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Old 09-02-2010, 05:25 PM
BlackerKnighter BlackerKnighter is offline
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Re: feasible to start a relationship with FLs?

Originally Posted by explorez View Post
It's not just sex i am after, but communication and that GF feeling are extremely important to me too. i am really smitten by the way these ladies treat their man . So yea, here i am asking for advice from all the bros here..... Should i try to get into a relationship with one of these FLs? Has anyone of you heard of stories of SG men happily married to FLs purely out of true love?
..ter this pathetic 20 odd years of my life, i finally know what it feels like to
Actually hor dont even know ur story half true or not.......These dayz a lot of people very free bombing forums with single post or copy and paste fake stories, idiot question or just troll and release flame bait. But even assume is true oso not special or unique kind lor.

If you got time please search through this section and adult discussion sections and find out a bit more la. Some of the many answers to your questions can be found there. Big question is you want to listen or not..

Sucess Story? Sorry to put to you, not impossible but very very rare. I personally know of a few. They are special exceptions. But most times is waste time waste money tragedy in making one. You have been warned so don't say no one tell you when things most pbly eventually go haywire.

"True love"? What is true love to you? Differs from person to person but I can tell you quite safely that if ur experience with women only wif whores alone then your idea of love oso probably is onli some half fcuk warped concept. When you think you can find or BUY true love as a paying customer of a whore then you obviously cannot tell lust or greed or possessiveness aprt from 'love" lor.

You talk about GF feeling and communication. When it comes to kway its call GFE (GIRL FRIEND EFFECT).. Itz the thing that makes some guys pay top dollar for certain hookers. But one thing you got to understand about broads is that it's call EFFECT coz its just pure SPECIAL EFFECT leh.. 99.999% of the time it's fake so as a player you just go with the flow like you in RPG computer game and enjoy it.

But when it is over you oso don't think so much and dont worry or think like it is real. Coz it is NOT leh!! almost NEVER leh in fact. U PAY for it you better enjoy it leh.This kind of 'chemistry' only there if there is money as fuel. If not is wait long long liao. No believe you remove the $$$$$$ bit see which kway still want to treat you 'special'??? Question then is you want to be player or dumb chye tow?

Beyond F&F you realli have to doubt whore's honesty. I can oso tell you Whore can have sincere one. But it takes extreme luck to find one. And it takes gd experience to see one. Anyway they are very rare and most whores usually smart and enough to put on elaborate acts to achieve their goals. Settling down with an average punter as her love is unfortnately hor NOT one of them lor.

With whores it is just no money no honey. Any fool who RTF 5 times think he and the whore got 'connection' and "love" is just a moron asking to be tio chop.

The question is definitely not mainly about their educational or economic background. Actually if really 'love' involved may oso not be major issue that they are just pussies for hire. One thing I think TS should consider is if that he can pour money and emotions down something but it is real only to him and him alone lor. One sided obsession cannot deserve to call 'love' one. In fact in such VERY COMMON cases you are just goin to be llooking at a prasite trying to con and suck everything out of you while you keep doing all kind of nonsense to keep the fantasy alive.

Scams and cheats are common lor. Even when it comes to Thai kways which are to their credit (my personal observation and dont mind the streotype) slightly more 'real' and less calculative than say Vietnamese or PRC whores (which can be the worst in terms of selfish materialism, greed, demands etc but sometimes pretty face and GFE gd so let small head have occasional treat). BUT They oso got the SOP sob story etc many of which are half real. Lies and BS will be part of any kind of taking further with whores. Players take it in their stride by playing smartly and never allowing their hearts to be tricked or moved by wayang. If not spend beyond ur means get lousy ROI in the end still shown door (as per normal) whatz the point at all leh!??!!!!! I fear TS not in this cat yet leh.. Eh Bro TS you even at this level yet or not? Pay up get ur fake honey (but spend wisely to maximize ROI oso mah). If not its bye bye don't think twice on either part. Only question again then is if you prepared to be sucker or not. The more you see and taste the more you will understand lor..

And I can tell you from wat I have seen before, EVEN in the rare event that they may feel a bit of something for you, what they can give you is oso probably NOT what you looking for, to use a 'normal' r/s as a reasonable baseline goal fm ur angle. You think very carefully about it lor. It is question of simple expectation and potential (but very very likely) disappointment.

Originally Posted by ediis View Post
Such as, she provides sex unlike the girls in Singapore which can go without sex for ages. Also she doesn't buy Gucci and all the branded stuff that sucked the money out of our pockets like a Singaporean girl.
Sounds romantic?
Advantage (according to what I see and feel and what my pal told me)
1. Spendthrift (always thinking of how to save for my pal)
2. Would like to earn money by herself
3. Great sex
4. Looks good
5. Knows how to cook and take care of the house
..From the looks of it, my guess is that he might had spent most of his savings already.
..So, do you want to spend tons of money for her to stay in Singapore with you or do you want to spend lesser money for her to stay in Thailand but don't know if she stays there just for you.
Good points in ur post but dont agree with everything oso hope u dont mind.
A normal r/s is NOT just about sex (or a pretty face). Sure bonking is fun but after a while the companionship and understanding is a lot more important. How to compare with a whore la like that? Where the sex may be often and gd with extra simulated GFE and fake feeling and a whore's good bod thrown in? But so what? Everyday life as a couple not just that si bo?

Same thing goes for being home maker and cooking etc. Modern city girls are better educated, exposed to a lot more opportunities and have their own ambitions. They may not be for everyone (esp the more 'traditional' MCP kind of pricks) nor are they god's best gift to mankind at all (not by far!!) but if not move on lah..doesn't warrant comparing them to whores.

Suck money? From so-called 'normal local gals? Not trying to defend any nationality or group but this part a bit ironic coz sounds like ur friend has spent a lot MORE money trying to kow this hooker in a much shorter time. Doesnt quite square lor.

They appear 'thrifty' coz they only want to harvest more in near future?? And not to joke leh..Seriously lah if you factor in the SOP tio con scams and sure to come apartment rent, car fuel bills, repair roof, buy bike for cousin, grandfather hospital fee stories etc etc etc I can tell you quite reassuredly that long term life cycle cost for any kind of pseudo-'r/s' with whore is potentially going to be a lot higher if you cannot control urself and allow her to manipulate you.

With a normal healthy r/s there is still chance of being honest and open and try to solve issues and problems (ideally). With a whore she is typically playing you for keeps depending on her game plan so what you think?? And anyway, just be glad this one Thai coz if typical PRC whore KCing u, shopping trip to branded stores every month will make a 'bloodsucking' normal GF look like a blushing tame and timid maiden.

Whatever it is communication and trust is important lor. With a whore can you really trust her, like the good bro above pointed out? As a player you of coz take with pinch of salt and laughter when hooker says she is ONLY 'yours' (typical KC and wayang routine SOP) but there are still suckers who ignore the obvious and end up feeling 'betrayed' (esp coz these guys typically value this exclusivity thing out of ego and pride..but with a whore oso 99% of the time from what i have seen like giving cat a mouse and telling the kitty not to play one so if you want to go down this line is BEST in my advice to accept this part of them; if can not then whores obviously not for you).. But the truth is before the whore conned them they oredi conned themselves so who more at fault???
Old 09-02-2010, 05:26 PM
BlackerKnighter BlackerKnighter is offline
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Re: feasible to start a relationship with FLs?

Originally Posted by goodpartner View Post
One flip-side is that once u started, getting OUT of such r/s will be a problem; coz u probably will never find the normal gals interesting anymore, even if they come along in future. Which means ur whole r/s life can be fcuk up from hence forth
Well bro this is just so bloody true when I look at some of my unfortunate friends and oso so many cheonging acquaintances ..

being out with whores and able to get ur way so easyily with them gives people a bullshit sense of accomplishment and confidence. I have seen idiots who have no charm or look or ability but know how to throw money after commercial pussy and of coz despite being played around left right centre by whores they still think they encyclopedia and expert on women today leh.. And still imagine they cassanova super attractive to all members of opp sex..

Very chio ka peng lor.......only taste of women is commercial crap still talk like this and that..I oso dont know whether to be disgusted or pity them..

Ego built on nothing but illusion..whatz the point?

One possible outcome is that some not very bright people end up equate money with love and pussy. Like the more you pour the better your quality you get is. This is what they learn from kio kway. And Realli Hor it is just simply RUBBISH!

And they learn the hard way and get angry when they try to resume r/s with 'normal' people and find that their ridiculous attitude just turn people off leh!?? End up KPKB about local girls for example or yell about how good their whore 'GFs' are (despite being conned massively repeated times).....this kind of people oso hard to respect lah. Look in the mirror first before make a fool of urself.

Anyway addiction to whoremongering is one thing but addiction into thinking you getting so call 'r/s" from ur whore 'gfs' is another thing!! Unless you are calm, clear minded and level headed or experienced enough to tell bullshit apart from reality chances are you heading for a bang wall session.

You want to get a bit further with a whore oso please understand urself better what you REAALLY want and learn a bit more first lor. Don't jump into something and then have to regret later. Still young..why add so much sour note to ur life for a few hrs of fake GFE?

People might say that it only involve a bit of money burnt, a bit of broken heart, that life is about learning lesson..its good that you can take things positively and in gd spirit....but hor many times I have seen people end up is with MUCH bigger problems that can be avoided if they more honest and clear with themselves along the way. If you think family break up, parent disown son, face bankruptcy is no big deal then no need to think liao. But if such things matter to you end of the way, just thread VERY carefully with whores and you will be all right. Remember that something fake can not be called real no matter how much you want to cheat urself. A chey QQ even with expensive body kit oso cannot be a rolls royce tio boh?

Last edited by BlackerKnighter; 09-02-2010 at 05:36 PM.
Old 09-02-2010, 05:32 PM
Ikea Ikea is offline
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Re: feasible to start a relationship with FLs?

bro, if you are looking for love, my honest recommendation is join a dating agency. At least the gals there are serious about getting hitch.
Old 10-02-2010, 10:34 AM
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Re: feasible to start a relationship with FLs?

Originally Posted by JIU XING View Post
simple opinion for u bro... go get a checkup
Then after that you ask him to post fr of his checkup sibo?
Ehhhh, can everyone make peace and don't up or zap liao please.

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Old 10-02-2010, 11:30 AM
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Re: feasible to start a relationship with FLs?

Originally Posted by hoho99 View Post
Then after that you ask him to post fr of his checkup sibo?
no la, checkup results are confidential la... he know himself can liao,but b4 tat he better start praying hard hor... raw he also try... really my hero
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Old 10-02-2010, 11:43 AM
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Re: feasible to start a relationship with FLs?

Originally Posted by brucelee232 View Post
hi bros, I have one experience, .. Since then I start fucking her without condom, and she told me I am the only person in SG.
You believe you are the only one she fucked raw is SG ? use your head, go get check up.

She can be a good fb after quiting FL
Old 10-02-2010, 03:36 PM
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Re: feasible to start a relationship with FLs?

Originally Posted by virginboy View Post
TS, it is not difficult to get a decent girlfriend in Singapore. Ask youself what is wrong with you. Even if you like Thai girls, you don't need to go for a FL. Suggest you join hi5 | Your Friends. Your World. to make friends with good girls in Thailand.
cant read, most of them type in thai.

Anyway to TS, bro casanova's thread is an example. Although I would say that most FLs have honey coated lips. Pls read his thread to get a understanding. It is quite universal to all FLs, not just vn ones.

Good luck.
Always keen in brown sugars. Pls PM me if you got anything to share
Old 14-02-2010, 12:12 AM
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Re: feasible to start a relationship with FLs?

FLs normally wun wanna start a relationship wif clients. They will prefer someone who dunno about their illicit past. I met local fls who r attached and their bfs dunno wat they were doing behind their back. When asked if they will ever start wif clients, they said never.
Old 14-02-2010, 11:20 PM
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Re: feasible to start a relationship with FLs?

Originally Posted by cutepig View Post
FLs normally wun wanna start a relationship wif clients. They will prefer someone who dunno about their illicit past. I met local fls who r attached and their bfs dunno wat they were doing behind their back. When asked if they will ever start wif clients, they said never.
FLs start a relationship wif clients for $$, so lot of the case happened before, and will happen in the future. Some guys believe they are special and theirs are different, and after several monthes they will come here and write their FR for the sad happened to them.
Old 20-02-2010, 03:23 AM
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Re: feasible to start a relationship with FLs?

wat the bros mentioned here are so accurate. never easy to be with any FL. EVen if she is true and honest, there are below aspects to take care :
1)how to resolve cultural and background differences and live a life together.
2)wat she gona do in her free time ? shop all the time ? or wat kinda work she can do
3)pressure from family / or how your colleagues or friends gona look at it
4)financially ? how much do i need to earn to be enuff
For any bros who overcome all difficulties to have a happy life with wl/fl, I salute them for their true love and courage, cos it is really not an easy feat.
I had sticked to the same wl for the past 6mths, great chemistry and gfe. so fond of her that I kept thinking of her all the time, and none of the local sg gals that I been going out with can replace her.
When she told me she had to go home, my heart sunk. I was so sad, but it also dawned on me that it is impossible between me and her, I had no courage to make it happen. In a way or so, I may not even really know/understand her at all. Days without her are definitely hard to pass, but I have to get out of this myself, no choice.
Maybe it is not a good idea to stick to the same FL for too long, sometimes emotional attachments do linger over time
Old 20-02-2010, 10:31 AM
chinesebro chinesebro is offline
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Re: feasible to start a relationship with FLs?

its all the same, you pay to fuck.

This guy has what I call "pretty woman syndrome" as in the movie, guy falls for FL, fl quits to be only with him.

its a dream, wake up, "love" is only in the movies.

all women want cash, they either marry for it or work for it, either way we pay.

The GFE you get from fl is all part of the trade, its to make you feel special so that you come back for more, its a sales trick. How many times have you been told "oh you are my 1st customer I give you special price" ha, specially high yah.

life is hard, work hard, play hard, stop whining and get out there, make of life what you want, it isn't gonna be handed to you on a silver tray.
Life is not a rehearsal, this is the real deal, make of it what you want, you only go round once.

It's cheaper to rent than buy.
Old 20-02-2010, 11:39 AM
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Re: feasible to start a relationship with FLs?

Originally Posted by chinesebro View Post

all women want cash, they either marry for it or work for it, either way we pay.

Bro I beg for differ, and do see some woman works decently hard for the $$ by themselves, dont need people like you to pay.

If you never meet or see such woman, it is your problem, and you have big problems lao
Old 20-02-2010, 08:54 PM
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Re: feasible to start a relationship with FLs?

Originally Posted by explorez View Post

I am aware of the possibility that they are nice to me simply because they think that i am loaded. But at the same time my options for choosing are rather limited, plus i am really smitten by the way these ladies treat their man . So yea, here i am asking for advice from all the bros here..... Should i try to get into a relationship with one of these FLs? Has anyone of you heard of stories of SG men happily married to FLs purely out of true love?

I look forward to reading some of your experiences!
TS it should be the way these ladies treat their customers, not their men.
Old 18-03-2010, 11:00 PM
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Re: feasible to start a relationship with FLs?

not good to do it unless you intend to go steady with them.
Old 19-03-2010, 01:02 PM
JIU XING JIU XING is offline
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Re: feasible to start a relationship with FLs?

Originally Posted by VeriSign View Post
not good to do it unless you intend to go steady with them.
if tats wat u are really thinking, then u better be prepared to fall jialat jialat no matter its now or in the future
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