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Old 28-10-2011, 08:14 AM
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Re: Forbidden Fruits

beautifully written.. bravo. upped you
Old 28-10-2011, 10:40 PM
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Re: Forbidden Fruits

Thanks bros for the up. Next installment coming right up!!
Old 28-10-2011, 10:42 PM
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Re: Forbidden Fruits

The following months was sheer bliss for Pei Pei. Her marriage was off to a great start. Not only was Justin caring and responsible, he had opened up the door to a whole new world for her. She had always heard so much about how important sex was to a marriage, but her experience with Justin had awakened her sexual awareness, so that she desired sex simply because she loved it. She considered herself so very lucky, that Justin and her were “compatible”, and that despite both their lack of experience, she and Justin were able to enjoy the pleasure of each others’ body. The other effect of her sexual awakening, was that she became a lot more aware of the sexual innuendos that went on around her. The hand on her shoulder that lingered just a bit longer than it should from her boss Clive, or how he always hovered over her, like he was trying to peer down to her cleavage. She was still innocent enough, that she merely suspected her boss of any inappropriate behavior. She told herself that she should be less suspicious, and not to worry, since her boss had always been such a gentleman.

She also started to notice the guys in her office more, and how some guys were a lot more well-built than others. To her own embarrassment, she found herself sometimes wondering how big their penises were. After all, the only penis she had ever seen was her own husband’s, and she thought it was pretty big. Such thoughts of sex had never really entered her head before. But now that she can’t get enough of Justin in bed, she found that sex had become a bit of a new obsession, much like Facebook when she had first signed up. She loved how he always knew just where to touch her, and was always gentle enough so as not to hurt her, yet had an intensity to his lovemaking that would stoke her passions. She would at times be in the office, and wondering what lingerie she would wear that night. Other times, she would recall how strong Justin felt as she was in his arms, as he brought her from one climax to another. She would then remember that she was still in the office, and be a little bit ashamed at how much she seemed to have become a sex addict. Nevertheless, one thing seemed to be clear – as far as she was concerned, hers was the perfect marriage.

Other than their very active sex life, Justin and Pei Pei usually hang out with William and Melissa, their best friends for over 8 years. Of course, on the private side Pei Pei would tell Melissa all about her and Justin. How great the sex was, how gentle and loving she always felt he was. Melissa had her own private misgivings, since being more experienced, she wondered how Justin could be so great in bed. Unless he wasn’t the good boy that she and Pei Pei always thought he was. But of course, she kept these things to herself, only sharing it with her husband William. On Justin’s part, he was of course eager to boast about how great a wife Pei Pei was, and how much fun he was having with her in bed. Of course, William knew all about Justin’s sexual escapades outside, and since he always fancied himself a little bit in love with Pei Pei, he was both a little envious and turned on by Justin’s boasting, but also a little resentful that someone as great as her was being fooled by Justin into thinking her life was perfect. So when Melissa shared with him what Pei Pei had been saying, he became even more unhappy with what was going on. Jealousy was eating away at him.

They once went out for dinner on a Saturday night, and William’s eyes nearly bulged when he saw Pei Pei. She was wearing a simple black dress, bare at one shoulder, hugging her body tightly until above her knees. Perhaps it was the sheerness of her bra, or even that she wasn’t wearing any, but her nipples were obvious enough to be seen given how cold the restaurant was. Pei Pei, like most women in the throes of her sexual awakening, was very affectionate towards Justin, always leaning her body over to him, or leaning her head on his shoulder. His hands would also be always on her body, whether it’s the thigh or the shoulder or running his fingers through her hair. William was keenly aware of every move, since he desperately wished he could be the one running his hands freely over her body. He wasn’t proud of his thoughts. He knew it was wrong to be lusting after his best mate’s wife. But he reasoned to himself that Justin was no gentleman. If he was free to play with other girls, he should therefore accept that his own wife has become fair game.

Pei Pei was actually somewhat aware of William’s attraction to her. But she always appreciated the fact that he was always a gentleman about it. Having been exposed to a lot of sexual attention in the office and with her clients, she knew was a little more aware now of just how much unwanted attention she would receive. The handshake that lasted a little longer than it should, the arms on her shoulder by overly friendly clients, and of course the fact that men always would cast glances in her direction at all times. But William felt different. He never once took advantage of the fact that he was closer to her than other guys, to do anything funny. In fact, he sometimes looked really awkward when she knew she looked especially alluring during their gatherings. She thought it was really sweet, and she knew that he was a good guy. Of course, she wasn’t interested or attracted to him, but at least she knew that he was a guy she could trust.
Old 28-10-2011, 10:42 PM
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Re: Forbidden Fruits

One day, Pei Pei received the biggest shock of her life, when she walked into the office to learn that there was a new colleague – and it was none other than her ex, Ming Qiang. He, in turn, was also very shocked to learn that Pei Pei works in the same firm. For a moment, he was worried if this would spell trouble for her, but he soon dismissed it. And he was thrilled to be able to see her again. He had wanked off so many times to those pictures he had taken of her, despairing of ever being able to get into her pants again, that this was a real unexpected treat. On Pei Pei’s part, she had never again spoken to Ming Qiang after that incident, and had pretty much decided she never wanted to have anything to do with him again. To find that he was now going to be just 3 cubicles away from her own work desk was very disturbing. She never did know whether or not to believe that he was also very drunk that afternoon, but had wanted to avoid any trouble. After all, it was a very shameful thing to have happened, and she had managed to keep her virginity intact after all. She mustered up the strength to go and say hello, but kept him at a distance. She told herself that as long as she didn’t communicate much to him, they could simply just do their own jobs and not have anything to do with each other.

On Ming Qiang’s part, he soon found out to his disappointment that she was married to a high flier, and was widely regarded in the office as an untouchable, despite no shortage of male admirers who would die to bed her. He decided to take his time to find out more about her life, and how she’s been doing. If he could get her to warm up to him once more, then at least he stood a chance of finishing off what he started. At the very least, Ming Qiang knew that this was one job he would be very happy to come to work to.

The following month was discomforting for Pei Pei. The office was no longer the same place to come to work to. Having Ming Qiang in the office seemed to make her more aware of the other male eyes that would follow her as she walked around the place. Even her boss, Clive, seemed to be paying her more attention than he usually did. She wondered if Ming Qiang has been saying things behind her back, but she didn’t want to be so paranoid. It was also a rather difficult subject to bring up to Justin, since she didn’t know how to begin. She was also worried about what Justin would do, since he had a tendency to be confrontational. Last thing she wanted was to have her hubby storm into the office to confront her ex boyfriend, and have the whole office know about that embarrassing incident. So she did the next best thing she could think of – she asked William out.

William was shocked to receive an sms from Pei Pei, saying “Hi, wanna do dinner? Got something to ask you.” Wondering what this was all about, he nevertheless was not about to refuse a dinner date with his fantasy. So he replied, “Ok sure, you pick the time and place ya?” So it was a shock when she told him about Ming Qiang. It was difficult to bring the subject up, but after she started, she found that it was very easy to open up to Ming Qiang. So she told him everything. About Ming Qiang’s pressure for sex, how he got her drunk and then molested her. How she barely got away in time. How he’s now suddenly showed up for work in the office. And how she’s now feeling a lot of uneasiness, wondering how much of it is real and how much was just her paranoia. William was ashamed to know that when she was telling about him about Ming Qiang taking off all her clothes, he was secretly looking at her, and mentally undressing her too. She was in a simple white and blue striped top that bared her arms, and white jeans that snugly fit her ass and legs. It didn’t leave much to the imagination with regards to her figure, since her clothes fit her nicely, even if it wasn’t tight fitting. William knew it was wrong to be thinking of her like that while she was tearfully confiding in him, but he couldn’t help himself. She exuded such a strong sense of sexuality, and it was twice as significant because she was rather innocent of it. All he knew was that he wanted to take her into his arms, kiss her and tell her everything was going to be alright.

He didn’t talk much that night, letting Pei Pei get everything out of her system. After dinner, he took her out to East Coast Park to take a walk by the beach. She told him she was glad to have a friend with her tonight, and she was thankful to him for doing this. William protested, saying that since Justin was his best friend, this was really the least he could do. He told her “I really don’t know what I can do to help you. But thank you for sharing this with me, and trusting me with something so private. I hope getting this off your chest makes you feel better. In the meantime, don’t think so much ok? If that asshole tries anything funny with you, just give me a call and I’ll come right over.” Pei Pei thought to herself that she made the right decision confiding in William, since he did everything right tonight. No wonder he was Justin’s best friend. After that, William sent her home, and she felt a lot better after that.
Old 29-10-2011, 01:06 AM
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Re: Forbidden Fruits

both William and Ming Qiang are the same!
Old 29-10-2011, 01:21 AM
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Re: Forbidden Fruits

awesome story!
Old 29-10-2011, 10:11 AM
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Re: Forbidden Fruits

Great story. Please keep ir coming. Can't wait to read what will happen between William and PeiPei. Will William finally finally get to taste the forbidden fruit.....
Old 29-10-2011, 05:28 PM
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Re: Forbidden Fruits

awesome man! pls continue!
Old 29-10-2011, 11:23 PM
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Re: Forbidden Fruits

Justin was going to work late tonight, so she went home to an empty house. As she showered, she felt herself once more desiring Justin’s hands to be all over her, and for his manhood to be inside of her. And for the first time in her life, she started to touch herself, exploring her private parts, trying to stimulate herself by touching the places that Justin had touched. She had always felt it was a wrong thing to be touching herself, as if that was what dirty sex perverts do. Yet having her mood lifted considerably after talking to William, she was very much in the mood for sex. Running her hands all over herself in the shower with the hot water adding to her heat, she started massaging her breasts, enjoying the feel of her soft hands caressing her own mounds. As she slid one hand down to her vagina, she felt the ache of desire coming over her, and she began rubbing herself. The more she rubbed, she more she enjoyed herself. Soon, she started sticking one finger inside, enjoying the feel of her own finger pleasuring her love hole. Although Justin was much more capable of pleasuring her, she knew which spots felt good, and she continued to explore. After a while, as her fingering got more and more intense, and her breathing became heavier and heavier, she suddenly felt wave after wave of pleasure come over her, as she cummed for the first time from her own masturbation.

Letting the hot water wash over her after that, and enjoying the sensuality of that wetness and heat as the water ran over her body, she finally came out of the shower, feeling much better than she had in weeks.

That night, when Justin came home, he found her dressed in her sexiest lingerie, a peach colored lace bra with matching thong, curled up asleep on the bed as she waited for him to be home. He had told her he was coming home late from a board meeting, but had actually been bonking his new 22 year old research assistant. He smiled to himself as he realized that Pei Pei had been anticipating his return, and was inwardly very satisfied that he had so successfully managed to unlock the sexuality inside of someone as tight legged as her. He remembered the number of times he had to restrain himself, knowing that even the appearance of desiring sex would have been a major problem for Pei Pei, and how it had always resulted in having a take a cold shower at home to cool down himself. After all, having such an incredibly hot girl beside you and yet still have to control yourself was a really difficult thing to do. So to see how she had come around and was now actually taking the initiative to have sex with him, he told himself that it was worth the trouble.

Despite the fact that he had not too long ago just shagged for a whole hour, it was impossible to see Pei Pei in that state on the bed, and not be aroused. He quietly took off his clothes, and then climbed onto the bed. Looking at his wife’s flawless complexion, he leaned his face in to smell the sweetness of her body. Once more feeling aroused, he very gently ran his fingertips long the side of her legs, drawing a slight stirring from Pei Pei. He worked his way up to her thighs, then leaned further in and blew in her belly button. Even in her sleep, Pei Pei was a very sensitive girl, and at the sensation of Justin’s actions, she gave off small sounds in her semi conscious state, whilst shifting her sleeping position. Grinning to himself, he quietly proceeded to very slowly remove her panties, slipping them off her smooth and creamy white legs.

Now that she was wearing only her bra, he began to take off his clothes, and chucked them aside. Already aroused, his semi hard penis was eager to plunge into Pei Pei’s warmth. He nuzzled his nose against her love entrance, and used his tongue to gently prod at it. Pei Pei felt the stimulation, and semiconsciously gave off a soft moan, enjoying the feeling. Justin, by now no longer concerned about going slow with her, as well as becoming less concerned about pleasing her, was eager to get inside of her. So he started to lick away at her pussy, eager to get her wet so that he can start to pound her. By now, Pei Pei could feel the waves of pleasure that was coursing through her body, and started to come to. Sensing that his wife was waking up, he slid his own body up, and started to kiss her. Quickly responding to him she began to kiss him back, and enjoying the feel of his lips on hers, and his tongue twirling deep in her mouth around hers.

She started to kiss him deeper, feeling an urgency to suck in as much of him as she could, as she felt the heat in her loins build up. Running her hands up and down his muscular back, she could feel faint beads of sweat as he worked himself up a little, as he sprawled himself on her, and was trying his best to let as much of his naked body be in contact with hers. As he felt her legs begin to snake up to his sides, he knew that she was ready for him. Not wanting to wait even a second more, he immediately plunged himself hard into her. Maybe because of the fact that he had not too long ago been pounding a very enthusiastic 22 year old, he forgot to go in easier on his wife, and his initial plunge into her was a very rude shock. It was hard, it was intrusive, and not at all like the tender love making that she had so far been used to.
Old 29-10-2011, 11:32 PM
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Re: Forbidden Fruits

good story dude... keep it up!
Old 30-10-2011, 06:34 PM
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Re: Forbidden Fruits

more please!

i sense blackmail sex
Old 31-10-2011, 03:45 AM
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Re: Forbidden Fruits

Right that that moment, a sudden flashback occurred to her, of the time when Ming Qiang had taken advantage of her while she was in her semi-conscious state. It was as if she was back on that bhed back in the NUS dorm, and Ming Qiang was on top of her, except that this time he really did rape her. And with that, came an unknowing panic that made her lose all reason. She gave a scream, and pushed Justin off with a very hard shove. After that, she sat up and just moved against the head of the bed, curled herself up and began to cry.

Justin was absolutely shocked, and as he sprawled on the floor, feeling the pain in his side where Pei Pei had kicked him, he wondered what just happened. Sure enough, he had been a little rough, but it didn’t warrant that sort of response. So he hurriedly got up and went over to her. “Sweetheart, what happened? Are you ok?” He tentatively reached out to her, and though she didn’t react, her body noticeably stiffened at the touch. He leaned forward to embrace her, and after a brief resistance, she collapsed against him and carried on crying. He guessed that he had both hurt her and shocked her, and even though he thought it was an excessive reaction, he felt it was his fault, and so started to soothe her saying, “sorry sweetie, it was all my fault. I was a little rough, and you were not prepared. I won’t do it again next time.”

Pei Pei knew what Justin was thinking, but she didn’t know if she should tell him why she really cried. After all, it was such an embarrassing thing to say, and she worried how he might feel. After what just happened, she suddenly felt dirty, as if what Ming Qiang did had stained her in a way that will always make her unclean. She had always prided herself on being a modern girl, who didn’t believe in such things. She was always very certain of her own value and self worth. Yet now that this was going on inside of her, she couldn’t help the negative thoughts that were going through her mind. And so she did not want Justin to know, fearing that he might also start to find her unclean, and stop loving her.

She steeled herself inside, and then forced a smile out, looking at Justin: “Sorry darling, I was just shocked, and not prepared. Did I hurt you when I kicked out at you?” Justin, whose entire mood had just been ruined, was not keen on being more sensitive. Instead, believing that she had just been crazy, just took her at her word, and chuckled back at her saying “Man, I really thought you had gone nuts. You shocked me more than hurt me. At least now I know not to try anything like that ever again unless you’re wide awake.” Pei Pei , half relieved at the fact that he had believed her, yet half disappointed that he didn’t care enough to ask more, simply just caved in to her dilemma, resolving to bury the secret of what Ming Qiang did to her deep in her heart, never to let Justin know. She had a momentary panic when she recalled she had already told William about the incident. But she trusted William to keep his word, and so quickly dispelled that panic.

Justin, with his mood totally ruined now, also decided that he was done for the night. He made some effort of tucking Pei Pei into bed, then went to shower. In the shower, his thoughts were not at all of concern for his wife, but instead on how much fun it was with his intern, and how glad he was that he had at least gotten some action tonight with her. He began to plan on how he could keep things up between them, before he decides to dump her.

Things began to change a little for Pei Pei and Justin after that incident. Pei Pei’s sexual interest took a slight dip, since she suddenly found that every time she wanted to have sex with Justin, she could not keep the images of Ming Qiang all over her unconscious and naked body out of her head. This made her sex a little awkward and stiff, and she never did seem to enjoy it as much as she used to. Justin was quick to sense the change, and rather than work on finding out what happened, just started to spend less time at home, and more time with his latest office muse. What started as a very regular sex routine started to dry up, and Pei Pei felt that Justin had started to become a little more distant to her. She knew it had to do with what’s going on inside of her, but she had no idea how to improve things.

Justin, of course, complained to William about the change in Pei Pei’s sexual performance, and how it all started that night with her very strange behavior. Though William had his suspicions, understanding that it might have to do with memories of Ming Qiang, he couldn’t possibly say anything to Justin. In fact, all he could do was picture how it looked like for Pei Pei to have been so sexily lying in bed, waiting for Justin to come home and claim her. For many nights now, sex with his wife Melissa had been forceful and more passionate, and she was unaware that it’s all because he keeps picturing that it was Pei Pei he was banging instead. He had started to stalk Pei Pei on Facebook, collecting every possible picture that he could of her. From all that, he especially kept those that revealed an unintended cleavage, or a higher skirt hemline. All he could think about was Pei Pei, and how she deserves better, that she deserves someone who would cherish her.

William took time to show concern for Pei Pei, and she was grateful for his attention. Even though she could never fall for her husband’s best friend, she was very thankful that he was a good and loyal friend. William began to feel that it was hopeless to ever be able to possess her, but he was much too into her to be able to let go. After a period of frequent exchanges, Pei Pei felt that its time to keep a little distance between her and William, and so withdrew herself from him. The result was that she felt even more alone. It was a deeply depressing period for her.
Old 31-10-2011, 08:12 AM
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Re: Forbidden Fruits

Nicely written story bro. Camping here!
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Old 31-10-2011, 10:29 AM
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Re: Forbidden Fruits

So it came as a relief when her boss Clive one day asked her if she was interested in going with him to a conference in the States. It was a very prestigious event, and usually only those who were shortlisted for a more senior position in the company were asked to go. This time round, it was going to be just her, another male colleague and Clive. She went home to tell Justin the happy news, and he was more than glad to be happy for her. Ten days when Pei Pei was away would be perfect for him. He had planned to go on a short trip with a girl he had picked up at his company’s D&D, and the timing would be just about right. So he told her he also had a business trip that would fall in the middle of her own trip so that he was glad she wouldn’t have to be alone in Singapore. He made a great show of support for her, and how happy he was that her career was doing so well.

Pei Pei was very glad to hear such positive support from her husband, since this was the first time in a while since he had been so attentive to her. With her career looking to be picking up and Justin seeming to going back to his usual self, she felt that she was turning a corner, and her life was going to be better soon. That night, their love making was tender and loving, as Pei Pei for once managed to put aside the images of Ming Qiang, and be back to her old self, totally engaged with Justin. On his part, he was glad that she seemed to be more like her old self, and glad that his wife had not permanently gone from a sex goddess to an old prude. After all, he had married her thinking how much fun he would have in the marriage.

Two weeks later, Pei Pei and Clive flew off to New York. Her other colleague had a last minute engagement, and so had to miss the conference. Unknown to her, it had actually been Clive’s plan all the while. He was hoping to spend some exclusive time, and see if he had a chance to get into her pants. Seeing her every day in the office with that rare combination of innocence coupled with the unintended but smouldering sexuality that she exuded, she had been the object of countless masturbations by him. Yet even though he had promoted her to a position that would let her work directly under him, and they had spent a lot of time together, he was nowhere nearer to his goals. She had always maintained a very friendly but professional distance from him, careful not to give away too much personal details of her life. It had been immensely frustrating for him, and he found that the more unobtainable she was, the more intrigued he was by her, and the more he desired to have her.

To that end, he had made some secret arrangements to their accommodations. Although he told her that he had booked two separate rooms for them, he had requested that one of the rooms be a double bed. By doing so, he had managed to request for an extra key to that room, which he quietly kept for himself. He then gave her that room, and took the other room for himself. Although he had no firm plans in mind, he loved the idea that he had a secret access to her room. He would work something out along the way, he figured.

Once they touched down from the plane, their very hectic schedule kicked in. Or rather, Pei Pei’s hectic schedule kicked in. Clive usually doesn’t do much on such trips. Since whoever comes with him is invariably promoted soon after, he was happy to let that person do most of the work. On the place, he had briefed Pei Pei on the various clients he wanted her to meet, and the presentation he expected her to give. This was in addition to the conference that they were to attend, where she had to make notes and write a full report upon her return. But he was quick to show his concern, and repeatedly reminded her to let him know if she needed him to step in. By carefully selecting his words and voice his concern, he managed to gain her trust, and make her feel like he was indeed a very good boss who cared for his employee, and took good care of her. She began to warm up to him more, and wondered if all the times when she thought he was mentally undressing her was actually just her own imagination.
Old 31-10-2011, 03:58 PM
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