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Old 07-04-2012, 09:23 AM
Valiant20 Valiant20 is offline
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Re: A Getaway

Looking good! Pitch Tent..
Old 07-04-2012, 10:14 AM
veriton veriton is offline
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Re: A Getaway

Pitching my tent as well... April will b suspicious?
Old 07-04-2012, 09:22 PM
Hardaway1818 Hardaway1818 is offline
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Re: A Getaway

On the second day of our Desaru trip, we have a full day out at the usual activities - visiting the fruit farm, ostrich farm, seafood dinner at a nearby town and the fireflies excursion at night. The activities are a tad boring and nothing unusual happen throughout the day. From all the interaction, everyone's personality are becoming more obvious:

Jake - The manly gentleman in the group. Always full of knowledge and knows everything about the fruits, ostrich, fireflies blah blah blah and all the ladies seem in awe of his mannerism and knowledge. Even my usually quiet wife, April, enjoys having conversation with him, and May, who would usually ask me for anything she doesn't know, now go to him instead.

Kim - The source of fun and laughter in the group. She is always there to think of something fun and creates games for all of us even when we are doing the most boring kind of activities like looking at fruits. And she is one open girl, who can openly crack dirty jokes with the guys.

Peter - The kind of guy who is always out to impress and flirt with the ladies. His build is of those rugged type, young, fit, strong and you can tell that he goes to gym quite a fair bit. And he is a loud brass, who always want to boast about anything in the world (I simply don't understand what May sees in this empty vessel; so different from his brother)

May - The youngest and also the most naive in the group. She is always so interested about everything and enjoys our company a lot. Gentle, demure and sweet. Like a small little girl whom everyone wants to take good care of.

April - The quietest in the group. Most accommodating and will just go along with everyone and everything. Can also see that she is the most conservative as she would get uncomfortable at some of the dirty joke that Kim cracks.

Fast-forward to night time. Today is 31st of Dec, New Year's Eve.

We join a Countdown party at the seaside. It's a foam party! There is easily a few hundred people partying at the seaside, with loud music, foam spraying all over us by the ejector machines around, free-flow booze, and lots of hunks and babes dancing and partying the night away. And of course the six of us are also in the crowd. It is crazy fun. It has been a long while since myself and April indulge ourselves in such heavy partying, the last time was many years ago when we still in university.
Old 07-04-2012, 10:03 PM
Rickey Rickey is offline
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Re: A Getaway

Another enticing story of lust betwn 3 couples which is well written with a slow innocent build-up...Pls continue asap.
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Up my points n I will return immediately

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Old 07-04-2012, 11:23 PM
Hardaway1818 Hardaway1818 is offline
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Re: A Getaway

Everyone has a great time laughing and dancing the night away. Booze is flowing generously around and everyone is getting very high from the dancing and alcohol. By midnight when we have finished the countdown and the partying still continues, all of us are close to drunk.

Of all the crowd around, I think the ladies in our group are getting the most attention from all the guys. The way Kim dances with her sexy figure and bleach blonde hair is always going to be wild and flirtatious and her outfit also made quite a scene. Her white babydoll style dress is low-cut at the front and shows off her ample cleavage. But what really stands out is that the length of her dress that stops right at the top part of her thigh, showing plenty of the smooth skin of her thigh and sometimes, glimpses of her pink panty can be seen while she twists and turns her body to the music. I would describe her dressing as "come fuck me" outfit.

Although not dressed anything like Kim, April has also been getting a fair amount of attention throughout the night. April's tight t-shirt and shorts are not unusual in the crowd but it shows off her firm butt perfectly. I forgot to mention that April has the cutest butt I have ever seen and she usually will conceal her assets because she doesn't like people to look at her sexually. But on this night, maybe it's because of the atmosphere or alcohol, April seems to have let go of her usual inhibitions and is especially wild, even dance around with Jake and Peter, which she normally will stick to me very closely when we were out dancing previously. More than a few times, while we were dancing away, April will jump around to dance very closely to other strangers around us.

Not forgeting May, who is simply a SYT that everyone will sneak a second peep. May is wearing a white spaghetti tank top (similar to the one I took off from her body last night) and blue shorts. You can see Peter holding onto her very closely throughout the night. May seems to be pretty drunk as well, and on numerous occasions she is being very sexual with Peter, pulling him into several long tongue kisses and when they dance together, it seems like Peter is grinding his crotch against her ass and through the camouflage the foam created, I can see Peter continually groping May's chest.

I am getting very jealous from seeing the groping that May allows Peter to do, and at the same time, I feel very guilty too. In May's mind, she has already given her most precious cherry to "Peter" last night, so what harm does a bit of groping and open flirtation do. I feel the urge to grab May and tell her she belongs to me, not that jerk Peter but I know I am the last person to have this right.

I make the excuse that I am getting too thirsty and tired and need a rest, so I break away from them and go out of the foam area for a breather. Actually the main motive is not to see Peter and May being too intimate together.

I am just resting and drinking some water at one dark corner. Near from where I am sitting, there is a group of 3 teenagers, all male, aged around 16-17, chatting away and I can overhear their conversation. I don't think they know I am behind them as I am quite concealed from them in the dark beside a tree.

Guy 1: "Wow I can't imagine Ms Teo is so sexy, so different from how she looks like in school!"
(This caught my attention as my wife is a teacher at one of the secondary school and she is called Ms Teo in school)

Guy 2: "Ya and her friend also. Her white short dress is so steam. If her boyfriend not around, I sure go up and friend her, see got chance to get her to bed anot. She looks like she wants to be fucked"
(This confirms my suspicion that they are talking about April and Kim)

Guy 1: "You say so loud only. See Ms Teo there u dare meh. Still say Ms Teo is your goddess. Everytime see her in class you also steam. Especially if she wears her tight skirt which shows her panty line on her butt, you sure go to school toilet to masturbate."

Guy 2: "As if you never fantasize about Ms Teo. Who's the one who says if he can shove his cock into Ms Teo's mouth and cum in her mouth, he die also willing. Hey Ah Guan, why you so quiet?"

Guy 3 (Ah Guan): "Nothing, tired"

Guy 1: "Confirmed tired lah. Just now he run so close to Ms Teo and dance behind her. He is the one that got guts man. He not scared she found out it's him leh. Eh Guan, share leh, I saw you grinding your crotch against Ms Teo's butt. How does that feel? Shiok anot?"

Ah Guan: "Haha damn shiok. John (Guy 1) and Alvin (Guy 2), I tell u all something. You think only you two fantasize about Ms Teo ah. I think all the males in our class do also. Who won't fantasize such a pretty teacher? I also go home everyday to masturbate to that ass. Just now got chance, how can I let go? Tell you guys a secret, just now I think Ms Teo can feel my cock rubbing against her and she pushes her ass towards me and keeps grinding. My cock rests into her ass crack and I keep pushing. Then I steam and ejaculate and I think I spill some sperm onto her ass."

John and Alvin: "Wah...."

At this juncture, from the distance, can see Jake and Kim coming out from the foam area. Seems like Kim is having a little cramp on her leg and Jake is bringing her out to rest.

Alvin: "See see, that chiobu friend of Ms Teo. She is coming out with her boyfriend. See that dress, how I hope it can go up a bit more. Just a bit more can see her panty already."

As if Alvin's wish has been granted, Kim sits down onto the beach, facing towards us and away from the foam area. Jake is squatting down to rub her ankle. Kim's legs are slightly open and we can see her upskirt view in our direction.

John: "I can't take it anymore. I need to release. This looks even better than just now dancing"

From their back, I can see the 3 guys all with their hands in their shorts and moving up and down.

Suddenly I think Kim sees the 3 guys (but I am quite sure she can't see me as I am blocked by the 3 guys and quite camouflaged in the dark). Instead of closing her legs, Kim spreads her legs fully. Her legs are basically sprawled open on the beach and her pink panty is in now full view!

The 3 guys in front of me increase the intensity of their hand movement and almost in harmony, I can hear their grunt of satisfaction...

I look down at my hand, it's filled with my sperm.

Is it from seeing May being groped by Peter, or hearing that April's students have been fantastizing about her and she has grinded her ass onto one of her student's crotch to make him ejaculate, or seeing the upskirt of Kim and she purposely exposing herself even more when she knows someone is peeping at her, that arouses me the most?
Old 08-04-2012, 12:01 AM
Hardaway1818 Hardaway1818 is offline
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Re: A Getaway

More youtube clips depicting the characters in my story: 1.May 2.April 3.Kim
I put the clips side by side so that you can play all 3 together at the same time, as if they are all dancing in the foam party!
Old 08-04-2012, 12:48 AM
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Re: A Getaway

da zhang peng liao!!!
Old 08-04-2012, 04:52 AM
marcf marcf is offline
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Re: A Getaway

Please continue!
Old 08-04-2012, 05:11 AM
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Re: A Getaway

nice 1... cont plzzz.
Old 08-04-2012, 05:12 AM
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Re: A Getaway

nice.... continue fast!!
Old 08-04-2012, 08:41 AM
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Re: A Getaway

Camping for more
Old 08-04-2012, 09:52 AM
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Re: A Getaway

What a nice story to accompany me and the bros here for the Easter Holidays.

Subscribed to your thread liao + my 5 humble pints of Kilkenny to you.

In Retirement. May come in to 6C6C . Pre-mature? Maybe, but it's never too early for the right reasons. Wishing all bros, good health, wealth and fortune! Signing off, for now..
Old 08-04-2012, 02:23 PM
Hotspotxxxxx Hotspotxxxxx is offline
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Thumbs up Re: A Getaway

This story is too good! So many unexpected events to build up my anticipation. Getting so horny reading them
Old 08-04-2012, 08:09 PM
Hardaway1818 Hardaway1818 is offline
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Re: A Getaway

We are back at our chalet from the partying, with everyone slumbering around the house, on the sofa and floor. It is 2 am and everyone is physically tired from the whole night of dancing. However no one wants to go to sleep as everyone is feeling hyper-active and high, possibly from the fun we have and more from the alcohol that has been downed.

Kim: "So people, what shall we do now? Let's play some games?"

Kim is still in her revealing dress and can sense that Peter is trying to sneak peeks up her skirt hemline as much as I do.

May: "Ok! What kind of games? Card games or mahjong?"

All of us replied at the same time: "No!"

May: "Oops sorry. That sounds boring" (in the most innocent tone that will melt any male's heart. Actually my biggest wish now is to off all the lights and relive the passion me and May shared the previous night haha)

Peter: "Strip poker?" (This bastard is trying to be funny again; No one pays him any attention; But then again, why not? Keke)

Jake: "Truth or Dare?"

Kim: "That sounds boring but we can amend the rules to make it more interesting. Let's play my version of Truth and Dare. Everyone will write down a question and a forfeit and throw into a bowl. We will randomly pick out a question and a forfeit from the bowl. Everyone will answer the question, and all of us will vote who gives the best and the lousiest answer. The person with the lousiest answer will then have to carry out the forfeit on the person with the best answer. So it's best to write questions that can give the most exciting type of answers and the forfeit can be something that you wish the other person would do to you. Haha but just be careful if you ask for a french kiss cos it might be from another guy onto a guy! And the condition is that the answers must be 100% truthful."

Hmmm this sounds interesting.....we are all turning to look at each other in anticipation of participation. I can sense that April is getting a bit uncomfortable with the idea but before she can voice her disagreement, Kim declared, "Ok, everyone is game! Let's start!"

For the next 10 minutes, everyone is thinking hard and writing down their questions and forfeit onto the paper slips and dropping into the two bowls - one for question and one for forfeit.
Old 08-04-2012, 09:26 PM
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Re: A Getaway

The first couple of questions are those atypical questions like "how many boy/girlfriend have you gotten?" and "describe your first date". In both instances, April is the loser because I am her first and only boyfriend, and the way she describe our first date is totally boring, thus unanimous vote that her answers are the lousiest.

Her first forfeit is to let the winner smell her hair, who happens to be Kim, so not much of fun. Second forfeit is to give the winner a kiss on the cheek and this time round, it is Jake who win, and he is very gentleman to put out his cheek for April to give a quick peck.

This goes on for the rest of questions and forfeits and we complete one round with not much excitement and fun.

Kim exclaims "Hey People, let's try this again. And let's be more adventurous this time round, ok?"

April, who is the loser in 4 out of the 6 questions, is the first to put up her hand in agreement. Haha you can tell that April is getting totally indignant and high by now and she claims she is not going to lose again.

So we restart the game and Kim draws out the third question, "What is the most exciting sexual encounter you ever had?"

Oh my god, the scenes from last night instantly flashed back in my mind... "May mistaken me for her boyfriend and made passionate love to me in the dark on my bed and let me fuck her virgin mouth and pussy..." That got me an instant hard-on. But obviously I can never say that out so when it's my turn, I just spoke about my honeymoon trip in Paris and how we had some romantic sex at our hotel room blah blah blah. And Kim proclaims that April cannot repeat the same story.

So when it's April's turn, all of us are expecting another boring story from her and start the forfeit.

"I was in Sec Four then. It was a Saturday and happened to be a public holiday as well, so no one was expected to be back in school that day. But me and my best friend, Chloe, had arranged to go back to school to practise for our upcoming modern jazz competition. Chloe was my dance partner and we were going to perform a duo dance item. We had practised for like 3 hours and totally exhausted and full of sweat. We wanted to bathe and change but the bathroom beside our dance studio at level 1 was under repair. So we had to go to the top level of the school where there was another toilet with bathing facilities beside the second, smaller dance studio that the school had. Our dance club seldom used that dance studio for practice but we used it to put our dance costumes. All of us had our own set of dance costumes that are provided by our school for competition. I was in a Girls' school and my school was very famous for our dancing and we were the dance champion for the past 9 years, and this year, the school's hopes were resting on myself and Chloe."

As April is narrating her story, a quick memory flashes back in my mind. Yes, Chloe, I have seen her before at one of April's class gathering. She is a stunning girl and I heard from their classmates that April and Chloe were the school belle then and I am so lucky to have married April.

"Anyway, as Chloe and I were walking past the top level dance studio to the bathroom, we saw lights coming out from the studio. We were feeling weird as there should not be anyone else in the school since it was a public holiday. We were afraid that there might be some thieves or whatever, and we were afraid to open the door. We knew that there was a back door at the back of the dance stage, and if we went in from there, it would be more discreet. That door was for us to use if any dance practice was ongoing so that we would not disturb the performance. So we crept in silently from the back door, and what we saw totally shocked us. There it was, our Physics Tutor, Mr Seah, a 40-plus balding, bespectacled man with a tummy. He was lying on the floor with his pants down, looking intensely at the pinned up poster of myself and Chloe for the dance competition, and in his left hand, was my and Chloe's dance costume, exactly the same one in the poster. The poster was a life-size poster of us in our sexy dance costume, specially printed for the competition. And Mr Seah's right hand was tugging furiously at his dick and he was bringing the dance costumes up to his face to sniff at them. In his mouth, you could hear him murmuring, oh April, fucking sweet, Chloe, you are so cute. I want to smell your pussies. I want to make love to you two. April, suck my cock... all that kind of stuff"

If you look at me and Jake and Peter now, you can see all three of us are sporting raging hard-ons. I sneak a peek at Kim, she is totally engrossed in April's story that she forgets her sitting posture, exposing her panty to the full view of me who happens to sit opposite her. Wow pink panty, so sexy. I thought April would have finished her story now but she continues.

"And me and Chloe were just staring at Mr Seah intently, not knowing what to do and keeping totally silent and motionless. My breathing got heavier and my heart was pounding like crazy as this was the first time I seen a real cock. In front of me was my tutor and there he was, in front of his own students, masturbating himself fantazising his own students. I could feel Chloe breathing becoming heavier and heavier. Suddenly I felt someone kissing my ear. It was just a peck or something but she breathed into my ear, making me very aroused. I turned to look at her and she closed her lips onto mine and started kissing me. I was nervous and scared so I didn't do anything to stop her, and it was also a sensational feeling. I could feel heat passing down my spine to my groin. Chloe's hands touched my hips and moved around my ass. Her hands move lower down and to the front of my thighs and when her hands moved up, she pushed apart my legs and started to rub my groin area. I was totally in a daze and I also didn't know what happened and I started to reciprocate the actions as I was feeling so good. I started to rub her private parts. So there we were, our tutor jerking off to images of his favourite students at one corner, and at one corner, Chloe and I were rubbing each other off while locked in passionate kiss. Her hands touched me until I was ready to explode, and I think at that moment, Mr Seah, myself and Chloe all reached an orgasm together. That's it."

When April finishes her story, you can see all of us are in awe and daze, and cannot believe that the most conservative and quietest girl in our group has just told us such an erotic encounter. And even me, her husband, has never heard of anything like this from her before. I begin to look at April in a different light, and I am hoping to see Chloe again. From my view, I can also see that Kim's exposed panty is getting wet in the middle.
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