Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan
Thanks bro for the advise but too late for me. And I had no choice as one of my friend was trying one of the mamasan there. Would try DFML or Oscar next time. The only conpensating factor was that my girl from Dongbei was very green. It was her second day at work and she had no idea that she need to go "out" with customers at times. She later learned it from her new friends at the KTV and then met me. Before penetration, she commented it was a strange feeling to do it with someone other than her bf. I know about China bullshits like this before but seriously I believed what she said.
Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan
Do they have 互动there as well? SZ to CP also 100RMB. will call her next Ms wan next time. |
Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan
SZ to CP 100rmb ??? quite unlikely ... |
Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan
You should have asked him to explain his "acronyms"? Maybe his 'SZ' not same place as your 'SZ'.
無業游民 |
Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan
CA could be california.
Drink...Drank...Drunk! Inline: 7 pointers and above |
Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan
yes. It's unlikely 深圳 to 常平 is 100RMB for market rate. Sorry to confuse you. |
Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan
Luckily I didn't go to that KTV since it's full of 猪扒 |
Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan
totaklly agreed ... this place is condemn hard hard ... |
Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan
which are the few popular sauna in CA?
used to cheong in CP ps: im a sauna man |
Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan
Its not nobody told you. Its because you are always busy with your Or maybe she already does all your laundry for you? :-)
別人笑我太瘋癲~我笑他人看不穿~ 不見五陵豪傑墓~無花無酒鋤作田~ ====================== 我不是随便的人,但我随便起来不是人 |
Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan
was there for 1 night last week seems that Wind very big...
even Long dao hui also had to stop several days.. wonder will it be the end of DG?
Looking for occasional fun ... 内疚是维系一段感情最好的灵药。。。。 |
Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan
Look like 东莞长安镇上沙第四工业区 the place to be. Anyone has more info?
【本报讯】东莞长安镇上沙第四工业区有个“新一族”市场,这里不卖衣服不卖菜,却是远近闻名、人所共知的“ 人肉市场”。整个市场五六十间店铺组成了“红灯区”。 11月9日晚,在东莞扫黄打非的高压态势下,这里终于被公安查封。而在此之前的三四年,除了严打时期, 这里每天生意不间断。 11月10日晚,记者再度暗访时,店铺老板仍热情招呼“要不要妹仔?”同时强调,“过几天就会重新开, 到时候小妹更多”。 长安镇上沙第四工业区荣富路27号“祥鑫”厂对面,是四五排一层楼的平房组成的市场,市场名为“新一族 ”。临街的是店铺,店铺背后的五六十间铺面,就是远近闻名的“人肉市场”。 11月8日晚,在知情人的带领下,记者来到“人肉市场”。知情人告诉记者,“因为这里是公开的,所以大 家都叫这里是‘人肉市场’。” 走在市场内,经过每个店铺,老板都会热情地上来问“要不要小妹,50元钱”,“要带出去啊?也可以,1 00块钱”。听到客人有意向,老板招呼一声,“过来,过来,有客人”。七八个打扮妖娆、花枝招展的小妹便应 声而来。另一家店铺老板又在喊“过来,过来,有客了”,又一批小妹小跑过去。 整个市场显得异常繁荣,所有人都习以为常。记者在其中一家店铺假装看小妹,进入后看到,店铺门口有两间 隔出来的小房,店里面也有小房间,显得特别脏,“就在这里做。”老板说。 “人肉市场”上的小妹几乎都租住在市场旁的出租屋里,楼下杂货店的老板、卖水果香烟的老板,都认识她们 。 “有些小妹是有人从湖南、四川、广西那些地方带过来的,也有一些是以前在一些工厂的打工妹。”杂货店老 板说。 记者暗访时的一位小妹告诉记者,光顾这里的男子,主要是在长安的打工仔,“因为便宜嘛,50块钱到10 0块钱就可以了,去酒店桑拿至少要三四百,打工仔消费不起”。 但也有开着车来的老板。“那些老板来了就是好几个人,然后一起挑好几个小妹,带去宾馆。他们是想‘尝鲜 ’,他们给钱比较大方。” “市场”存在 已有三四年 【本报讯】新一族“人肉市场”存在已经三四年。“只是以前还不像现在这么公开。”在市场门口开店铺多年 的老板说。 11月9日晚,大批公安和治安员赶到这里,将人肉市场的每间店铺的卷闸门都贴上了封条。 11月10日傍晚,记者再度来到“人肉市场”,市场内一片萧条,所有的店铺都拉上了铁闸门,上面贴有长 安公安分局沙头派出所的白色封条。 暮色渐深,记者发现,“人肉市场”又开始蠢蠢欲动。三五家店铺拉开了卷闸门;晚上8时左右,几个小妹又 坐在店门口的沙发上,俨然又进入了“营业时间”。 记者进入市场,身穿黑色T恤的胖男子便来问,“大哥要找小妹吗?要不要妹仔?”在路口,一东北腔男子指 了指路口出租屋的楼上,“要小妹不,去楼上看啊,60元。” 更离谱的是,到了晚上8点半,两大汉抬着一个一米高的铁栅栏挡住了市场的路口。“警察来了,栏杆挡着, 就不能直接开车进去了”一大汉说。 记者发现,这些店铺尽管老板不同,但这些从事性交易的人员则是“资源共享”的,哪个店铺老板拉到客人来 ,她们就往哪个店铺跑。知情人告诉记者,这些人要先交入场费,再每个月交管理费。 “人肉市场”的这些店铺都很破旧,租金却很昂贵,稍微好一点位置的,每月租金高达3000到4000元 。但“人肉市场”店铺的老板显然不担心交不起租。在交谈中店铺老板告诉记者,每介绍成一单“生意”,他们就 要抽水,“抽多少水,就要看客人花多少钱,花的多就抽多点,花的少则抽少一点”。这是店铺老板 的收入来源。 对于“新一族”下一步如何处理?长安公安分局治安巡警大队负责人表示,分局跟派出所正在研究措施,“只 要发现那里情势有抬头的迹象,就会予以严厉打击”。(除署名外均由《广州日报》供稿)
無業游民 |
Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan
Would appreciate someone can provide me the address in Chinese, please 浪琴島酒店 thanks |
Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan
Up List : Monitor carefreeman Anyone want 17 pieces of Bird Food. Do your part first |
Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan
thanks birdie,
Nice to hear from you again. I will be flying there tonite for a week to meet up with someone. CA is on cooling mode and some joints are pretty quiet due to the "严打" WIND BLOWING. Sources from a friend who work in “东方魅力” as a DJ regards |
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