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Old 22-01-2012, 06:53 PM
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Re: Why Zap me for being Honest!!!

same here. the FR i posted always gets deleted, dont mind the zapping. but seriously hate it when the long n honest fr i got posted gets deleted.especially by this OKT called adam apple.
Old 22-01-2012, 07:19 PM
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Re: Why Zap me for being Honest!!!

Bro u have over 100 points 2 rep power. Why 2 points also u make so much noise sia though I can understand why u're upset but surely make a thread about it? I thought u made the thread bcos u kana cheated and u wrote a negative FR and get zapped for it =.=
Old 22-01-2012, 07:36 PM
gooner8 gooner8 is offline
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Re: Why Zap me for being Honest!!!

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor View Post


Here are some earlier examples but the the recipient did not complain so I was not aware at the time.

You are free to use vulgarities wherever you want and so are other people. The only risk is that someone might take offense and zap you just as you did to the two members above.

You can also use vulgarities when you leave reputation remarks but if you do so, you must leave you nick. In your case, you did not. You did remember to leave your nick when you added points though.
Sam, you should check out first what those guys you listed have posted that deserved to be zapped. Many people, including me, were offended and hence my zapping of them. I am offended by their posts but I guessed you couldn't be bothered.

I don't zap people for fun, only those who are rude, disrespectful and outright vulgar. Since this is your playground, you set the rules and although I wasn't aware of the rulings, I guess I still have to live by them. It's all good though, I have been planning to quit the scene and you have provided an impetus for me to do do.

So Thank You Sam
Old 23-01-2012, 03:58 AM
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Re: Why Zap me for being Honest!!!

Originally Posted by gooner8 View Post

I don't zap people for fun, only those who are rude, disrespectful and outright vulgar. Since this is your playground, you set the rules and although I wasn't aware of the rulings, I guess I still have to live by them. It's all good though, I have been planning to quit the scene and you have provided an impetus for me to do do.
I FULLY SUPPORT you zapping them. I feel like zapping them too. If I saw their posts earlier, I would have done the same.

However, the issue isn't about you zapping them which is perfectly justifiable.

The issue is that you zapped and used vulgarities without leaving your nick. This violates rule 8 This rule has been in place for more than 7 years. It's not something new.

If you want to fuck them and scold their mothers, you have to leave your nick. It's a perfectly reasonable rule as spewing vulgarities anonymously is a cowardly act. Why do you have to drag innocent family members into the dispute in the first place? It doesn't put you in good light at all.
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Old 23-01-2012, 04:05 AM
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Re: Why Zap me for being Honest!!!

Originally Posted by hamsapkwai View Post
Brother Gooner8 dont mess with Sam
Some may have the mistaken impression that I impose these sorts of rules for fun but this is not the case.

It was the members here who requested that I come up with this rule that if someone used vulgarities to curse them and their family, they should have a right to know who left those remarks.
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Old 27-01-2012, 12:05 AM
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Re: Why Zap me for being Honest!!!

Tats call Conflict of Interest ....Once u over support a particular TS .....Wrote bad remark or bad FR on their thread ...... note differences as wat they state on their thread as wat u get ....they will sent CLONE to zap u ....1st they r kind to zap u w little pts but if u kpkb more t Big Bro will zap u w bigger power .....tat NOT NEW in SBF n offcause they will not leave w name .....Bro tat an Experience tat u hv to go thru b4 u become SENIOR w more POWER n make u STRONG ....Wahaha
Old 27-01-2012, 01:35 AM
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Re: Why Zap me for being Honest!!!

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor View Post
Should be ".... and offered their ADVICE.".

"Advise" is a verb.

you said in an earlier post you'd taken note of it.
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Old 27-01-2012, 09:05 AM
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Why Zap me for being Honest!!!

Rules of the game in SBF: Taken simply, Upz when agree/support/reward and Zap when disagree/punish. No need to leave nick - unless zapping with vulgarities (will be reversed zapped by Sammyboyfor otherwise)!! Fully understand the bad feeling when zapped (I have been zapped many times too - no nicks). My advice is to take it that someone do not agree with you and move on - nothing to get upset. There will always be more Upz than Zaps and the points will increase if you have been sensitive, careful and avoiding controversal issues. All the best (to all) for a Great Dragon Year 2012.

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor View Post
I FULLY SUPPORT you zapping them...issue is that you zapped and used vulgarities without leaving your nick. ...violates rule 8 ... more than 7 years.

... fuck them and scold their mothers, you have to leave your nick. ... drag innocent family members ...
Quite unfortunate that many Seniors still not aware of Rule 8 (already > 7 yrs). Believe, most will agree that it is a good rule. For Sammyboyfor considerations: Would strongly recommend that those who drag innocent family members in with vulgarities in posts should be punished by Sammyboyfor/Moderators also.

Wishing Everyone A Happy & Prosperous Dragon Year 2012

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Old 27-01-2012, 11:32 AM
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Re: Why Zap me for being Honest!!!

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor View Post
Should be "Thank you for your kind words and ADVICE.".

"Advise" is a noun.
Cool, sex forum also got english lesson, it is going to be exciting....

Hopefully got sex lesson also....

Old 27-01-2012, 02:22 PM
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Re: Why Zap me for being Honest!!!

Hi Bro

Do you get Newton's blessing? If yes, how do you worship him?
Old 27-01-2012, 08:26 PM
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Re: Why Zap me for being Honest!!!

Originally Posted by loneyheart View Post
Tats call Conflict of Interest ....Once u over support a particular TS .....Wrote bad remark or bad FR on their thread ...... note differences as wat they state on their thread as wat u get ....they will sent CLONE to zap u ....1st they r kind to zap u w little pts but if u kpkb more t Big Bro will zap u w bigger power .....tat NOT NEW in SBF n offcause they will not leave w name .....Bro tat an Experience tat u hv to go thru b4 u become SENIOR w more POWER n make u STRONG ....Wahaha
Very true!

Up till now those clones keep zapping me. All because they suspect me being clone of SBY1.
Old 27-01-2012, 08:57 PM
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Re: Why Zap me for being Honest!!!

With more power means more responsibility.

But I am not aware about the rule too but its a good one.
Old 27-01-2012, 10:10 PM
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Re: Why Zap me for being Honest!!!

I also got zapped many times. Almost all without nick and someone even called me a bastard when I spoke out against child porn in one of the deleted threads.
Old 28-01-2012, 02:24 PM
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Re: Why Zap me for being Honest!!!

Originally Posted by tiuminator View Post
Very true!

Up till now those clones keep zapping me. All because they suspect me being clone of SBY1.
Looks like you supportted the wrong guy. Why not ask him to help you ? He got a very big gang .
Old 29-01-2012, 07:26 AM
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Re: Why Zap me for being Honest!!!

Originally Posted by whitesnake View Post
Looks like you supportted the wrong guy. Why not ask him to help you ? He got a very big gang .
Just because i support his indo girls thread i got zapped by sour grapes.

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