crude. Curses were traded between gang members and a couple of times, a fight almost broke out as voices were raised.

Yiling’ men were quick to intervene, putting themselves in between the warring parties and separating them apart. They too were not spared the mocking and taunts by the rowdy crowd but they knew it was YIling’s show that night. They have a job to do and they better do it properly.

The hotel staff all looked wary and a little scared.

I could see a waitress on the verge of tears as a table of heavily tattooed men in sleeveless tops shouted at her to top up their beer.

Taking the seat beside Yiling, I could see her sending a few text messages out before folding her arms impatiently.

Jackson : you ok ???

Yiling : yes…

She replied without looking at me before deciding to ask me about my grandfather.

Jackson : He’s ok… he finally agreed to come back for a checkup…

Yiling : good.. good…

She took a sip of her champagne before asking if I know what to do later.

Jackson : just sell the statues…

Yiling : ok….

Gesturing towards the stage with her chin while keeping her arms folded, Yiling reminded me that the Rajahs have the same item.

Jackson : that sucks…. Who is going first… ?

Yiling : everyone draw lots… but for us as organisers…. We go last….

Jackson : oh….ermmm… I mean as long as I sell it it’s fine right…

Yiling shot me a menacing look with the corner of her eyes before turning to look at me.

Yiling : Are you out of your mind…. No way are you getting a lower price than the Rajahs…

Jackson : I was hoping you won’t say that…


Most of the men have already settled down and Yiling was well into her 3rd glass of champagne.

I could see 2 men walking towards us.

Yiling spoke softly while keeping her arms folded.

YIling : The white snakes…. Ben and King…. They rotate their leadership regularly through an internal election….very low profile in recent years…. Only the older generation bothers to keep in touch with events like this… the younger chaps… they don’t really bother….

I know King, the same guy that came up the stage with their item.

Ben walked with a typical gangster swagger and he looked really familiar. His flowery top has 2 buttons undone and he took the seat beside me. Ben angled his body to face me before lowering his dated shades with his middle finger.

Ben : Xiao Peng you !!...... ( my young friend ) ….

Jackson : Hi… my name is Jackson ….

Ben : I not talking to you…. I talking to her… hahahha …. Xiao Mei mei ( little girl ) …. Hahaha… don’t like that leh…. So dao ( proud ) …. Hahahahah…..

Yiling ignored Ben’s tease and sipped her drink before folding her arms and changing the way she cross her legs.

He laughed as he made himself comfortable sitting too low in the chair while asking for a glass of beer. Turning towards Yiling , Ben tried to talk to her again in a teasing manner.

Ben : Mei nu !! …. ( pretty girl ) … hahah your boss very shy….

Ok. Weird characters are to be expected. Yiling looked at Ben from the corner of her eyes and ignored him in the same manner any girl would from the advances of a sleazy old man in the street.

Ben was not at all offended and in fact he found it funny and kept laughing.

There’s something about Ben I could not put my finger to. His overall look, his feel, the vibe he is giving off.

I did a double take again at Ben and it finally strike me why he looked so familiar.

He looked like a Hong Kong actor. Anthony Wong.

Ben : Kuar SIMI !! ( what are you staring at ?? )

Jackson : You look like an actor….

Ben : I’m more handsome than him ok !! hahaha….

Jackson : yes.. yes… I think so too….
Ben took a sip of his beer and looked at Yiling again who was obviously not interested in talking to him. I don’t blame Yiling, the way Ben is behaving is like a dirty old man leering at her body. Turning his attention back to me, he added.

Ben : You new one ah… never see you last year….

Jackson : yes…. Just joined… this is my first dinner….

Ben : first dinner ?? hahaha good good…

Tapping himself on his chest, Ben shoved a fistful of peanuts into his mouth and added.

Ben : hahahha… chomp.. chomp…hmmm…. haha… I introduce you to everyone ok… don’t worry…. I like to take care of Xiao peng you… hahahahah ….. look look look….. over there…

I could see 3 peculiar looking men walking over to us.

Ben : From Malu Malu… haha… you see the first one…

The man in the front of the column has a head of red hair with the part near the root in black. It’s obvious he has dyed it a while back.

In the typical uncle chilling at coffee shop after work fashion, Ben shook his leg violently while his fingers kept feeding peanuts into his mouth.

Ben : KNN… ( curse.. ) this kind of red hair…. Red hair…. Ang kong kong ( shade of red ) …bloody hell…. This era still got people choose this colour…. his name….. his name is Elmo…

I burst out laughing and turned to Yiling who shot me a dirty look as if I shouldn’t have laughed but she herself fought to control a chuckle.

Jackson : sorry… sorry…

Keeping his serious face, Ben went on as if he was David Attenborough narrating for a documentary program.

Ben : The one behind him…. You see… KNN… the eyebrow almost touching in the middle one…. Head long long… sharp sharp…look like fucking alien… that one…… that one is Ernie…

I laughed again, unsure if Ben was fucking with me.

Yiling coughed and I could see she was trying hard not to laugh as she sniffed and dabbed her nose with the back of her index finger.

The last guy looked normal. No red hair, no unibrow, however he walked with his legs apart, swaggering like a typical gangster in the nineties. Ben’s disdain for him is obvious from the way he spoke.
Old 12-02-2020, 08:05 AM
ilikeoldchangke ilikeoldchangke is offline
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

Ben : This one… this one…. KNN…. CB ( curse ) … walk like that…you guess….what’s his name… ?? Kar kui kui ( walking with legs apart ) ….fucker….

Jackson : I don’t know… haha..

Ben : You don’t know ??? KNN ( curse.. ) walk like his balls damm big like that… of course is call big bird la…. KNN…. Jalan Malu…. Might as well stay sesame street… tio bo ?? ( correct or not ? ) …

That was my limit and I burst out laughing and so did YIling.

Yiling had a short burst of chuckle but she immediately cleared her throat and moisten her lips with her champagne while trying to regain any semblance of dignity.

Ben : ahhh… you see… Uncle very direct one… I don’t mince my words one…. Bloody hell all these fuckers…..

The manner in which he speaks reminded me of some punk Regimental Sergeant major talking shit with you back in the army.

The Malu Malu walked past the table to talk to their men in the seats behind and Ben immediately directed my attention to the newcomers.

Ben : ah… ahh… lai liao lai liao ( coming coming ) …. You see… another bunch of fuckers…. Hahah..

Looking over to the newcomers, I waited in anticipation of what Ben would say.

Ben : These one… the monks ah… Jiak Jeh one ( Vegetarians ) …..Bacon…. ah Bacon… you know or not… ?? Bacon…

Yiling could not resist correctly Ben and she interrupted him .

YIling : It’s Vegan… not Bacon….

Ben popped 2 more peanuts into his mouth and chuckled.

Ben : I no go school one Mei nu ( pretty girl ) ….hahah…. you give me tuition want or not… hahahah…

Yiling : Tsk !... stop it….idoit….

Ben laughed and went on.

Ben : You see the first guy…wah lan eh…. Every year get fatter and fatter…. Where got people Bacon… no vegan eat until so fat…. This kind of fat is not normal fat… this is the laughing buddha fat…… correct or not ?? haha

I looked at the guy Ben was describing and the image of a laughing buddha burnt itself into my mind and I could not stop giggling. To be honest, the guy Ben was describing looked really like the laughing buddha with his big earlobes and wide smile.

Yiling pressed her eyes shut too as she rest her right arm on her folded left while trying to stifle another outburst with her fingers.

Ben : the one behind… the one behind…. Jia lat… poor thing… This one is Ji gong… you know Ji gong… ?? every year get more and more skinny….damm poor thing…. Must be his friend in front eat all his food….

Jackson : hahaha… ok .. ok… stop…

Ben : look… look !!.. what the fuck man…. Come Ritz even uncle me also wear a proper shirt la… his t-shirt… look… KNN… worse than the rag I use to clean my lorry….

Yiling burst out laughing while trying to keep the champagne she was holding from spilling.

The last one of the monks is of normal build and I was on the verge of clutching onto the sides of my stomach by then.

Ben : Ahh… this one.. this one…. He just come out from squatting in prison one… you see… his hair…. Oh ni Ku one… ( bald ) …. Perfect for the monk look…. OEI !!!! BOTAK !!!!

Ben stood up without warning and shouted a greeting over to the last of the monk he just teased.

The guy waved back at him, obviously well acquainted with the humorous Uncle Ben.

The monks too went over to the table where their men were sitting first and Ben sat back down, chuckling and asking for a refill of his beer.

Ben : Bacon ….ah… Bacon my lan par ( Vegan my ass ) …. Last night Botak and me we just went KTV and finished a Tua pao .. ( alcohol )… hiak… hiak.. hiak…

Jackson : haha.. but… but… Monks can drink ??

Ben : They are not real monks la dey…. Even if they are…. You ever heard of the saying…. 酒肉穿肠过,佛祖心中留… ( what you eat passes through your stomach… the Buddha’s teachings remains in your heart ) … haha…. Bacon my backside ah…. Hahah

Yiling : ahaha.. stop it…

Ben had no intention of slowing down and I could see a tall lanky looking guy walk in alone.

Ben : arh… ah… this one…. KNN… another fucker I tell you… haha….The thieves…. Know or not… he’s the chief…. His name… Art Lee….

Jackson : Art Lee ?

Ben : yes…his name is Art…. Arty farty the Art….. stealing is an Art… know or not….

Jackson : haha.. ok….

Ben : Everything also steal one…. Never get caught before one… except once when he is younger…. Ahh… KNN fucker… got money don’t want to steal… go NUS hostel steal school mate’s lingerie….haha

Jackson : are you serious ?? hahah…

Ben : Yah…. Not many people know…he got caught by his father last time…. I good friend with his father…. Bloody fucker….steal Lingerie can eat ah… haha…

Lowering his voice as if he was sharing a dark secret, Ben spoke closer to me and Yiling. Yiling was trying to remain uninterested but I could see her curiosity was piqued by the eloquent Ben.

Ben : his secret nick name….i call him….. Art Lee Bra Bra…

I burst out laughing so hard that tears filled my eyes while Yiling spit out the Champange she had already drunk onto the bowl in front of her before laughing with her eyes closed while clutching the sides of her tummy.

Ben : ah… ahhh… you laugh… you laugh…. Bloody hell…. One day steal your teh kor ( underwear ) …. See what happens….. ahh.. you laugh…

YIling : hahah.. Ben !!! stop it !!! haha

Ben : ok la.. ok la…. Mei nu ( pretty girl ) ask me to stop…

Yiling : You’re very irritating you know… !!

Spreading his arms and gesturing to his chest like a player who just scored a goal, Ben remarked with a smirk look on his face.

Ben : haha.. yah… but girls all like irritating men like me ok !! hahah…

Yiling rolled her eyes and shook her head but there’s no hiding that she was amused by Ben.
I was still enjoying the rest of my laughs when I saw Ben’s body language change.

His eyes darted to the last group and he adjusted his sitting posture.

Ben sniffed and rubbed his nose a couple of time before taking a sip of his beer.

No he has nothing to say for the last group.
No name calling, no taunts, no greetings.

Nothing to tease about for the last group to enter the ballroom. Folding his arms and going back to his violent leg shaking, Ben just looked at the approaching guest.

A young and really pretty looking girl stepped into the ballroom. Her youthful features and powerful bearing felt as if an invisible aura had just cast a spell into the ballroom itself.

She’s dressed simply in a black lace dress that revealed just enough of her shoulders such that the bust line puts a focus on her full breast.

The dress hugged tightly onto her body, accentuating all the curves at the fight place. Her legs are as long and flawless as Yiling’s if not better, youth is a strong currency after all.

Instead of heels, the girl had on a pair of sneakers as if the rebellious streak inside her shunt the call for women to be in heels.

Stepping in with her hands behind her back like a general inspecting his troops, the girl’s eyes scanned the ballroom. It did not take long for her to lock eyes with the woman sitting beside me.

Time might as well have stood still as the 2 women faced off across a distance of less than 20 metres.

The men tasked with keeping the head of the Rajahs safe joined their boss in the ball room, their eyes void of emotions and their weathered face pretty much says they have seen it all.
I muttered under my breath to Ben as he swirled the contents of his glass, or rather what’s left of his beer.

Jackson : they look angry…

Ben : The Rajahs….? ….

Ben smirked and finished his beer with a shot gulp.

Ben : They’re always angry….

Old 12-02-2020, 09:20 AM
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

Awesome story here, great show coming up, more updates please.
Old 12-02-2020, 10:25 AM
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

seems like alot of chars from past stories are back

Old 12-02-2020, 11:46 AM
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

Part 2 of the story from the beast within? Good to see some familiar name Ben and king

Now let the auctions start haha
Up my pts and i will up yours as well(Power 5 and above pls)

Target: 18000 point hit... will be part time now only in point exchange... Thank you for the points

Please pm me for second or third round first before u up my points cos worried not able to return cheers
Old 12-02-2020, 12:26 PM
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

Very well written story once again by Mr James.

Thank you for the wonderful read.
Old 12-02-2020, 03:42 PM
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

Art Lee Bra Bra.. Hahaha... Good one!!
Old 12-02-2020, 05:24 PM
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

Thanks for the update. Always appreciate your read especially when the streets are not so safe with the Covid-19 virus rampage.
Old 12-02-2020, 10:54 PM
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

I just finished 26 pages. Can't wait for the next chapter!

Brilliant writing bro!
Old 12-02-2020, 11:42 PM
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

Originally Posted by Wizard69 View Post
Art Lee Bra Bra.. Hahaha... Good one!!
Was trying to control my laughter when reading this part
Old 13-02-2020, 08:31 AM
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

When is the next installment?
Old 13-02-2020, 09:46 AM
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So nice updates, more and cheers!
Old 13-02-2020, 11:08 AM
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

Originally Posted by Flyer1 View Post
When is the next installment?
14th Feb. Tomorrow!
Old 13-02-2020, 03:26 PM
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

Very very good story, thanks TS!
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