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Old 17-05-2016, 01:43 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs


My theory is that women respond to this like nothing else on earth because the truth is that this is the greatest sign of power, and the most difficult to achieve, the most difficult for a woman to find in a man.

You see, money can be given or lost by sheer good or bad luck, looks can fade and be deceiving, but emotions are the great equalizer. Everyone is challenged by their own fears, so the man who conquers his own emotions is usually the ultimate victor.

For example, let’s say you are faced with a great challenge in your life. Whether its financial, social, or anything else, the fact is, if you are emotionally secure, calm, cool, and confident, you will usually end up conquering the problem and getting back on top of things.

But if you start to fall prey to negative emotions, you will be at the mercy of whatever happens to you and you will be relying on your luck. We all have heard of successful people who have had it all go down the drain and then commit suicide. Do you see how your emotional strength is the truest sign of your personal and inherent power?

A guy who does not get emotionally “messed up” or “bogged down” by life’s challenges, is a guy who will overcome those same challenges.

He will be a man in FAR GREATER CONTROL of what happens in his life, than a man who is a billionaire and is not an emotional winner.

A guy who has his emotions under control and has banished his fears has the power to achieve almost anything and overcome almost any obstacle.

Women understand this on an intuitive level, beyond the conscious.

Women desire to be with this type of man, because he makes them burn with pure sexual desire.

As I explained before, at first, you may have to just ACT like the MAN. This is a good start. But don’t stop practicing until you become THE MAN, instinctively.

The irony of it all is that when women sense that you are THE MAN, you will then suddenly be flooded with all the things you have learned NOT to need- affection, support, love, sex, kindness, etc.

Being emotionally strong means you don’t need any particular girl, it means you don’t get jealous, it means you dump “problem” chicks immediately, and don’t play into their games since you know you can find better.

It means that you do not do anything to “win” a girl. You are THE MAN and that’s enough. This means not ever buying a woman something out of the fear that if you don’t, she will “like you less”. If you allow such fears to show, to exist, she will think lowly of you. Put simply, she will think you must be pretty inferior if you feel you need to buy her things.

Most guys talk too much and smile too much in an attempt to win a woman’s approval. Forget the song and dance. All the extra effort to please women comes from fear or belief in romantic lies.

And it always backfires. Women are repelled, feeling that these guys are UNSEXY or they would not be trying so hard.

That doesn’t mean you should not make yourself as good looking, intelligent, and accomplished as possible. But notice these traits have nothing to do with her. You make yourself sexy by concentrating on improving your confidence, your looks, your personality, etc.

Now, there is a difference between doing something out of ass-kissing and doing something because you would do it for a buddy. Women can tell the difference, and if you do something friendly that you would do with a guy buddy, it’s all right. But it must be clear to her that you are only doing it because you felt like it, and not because you felt you needed to impress her.

When you first meet a woman, be safe: NO FAVORS, COMPLIMENTS, OR GIFTS. For at least 3 or 4 months. And have NO emotional responses to things, period.

If/when a woman says you are so cool and distant, don’t you dare change and become too mushy, because the truth is SHE CRAVES A GUY WHO IS COOL AND MASCULINE.

Now you know why my ONLY challenge in life is to achieve ABSOULTE EMOTIONAL MASTERY ( OR STRENGTH ) AND SELF MASTERY!!

To do so, I must first know my TRUE SELF or TRUE NATURE.

The benefits are far reaching n well beyond getting n keeping the prettiest dolls. In fact, the prettiest dolls n all other worldly possessions will be totally irrelevant. It's unimaginable!!


Bro WB
Old 17-05-2016, 08:47 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Well said bro, always enjoyed reading your advice and a good reminder to me of the importance of emotional mastery
There are many ways to shoot and score! Be the Libero
Old 18-05-2016, 11:42 AM
warbird warbird is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by Libero View Post
Well said bro, always enjoyed reading your advice and a good reminder to me of the importance of emotional mastery
Bro Libero,

Tks for ur post.

Yes, nothing come close to awesome emotional mastery in attracting women. However, It does take time for a woman to fully appreciate a man's emotional strength.

The more stressful, real life situations the better. Yeah, bring it on! It's when she finds out if you're a MAN or a little boy. You need to remain very calm, very relaxed, very confident n totally non-reactive. Be her 避风港,her rock of Gibraltar!! Don't disappoint her.


Bro WB


Good morning!!

I married a very beautiful young TW gal many decades ago n brought her to Gotham City. She was the daughter of a police major in TW. She married me because of my prestigious profession.

My mom in law told her that 你老公的外表根本配不上你. Her sister's male classmates told my sis in law 你姐是一朵鲜花插在牛粪上 haha. They were exaggerating a bit. I knew that n I felt slightly insecure. That wasn't the problem. My body language wasn't manly enough. She always say, 看到陌生不要眨眼睛 动作忙点 要挺身肢正 说话慢点 吃饭慢下来 不要狂傲要很笃定 很冷静很放松...her exact words she has repeated thousands of times. She was describing the body language n behaviour of a MAN w/ awesome emotional strength!! I just didn't realize the significance until recently!!

笃定 is not commonly used. But it's the hall mark of THE MAN!

It's inexplicable that that she was giving me, many decades ago, exactly the same advice given by the modern RS gurus!! A woman's intuition is truly amazing. She is a very smart person, but aloof n a bit cold. BTW, I'm still married to her. We hv two adult children, both graduates of Ivy league schools. She knows what I'm doing in SG but has chosen to accept it. She is now a devout Buddhist.

Lastly, let me remind all bros here the attitude of a badass gentleman:

"Behave as if you hv 100 very beautiful women of your type, both WLs n non WLs who are healthy mentally n physically, calling you everyday and wanting to fuck you everyday."

Repeat 100 times daily. Perhaps a very 狂傲 statement, but it works like magic!


Bro WB

Last edited by warbird; 18-05-2016 at 01:01 PM.
Old 18-05-2016, 08:31 PM
bonkpedia bonkpedia is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post

Some marriages do turn out well, but nothing lasts forever.

Yeah, some mistresses do cheat. At least 50% of legal wives also cheat.

Be THE MAN w/ awesome emotional mastery.


Bro WB
Thank you!
Old 25-05-2016, 10:56 AM
warbird warbird is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by bonkpedia View Post
Thank you!
Bro, you're welcome!

Good morning!

What an auspicious day!

Who is a badass gentleman? He is a MAN who behaves as if he has 100 very beautiful women of his type, both WLs n non WLs who are healthy mentally n physically, calling him everyday and wanting to fuck him everyday. 他非常冷静笃定自信又很谦虚 才智超人博览群书 气质非凡文质彬彬 可是胆大包天 处世沉稳镇定 即使是泰山压顶也会面不改色...

Be such a MAN. And the most beautiful dolls will flock to YOU! Even if you look no better than Benjamin Franklin or Sean Stephenson.

Two months ago, I received yet another e-mail from a guru Alex Allman:

Life kicking you in the nuts? Here's how to win...

We have all been in the fire, my friend. That is just part of this crazy journey we call life.

And you already know: The secret to getting out the other side alive and thriving is to stay positive when the chips are down.

But sometimes... even the best of us just struggle to get just back up, much less stay positive.

This "public service announcement" is for YOU if you're struggling right now...

Dr. Sean Stephenson's new book: "How To Stay Positive When Life Gets Crazy" is available for pre-order right now for only $10 (plus some cool bonuses) and you NEED it.

If you're new to me and The Allman Report, then you may not know about Sean-- I'm proud to call this man my brother, one of my closest amigos, and a guy I look up to and seek out for advice all the time.

He's not easy to look up to either, because he's only 2.5 feet tall. And he's broken more than 200 bones in his life. And he's in a wheelchair to get around...

So I'm not saying his problems are necessarily harder than yours... I'm just saying that he knows what the f--- he's talking about.

You walk down a public street, through a mall, or into a restaurant pushing Sean's chair and you see people look at him and quickly look away like, "oh, that poor little man!"

And you know what?

I can guarantee you that it's poor THEM! Because Sean lives like a rock star. He's got closer friends, more love, more play, more purpose, more HAPPINESS and pure good vibes than just about anyone you'll ever meet.


Because he's delighted to be under 3 feet tall and having to ask for help to use the bathroom?

No bro, because he WORKS at it, and he knows his shit.

There is no one in the world like Sean Stephenson. Period.

If you feel like life is kicking you when you're down, then you wanna get to know Sean right now. Pre-order the book and get the goodies, and get ready to have your brain (and your heart) blown wide open.

Oh, yeah, almost forgot: TODAY IS THE LAST DAY...


I guarantee you'll be thanking me.

For Passion,


Google Sean Stephenson. I was hesitant to post this e-mail because I didn't want to be misconstrued as promoting him or any other gurus. I'm merely sharing what I find inspiring...I hv been naming the gurus since some bros accused me of plagirisng a few months ago.

I believe most of us at SBF look slightly healthier n more manly than Sean, yeah? But do we hv his emotional strength?


Bro WB
Old 27-05-2016, 11:22 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Good morning!

I'm inviting kakis to join my outings to two types of joints:

First, you must meet two criteria. 1) be a light drinker, 2) willing to smoke outside the room.

Second hand smoke is very hazardous to health. I intend to stay healthy so that I can bonk as many pretty dolls of my type as possible, for as long as possible.

The two types of joints:

A) HH at Peace Centre joints, Dynasty or Jade/China doll. 5:00 till 9-9:30pm.

Expense per pax $30-60. Booking $150, butterfly $30-50. Only booking at Dynasty.

B) SH at P8 n Lido or other high end joints. 9:00pm-2:30am.

Estimated expense per pax $100-150, booking $300. Some gals may want $500! If I hv a balance, expense per pax could be as low as $50!

I usually leave early n I don't drink one drop, but will share the expenses equally. Fair enough?

Peace Centre joints hv the most number of dolls for viewing at HH. Whereas prettier dolls may be available for SH at higher end joints. There is considerable overlap though.

PM your ctc if interested. Pls indicate your interest, option A or B, or both.


Bro WB
Old 27-05-2016, 11:28 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Bro WB, thank you for all your great sharing. Wish you have a nice weekend.
Old 27-05-2016, 08:43 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post

Who is a badass gentleman? He is a MAN who behaves as if he has 100 very beautiful women of his type, both WLs n non WLs who are healthy mentally n physically, calling him everyday and wanting to fuck him everyday. 他非常冷静笃定自信又很谦虚 才智超人博览群书 气质非凡文质彬彬 可是胆大包天 处世沉稳镇定 即使是泰山压顶也会面不改色...

Be such a MAN. And the most beautiful dolls will flock to YOU! Even if you look no better than Benjamin Franklin or Sean Stephenson.

Two months ago, I received yet another e-mail from a guru Alex Allman:

Life kicking you in the nuts? Here's how to win...

[SIZE="4"]We have all been in the fire, my friend. That is just part of this crazy journey we call life.

And you already know: The secret to getting out the other side alive and thriving is to stay positive when the chips are down.

But sometimes... even the best of us just struggle to get just back up, much less stay positive.

This "public service announcement" is for YOU if you're struggling right now...

Dr. Sean Stephenson's new book: "How To Stay Positive When Life Gets Crazy" is available for pre-order right now for only $10 (plus some cool bonuses) and you NEED it.

If you're new to me and The Allman Report, then you may not know about Sean-- I'm proud to call this man my brother, one of my closest amigos, and a guy I look up to and seek out for advice all the time.

He's not easy to look up to either, because he's only 2.5 feet tall. And he's broken more than 200 bones in his life. And he's in a wheelchair to get around...

So I'm not saying his problems are necessarily harder than yours... I'm just saying that he knows what the f--- he's talking about.

You walk down a public street, through a mall, or into a restaurant pushing Sean's chair and you see people look at him and quickly look away like, "oh, that poor little man!"

And you know what?

I can guarantee you that it's poor THEM! Because Sean lives like a rock star. He's got closer friends, more love, more play, more purpose, more HAPPINESS and pure good vibes than just about anyone you'll ever meet.


Because he's delighted to be under 3 feet tall and having to ask for help to use the bathroom?

No bro, because he WORKS at it, and he knows his shit.

There is no one in the world like Sean Stephenson. Period.

I believe most of us at SBF look slightly healthier n more manly than Sean, yeah? But do we hv his emotional strength?


Bro WB
Wo jue de sheng huo yue li yue feng fu de Nan ren zui you mei li le.
Yao zuo dao chu shi du ding, chen zuo leng jing fei yao jing li guo sheng huo de mo lian cai neng you zhe yang de jing jie.
Yue neng jing de qi sheng huo shang zhong zhong kao yan de nan Ren sheng shang san fa yi zhong lin ren nan yi kang ju de mei li.


Sorry for my system can't show mandarin wording when I input Han yu pin yin. If can, help me to show the mandarin wording. Thanks!

This Sean Stephenson is an extraordinary person, he is indeed someone with a very super strong emotional strength, determination, confidence, persistence n optimistic mindset. We mayb physically more well off than him, but our mentality n emotional strength r definitely nt as strong as him. He let me think of another extraordinary guy-Nick Vujicic. I think most of us here know him. Another strong man WHO NEVER DEFEAT BY HIS OWN DISABILITY N FAILURE IN LIFE!

Old 29-05-2016, 11:58 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by LorisKarius View Post
Bro WB, thank you for all your great sharing. Wish you have a nice weekend.
Bro, you're welcome!

Originally Posted by orangeproud View Post
Wo jue de sheng huo yue li yue feng fu de Nan ren zui you mei li le.
Yao zuo dao chu shi du ding, chen zuo leng jing fei yao jing li guo sheng huo de mo lian cai neng you zhe yang de jing jie.
Yue neng jing de qi sheng huo shang zhong zhong kao yan de nan Ren sheng shang san fa yi zhong lin ren nan yi kang ju de mei li.


Sorry for my system can't show mandarin wording when I input Han yu pin yin. If can, help me to show the mandarin wording. Thanks!

This Sean Stephenson is an extraordinary person, he is indeed someone with a very super strong emotional strength, determination, confidence, persistence n optimistic mindset. We mayb physically more well off than him, but our mentality n emotional strength r definitely nt as strong as him. He let me think of another extraordinary guy-Nick Vujicic. I think most of us here know him. Another strong man WHO NEVER DEFEAT BY HIS OWN DISABILITY N FAILURE IN LIFE!

Both Sean n Nick are MEN of courage n incredible emotional strength.

I'll now give an example of a famous male, who was voted The Sexiest Man Alive twice, but nonetheless has poor emotional mastery.

Who is he? Johnny Depp of course.

What really happened is unclear. His wife is probably a bitch but there is never an excuse for beating a woman. Could she hv become a bitch because he had failed to give her lots of CVOs? We will never know.

I feel very sorry for him n wish him well. I did enjoy his "Pirate" movies n "Don Juan DeMarco," hahaha. What has happened to our Don Juan of Asia??

He has failed w/ women, period. Still don't understand why he married her. His troubled marriage lasted only 15 months. Should have kept her as one of his mistresses.


My theory is that women respond to this like nothing else on earth because the truth is that this is the greatest sign of power, and the most difficult to achieve, the most difficult for a woman to find in a man.

Now you know why I want to achieve ABSOULTE emotional mastery.

Your comments will be appreciated.


Bro WB
Old 30-05-2016, 01:31 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Bro WB, your threads are always so rich in content.....thanks for the wisdom imparted through your writings here, it is always a pleasure reading them. hehe...really need to make time meeting u live at the K men!! :-)
There are no strangers in this world just friends that we have not known ~~~ World Brotherhood!!!
Old 30-05-2016, 10:24 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by Rain-Men View Post
Bro WB, your threads are always so rich in content.....thanks for the wisdom imparted through your writings here, it is always a pleasure reading them. hehe...really need to make time meeting u live at the K men!! :-)
Bo Rain-Men,
You make my day!!

My "wisdom" is largely gleaned from many sources. I hv carefully analyzed all of my personal experiences, including many failures n some successes, and those of others. I post only what I believe will work very well in real life situations.

I'm a very avid reader n a diligent learner. I'm improving everyday...
It's not where you start - it's where you finish that counts.
It's sad that most men still don't get it when it comes to man-woman RS.
BTW, it would be my honour if you care to join one of my outings.

Bro WB


Good morning!
Another day, another pretty doll!

Some of my musings on what kills attraction.
If a man doesn't believe he has more value than the doll, he will be rejected.
Aggressive chasing and/or excessive contact guarantees rejection.
Neediness and insecurity kill attraction.
Fear of losing your woman destroys attraction.
Even caring too much will drive your woman away.
Actually, all of the above apply to a gal you just met 10 minutes ago and to a woman who has been with you for over 10 years.

I hv an outing to Lido SH this Wed. We hv balance n the expected expense per pax is about $70. Booking a gal is $300, but a few gals may demand $500. We hv one, maybe two slots left. PM or SMS me if you're interested. For bros who are light drinkers n who are willing to smoke outside the rm.

BTW, Lido SH offers the best chance of meeting a chio gal of your type. I went there twice recently and I met two SYTs I like. Whereas, my numerous outings to Peace Centre joints last year resulted in three SYTs of my type. It's very rare that I don't get to ST or BY a SYT of my type. Unless the doll is already attached, but such a gal will not show up to work, yeah?

Bro WB
Old 30-05-2016, 10:26 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Good morning and thank you bro WB for all the great sharing. Please keep up the good effort!
Old 01-06-2016, 11:16 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Good morning!

The quality of air inside KTVs is very bad. It's hazardous to your health. My original idea of picking up gals outside KTVs makes a lot of sense. I'll still go inside KTVs with a singular purpose: To see as many chio SYTs as possible, in the shortest possible time.

That said, there are certain KTVs whose air quality is much better. I will not name any. You should know.

It's my civic duty to present the following medical facts:

"In fact, many physicians and researchers believe that passive smoke — the smoke exhaled by others — is potentially even more dangerous than actively inhaled smoke.

The reasoning is this: When someone smokes actively, the hot acrid fumes taken in are such an irritant that they often trigger an instant cough, thus limiting exposure to lung tissue, at least to some extent. Passive smoke, on the other hand, is dilute and not so hot. As a result, it tends to be inhaled and drawn in more deeply without causing an immediate reaction.

What is quite clear is that lungs exposed to cigarette smoke — whether it is actively or passively inhaled — are black and pigmented from all the chemicals in the smoke, many of which are cancer-causing.

There’s also the issue of “third-hand smoke,” in which particles and chemicals exhaled can settle on surfaces like chairs and desks and pose a further health hazard."

Dana Reeve died at 44 of lung cancer, from second hand smoke.

"If you have health you have hope, if you have hope you have everything."


Bro WB
Old 04-06-2016, 12:02 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Hi bro punterguy,

Your mailbox is full.

Originally Posted by punterguy
After seeing your posts, I want to join your to high end SH this Saturday night. What's the expense? How much for booking and taking gal out to hotel? Thanks!

I may be busy tmr night. We go next week. Your contact number?

I hv balance at Lido n expense per pax is about $60-70. Booking a gal is $300. Take her to hotel is 1-1.5K. But not all gals will go.

If no balance, expense per pax is around $150, although subsequent visits will be $60-70.


Bro WB

.................................................. ........

Good afternoon!

I went to Lido for SH the other night n failed to find a SYT of my type. There was a yr 96 Hunan doll, pretty n cute, but unfortunately, her arms n legs are larger than I could accept.

Since the beginning of 2015 I hv found a grand total of 3 SYTs last yr n 2 this yr who are close to my type. I BY-ed four of them n the fifth one LL agreed too. LL only asked for half the going rate for full BY. I was hesitant as her shoulders were a bit broad due to regular swimming. I had two full time mistresses at the time which dampened my sexual interest for her. She was really pissed off n returned to China earlier. I now wish that I did BY her. I often think of the one who got away because she now seems better than I perceived at the time.

BTW, a very esteemed bro has a secret GF. I found this out inadvertently. I didn't know he is such a naughty badass gentleman haha! His doll continues to work because there are so many suckers throwing money at her n getting nothing. Way to go! Well, I hv a secret SYT GF too haha. Since she continues to work, she saves me a bundle. She makes very good money daily just sitting. She is a naughty little SYT haha. Life is fun!!

My new Chengdu mistress LS just arrived a few days ago. Her first time in SG. She is a tall, slim n attractive model. About 172, 49-50 kg. I told her to put on 1-1.5 kg. Very easily orgasmic w/ loud moaning n screaming. She had been kept for 4 years by a rich Beijing biz man in Chengdu since she was a uni student. He met her only once a month. They broke up over six months ago. She never needed to work a day in her life. When her BF wasn't around she would use 跑蛋 to pleasure herself. I may not keep her LT as she is a bit old for me. She will be 25 this month. She commented on the size of my didi which is about the same as her ex BF's, especially its ample girth 你龟头大. Her ex is a northern Chinese n taller than me. After testing her n myself w/ Oraquick, I did her raw n shot my load as her auntie left yesterday. She said I had a huge load as lots of spunk was dripping out for sometime. I hope she doesn't get pregnant.

Incidentally, LS and my secret GF live in the same building, on different floors. That adds to the fun, yeah?

I always welcome kakis to join my outings to either Peace Centre joints for HH or high end joints for SH. Yesterday I dropped by a PC joint around 9:45 PM to say hello to some friends. I was surprised to see a pretty, tall n slim SYT coming to the room. Why wasn't she working in some high end joint?? My dear friend saw her first, what to do? I won't touch her unless he gives up on her. But it's a certainty I could up her. Why? Because I'm a badass gentleman...


Bro WB
Old 05-06-2016, 11:27 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Very interesting thread sia! Thank you big bro warbird!
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