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Old 18-02-2010, 12:19 PM
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Re: SOUTHERN EXPEDITION (a personal trip to China’s Guangxi Province & Vietnam’s Quan

continuing... DONGXING 东兴...

We decided to have our dinner first – at a local fast-food joint called KDS that seems to give KFC a run for the money, since we have not seen KFC in town. But then, we have not seen BigMac either – so, no American cuisine for us! The fried chicken wasn’t too shabby and we looked like a couple of locals coming out of the joint when we took one of the many waiting super mini-buses to F1 – not that far, as it is on the next main road parallel to BLDD and 10mins ride away. We then found out we were “early” when we got there at 8:45pm – the waitress told us the crowd does not come in till after 9:00pm and that’s the usual time for DX’s nightspots to start having crowd. Not surprisingly, our mummy was not even there yet – so, we need to wait.

We noticed the hardware of the room on the 3rd floor where we were brought to is very similar to one of the higher grade KTV in DG, with “luxurious” looking fixtures and completed with a PC to allow you go online! Cost for the cosy small room we had was RMB480 minimum charge, and MM at 2-6-10. Mummy came, and we noticed the software was limited – not sure if it was because we were early. Nevertheless, EZ & LT managed to pick two local GX-meis for a change. EZ’s MM came from BaiSe白色市 and my MM actually from DX itself. Oh shit… my suspicion was confirmed later when my MM said she doesn’t go out – not even for ST encounter – since this is her town and she won’t be seen at any hotel, although she did hint that she can go with me to another town like Nanning. But we suspected they probably also want to attend a friend’s birthday party at the same joint – their sexy friend actually came in to say hi to them and invited them. I was told the friend is also working at the same joint.

There was no KJ per se, but only waiters and waitresses who came into our room now & then to clear the table and see if we need to order any thing. There is no tips expected, and the waitresses looked shocked when I left loose change from our bill for her. We then decided we had enough of singing by 1:00am when I confirmed that my MM would not go out – well, even old fart made mistake by not asking first. And EZ decided he will not ask his MM out either, to show our comradie – but then, like father like son – we both had similar plans in mind!

Before we left F1, we checked out the DaTing大厅 on the ground floor – where there was supposed to be some show. But we found the place to be more like “high场” – seem to be all local young adults in the smoke-filled hall, shaking their heads. We felt overwhelmed and made our exit fast.

Yes, we were both thinking on the same wavelength. EZ & I then decided to head to the BBS areas in NongShangJie农商街 & LaoDongJie劳动街 by grabbing one of the many motor-tricycles waiting outside F1. And how did we know where to go? Well, the name of the BBS areas were actually garnered from the driver of the super mini-bus that took us to F1, and we spoke to the current driver like we knew what we were doing to avoid him taking us somewhere he may get a kick-back. We made sure of the “kick-back” issue by having the driver dropped us off at NSJ – so that was easy. But then it took us a while, and only after checking with a local equivalent of 7-11 to find LDJ that was supposed to be “just around the corner” from NSJ according to the driver who dropped us off. We then found out why we missed LDJ even though we have walked pass it – the first section of the street was literally pitch dark in the early hour of the morning when we were there. It could have been dangerous and I’ve not done this for a long while – as one gets more “kiasi” with age – but I could not loose my show of adventure spirit in front of my son, correct? So, we walked into darkness and feeling a bit dangerous with adrenaline pumping, although I did get the feeling that DX is relatively much safer compared to DG. And it wasn’t long when we saw all the tell-tale signs of BBSs – with MMs playing cards and absolutely bored and eager for a “date” – and we saw motorbike taxis bringing back MMs from somewhere. We have seen many locals, and definitely no foreigner - but no body hassle us. Even the mummies seem more interested in their card playing – a refreshing change from DG indeed, and we like that!

We didn’t quite fancy what we saw at LDJ and decided to head back to NSJ where I picked a 20yo Sichuan MM called SanSan. Mummy was careful and asked me to call her back from the hotel and provide the room number; maybe I really did not quite look like an honest fortune teller like I said I am, LOL. SS then appeared within 15mins, delivered on the motor-bike taxi. She is a cute SYT – another “Niagara Fall” and I must say it was the first time I had someone who clenched her fist and hitting my shoulder when she is on the high with orgasmic vibes…. another energetic encounter added to LT’s statistics. SS turns out to be a very nice and friendly MM and easy to chat to. Cost RMB150 for the s/t (cf 130 onsite). I decided not to keep SS o/n since it was like almost 4am by the time I finished our first round, and she probably will want to go when 天亮 (day breaks; a common practice for BBSs all over China) – so, better just to let her go and promise to call again if I need warm company in the cold nights.

A BBS on NSJ street

Another BBS – one MM is already in her pyjamas

One of the BBSs on LDJ in the wee hour of the morning – the operating time for local BBSs is something like 7:00pm till 6:00am the next morning, which seems to be the “standard” for most BBSs in China with exceptions like DG

That was the end of our first day in DX – rather eventful one for me. It reminds me of my younger days in the 70s & 80s when I usually cheong alone, like going alone to one of those casas in Philippines – but luckily never did encounter any problem and always rewarded with nice SYTs. Indeed, I never go to such places alone these days – only with local friends. However, I am also beginning to wonder if I’m ever going to bonk a local GX-mei! I told EZ I cannot possibly leave GX without tasting the local cuisine. And as we enjoyed our bowls of noodle across the street from our hotel for supper (or was it breakfast at 5am?) we were hoping that it won’t rain the next day… oophs… it should be later in the day…

More later…
Old 18-02-2010, 12:44 PM
Pink_Flyod Pink_Flyod is offline
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Re: SOUTHERN EXPEDITION (a personal trip to China’s Guangxi Province & Vietnam’s Quan


I was reading your FR while attending a corporate meeting !!!!
Old 18-02-2010, 03:30 PM
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DONGXING 东兴... cntd...

The weather next day… urrh… later in the day was good – even had a bit of sunshine and no rain. We walked around to seek out a possible local restaurant for lunch, something other than fast food. And we decided on one using our usual criteria - one that has the most local looking people in it – and this one actually opposite the Bus Terminal on BLDD. It has specialized soups like the Cantonese and the lunch only cost us a total of RMB46 – two very satisfied customers and we actually went back there again on another day. We then went walkabout to play tourists, including the two streets with BBSs where we were earlier in the morning – they were very different in the day – just like your friendly neighborhood. And of course, the doors of the BBSs were all shut tight, and the MMs do not come to work until at least after 7:00pm.

NSJ Street during day- just another neighborhood

LDJ - very different in the day

Our walkabout saw an interesting mix of old and new. The older original DX town next to the border check-point seems to have been renovated. We visited a couple sections of the Beilun River banks – both to the east and west of the checkpoint. We quickly realized just how porous the border is – and one can easily crossed the river within 5mins. Smuggling is not surprisingly common – and there are many signs warning locals not to do it – as if they really deter the locals from doing it. We now understand why just about every local we talked to has been over to Vietnam without formal entry one time or another, including the MM I sat with at F1 the previous night – she told me she was over there when she was younger to attend a relative’s wedding dinner. This is hardly surprising – unlike any other border I’ve seen (e.g. SZ & HK) there is NO barbed or electric wire separating China’s DX from Vietnam’s MongCai, and so locals from both sides travel to/fro on the BaiLun River rather casually without going through the formality. I can only speculate that the two Communist governments decided that there is no good reason for citizens of their countries to be illegal migrants of either country.

The BaiLun River北仑河 that separates China (right) from Vietnam (left) – connected by the China-Vietnam Friendship Bridge中越友谊桥 in the background at the center of this photo. Note lack of barbed-wire or fence – only an old cement embankment on the Vietnamese side that acts more for preventing potential overflowing river water. The Chinese side has nice steps up to the street where this photo was taken. The Chinese side has nice steps up to the street where this photo was taken. And the many sampans as seen in the photo are just informal and quick “connections” between the two countries.
Old 18-02-2010, 03:55 PM
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DONGXING 东兴... cntd...

We found chicken, literally, on our walkabout near the bank of BaiLun river

After the long walkabout – and a nice one through some new, some renovated, and some back-to-the-past areas, we decided it is only right to reward ourselves by checking out another foot-massage place joint. The choice was easy – it has to be the one we saw across from our hotel that has all the MMs (and we noted many sweet SYTs) doing their mass exercise in blarring techno music during the late morning – and we actually spent a bit of time gawking at their gyrating hips movements that even stirred my little bro despite his energetic bout with SS only six hours earlier in the morning! This is actually a proper hair saloon, similar to the arrangement in DS, and I was told this is only one of the three owned by the boss. And this time we have two SYTs, giving us a good foot massage – no hanky panky, although with a bit of time I’m sure we could KC them. They are most friendly, chatty and extremely flirtous – mine was in her tight gear that amplified her two nei-neis – walao eh, have to really control my hand movements! They even tell us where are the “hot spots” to go, as we played dumb about our knowledge of the town. They seem to be convinced that we are really father & son – we must be getting good with our ADF (African Dysfunctional Family) story as we go along and over the years - although they giggled about EZ & LT coming out to “kou nv ren抠女人” together! As expected, they fully agreed with me that it is perfectly normal for my EZ to like MMs, but I would personally break his 3rd leg if he shows any preference for another leg!

You may have heard of the Broadway classic, “Fiddler On The Roof” – but we found “Chicken On The Roof” in DX. I wonder if the solar panel is for providing the chicken with the tan, or to fry them! Note the foot massage place in the background – that’s the one with SYTs that we checked out – photo taken from our hotel.

In the early evening, we decided to get the help of a motor-cyclist to check out the local hot spots. It was a real pain in the butt experience for EZ – literally – because we were riding in tandem and the seat could just barely covered his ass and therefore rather uncomfortable – huh… the joy of exploration! And the motor-cyclist took us to the “HeBian河边” (Riverside) to the east of the checkpoint, going through some dark alleys off MinZuLu Road民族路. I guess we were getting quite brave after the previous night. We arrived at a park next to the river bank – again pitch dark except some lights from a nearby “huo-guo火锅” (steamboat) restaurant. The driver whistled and a couple of MMs literally came out of darkness. These are Vietnamese MMs that came across the border, or across the Bailun River illegally. Not satisfied with the two we saw, especially one seem to have a bit of attitude, we walked around, but there were not that many since it was a cold night. However, the price is RMB80 for a quickie at the nearby apartment where they are all staying, 120 take out s/t, and 300 o/n but need to negotiate. I saw a tall & slim SYT whom I fancy, but after my motorbike driver went back to fetch her later as agreed, the Vietnamese MM decided not to come by claiming to be not feeling well – WTF! Perhaps she decided she does not want to come alone since EZ was not keen on her friend. My driver said these Vietnamese MMs usually work in pair – that should be good for bros who like 3-P – uumph… I can think of one relative who will like that…

So, off we went hunting again – this time on two motorbikes in order to be a bit softer on EZ’s ass. We went to check out more BBSs down at HeDiLu河堤路 area where we actually walked pass earlier in the day. We didn’t see any action then, although both of us were really impressed by the beauty of a MM who got off a motor-bike taxi and went into a local hotel – we even joked about possibly waiting outside the hotel to see if she wanted to continue working. It was a different scene at night. There were many BBSs – with many Chinese MMs, but there are also many Viet MMs hanging out like customers at temporary drinking joints. I was told there are a lot more in warmer weather like during the summer when it was the peak tourist season due to the nearby beaches. It was a cold night, and we probably saw about 12 Vietnamese MMs at one of the drinking joints we stopped. I saw one that I fancy warming my bed with, but since EZ did not see anyone he fancies – and I was determined to make sure he picks one, we decided to soldier on. After all, there are many MMs and only EZ, agree?

The motor-bikes taxis drivers then took us to many “make-shift BBSs” – some thing I’ve never seen before. These are make-shift tents put up in some open areas – many at the corners of the major road intersections. And being a cold night that evening, they all had a metal wash-basin with charcoal burning to provide the warmth, with a mummy surrounded by her MMs under her charge – those we saw range from two to five MMs each, but the quality not so tempting and some look really young. The cost for getting to know these MMs better are RMB120 s/t and 300 o/n. It was like a wild goose chase for us and quite fun, despite the cold night. And we finally arrived at one at a street corner with a friendly mummy and one MM only – but they called up other MMs, and each of us managed to pick one. These are mainly GX mei and mine actually from DX itself. WenJing is a 22yo, claimed to have just finished school and waiting for job. She said she is only doing this on the side – that’s why she only go out when the mummy calls. But she seems to be a popular party girl judging by the number of calls she received. She said she likes to go to the many night spots, but does not get “high” like many friends of her age – even invited me to go out, but I declined. She was short on technical skill, but very passionate – more like making out with gf and she claimed to have come three times (not sure how true but a sure ego booster for an old fart!) – and yes! – I finally had a great bonk with a local GX-mei in GX! Even better, a DX-mei in DX! I guess I’ll have to wait till I get to MongCai to find a local Viet MM.

We also found out there is a newly-opened bath-house that offers “one-dragon” full service – it’s JiaXin located on JinGuanXiLu Road金冠西路 that is almost directly across the street from our hotel. We have walked pass it but didn’t have the urge to check it out – I guess we were quite sure that with our benchmark set high high in DS, we will probably be disappointed. Maybe another adventurous bro can check it out some time in the near future and report back..

DX’s peak tourist season is during the warmer months – when the nearby beaches became popular with the local tourists. I understand many of these beaches are quite secluded, and some of the recent Chinese movies have been shot in these areas. There is also nearby area that has been promoted for white water rafting. As for shopping, EZ and myself have not much interests, other than the BBS shops. However, if you are not going over to Vietnam and want to buy something Vietnamese, I understand there are a lot of Vietnamese products on sale – and I’m sure most of them were imported to DX “duty free” and should therefore be competitively priced. We saw many shops selling redwood furnitures (but that would not be for average tourists), but there are other products for tourists such as Vietnamese souvenirs (e.g. buffalo comb,) Vietnamese food stuffs (e.g. coffee, coconut sweet and even Vietnamese RedBull,) Vietnamese medicines (e.g. BaiFu Ointment白虎膏 – uumph, I’m only interested in the WhiteTiger and not the ointment,) and many more. We also noted many, including lady peddlers on the streets, selling Vietnamese perfumes – that surprised me. But I was told Vietnamese perfume culture is due to the colonial French influence, and as such considered to be pretty good – any truth in that? Don’t know leh… well, that’s another good reason to trek through the checkpoint to MongCai on the other side of border, in Vietnam’s Quang Ninh Province. So, MongCai (Chinese called it 芒街) here we come…

… please stay tuned, folks… and thank you for reading…
Old 18-02-2010, 04:10 PM
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Re: SOUTHERN EXPEDITION (a personal trip to China’s Guangxi Province & Vietnam’s Quan

Originally Posted by Pink_Flyod View Post

I was reading your FR while attending a corporate meeting !!!!
I’m actually writing this in my office – today, have more creative juice flowing – maybe because still in CNY mood and very slow day here – oophs… better go reply some emails to justify my presence…

BTW, a bro pointed me to this recent report on DongXing by Channel News Asia’s Maria Siow: - China, Vietnam see greater economic interaction
But she didn’t really report on other more interesting aspects of DongXing – like the closer body-to-body relationship between the two countries brought by those Viet MMs we saw at HeTe & HeBian Somebody ought to give special awards to these brave MMs for their untiring works in promoting better international relationship and understanding - especially in such intimate ways!
Old 18-02-2010, 04:53 PM
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Re: SOUTHERN EXPEDITION (a personal trip to China’s Guangxi & Vietnam’s Quang Ninh)

Originally Posted by Huzige View Post
BTW, I don’t normally do this and I hope EZ doesn’t mind, I just want to let our 哥们 know that EZ and myself will be in CP on Sat 27Feb to spend the ChapNgoMay元宵节with my god-daughters – to carry on the ADF’s traditions. We will be in the neighborhood (actual itinerary after 元宵节not fixed but will probably include CA, HM, DS & GZO) for a couple of weeks on our usual biz cum pleasure trip. Hope to catch up with some old friends and perhaps put some faces to names/nicks. Those who know me, please do call me on my usual DG’s phone numbers during that time. It will be good to see you guys again – you know who you are.
I don't mind.

But hopefully all good bros who decides to catch up, please don't be offended if I pay more attention to my 娘s, just realise I haven't been living up to my mudder phucker reputation for this trip...
Old 18-02-2010, 05:20 PM
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Re: SOUTHERN EXPEDITION (a personal trip to China’s Guangxi Province & Vietnam’s Quan

Nice report on the southern part of china. hope to read more about yr mongcai part..
Old 03-03-2010, 02:41 AM
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South China Coffee Session

Today I received a surprise call from LaoTie (Huzige) from the African Dysfunctional Family. As usual ErZi (Mekatulia) was in tow with his father. He's certainly a valuable asset to his dad.

Anyway it was a pleasure to meet you guys finally. Really enjoy the info sharing and jokes with me. I think those two girls really kena smoked by you guys big time! Haha.

Do remember to call me again and keep me updated with your adventures when you guys are back in town again. Cheers!
Old 03-03-2010, 03:44 PM
Pink_Flyod Pink_Flyod is offline
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Re: South China Coffee Session

Originally Posted by ISO 9002 View Post
Today I received a surprise call from LaoTie (Huzige) from the African Dysfunctional Family. As usual ErZi (Mekatulia) was in tow with his father. He's certainly a valuable asset to his dad.

Anyway it was a pleasure to meet you guys finally. Really enjoy the info sharing and jokes with me. I think those two girls really kena smoked by you guys big time! Haha.

Do remember to call me again and keep me updated with your adventures when you guys are back in town again. Cheers!
Where ? CP ??... that tag team is dangereous for sure.
Old 03-03-2010, 03:54 PM
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Re: South China Coffee Session

Originally Posted by Pink_Flyod View Post
Where ? CP ??... that tag team is dangereous for sure.
Their whereabouts are very elusive. It was a rare chance to catch up with them.
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