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Old 15-11-2010, 10:55 PM
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Re: GL $150 - Talk Cock, Sing Song

Originally Posted by jdi813 View Post
GL is a first n foremost a legal, government designated red light district ... they got license and pay tax one leh ... i would think that if the opposition came into power the 1st thing they would do it would be to address the current fucked up policies making all of us suffer.
You sure your statement is rational??? What fuck up policies that made YOU suffer? Do you want a leadership like the one in Myanmar?? Or you prefer some thing closer like Malaysia or Indonesia or Thailand?? Do you want to see the value of Singapore Dollars slide down south horrendously?? DO you know why our Singapore Dollars is so strong? BTW, your train of thoughts cannot be like your stupid buddy, HBK, rite?

Look at the macro picture, Idiot!! That is why I confirm, you've myopic vision!
Old 15-11-2010, 11:01 PM
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Re: GL $150 - Talk Cock, Sing Song

Originally Posted by Alejandro88 View Post
You sure your statement is rational??? What fuck up policies that made YOU suffer? Do you want a leadership like the one in Myanmar?? Or you prefer some thing closer like Malaysia or Indonesia or Thailand?? Do you want to see the value of Singapore Dollars slide down south horrendously?? DO you know why our Singapore Dollars is so strong? BTW, your train of thoughts cannot be like your stupid buddy, HBK, rite?

Look at the macro picture, Idiot!! That is why I confirm, you've myopic vision!
no comment ... ignorance is bliss ... obviously u r very blissful
Old 15-11-2010, 11:10 PM
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Re: GL $150 - Talk Cock, Sing Song

Originally Posted by jdi813 View Post
no comment ... ignorance is bliss ... obviously u r very blissful
WHen I attacked him with concrete substance, obviously this fellow (jdi813) got no more firing power to defend and counter me. He therefore has to come up with something nonsensical to cover his idiot face! I suggest you better dig a hole to hide your face now!

It clearly shows that when I bombarded him with something very rational and backed with solid substance, he does not know how to counter because he has been uttering RUBBISH since the very first time we entered into this cyber sparring!
Old 15-11-2010, 11:43 PM
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Re: GL $150 - Talk Cock, Sing Song

Originally Posted by jdi813 View Post
huh ??? cheem sia ... u lost me somewhere in your line of reasoning and it's reference to what i said.

Basically all i was saying that worrying about n putting the kind of effort into compiling a list is just not efficient (for lack of a better word).
But it is for FRs? You have no reasoning. If you can come up with an FR list, list for particular houses, list for big boobs, you can come up with a list for girls that are 'safe'.

My thinking is such ya ... let's say GL got 100 gals, SBF reports 20 of these gals do RAW ... so when u cheong u now divert ur attention to the remaining 80 "safe" ones.
That's the whole idea. Girls that do raw run the risk of being posted. And when they do, they can kiss those customers - the majority that dun raw, goodbye.

Wouldn't u think that some among these 80 could be similar to the 20 reported ... just that the cheongsters involved aren't from or do not post in SBF. Does this scenario make u feel better or safer when u cheong copmmercially ???
Definitely, if you know half of the girls that raw, you avoid 50% of the girls that raw.

If it does help some of the guys here sleep better at nite ... why not ??? My own opinion is that time taken compiling the list could be used by that bro elsewhere ... that's it.
Better time can be spent going to geylang or posting FRs. Your logic is just inconsistent. You think FRs is not a waste of time but FRs on girls that don't raw is.

was referring to the mindset of the fuggers back then when it came to commercial sex ... not the mindset for debating la ... please use my reply in contextnot so many la ... just u, the rude dude and a couple more ... from what i can see less than 10
Doesn't matter. The mindset of fellas back then, is back then. Move with the times.

anyway to each his own ya ... u dun have to agree with me, u dun even have to feel that what i post makes sense
Fine, not here to make enemies.

... u just gotta make sure that when u cheong commercially u gotta do what u need to to protect urself
What do you think suggesting a list of girls that are 'safe' is about? The point is, this list will be helpful but it will not be perfect. If you don't wish to participate, that's fine. Hey, don't read the list. But don't say it's not helpful because it is.

The list will be helpful to those who are interested, just like how the list for big boobs is helpful for those who are interested.
Old 15-11-2010, 11:51 PM
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Re: GL $150 - Talk Cock, Sing Song

Originally Posted by Alejandro88 View Post
WHen I attacked him with concrete substance, obviously this fellow (jdi813) got no more firing power to defend and counter me. He therefore has to come up with something nonsensical to cover his idiot face! I suggest you better dig a hole to hide your face now!
Please la wake up to the reality of the singapore today can bo ... u're arguments here,
Originally Posted by Alejandro88 View Post
You sure your statement is rational??? What fuck up policies that made YOU suffer? Do you want a leadership like the one in Myanmar?? Or you prefer some thing closer like Malaysia or Indonesia or Thailand?? Do you want to see the value of Singapore Dollars slide down south horrendously?? DO you know why our Singapore Dollars is so strong?
are the shit that the PAP used to scare the voters with, back when they didn't know better and we all thought the MSM was telling us the whole truth.

my statement is definitely rational ... just look and ask around u. nothing in general has made me suffer yet, it's just that i dunno when i'll be able to afford a free-hold house or if i'll ever see my cpf $$$ again, but that's a problem for the future.

we are supposed to be 1st world leh (dun ask me ... out MM tells us that) so why dun we compare ourselves with other 1st world nations ??? why do we keep looking at all these troubled spots ??? Ur thinking very retro la ... dunno how else to describe the stuff u posted
Old 16-11-2010, 01:10 AM
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Re: GL $150 - Talk Cock, Sing Song

I used to enjoy coming into this thread and read, with everyone sharing their thoughts about diff aspects of our wonderland ... gals, KC experience, brotherhood, etc etc

now it becomes a flaming thread between bros? what is this?? we are all on the same side, bonking the gals, paying through our nose and sharing our joys and laughter here ... so come on ... have fun with the gals, share if you are interested, if not just dont post in this thread.

Lastly, I will say bro HBK is one of the bros here that I respect here and so far I see that he is fair in his postings, I will support him in here.
We the BROTHERS of GL SAF, swear to have FUN by finding the BEST CUNTS!

"King's Latest Party Gals" thread will have the details of the GL 150 gals I had since July 2001

Go to "GL Newest Party Joint" thread for the latest GL updates with the help of all the brothers who PM or sms me or post in the thread.

Will be fading away from GL soon but as I said "No one retires from GL" .... who knows?
Old 16-11-2010, 01:12 AM
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Re: GL $150 - Talk Cock, Sing Song

jin sexciting worhs
Old 16-11-2010, 01:17 AM
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Re: GL $150 - Talk Cock, Sing Song

Hey guys, shall we switch topic and pick up something interesting?

Allow me maybe?

How do bros handle the problem that, there comes a stage when you have had nice sessions with almost all the girls in a house, to a point such that whoever you pick, the rest get a bit jealous and tax you on that the next time with you?

Is there any finer trick besides calling from other houses?
Old 16-11-2010, 01:23 AM
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Re: GL $150 - Talk Cock, Sing Song

Originally Posted by enigma View Post
Hey guys, shall we switch topic and pick up something interesting?

Allow me maybe?

How do bros handle the problem that, there comes a stage when you have had nice sessions with almost all the girls in a house, to a point such that whoever you pick, the rest get a bit jealous and tax you on that the next time with you?

Is there any finer trick besides calling from other houses?
Good start ... well that is the only trick I know, maybe I am newbie ... LOL

As far as my understanding is that PRC gals are not like thai or viets where you can have group parties or exchange parnters with your bros ..... they like to be treated "special" ... thats why I usually go to different joints to call my regular gals of the different houses

hope that there will be other bros to share more solution to this
We the BROTHERS of GL SAF, swear to have FUN by finding the BEST CUNTS!

"King's Latest Party Gals" thread will have the details of the GL 150 gals I had since July 2001

Go to "GL Newest Party Joint" thread for the latest GL updates with the help of all the brothers who PM or sms me or post in the thread.

Will be fading away from GL soon but as I said "No one retires from GL" .... who knows?
Old 16-11-2010, 04:56 AM
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Thumbs down Re: GL $150 - Talk Cock, Sing Song

Originally Posted by Alejandro88 View Post
Well, it does not matter if you wanna pui me or zap me (which you did), at the end of the day, I am not guilty at all to retaliate intensely! As a magnanimous person in nature, I won't feel hatred or vengeance against you.
me (hav'nt zap u) yet.....
but me,Pui pui pui
Old 16-11-2010, 08:10 AM
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Re: GL $150 - Talk Cock, Sing Song

Originally Posted by Gesch View Post
Yeah for this reason alone PAP has my unequivocal support I'm really scared that if the opposition gets the power it'll act "righteous" and close GL down. That would be my worst nightmare come true
Totally agree lah bro. If those opposition politicians idiots ever get righteous then I think we will have to start looking for new places like Johor or Batam. I think unless we vote some Taliban into power, this should not happen loh. I bet some of these politician go for WLs as well. Sleazy bastards hehe.

Anyways I never ever got the chance to vote during the past few elections and I do not think I will ever get the chance to vote until I shift to another new place loh. So neber mind.
Old 16-11-2010, 08:19 AM
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Re: GL $150 - Talk Cock, Sing Song

I think apart from calling from other house, the only other way is to ask for threesome. Only some of the Wls are ok with that. So they also lan lan have to suck cock (thumb is interchangeable in this phrase).

Also if the tactic of calling from other house is to be used on a regular basis. Better to make sure to reserve at least one house in the whole of GL where you do not ever call the girls there otherwise you will need to stay out of the GL without incurring the WL's wrath. Hell has not furies like a woman's wrath so better handle this one properly man.

Originally Posted by cuntking View Post

hope that there will be other bros to share more solution to this
Old 16-11-2010, 08:31 AM
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Re: GL $150 - Talk Cock, Sing Song

Originally Posted by Gesch View Post
When someone is fresh into power, he usually has the tendency to do something big and "presentable", to show what he's capable of. ...
Reminds me of my days in the army man every time some new commanders come in suddenly need to step up on the Garung scale. Damn those big boys and their stupid egos. If someone ever shuts down GL. I will go rioting in the streets man.
Old 16-11-2010, 08:58 AM
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Re: GL $150 - Talk Cock, Sing Song

Originally Posted by jdi813 View Post
my statement is definitely rational ... just look and ask around u. nothing in general has made me suffer yet, it's just that i dunno when i'll be able to afford a free-hold house or if i'll ever see my cpf $$$ again, but that's a problem for the future.
Yah bro the price of a free-hold in Singapore is horrendously expensive as compared to those in other countries. If you want to you can bloody sell your HDB convert it to a free hold property with land along with it even in America man. It is fucking crazy.

As for the CPF$$ consider it bye bye already. A few more years down the road they will raise the bar on the minimum age before you can withdraw your CPF money. those guys at the top bloody squandered and lost all our money man.
Old 16-11-2010, 11:02 AM
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Re: GL $150 - Talk Cock, Sing Song

Originally Posted by lyonflor View Post
Yah bro the price of a free-hold in Singapore is horrendously expensive as compared to those in other countries. If you want to you can bloody sell your HDB convert it to a free hold property with land along with it even in America man. It is fucking crazy.

As for the CPF$$ consider it bye bye already. A few more years down the road they will raise the bar on the minimum age before you can withdraw your CPF money. those guys at the top bloody squandered and lost all our money man.
u know i know la ... anyway think we should cut all this and not fuck up the thread further than it already is ... like bro cuntking has said ... let's move on with something more relevant to SBF

sorry guys for all the clutter ... got abit carried away ...

so many threads & stories stopped in the adult discussions cos of no brained people coming in to KPKB at only god knows what ... so abit easily agitated when i see this sort of posts nowadays ... anyway paiseh again
Originally Posted by enigma View Post
... blah blah blah ... How do bros handle the problem that, there comes a stage when you have had nice sessions with almost all the girls in a house, to a point such that whoever you pick, the rest get a bit jealous and tax you on that the next time with you?

Is there any finer trick besides calling from other houses?
Back to topic ... on the face given if u call another gal in the same house,

think it's a common problem ... so normally i practice 1 house 1 gal ... saves me the hassle.

Last time i used to have a regular gal fang fang @ 2062, but when she wasn't working Lorna gai siao another house gal Jenny ... basically upped her a few times during this period ... but when fang fang was back to work and i switched back to her ... the face Jenny gave me everytime i walked in cannot be effectively put in words.

Normal la ... guess the gals see it as snatching business so more protective of their rice bowl abit to that extent

Going diff house to call diff gal so as not to affect service with ur reg is the easiest solution
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