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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan
Was in chang an for only a few days so did not have much time to explore. While travelling around chang an 长安, I have the impression that it's a much bigger town compared to chang ping 常平. As for whether it's more developed, maybe not as most taxi there don't use meter.
I saw a lot of big entertainment complex and hotel along the way from Humen 虎门 to chang an. those entertainment complex are like those of bkk in ratchada. Tried sauna service at JinSha 金沙 hotel. . Quality of the girls paraded were so so about 5 to 6/10 standard. Took the 500 cat. The girl I took was not very good. However, as we decided to change partner with my friend, the 2nd girl was much better. She let me service her and she came several times ![]() Next time will try 2 on 2 and 3 on 3 at the sauna.... ![]() |
Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan
Plan to go to Parkview Hotel KTV (Chang An Guo Ji Hotel, 5 star) tomorrow night (4th Nov night). Recently saw one bro's MM from Parkview, very cun, sexy with long legs, wish to re-visit.... Anyone want to tag along, please PM me.
Retiring soon... |
Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan
东莞要用半个月打扫黄战 防被中央戴“黄”帽
2009-11-03 08:34 南方都市报 网友评论 8 条,点击查看 本报讯 (记者李月刚)为了避免被中央综治委戴上“涉拐”、“涉黄”问题突出的帽子,东莞将立即进行为 期半个月的“严打”。昨日下午,全市社会治安重点整治会议召开,市委书记刘志庚要求公安机关,“拿出最硬的 措施、执行最严的标准”,重点整治涉拐、涉黄、涉赌问题。 据了解,因东莞涉拐、涉黄问题较为突出,中央综治委、公安部拟将东莞市列为挂牌整治的治安重点地区,目 前,中央综治委、公安部允许东莞有一个整改期,东莞将在整改期内通过集中整治争取不被“戴帽”。东莞市委书 记刘志庚在昨天会议上表示,东莞市各级公安机关全力加强破案,力争用半个月时间打一场漂亮的攻坚战,坚决避 免被中央综治委“戴帽”“挂牌”。 刘志庚称,对历年的涉拐积案、信访积案和现行拐卖案件挂牌督办,做到一案一专办,不破不罢休。对于大量 散布涉黄信息的娱乐服务场所,电信、移动、联通等通信部门要重点加强不良短信的封堵,协助公安机关查找案件 线索;散布涉黄信息的娱乐服务场所情节严重的还要通报工商、卫生等部门吊销场所证照,实行“一次性死亡”。 这次重点整治涉拐、涉黄、涉赌,必须拿出“最硬的措施,执行最严的标准”,对于包庇涉黄涉赌违法犯罪,甚至 充当“保护伞”的党员干部、公务员,查处一个严惩一个。东莞市将对各镇街打拐破案情况进行统计排名,对工作 不力的镇街下发整改通知书,并实行“戴帽”。 2008年11月,中央综治委在东莞开展的问卷调查显示,东莞市群众对社会治安的满意率达91.27% 。 any bros have any feedbacks on this clampdown ??? |
Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan
Wednesday night was just 2 of us (me and bro Coolmank). We took the small room. Mind you, the small room is REALLY REALLY small, can only sit 2 bros with max of another 4 girls in the room. Min Damage for the small room is RMB880. They have 2 types of DJ (i just got to know from last night), one is RMB200 (in red uniform) and another one is RMB300 (in blue color uniform). The deco was ok for the small room but though it is small room, there are 3 LCD TV inside the room and the sound system and speakers are BOSE brand, very good brand of sound systems. Red wine is RMB198 per bottle and buy 2 free 1. Last night, 4 of us went again and we took the mid size room with min spent is RMB1380. This time, mid size room is better than the small room. Better deco and lighting... very romantic type lighting and very relaxing... the ceiling light can change color, very nice and relaxing environment.... Again the sound system and speakers are Bose brand... very good sound system.... Girl wise is 6-7 out of 10 rating... fun-ness, not that fun compared to DFML... but was ok too... IMHO that Parkview is for those bros want to have relaxing environment to relax... or business customer discussion or entertainment type... cheers...
Retiring soon... |
Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan
Just came back from DFML.... girls are in their own clothings, NOT uniforms...
but the naked games still ON.... hehehhe.. Parkview Hotel KTV girls are also in their own clothings.... cheers...
Retiring soon... |
Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan
Bro, I was in Parkview on Friday nite as well. I must say this is a very posh KTV and your are rite, it's very relaxing. Even i find the 最低销费 is very acceptable for a posh ktv like this. Gal wise is almost CP's standard but just find the 3/8/12 a bit on the high side. We 卖单atRMB2200 with 4 dozens of beer. I took back a 1.65cm yunan gal and must say is worth every penny. Right at the moment she entered the room till she left at 12 the next day...i almost 精尽人亡
Drink...Drank...Drunk! Inline: 7 pointers and above ![]() |
![]() Quote:
Yes, the girls rate is 3-8-12 (only 1 type)...
Retiring soon... |
Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan
Ya..try to catch up next trip. I meant right from the entrance to the room and the service of the mommy. ALL very professionally done!I also went to Ji Ann the day before and damn...all pork chops and bak kut
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Drink...Drank...Drunk! Inline: 7 pointers and above ![]() |
Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan
Bro, did you drink Tsing Dao at Parkview? They serve very nice yellow color (or transparant bottle) Tsing Dao NOT the green bottle... to me, very smooth to drink... cannot find this type Tsing Dao in supermarket....
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Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan
Is this a case of mistaken identity? Anyway Coolman very common nick hahahha......but this coolman very cheapo, rarely goes KTV one and even if I goes it is the very cheap KTV like CA嘉年華KTV.
From my grapevine, Parkview is probably not the KTV for whose who like SYT. MM are nice, pretty and sophisticated but the majority of the people here who goes for the SYT type MM would probably not like this KTV. Thanks and See u soon.......hahha Here my FR for the cheap KTV. 嘉年華 have very cheap package like 600RMB net get you 4 bottle of white wine. Girls tips for sitting is 200 and DJ tips is also 200. A little on the high side for this Ah pek as I normally goes only to KTV with 100 RMB tips for DJ. 4 guys, 2 Sporean and two Taiwanese. A Taiwanese is the organizer for the outing. At around 12plus, the organiser told the DJ, she must choose among one among the 3 other males in the room. DJ asked "what for". She was told just choose. So she choose a very jolly fat Singaporean. (I am skinny and moody guy ![]() At 1am, the DJ was reminded, why hasn't she changed to causal yet? She storm out the room, only to come back 15 minutes in her casual clothes. Now, I know when the DJ said that she cannot change her clothing or go out, it is all BS. ![]() And my share of the damages...200RMB for the night.
無業游民 |
Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan
![]() Cheers, TinTin
Bros Of Share Share ![]() "胖胖俱乐部" members |
Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan
The pleasure is mine. And I am sure I would have enjoy myself even more....if we can cheong together.
![]() ![]() That plan to have a couple of days together....in dec. ![]() Either call my Singapore number or PM for arrangement.
無業游民 |
Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan
Drink...Drank...Drunk! Inline: 7 pointers and above ![]() |
Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan
CA Bros,
I'll be in CA for 2 nights next week. What's the recommended KTVs, Suanas to visit now? Any hotels to recommend as well? I was told JiAn KTV is the coolest? Is this still so? |
Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan
JiAn KTV used to be very cool but lost its coolness now.... If you are first time to CA... you need to check out DFML KTV...as for NON naked... low cost will be Oscar... and high end will be Parkview KTV....
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