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Old 19-02-2015, 11:41 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by sratchuback View Post
Hello. Please PM me when is the next outing. And what would be the total cost. Very interested.
Bro sratchuback,

Are u interested in Lido or non-Lido outings?

For expense per pax at Lido HH, refer to my previous post. HH booking fee for a girl is $200.

Expense per pax for non-Lido KTVs is abt 30% less. HH booking is $150 to 200.

Pm ur ctc no.


Bro WB
Old 24-02-2015, 11:25 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Good morning!

I had a post on my other thread:

Dear Faguoren,

Thanks for organizing HH outing to Dynasty yesterday. The girls were mediocre but we had a lot of fun.

You n I had balance. Rm charge $80 n tip for waiter $10. Divided by 3 bros = expense per pax $30. The fourth bro who came but left w/o paying is a disgrace. I spent precious time answering many questions from him. One of his question: Can bring the gal to bonk after the session? Of course, but it depends on you n the girl. It's like asking if a certain beautiful girl will be fxked by men. My answer is 100% if she is a heterosexual n healthy female- mentally, emotionally n physically.

There is no need for mummies at Dynasty as all the girls stand in the hall. The ONLY reason for a mummy is for her to scout n search for the prettiest girls the day before, and bring them for our viewing pleasure during the session.

Our outing to Lido Palace HH tonight is confirmed. We hv the required number of kakis. I wonder if we can get special rates again.

More MMs are expected to arrive over the next 10 days...

Old 02-03-2015, 09:53 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Good morning!

I like to continue the discussion on "good guys" and "bad boys."


Well, it’s not because they really want a bad person. It’s because they want THE MAN. They want a MASCULINE man.

And it’s harder for women to find “nice” guys who are masculine than it is to find bad boys, who are almost always masculine.

A specific example of masculinity common in bad boys is their total dominance, particularly in the arena of sex. Some women go for bad guys because these women feel guilty about their sexual desires. By being with an aggressive “bad boy” who takes full control of the reigns, women feel like they are shirking all the guilt and all the responsibility to him. In this way, women can fully enjoy sex and not feel guilty. Moreover, almost all women, even those without guilt complexes, desire dominant men.

Also, bad boys make their sexual desires clear from the start. Nice guys, on the other hand, steer away from sex conversation, which makes women feel like nice guys are asexual.

If a woman already feels guilty about sex, you can imagine the impossibility of her having sex with a guy who seems to feel just as guilty about it.

Bad boys, in a CONFIDENT WAY, make it clear that sex is important. A woman has to make a decision about sex quickly with a bad boy or a more willing woman will quickly replace her. However, a woman can often string a nice guy along for years without even making out with him! The nice guy will patiently wait for her, and end up dumped for a bad guy who she sleeps with on the first night!

But more than any single characteristic, remember that women go for bad boys because women want a man who will control them, and who will be in control of everything in his life.

They want a MAN.

Bad guys are usually not sissies.

For millions of years, man has been the hunter and defender for the family unit. Women want a man who will be the “hunter”, who is strong, who will produce strong, healthy and sexy children.

Evolution has selected the forces of sexual chemistry between man and woman. Since women needed tough men for survival, that eventually became what all women were attracted to in men.

Makes sense, doesn’t it? Suddenly, women don’t seem so evil anymore, right?

No more evil than men.

Men desire hot looking women, because basically, sexy women often gave birth to healthier and superior looking children.

By desiring such women, men had a better chance of carrying on their own genes. Their children then grew up to become sexy adults, thus attracting sexy mates of their own and continuing the cycle in perpetuity...

Sexy looking women’s hip-to-waist-ratios have remained constant throughout all cultures and times. That’s because men’s preferences have been instilled by evolution, and because these ratios usually mean “well suited to breed superior children”.

Women are allowed in our society to prefer tall men, rich men, or men higher in status. (Even though I know that what women really want is THE MAN.) If this is so, then why should it be any less acceptable or “bad” for you to want sex with a woman you feel is hot?

You are allowed to BE A MAN.
As a matter of fact, you MUST be A MAN or women will detest you. If that makes you a “BAD BOY”, so be it.

Half the time, “bad boys” are just being natural men, and women love it. When women state their natural preferences, for money, looks, or status, (the reality behind all these preferences is that women seek a dominant man) our culture does not label women as immoral or shallow.

The fact is, I am all for a society of good guys and good women. I just want you to realize that women love masculine, tough men. Don’t act like some sexless, spineless person or you will not attract women.

Stop acting like a geek if you are in any way doing so. You don’t have to be abusive toward women, but you must be completely DOMINANT, calm, and cool. And SHOW it through your actions and tone of voice.


It is critical to realize that women are human beings and not made from sugar and spice. They are just as competitive, manipulative, conniving, game playing, merciless, and ruthless, in their quest to get the man of their choice. Once they “get” their man, they will try to control him.

The irony, of course, is that women detest men that can be controlled by women. However, women WILL try to control you. Sometimes, women are only trying to CONTROL you as a TEST: To see if you are THE MAN. If you permit them to control you, you FAIL the test.

The desire for control, for both sexes, stems from the massive stakes involved, but it’s far more devastating for a man to submit to control. It destroys his sexual attractiveness.

For a man, it’s always self-destructive for him to submit to any control whatsoever, no matter what the woman’s reason is for attempting to control him. And no matter what, a man ALWAYS ends up coming out more attractive by not submitting.

Since women are not “nice” and since they will attempt to control you with ingenious tactics, it is imperative you keep your guard up and not let any power or control slip through your fingers.

One of the most tragic mistakes a man can make is to let a woman know that something she did actually bothered him at all.

You know all those books on “communicating honestly with your partner”?

Forget about it when it comes to attraction, especially in the initial stage. You MUST understand that there is just too much at stake for both men

and women to play nicely “by the rules”.

If you let a woman know that something she did hurt you, she will simply use that knowledge AGAINST you, to CONTROL you.

She will try to see how far you will go, in terms of kissing her ass, to try to prevent her from doing it again. And most guys resort to this pathetic bribery. It’s as if these guys are saying, “I’m kissing your ass so you will like me enough to not do that mean thing again.”

An example of this phenomenon is when a man tells a woman that it bothers him when she talks rudely to him. Then, not only does he now seem needy, which is unsexy, but also, she can then use extortion in subtle ways. For example, she might hint that you should do this, that, and whatever else for her or she might do the hurtful thing again.

She may use psychological warfare, and act kind of distant, to see how scared you are of her repeating this behavior, and what you will do for her to prevent it.

You must not accept ANY crap from any woman, EVER.
As soon as she acts up, you must show how calm you are as you deliver

the punishment, the figurative SPANK.
This way, she will sense that it is HER problem, not yours, for acting up.

She will know that you can easily get another, better woman than her.

This is the punishment: Dump her immediately, and tell her not to call you until she shapes up. Or, tell her clearly you will not tolerate that, and then dump her if she does it again, with the same message.

Of course, if she did anything serious, then dump her and forget about her immediately. ZERO second chances for any real serious shit.

NEVER explain to a woman that she should treat you right.

If she doesn’t know that, DUMP her. She is not worth keeping if she does not treat you right. Tell her not to come back until she shapes up.

And she will usually come running back to you when you throw her to the curb for misbehaving.

It’s called you having self-respect.

And if women sense that NOTHING bothers you, then there is NOTHING they can use against you. And, after testing you to see if you can be hurt or not, and seeing that you indeed cannot, they will usually kiss your feet.

If a woman does not show an immediate massive change, kick her out.

Does that sound like a mean, bitter statement about women?

It’s not. It’s the prescription for reality. 99.999999999 percent of the time.

You might be tempted after a few good weeks with a woman to think that if she does something out of line, then you could just tell her that what she did hurt. After all, “She loves me, so she wouldn’t want to hurt me again”.


If you show her she hurt you, she’ll keep it in her arsenal. And she will use it again.

Think about it like this: 99.99 percent of the time, if somebody is being a prick, they know it.

Women know if they are doing something wrong to you.
And if they really don’t know, it’s probably something trivial and not

worth you mentioning to her anyway!

So if you DO indicate something hurt you, she will just know how to activate your “hurt button” in the future.

So here’s my recommendation:

Keep your cool at all times.

Don’t let her know that ANYTHING bothers you.

Always, calmly tell her she misbehaved by doing the specific thing she did. Tell her you won’t tolerate it.

But don’t let her feel it actually bothered you.

NEVER argue with her about it. It will NOT HELP, only make things worse. I guarantee it.

Now of course, if you have been with a woman who has been great to you for years, and once in a while she acts up a bit, well that’s perfectly normal- you probably aren’t perfect either. You’ve both earned a bit of slack.

There is a BUT, though.
Old 03-03-2015, 03:03 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Good afternoon!

So many RS fall apart because very few men know how to behave like MEN, in ST and LT relationship, not even famous kings and emperors. So very sad.

Why? Because attraction is counterintuitive. What most men think should work actually has the exact opposite effect.

IMHO, the single most vital trait that will SPARK n SUSTAIN a girl's desire for a MAN is his degree of emotional and self mastery. Nothing even comes close. It will usually take time for a girl to fully appraciate a MAN's self mastery.

Let me continue the "bad boy" story, written by a guru.

But heed this warning:

Women will sense a guy that they can get to kiss their ass, and will take FULL ADVANTAGE OF HIM till he is barely even a rug to walk over.
And women will deny this till the end of time, even coming up with brilliant “excuses” for their bad behavior.

Now that you know this, it’s time to stop taking any crap from any woman. You are responsible from now on if you put up with anything that doesn’t feel right.

Think about that the next time you’re about to be “Mr. Nice Guy” with any woman. Women understand, relate to, and demand mental toughness more than you realize.

(Notice I used the word mental toughness. Don’t EVER get PHYSICALLY VIOLENT or even upset with any woman, I’ll explain later why this is so important to your success, and goes way beyond just the law.)

Don’t be Mr. Nice Guy. And don’t be Mr. Angry. Neither one is cool.

So you know now not to be a nice guy. How exactly should you be?

Pound this short answer into your head: Be “THE MAN”. In the macho, cliché sense.

Oh, I really hope that doesn’t hurt you or insult you.

It shouldn’t, because if you haven’t been THE MAN, it’s not your fault. For a long time, I didn’t think like THE MAN. It ain’t easy in our inane, politically correct culture.

A lot of guys don’t believe me when I say that being THE MAN, inside, mentally, and even more important, emotionally, is THE VITAL KEY to sparking and sustaining a woman’s desire. These guys think that their looks and money are more important. These are LIES, and you need to be de- brainwashed about these matters.

Let me address the looks issue right here and now:



Although women DO appreciate good looks, women are LESS into looks than you would believe. I’m sure you’ve seen beautiful women with less than good looking guys who were NOT rich.

Next time you see this, watch how the guy behaves. Is he nerdy? Or masculine?

Think about Al Pacino in Scarface. (A great movie example.) He is not supposed to be the best looking guy in the movie, but he gets the hottest woman, Michelle Pfeiffer’s character.

That’s because Scarface is THE MAN.

He projects POWER.

From the moment he arrives in America, he is determined to rise up.
He kisses no one’s ass, even when he has nothing. (And if you think it’s all about money, you’re wrong- I’ll explain later why.)

Now, this is no excuse to not LOOK YOUR BEST. That’s why I have included a section regarding this topic.

But once you have finished making the best of your looks, remember this: A man’s appearance is not nearly as important to women as you think.

Ironically, a powerful proof that men and women are different in this regard (as well as others) comes from the behavior of homosexual men and women. Lesbians tend to be far less discerning about things like age and appearance in their partners. They also tend to have very few partners.

On the other hand, homosexual men tend to be EXTREMELY concerned about looks, and weigh this consideration heavily in choosing their partners. Also, gay men tend to have many sexual partners.

You can see how men and women differ:

Homosexual men accentuate looks when choosing a partner, just like heterosexual men do when choosing a woman: Men care about looks.

And homosexual women are less concerned with a partner’s looks, just like heterosexual women: Women don’t care as much about looks.

As you can see, men and women will always be different, no matter what. So just because you think one way does not mean women think the same.

Guys tend to be worried about their “looks” because they assume women are the same as them. But they are NOT.

It’s MEN who are obsessed with looks. Women appreciate a sexy looking man, but looks alone is neither sufficient nor necessary for turning on women.

As a matter of fact, a guy with “looks” who’s not THE MAN will be toast.

In contrast, a hot looking woman, even if she acts unfeminine, will still be highly desired by most men.

Men primarily developed this attraction to a woman’s appearance because the stereotypical image of a “sexy” woman usually did mean she had an ability to produce strong, healthy children.

All this happened through evolution, so it has nothing to do with us being conscious of the reasons for our desires.

It simply means that men who were attracted to beautiful women were able to reproduce better than men who did not feel this type of attraction for women with these features.

Those men who felt this attraction for these women survived and those who did not were wiped out.

For all the talk about beauty being in the eye of the beholder, think about the fact I stated earlier: The waist-to-hip ratio for what is considered a sexy woman is the exact same now, in every culture known to man, as it has been over all recorded history.

Beauty is NOT only about personal taste. It’s largely ingrained in our brains, because it was the ONLY way to ensure choosing the right mate for the survival of our genes.

And just as men evolved with these tendencies, women evolved different criteria in order to feel desire for a man. Those criteria are what this book is all about! Mostly, what women want is a MANLY man.

Your looks are a very small factor in the formula for attracting women.
Old 25-03-2015, 09:58 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Good morning,

A bro sent me the following PM n he has agreed to let me post his question here.

"Hi bro, saw some of the posts and I must say you are super experienced hence I need to ask some of your advice. Have been frequently visited club de emperor ktv ( former mirage) due to work ( entertainment). Have trying to enjoy myself by not sticking to the same girl all the time. However sometimes when you get those girl without chemistry, your session tends to be lousy.

To cut long story short, I have been sticking with same gal recently. However she always claim that she doesn't go out with customers. Recently saw a customer bought her a $7k Chanel bag. She claimed the customer wanted something in return and she wanted to return the bag but in the end the customer relented and just gibe her the bag without any returns.

She always says she doesn't go out . I only manage to get her out for dinner one time . And she claimed she doesn't have boyfriend. She said she is fond of me but I have never give her anything other than her deserved tips. She always tell she had a gambling mum back home but I have ever let her know I am going to help.

So I know that you are going to say all that she said is bs. Is there a way to test her out? Recently she did a damn smart thing. On V day instead of asking me to get her a present she bought a perfume for me. Please tell me there are similar tricks you have encountered so that I can switch off and change target soon

Thanks for reading and sorry to bother u

Regards, bro X"

I hv given him my brief answer. But many experienced bros here could analyse his situation more thoroughly.


Bro WB


Good morning!

Previously, I hv mentioned the importance of giving women frequent PVOs or copulatory orgasms for them to become emotionally n sexually addicted to a man. All other forms of orgasms are inadequate.

All my LT mistresses n GFs hv intimated that PVOs r far more pleasurable, deeper, more holistic n more sustained than other types of orgasms. They feel satiated, connected, complete, blissful...

Many gurus still believe that it's much easier for women to hv clitoral orgasms n G-spot orgasms, even multiple ones, than to hv PVOs or copulatory orgasms. This is not necessarily true, IMHO.

I like to report that I hv encountered several girls who feel little w/ clitoral stimulation w/ my hand and/or mouth/tongue. No clitoral orgasms. In fact, absolutely responses.

But, within 60 secs after I insert my erect didi into their pussies, they start moaning n even screaming...some may respond almost immediately.

These girls may hv different wiring in their pussies and/or in their brains.

The right positions n angles may be crucial here. Your ability to hv penetrative vaginal intercourse for at least 10 minutes may also be important...

Have bros here encounter similar situations? Pls share ur experiences w/ us.


Bro WB
Old 25-03-2015, 10:34 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

I like to share this video clip to show that women are truly sexual creatures n their sexual potential is enormous.

Don Juan DeMarco - Restaurant Scene

Pls try it n give ur FR.

Good day!

Bro WB
Old 29-03-2015, 03:18 PM
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Smile Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Good afternoon,

I hv been too busy to write FRs.

Will go overseas for one month tmr, will resume outings on my return.


Bro WB
Old 29-03-2015, 06:37 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Wah exciting
Old 07-04-2015, 01:43 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Yo bros,

I just received this brief report:

It's very basic but most bros still ignore them.

Four Simple Tips to Please Her in the Bedroom

Hey Bro Warbird,

OK, I have a confession. I'm NOT a sex expert.
As a matter of fact, I don't believe you need
overcomplicated techniques to rock a woman’s
world in bed.

Stick with these fundamentals and you'll do

1. Indulge in foreplay. On average, intercourse
should last 7 to 13 minutes, but foreplay should
be three times longer. When you indulge in foreplay,
she'll reach orgasm much more easily and look
forward to having sex with you because she knows
that you take your time to “get her ready”.

2. Exercise regularly. The best sex tip I can give
you is to exercise regularly. You'll be stronger,
last longer, and have more energy in bed. You'll make
love with more passion and rock her world more than 95
percent of men out there do because they just can't get
their asses to the gym.

3. Be adventurous and try new things. It's very
unlikely that she'll lead you to new positions so
take charge by testing new things. Don't put pressure
on yourself. Just be playful and experiment. If it
doesn't feel right, change again.

4. Don't be in your head. It's not a time to think
who's going to win the Euro. Trust me—she'll FEEL it
if you're thinking about something else. To stay present,
breathe deeply, pay attention to her skin, smell her,
kiss her body, look at her, tell her that she's yours.

A lot of women stay in relationships with guys
who treat them badly just because the sex is great.
I'm not suggesting that you do the same, but never
underestimate the power of pleasing a woman in the

Have an amazing day!

Guru RKY

Old 10-04-2015, 08:32 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Good morning!

There is a fascinating topic: KC or infatuation or falling in love w/ a girl, especially a WL. And the consequences of break up of that "love" RS.

Here I'll use KC as a colorful n generalized term for "falling in love" with any girl/woman because the biological and emotional processes are identical. And I believe that all man-woman RS is a form of business transaction. KC has at least 3 components: 1) lust, 2) romantic passion or infatuation and 3) attachment (commitment). These components can be felt for the same person at the same time, or they can be experienced completely independently from one another for different people. Romantic passion is short-lived (months to a yr?). Lust may last longer, but after many yrs, only emotional attachment is left.

What is surprising is that both men and women often get KC-ed by someone they consciously don't find attractive. Something must hv happened to their subconscious mind to trigger sexual attraction. I shall confine this discussion to men getting KC-ed by women.

There r so many instances, in the media, from reading SBF n from stories told by friends n relatives, in which a man has become so deeply KC-ed by a girl that he goes berserk when he is separated from her for whatever reason. He is so heartbroken that he can't sleep, can't work, can't stop thinking abt her. If she is alive, he will stalk her, even kill her n then commit suicide!

From a medical standpoint, such a love sick man suffers from an acute anxiety/hyper-arousal state. There is a huge surge in stress hormones (cortisols, adrenaline, etc.) n concomitant suppression of dopamine, oxytocin n serotonin...there may be elevated BP n heart rate, perspiration, sweating palms, tremors, physical pain, chest heaviness, shortness of breath, fatigue, anxiety, deep sense of loss, sadness, despondence, doom n groom. He is very tired but yet alert n can't relax. His immune system is shot and he may develop stress cardiomyopathy n could succumb to cardiac arrest and/or heart failure. Truly a case of broken heart!

These symptoms and signs of RS break up are stunningly similar to those of cocaine withdrawal. This has been confirmed by fMRI findings.

I met a new bro last month. He is in his early 30s, tall n handsome, from a well to do family. He told me that he had two 4-yr RS n each breakup took one full yr or more to recover, even though the breakup was mutual in both cases.

Here is a textbook case of a NICE GUY who gets KC-ed. A kaki, also in his 30s, met a KTV gal, quickly decided that she was the SPECIAL ONE, and after spending lots of money, upped her only once. Poor service n sex was quite bad. The gal returned to China after expiration of her tourist visa. He remitted money to her on several occasions. He texted and/or called her many times every day. She got annoyed n started to distance herself and he became needy n desperate. She finally asked him to stop contacting her. He became depressed, couldn't sleep or focus on his work. I had told him not to hv any ctc w/ her for 30 days, minimum. He keeps breaking this cardinal rule.

In another case, a personal friend n a rich n good looking bachelor, who couldn't sleep or work for months after his KTV GF broke up w/ him. He stalked her, offered to buy her a house in China plus big cash upfront. He flew to her hometown to propose to her...she avoided him as if he were a leper! That was 4 yrs ago...

My Fujian lao po WX and her ex BF, a rich young man in his early 30s had mutually agreed break up in Dec 2010, but he quickly regretted his decision...he became frantic n offered to buy her a house plus give her lots of cash. WX said NO n he proposed to her! She completely rejected him. In Feb 2011, she contacted me n in March she asked me to BY her.

Then there is our own Famous Samster and his HFJ PRC Story at SBF.

I hv never experienced anything quite as severe, not even remotely. My OC n every one of my mistress/lover/GF/ FB hv said that 你只要性,你是一个完全没感情的人 or you don't have a heart (a Malaysian Chinese girl said that decades ago). Well, not really, even though I'm a perfectionist n hv a mild case of narcissistic personality disorder. BTW, more men than women suffer from this disorder but the proportion among KTV gals is much higher than the general population n higher yet among singers. But I'm no robot n will give my case history of getting mildly KC-ed.

Decades ago, I had mild rejection anxiety once, didn't sleep well for a wk, but quickly recovered.

In 2009, I BY-ed my Fujian lao po WX briefly twice. I felt a sense of loss after each separation, but slept well n forgot abt her very quickly.

I met a 19 yo CD in Sep 2009, she agreed to BY but vanished the day we were supposed to meet. I was a little frustrated, but slept well n quickly forgot abt her. In Feb 2010, she was sighted at Dynasty. She immediately agreed to BY n the deal was consummated in March. I dumped her because I didn't like her dark brown n large vulval flaps. In 2012, I got her a job as a singer at a HFJ, but I didn't even bother to see her.

In Jan 2010, I BY-ed a n 18 yo student Michelle. I went to Gotham City in late March. When I returned after 5 weeks, she had just hooked up w/ a fellow student from China. She said he was going to marry her. I felt a slight loss but slept well n quickly forgot her. BTW, she broke up her GF after 2 yrs n in late 2013, she returned to Sg on a visitor pass. I met her n found her unattractive, no longer my type of gal. I flatly rejected her, despite her urging me to 开房, repeatedly. Most SYTs don't remain my type for long.

I hv BY-ed over 25 gals in the last 6 yrs n I hv done ALL the dumping except for Michelle.

Now I like to report my most severe break up withdrawal to date, even though it's still mild n brief.

In Feb this yr I told my Fujian lao po WX who had been w/ me for 4 yrs that if she returned to China for CNY, I would say goodbye to her. She had previously promised to stay with me in Sg during CNY. She reneged on the promise. She became very angry with me for wanting to breakup...she went back anyway n while in China she decided not to come back to SG. Even though I initiated the breakup, I was surprised that I did hv breakup anxiety n remorse. My Heart rate was higher by 6 per minute on the average, BP higher by 10 mm hg (it was 120 over 80 instead of the usual 110 over 70). I had occ sweaty palms, mild heaviness in chest n slept only 4 to 5 hrs a night, instead of the usual 7 hrs. I was a bit tired n fatigued, yet alert. I was slightly anxious and felt a mild sense of loss n frustration. My subconscious mind had long accepted WX as my lao po in Sg n this belief n habit were much stronger than my conscious decision n desire to break up w/ her.

Yes, I had signs and symptoms of mild to moderate withdrawal. Previously, I thought I would be immune to any break up pain because I hv other mistresses n GFs. In fact, 6 months ago, I actually urged WX to go home to get married. She was born in 1987 n had even mentioned abt bearing me a child. What happened was that I still had lust for her plus there was emotional attachment at the subconscious level. My lust was for her very well proportioned sexy body, exquisite pussy n her very intense, even violent clitoral n copulatory orgasms. I had also fxked her raw for 3 1/2 yrs w/o any STDs n my Oraquick has remained negative.

I read up abt how to get over a break up which has helped. I now hv a better insight n better understanding of myself n my subconscious mind.

Following the break up w/ WX I didn't sleep well for 18 days! I slept well the day before my young mistress was to return to Sg. All my withdrawal symptoms n signs completely vanished. Also on the same day, a girl who applied to study at Kaplan several months ago had her visa approved, after appeal. She is a new pussy. I hv met her but never seen her naked.

Just before leaving Sg I also upped a cute 18 yo girl who is on student visa. I checked her IC to make sure she was 18. I promised to BY her on my return from Gotham city, but told her we needed to find out abt sexual compatibility n how shiok sex would be for both of us. I gave her some earnest money n fxked her many times in a wk. She has exquisite pussy, very very tight n has incredible copulatory orgasms during which she screams non-stop. She is otherwise very inexperienced n provides limited service. I'll ask her to continue working as I can see her only 4-5 times a month, at most.

I know many SYT-students in PRC. I'll be going to Shanghai in July or August for a business deal n a 19 yo SYT whom I came across briefly in Sg n her classmate will fly to meet me there. She has promised to intro her pretty SYT friends at the art n music academies to me! I'll get them to study in Sg.

In retrospect, it was my good fortune that WX chose not to return to Sg. She is much older than when I first met her in Sep 2008. Her upper arms were visibly larger n she had put on 2-3 kg since. I sincerely hope that she gets married to a nice young man soon. If she wants to return, I'll need to find time to ST her.

The cardinal rule for rapid break up recovery n to increase ur chances of getting ur ex back is NO CONTACT w/ her for 30 days, minimum, 60 days is much better. Keep busy. Exercise, do meditation n self hypnosis...I'll share what I hv learned abt how best to overcome this common problem at a later date. If you become needy n desperate, text or call 50 times a day or beg her, game over hahaha. If you know the right strategies, your ex will beg u to take her back.

Your FRs, comments n criticisms will be appreciated.


Bro WB

Last edited by warbird; 10-04-2015 at 02:00 PM.
Old 10-04-2015, 01:05 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

wow, so interesting but a little lost there, whats PVO?
Old 11-04-2015, 09:34 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by smljman View Post
wow, so interesting but a little lost there, whats PVO?

PVO = Penetrative Vaginal Orgasm

A more formal medical term is Vaginal Copulatory Orgasm or VCO.

If you're not giving your women regular PVOs, they will feel unfulfilled and may either leave u or cheat on you, eventually. Or, if they happen to be very religious and very conservative or if they hv suffered prior sexual trauma n other emotional problems, they may stay w/ u for life, but remain MISERABLE. Most of them may not even understand WHAT is missing and WHY they are miserable. Very sad really.


Bro WB

.................................................. ...............

Good morning!

I like to report a real life case of extreme break up withdrawal, leading to death. It is about my dad's older brother 我的亲伯伯. It happened a long time ago in Fujian, China. My uncle was good looking and taller than my dad. My dad is 174 n much taller than I. When my uncle was in middle school he fell in love w/ a very pretty classmate, they were both 15. But he couldn't go to high school because he was academically only average n the family was poor. My grandpa refused to pay for his school fees. He left school n started working as an apprentice in a machine shop. His young lover was very disappointed and told him he must finish high school otherwise she won't marry him.

They had many arguments n they broke off. My uncle suffered severe withdrawal symptoms. He couldn't sleep, couldn't eat, couldn't work...became very withdrawn n despondent. A classic case of 相思病. He succumbed to some acute sickness and passed away at 16. Very sad.


Bro WB
Old 11-04-2015, 09:33 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Hi Bro WarBird,

it has been awhile since I have posted anything although I have been an ardent reader of your posts.

It is unfortunate however it seems that no other bros in this forum could contribute text book cases for us to discuss and analyse, perhaps even learn more from.

I would like to ask, if you have read any of Ayn Rand's works, it seems to me that there is a huge similarity in the main characters within Ayn Rand's literature to what is discussed here.

Dubbed the "randian hero", the Randian hero is the creative individualist. Though Rand rejected the notion that individuals have duty towards one another, her heroes are marked by an essential generosity, for the reason that they act out of compassion and empathy rather than guilt. Rand's fiction displays a self-consciously Promethean sense of life, declaring through her characters the heroic value of self-assertion in the face of the established order.

Generally a Randian hero is characterized by radical individualism, moral resolution, intelligence/aptitude, self-control, emotional discipline, and (frequently, but not always) attractive physical characteristics in the eyes of other Randian heroes. Rand's heroes are tall, strong and upright; the females share slender figures, defiant stances and the impression of internal calmness, while the males are physically hard and supple, often with gray eyes.

Interestingly, as you have pointed out, she has also insinuated that all relationships are based of an exchange of "virtue or value", in short, a business transaction sealed with an unknown currency to all except the parties involved.

Do watch her other interviews as well they are interesting to hear certain views that may contrast with your own.

It may seem inappropriate to discuss a little bit of philosophy here. But I believe this is very related to what you have discussed here, unfortunately the consensus of many men today do not even vaguely, grasp this concept.

I would like to hear your thoughts, and other readers do chime in as well.
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Old 14-04-2015, 09:09 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post

There is a fascinating topic: KC or infatuation or falling in love w/ a girl, especially a WL. And the consequences of break up of that "love" RS.
One of your great, informative long posts, WB!

My problem is the other way round - the consequences of having a needy, clingy and suicidal woman when the breakup inevitably occurs. And this even after plenty of warnings in advance that our relationship is not meant to last, I have a family, etc, etc.

Plenty of unnecessary drama that I would prefer not to have to deal with.
A Singaporean in China
Old 14-04-2015, 08:39 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Hi Bro Warbird,

I would like you to analyse the psyche of such a man I have previously discussed. As follows:

Not particularly handsome by conventional standards, has body movements that require no effort with natural movements. Low hard throaty voice.

He has learned long ago, with his first consciousness, two things that dominate his attitude toward life: his own superiority and the utter worthlessness of the world. He knows what he wants and what he thinks. He needs no other reason, standards or considerations. His complete selfishness is as natural to him as breathing. He is not even a militant or defendant of his own selfishness. No more that he could be defiant about the right to breathe and eat. He has the quiet complete irrevocable calm of an iron conviction. No dramatics, no hysteria, no sensitiveness about it - because there are no doubts.

A quick sharp mind, courageous and not afraid to be hurt, has long grasped and understood completely that the world is not what he is. Consequently he cannot be hurt. The world has no painful surprise for him, he has long accepted what he can expect from it. Indifference and an infinite calm contempt is what he feels about the world and the men who are not like him. He knows what he wants and the work he wants, that is all he expects of life. Being thoroughly a reason unto himself, he does not long for others of his kind, for companion and understanding.

He also knows the world will not give him the right to his work easily. He does not expect it to be given. He enters life prepared to find it a struggle. The state of strife and battle is natural to him as synonym of life. He does not think of himself as a soldier, but rather a soldier because he is himself. Consequently he does not believe in suffering. Defeat and disappointment are merely part of battle.

Nothing can really touch him, he is concerned only with what he does. Not how he feels. How he feels is entirely a matter of his own, which cannot be influenced by anything and anyone on the outside. If outside life brings him disappointment, it is merely a detail of battle, he will have to struggle harder, that is all.

His main policy in life is to refuse, completely and uncompromisingly, any surrender to the thoughts and desires of others.

Has a code of ethics to call his own, and only because he wants it. Plays straight and has contempt for little plays and lies. Says what he means and does not care if others like it or not, they will have to accept it.

Can never lose himself in love, has had great loves in life, even then it will never be an all absorbing, selfless passion. It is merely pride of a possesor. If he could not have them, it would not break him or affect him deeply, he might suffer in his own indifferent way, a suffering that can never reach deep enough to obscure life.

His attitude towards love is not " I love you and I am yours " but rather " I love you and you are mine ". It is primarily a feeling of want and getting. Were it necessary he could rape her and still feel completely justified. They will have to worship him, he is the god, he can never be the priest, she has to be the priestess.

His manner is one of profound, inexorable calm. A slow deliberate manner of speaking. Precise unhurried movements. Laughs seldom. Does not joke. Never an emotional outbreak. Never loses control of himself.

Thanks WB.
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