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Old 11-10-2004, 03:13 PM
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Re: Maid for Sex

Hi Brother Proprimate,

I tell u the Contact to yr FL Maid u passed to me wow WOOOOOOPEEEEEE!!!!!
SMS her last Friday, she had a client at 5pm & was ready to take me on at 7pm.
Gotten to me at 6.45pm on her location, Ai yah!!! Hotel at GL road 17. Me Jurong, jia Lard... Nver mind, drive like a mad man during peak hour. Gotten there at 15mins after 7pm. Parked my junk any how, went to get a room as per her instruction then SMS her room no. as she is somewhere nearby having coffee.
After gotten into the room & eagerly waiting her arrival, she appeared, Not bad.. Looks good with FML or CFM.
Stripped her & myself, showered & that's where action begins.
Fingered her nice & proper with 1 then 2, wow whole hand including part of palm all wet... she's hell wet & moaning very loudly already, she proceeded to BJ me for about 5mins, have to F**K her already because DIDI going to pop..
Bought cap which is the studded type, mounted her, I tell u, she exploded screaming went she came "Oh my God!!!" repeatitively, I must have made her come twice before I exploded.. after 15mins.
She cleaned me up & re-showered, thought action was over but when watching TV she stroke me & again give me a FML look again, wah DIDI up again.
I have never hit a home run twice in a row before for a long long while & alao not that horny most times, one enough for me normally,Cap on again asked her to mount me this time, I think I almost turned deaf this time when she came, this got to be the loudest chick I hv F**ked in my life...
After the first round my DIDI a bit dead, went drooping on me also because I was sweating like a pig feeling overheated.. She told me to relax, stroke me like a long lost lover, didi re-errected.
Boy, this time round I biang her properly then re-exploded again when she was coming, i tell u, she lock me with her legs & the combi of moaning & screams must have been heard even downstairs man!!
Roughly counted, she at least came 7 ~ 9 times, this B***H is super horny & Super wet, bed got 3 of 6inch diameter water patches from her.
Showered, paid, limped out of room.
Will sure return again.
Thanks brother for the wonderful fireworks......
Old 11-10-2004, 03:21 PM
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Re: Maid for Sex

Originally Posted by proprimate
An unpleasant experience from her today!
Where the fuck u think u gonna run? U got 2 choice: Pay up the shortfall or well the other one is a little painful. I am a man of my words for as long as u keep your fair side of the bargain. Comprehendo my fren!!!!
Erm.. Hardcore, dude. You angry @ Nature boy ah? Never see u so mad @ someone b4. Wassup, man! relax lah. What happened? Maybe better to share so that next time we would know better than to spread contacts around...
Old 11-10-2004, 05:01 PM
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minahktvsiao has got little hope of coming out of this alive!
Re: Massage

still waiting until neck long long for effah to come back.haizzzzzz.any bros out there have the latest info on her homecoming?thanks a million.
Old 11-10-2004, 05:48 PM
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Re: Massage

perhaps next time, the maid should demand the payment in advance.
(meet, pay & 'do it')

after all, the FRs show the positive review about her (for me, ehm...expect my FR by this Thursday ) as customers we should not worry that she will cheat us.

and I'm not referring about transferring the $ to some bank account lah...too risky. It ought to be simple enough...Arrange to meet her in the hotel, pay her the $ & then 'do it' lor.

Can't believe even for $40 someone was that low to cheat her.
Old 11-10-2004, 05:53 PM
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Re: Massage

Originally Posted by jaxz
perhaps next time, the maid should demand the payment in advance.
(meet, pay & 'do it')

after all, the FRs show the positive review about her (for me, ehm...expect my FR by this Thursday ) as customers we should not worry that she will cheat us.

and I'm not referring about transferring the $ to some bank account lah...too risky. It ought to be simple enough...Arrange to meet her in the hotel, pay her the $ & then 'do it' lor.

Can't believe even for $40 someone was that low to cheat her.
I believed that's the common practise in the FL market.....even if you go HC.....sometime you bring cash first so that you can pay or after all the service then you go out take wallet n pay.

There will always be such ppl taking advantage thinking these FL are helpless...but never think of the worst outcome that could have happened.

So as long as everyone plays their role then less problem lor.....FOR EXAMPLE PAYING TO MUCH AT TN, HC OR EVEN FL.
Old 11-10-2004, 05:55 PM
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Re: Maid for Sex

I have been wanting to try the maid but have no time, I was even disappointed that I rejected her once because of my busy schedule but I will definitely sms her again when time permit since the FR is so super here

BTW the guy who is such a cheap fuck for paying $60 instead of the price agreed, it is better that you pay up the rest than to get into all the unnecessary trouble. Please understand that she's also working hard for money. Nowadays what is $40 in Singapore? Think twice man, want to bonk, bonk like a gentleman.
Old 11-10-2004, 09:22 PM
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Re: Maid for Sex

Originally Posted by soulin74
Erm.. Hardcore, dude. You angry @ Nature boy ah? Never see u so mad @ someone b4. Wassup, man! relax lah. What happened? Maybe better to share so that next time we would know better than to spread contacts around...
Will share but I am a man of my words, I giv u a little bit more time to think with your head and not ur dickhead! Well some people have to learn the hard way like having his name & address splash across the internet, plus mebe some bruises if she dun hear anything soon. Anyway, hotel reception at hotel81 Balestier was co-operative. All details are in. So fren, what's it gonna be? If ur reading this now........
Peopel have been asking what my nick means.....
PRO means prostitutes
PRI means prick
MATE means Prostitutes & Pricks mate

BTW, the avatar is the rear view of JULIA, the FL.
Link to her pics (with compliments to Bro Tallman):
Old 11-10-2004, 09:50 PM
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Angry Re: Maid for Sex

Originally Posted by proprimate
Will share but I am a man of my words, I giv u a little bit more time to think with your head and not ur dickhead! Well some people have to learn the hard way like having his name & address splash across the internet, plus mebe some bruises if she dun hear anything soon. Anyway, hotel reception at hotel81 Balestier was co-operative. All details are in. So fren, what's it gonna be? If ur reading this now........
well bro,tell us what really happened man.i can't stand or snif people like that.if u need anything,just PM me.or call me.Yanti got my number.We got to
protect our precious gem right?........
No's in the Blood.........
Old 11-10-2004, 10:18 PM
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Re: Maid for Sex

Originally Posted by Steed 4
well bro,tell us what really happened man.i can't stand or snif people like that.if u need anything,just PM me.or call me.Yanti got my number.We got to
protect our precious gem right?........

wow seriously bro nature boy if u are readin .......... pls pay up the $40 bucks lah its not worth the trouble ......... she is a gem and is out providing a svs to earn $$$. Have a heart ya........sigh
Old 11-10-2004, 11:16 PM
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Re: Maid for Sex

Originally Posted by Steed 4
well bro,tell us what really happened man.i can't stand or snif people like that.if u need anything,just PM me.or call me.Yanti got my number.We got to
protect our precious gem right?........
No worries mate, will do if the need arises. Bikers forever rite? Cheers!

Appreciate other bros dislike about such dirt around. However the guy is not Nature Boy! Its a chinese bloke by the name of........
Peopel have been asking what my nick means.....
PRO means prostitutes
PRI means prick
MATE means Prostitutes & Pricks mate

BTW, the avatar is the rear view of JULIA, the FL.
Link to her pics (with compliments to Bro Tallman):
Old 12-10-2004, 12:00 AM
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Re: Maid for Sex

bro i dun think should give this kind of people any chance since they wanna come out and play, follow the rules and they breach it they need to face the consequence. I think because of this kind of tolerance, that's y there are dirts like them around if he really wanna save that $40 he should have just pcc at home rather than coming out here. No point giving them any chances and if they dun have the money to play then they shouldn't be here in the first place.
Old 12-10-2004, 12:13 AM
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Re: Maid for Sex

Bro proprimate

U got PM.

Old 12-10-2004, 12:31 AM
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Re: Maid for Sex

Originally Posted by proprimate
Will share but I am a man of my words, I giv u a little bit more time to think with your head and not ur dickhead! Well some people have to learn the hard way like having his name & address splash across the internet, plus mebe some bruises if she dun hear anything soon. Anyway, hotel reception at hotel81 Balestier was co-operative. All details are in. So fren, what's it gonna be? If ur reading this now........
Hmmmm....well...i guess that the guy better do some thing fast... or history would be maid...erm...made....

Seems like a lot of bastards around preying on FLs who are really nice...just check out the "B@stard" thread...wah piang hoi....
Old 12-10-2004, 06:42 AM
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Re: Maid for Sex

Unpleasant incident 2:

Jus take note, we got another asshole in the midst too. This one, book her to lavender, neber show up. Then get her to Balestier, neber show up, then bright star, aso neber turn up. Plus switch off handphone when time comes near. What's up with these people. Wasting people's time and other genuine cheongsters who are denied a slot bcoz of this. This guy has several handphone number too.

So please dun spread the number from people here anyhow. Cheers!
Peopel have been asking what my nick means.....
PRO means prostitutes
PRI means prick
MATE means Prostitutes & Pricks mate

BTW, the avatar is the rear view of JULIA, the FL.
Link to her pics (with compliments to Bro Tallman):
Old 12-10-2004, 02:24 PM
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Re: Maid for Sex

that is one big asshole.
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