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Old 28-03-2011, 02:49 PM
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Re: will my gf get pregnant anot???

Actually hor... condom can drop inside... when we shrink after shooting...
I had that experience before with my lover.
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Old 28-03-2011, 03:00 PM
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Re: will my gf get pregnant anot???

TS, as what some bros here said.. you have to wait for awhile.. usually its 5-7 days for her to start taking to morning after pill, cause she might even have her period in the early stages of her pregnancy IF she is la...
(no stress bro)

I hope you make the right decision. Ai Zai!!
never bonk without rubber
cause you'll surely be in trouble!

Bros who up me pls leave your nick,wld like too return the favour!

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Old 28-03-2011, 03:37 PM
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Re: will my gf get pregnant anot???

TS , Sillypore is short of babies :-) Kudos to you for realising the dreams of our Garment ...
Old 28-03-2011, 03:39 PM
jasicy jasicy is offline
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Re: will my gf get pregnant anot???

Shall be quite safe if ur gf circle is regular.. I have ex Gf for 3 years and she would always ask me to cip after her mens and we'll do so up till the 7 days.. And it turn out we never shotgun..
Old 28-03-2011, 03:45 PM
HCLoner HCLoner is offline
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Re: will my gf get pregnant anot???

TS, it's all depend on your sperm health activity. If both of u are young like 18-25years old, NSF. Chance of becoming a father would be definitely higher.
Old 28-03-2011, 03:48 PM
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Re: will my gf get pregnant anot???

Originally Posted by causeway View Post
Just now me and my gf was having our regular session.

It was very rigorous and my condom dropped off and i 'shot' into her

I dont know if it dropped off during the session or after the session.

Now, we are very scared, and we are intending to see our family doctor tml.

Her last period was on 16th, wed to 23th wed.

Any advice anot? I am feeling so scared.

I thought school holidays were over, What's a kid doing here during school hours? Go back to your books and relearn your social studies, boy.
Old 28-03-2011, 04:26 PM
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Re: will my gf get pregnant anot???

Originally Posted by causeway View Post
Just now me and my gf was having our regular session.

It was very rigorous and my condom dropped off and i 'shot' into her

I dont know if it dropped off during the session or after the session.

Now, we are very scared, and we are intending to see our family doctor tml.

Her last period was on 16th, wed to 23th wed.

Any advice anot? I am feeling so scared.
Bro, wonder if I should congrats you......????

If your gf period starts on 16th March, yesterday will be 12th day of this new cycle, and if hers is a 30 day cycle, 12th to 16th is most fertile period, that's prone to conceiving.....Good Luck bro!
Bonk safety and happily.
Old 28-03-2011, 07:50 PM
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Re: will my gf get pregnant anot???

Based on statistic, not so easy. People try so hard for babies and you shoot one time and expect to get baby? relax.
Old 28-03-2011, 08:15 PM
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Re: will my gf get pregnant anot???

Originally Posted by causeway View Post
It was very rigorous and my condom dropped off and i 'shot' into her
I dont know if it dropped off during the session or after the session.
TS, Many good bros above have advised you on the pregancy issue.

My question is Where's the condom?
Old 28-03-2011, 08:22 PM
hum_coyote hum_coyote is offline
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Re: will my gf get pregnant anot???

Condom drop off cannot feel meh?
Old 28-03-2011, 08:48 PM
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Re: will my gf get pregnant anot???

Bro, no offense but there's no point asking on these forums. You should just focus on seeking help/advice from a doctor as he/she is more familiar (unless one of our bro/sis here is a doc) with pregnancy issues. I can see that you're already planning to see a doc which is good. Seriously next time you have sex be more careful coz its really unfair to your child if he/she is born solely due to a stupid mistake of yours. This is just my opinion, which I'm entitled to..

Happy bonking..
Old 28-03-2011, 11:07 PM
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Re: will my gf get pregnant anot???

Originally Posted by steedy View Post
Tmr go to any clinic to ask for the morning after pill from doc.
WTF I jus give advise to TS also got MF zapped me.
Got guts to zap than leave ur nick and contact no. lor. Dun be a Cyber Eunuch aka ah Kua.
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Old 29-03-2011, 02:19 AM
dyno85 dyno85 is offline
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Smile Re: will my gf get pregnant anot???

hey there,

dunno if you'll read this or not but i have been asked fairly many times of this question by my friends because i'm a medical student. basing on the calculation, assuming that your gf period is REGULAR, you are safe. if your gf cycle is 28 days, she will ovulate roughly around 30th March. and you have bonked on 27th march, and considering your sperm is super strong, it will stay inside your gf for 3 max days, chances of her getting pregnant is low. and if your gf usual cycle is longer than 28 days, there's even less reason to worry.

and speaking of experience, one of my friend who got bonked repeatedly even on the day she's supposed to ovulate, din got pregnant. the point here is, you are not that "lucky". dunno why, but ppl seems harder to get pregnant these days.

last thing, don get stressed up especially your gf if you are waiting for the next period negative pregnancy confirmation. stress will really delay the next menses.

hope that helps, and chill bro.
Old 30-03-2011, 01:59 PM
causeway causeway is offline
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Re: will my gf get pregnant anot???

For further clarification, I ejaculated inside her with my condom, my didi could have gone soft so while pulling out it may have dropped.
But my ejaculation could be trapped inside the condom and while pulling out dropped off.
Anyway everything happened too quickly that night.

I have already gotten the morning after pill. So far so good. Not much side effects on my gf la.

And also, no more sex for the moment.
Old 30-03-2011, 11:50 PM
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Re: will my gf get pregnant anot???

Originally Posted by steedy View Post
WTF I jus give advise to TS also got MF zapped me.
Got guts to zap than leave ur nick and contact no. lor. Dun be a Cyber Eunuch aka ah Kua.
Tks bro ichigo for the up. Anyway to the MF that love to zap me. If u think I kpkb than I really wish that u will really kpkb soon!!!
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