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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 08-01-2012, 03:18 PM
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Talking Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by limborock View Post
wahhhh... so now u r power 1.
Does that mean I can start zapping ppl? *grin*
Old 08-01-2012, 04:31 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

wow! this seems to b d hottest thread with regular updates r FRs. i'm more of a ktv kinda chiongster mainly Bs n Th in gl, but now dat those closed down, new regular place is cc @ pearl ctr. pubs also have but mainly viet joints in jc n gl to watch epl n play pool. i will not go to a pub with no pool table unless d action is so gd dat i cant focus on anything else

my pinoy pubs experience limited to duxton (near my office) and psc, but last time i stepped into shld b a year ago. anyway looking for a place to watch d fa cup game between man city n man utd tonite. any bros here can recommend a place dat show epl, got pool table, got hot chicks n action all in one haha. i know dat is asking alot but hey i'll b glad to join any bros going to watch d game tonite. cheers!
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Old 08-01-2012, 08:32 PM
Orchardtower Orchardtower is offline
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Hey bro ive gt pics but how do i upload them
Old 08-01-2012, 11:04 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by limborock View Post
unless this place is totally 'clean' bar, try not to mention the name openly in the thread. we dont know who is lurking and reading yr post.. but i guess whr ur staying isnt far off town since i see a balestier place u mentioned.\

OT for tea dance? yr modus operandi to catch some pinays?? Cos if u go tea dances, ladies who patronise there mostly are domestic helpers. Pls note: i mentioned 'mostly'. so u still could get lucky, but not with BGs, but maybe nurses or other professions. But very minimum of cos.
i think traffic light is a hanging flower joint actually. not much action
Old 09-01-2012, 01:19 AM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Bored as hell. Anyone wanna go play with some pinays?
Old 09-01-2012, 01:21 AM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Ok a lil off topic( alot actually).

cant believe ive been a member since 2004?!?!?

been lurking too much
Old 09-01-2012, 01:21 AM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by playaz9999 View Post
Went down to a pub in the newton area where i used to be a regular but turned out that there were no girls tonight. Boss explained to me that there has been a reduction in number of pinoys entering the country and he's got to share with some of his other branches.... Headed down to the other branch in town and had a great time with my two new best friends Faye and Violet. FAye in particular has a really innocent type face but her behavior is certainly nothing like that...
Bro you got PM :-)
Old 09-01-2012, 01:24 AM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by limborock View Post
Didnt noticed your post til bro draven78eric pointed out.

Hello bro climberr242003,

Welcome to the thread. Since u have been to BQ and PSC b4, im sure the neh nehs arent the only thing u get to touch everytime or let me re-phrase, Always that? No GFE, getting grinded, kissing etc? Im sure there's more u would want to share?

Pls share bro and some of us might just return the favour.

Well.. the source u heard this from, did he/she mentioned that there are Thai gerls there too or is the location the same spot where a famous malay ktv used to be? If yes to either one of the ques, then forget it. Nothing much to explore here. Very tame gerls and LDs are similar to prices in bars at the fringe of town.

If all above not true, then im keen to explore also.

My gosh Limborock the famous Minah KTV which starts with K----m hehe you know your history well. If that is the place indeed, it is puyings only not pinays i can confirm as i know the owner and u r right nothing happening there hehe
Old 09-01-2012, 01:27 AM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by Mike2009 View Post
Bro you got PM :-)
Just curious.. don't people get notified they have a PM? Why do people feel the need to tell them in the thread to check PMs?
Old 09-01-2012, 01:59 AM
limborock limborock is offline
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by Mike2009 View Post
My gosh Limborock the famous Minah KTV which starts with K----m hehe you know your history well. If that is the place indeed, it is puyings only not pinays i can confirm as i know the owner and u r right nothing happening there hehe
Yes ur rite my fren! Thats the one! Dont waste your time if that is the place.

Originally Posted by Pita123 View Post
Just curious.. don't people get notified they have a PM? Why do people feel the need to tell them in the thread to check PMs?
Hmm.. good ques but i got no ans to that. Probably just for good order sake.
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Old 09-01-2012, 02:02 AM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl


Life is short, live it long..
Old 09-01-2012, 02:05 AM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by rebeldevil View Post
wow! this seems to b d hottest thread with regular updates r FRs. i'm more of a ktv kinda chiongster mainly Bs n Th in gl, but now dat those closed down, new regular place is cc @ pearl ctr. pubs also have but mainly viet joints in jc n gl to watch epl n play pool. i will not go to a pub with no pool table unless d action is so gd dat i cant focus on anything else

my pinoy pubs experience limited to duxton (near my office) and psc, but last time i stepped into shld b a year ago. anyway looking for a place to watch d fa cup game between man city n man utd tonite. any bros here can recommend a place dat show epl, got pool table, got hot chicks n action all in one haha. i know dat is asking alot but hey i'll b glad to join any bros going to watch d game tonite. cheers!
Didnt catch this post earlier else would hve intro u to try KB. But nvm, nxt time u know whr to go.

Anyway, welcome to the thread and appreciate future FRs and inputs.
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Old 09-01-2012, 02:07 AM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by Orchardtower View Post
Hey bro ive gt pics but how do i upload them
Originally Posted by Fafnir View Post
Bored as hell. Anyone wanna go play with some pinays?
Hey bros

Welcome to the thread. Appreciate yr inputs here.

Share yr experiences and stories perhaps?

Bro Orchardtower: I use but seems pics only last a while. Any other bros can comment on this?
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Old 09-01-2012, 02:37 AM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Dear All,

I would like to provide some FR after first cheonging the pinay pubs...i am a relatively new cheongster and had done russians, viets, thais, PRC etc...however got a little bored with the SOP service of FLs and massage parlors and just want to try something new...

had been reading on this thread and was very curious about how fun pinoy pubs are...did my research by reading all the FRs as well as PM a few brothers here for i understand i am rather new and just joined without much power, I knew i won't get much intel because actually there are a lot of info already so to all greenhorns reading this, dont just depends on spoonfeed, do some reccee and research and also go take a look.

based on info by bro Ilovejuagen (thanks for that), there were three locations to choose from...1 i heard some horror stories on how the girls there prefer caucasians or are overpriced, another one i feel could be hit and miss and i dont want to risk it so decide on the last place...this is near house of the most important man in singapore, that's all i can say as i understand we cannot try to reveal the location...

Before going down, I decided on what i want to achieve in this mission, just to do some hunting get some thrills but not necessarily have a happy ending or a fuck...i just want some rabba rabba action since sometimes you go all the way, the thrill is lost. I also didnt ask any brothers as I prefer to go hunting alone so i can just decide what i want for now...

Pub 1: (2100 hours)
This is a fifth floor, the one starting with this the smokey place? cos I went in and there were really lots of smoke...i couldnt even see in front of me!...the waitress came over to get order for drinks and I decide to have a tiger...she also popped the question: do you want a girl? Yes of course! so she got the line up to parade in front of me and i made my choice though its really hard to see with the smoke...while the girl went to get prepared, i spy another brother having fun with another girl as the smoke started to i guess for sure there will be some action...the girl came in and start to give me a lap definitely met what i came for as during the sessions she was totally grinding towards me while i have free access to her boobs and even went as far as to put my hand inside her shorts to finger the third LD, she was already giving me a handjob and licking all over my she didnt hint at further action, i decide to head on to another pub though i gave her a tip since she asked for it...

Total spent: 2 beers for myself ($20), 3 LDs ($150), tips ($30)

Pub 2: (2200 hours)
This is the pub that bro oranje was talking about...since he mentioned that prettiest pinay can be found here, i couldnt resist taking a look...i do have many pinay working for me so I am a fan of pinays...and i know some tagalog too...

went in and place was also rather empty...just like the previous pub..maybe because its a sunday?this is the one where good clue by bro limborock had given in one of the postings (hotel, indian eating place, speed car movie name) in fact, when i initially walked around to take a look there were two side by side with movie was obviously boarded out so it became i am writing this, actually bro oranje pm me the place name, although i already went there before seeing his pm...haha but still thankful...

At first the waitress only ask me whether I want a drink, again took a beer but she didnt ask about girls...being a greenhorn i just sat there stupidly washing down my beer...after a while, she came over and asked, you want any girl? yes i again the line up...then she lead me to the smokey room also...same rabba rabba except with the first LD her bra was already off...this time i rem her name because the first pub i forgot what the girl was called...S***** the second LD, she asked, you want to go private room? wasnt in my plans but too horny after her rabba agreed to the room...i paid 250 for 2 hours of the room and had to also buy condom nearby...(yeah I know, it's expensive, but i just wanted to have fun tonight)...she was a pretty young sweet thing with quite a handful of breasts...should be a C and she brought me up to 4th flr for the room.someone was present to unlock and we had the whole place to ourselves...i had to buy her another LD then we proceed to get naked...i had fun stripping her and she did that lemon massage on my nipple before sucking it...soon she was doing a BBBJ and we got down to missionary...too much beer so i couldnt release the shot so she HJ and BJ me to cum...

We took a rest and talk cock and i bought her another LD...soon it was close to time's up but she was stroking me and waking my brother up, so i took up her option of extending an hour...100 for room 100 for her LD, yes i know i got ripped off maybe but i just want to explore the system today...we got right down to it and this time i was able to paint her...soon i mount her and start giving some deep strokes before releasing in her with the CD...we cuddle in the room and talk cock till time's up...GFE here is 120% and she even told me its her bday tom...since we were screwing each other at the stroke of midnight, she said i am her bday present lol...

I also asked her about the system and told her just before going to her pub, i was at fifth floor, she gave me a playful pinch saying i am such a playboy, and thats not good...she immediately knew which one...i also asked her about the 4th floor pub starting with K as it is near escalator...apparently these are all owned by same boss...while i was walking also i saw an interesting place at first floor...the door was open and i saw the ladies practising their pole dance routine...this place have a name of the card game...tobvious clue here...looks like so i wonder whether there is playbility here...some players care to enlighten? keen to see the dancing...

anyway damage here was rather singinficant: LD 2 at pub ($100), VIP room plus bonking ($250), LD 3 in room plus extension one hour ($250), beer for myself ($20)

yeah i spent too much here but i just want to enjoy the hunt...and be a gentleman to the ladies..treat them well and help them earn as much...

Some Thoughts:
1. I was uncomfortable where the second pub the VIP room is not in the pub and I have to go to the 4th flr of the shipping mall to go room...while en route there, a lot of ppl eating by the road were all watching me and I prefer a more discreet way...if any brother know where the VIP is in the pub itself without me having to go out, please let me know...
2. Is it possible to have BJ in the pub without going all the way? Not been offered that but maybe they can tell i am greenhorn and want to robert me so it's fine...i take it as give tution fee...
3. i guess i overpaid for the bonking session didnt i? oh well...

Lastly thanks to all the brothers for their details which help and this is why i hope my fr will help someone...i dont have a habit of writing FR unless it had been really fun not asking for access to plist or further contacts because i know i am still too greenhorn and will continue to hunt alone for a while but if any brothers here have a super good recommendations of a wild pub, please let me the meantime, i am happy to explore and learn on my own...


special thanks to bro oranje, limborock and ilovejuagen
Old 09-01-2012, 05:28 AM
ilovejuagen ilovejuagen is offline
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

All Bros on p-list, important announcement made. Pls check ur gmail and revert ASAP.
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