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Old 27-04-2012, 02:10 AM
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Re: Does all sbf guy behave this way?

Originally Posted by toxicgirl View Post
Lol. I also got such messages in my inbox. I ignore.. Delete it..
wah must share share ma... should hv a lot of interesting thingy...
semi retired or almost
Old 27-04-2012, 02:25 AM
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Thumbs up Re: Does all sbf guy behave this way?

Originally Posted by neb_neb View Post
Dear Mr.Sexminator, I'm wondering where all your self-confidence comes from.
From berating a lady behind your monitor screen? And by the way, can you smell fat people behind your screen? Please possible, might smelling and guess my dick size?
Well said!
Old 27-04-2012, 02:47 AM
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Re: Does all sbf guy behave this way?

Originally Posted by keewee View Post
wah must share share ma... should hv a lot of interesting thingy...
share what? i see already i just delete it. haha. he want fuck. go geylang find la. or go to other forums find those FL.
Old 27-04-2012, 03:02 AM
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Re: Does all sbf guy behave this way?

Originally Posted by toxicgirl View Post
share what? i see already i just delete it. haha. he want fuck. go geylang find la. or go to other forums find those FL.
well some just cheeapo ma ... u knw in sg once got sale free stuff everyone fall in ....
semi retired or almost
Old 27-04-2012, 08:19 AM
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Re: Does all sbf guy behave this way?

sis, just ignore this guy who think $$$ is everything. Got $$$ big fuck is it?
Old 27-04-2012, 09:56 AM
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Re: Does all sbf guy behave this way?

Dear Queenie
I wanted you to know that I have had probably more good than terrible experiences with the guys in this forum whom I had the pleasure to exchange messages with, and some of them, I have met in person. Perhaps I am just lucky.

In general, the guys on this forum are surprisingly polite and well mannered, which kind of contradicts their persona when they expressed themselves here inside this forum. I know and I speak with experiences of meeting some of them. Am I right guys? There was only a minor scary incident during one of the meetups which one SBF guy arrange for a Happy Hour drinks and one of them got a little drunk for my comfort and luckily for me, the rest of the guys quickly arrested the situation before it got out of hand. I was literally scared to bits.

I think what probably did not go down well was that you should not have continued to exchange messages with him. In so doing, you were probably inviting the scathing remarks. I am not trying to rub salt to your wounds here, but I think that is the issue.

If you are not ready - why upset the guy with remarks like "other offers more than $1000". Those kind of remarks just begs for a rude retort. I am not defending his dastardly remarks. I am just stating that if you re-read your string of back and forth exchange of messages, you have to admit you were yanking him as well.

My lesson learnt is, you get what you elicit out of the guy.
Some say, they don't like being cock-teased and I agree. So if you are not ready, why pander? At least be upfront about your situation and state your intentions upfront. Some guys PM me and have suggestive invitations. I am humbly flattered by them, but have consistently responded with a firm and polite NO. And their responses have always been 100% of the time, very polite and they have continued to remain good 'penpals' in my PM mailbox.
Old 27-04-2012, 11:52 AM
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Re: Does all sbf guy behave this way?

Hello TS,

Like Clint Eastwood said " The Good, Bad, Ugly "
There will always people like that in this forum so just ignore that A-hole n
move on, lots of beautiful people around you , no worries sis
Old 27-04-2012, 11:54 AM
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Re: Does all sbf guy behave this way?

Originally Posted by asdfghjkl View Post
why no one contact me even though i am a high sex drive woman and in need of more men?
er.. maybe its becos of your avatar pic.... hahhahaha
There are no saints in a sex forum... if you can read this, despite your claims of merely being a passerby/lurker/silent reader, you are already tainted and have been corrupted.... welcome to the darkside !!!
Old 27-04-2012, 11:57 AM
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Re: Does all sbf guy behave this way?

sis. told you before that there are black sheeps. hope you can "siam" from there in future.
Old 27-04-2012, 12:00 PM
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Re: Does all sbf guy behave this way?

men who can't handle rejection and only know how to act big behind the monitor is a disgrace. if he really have so much money, why try to pick girls online? he can easily do so outside.

such a disgrace. don't drag us men down.
Old 27-04-2012, 12:04 PM
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Re: Does all sbf guy behave this way?

Originally Posted by silkypussy View Post
Dear Queenie
I wanted you to know that I have had probably more good than terrible experiences with the guys in this forum whom I had the pleasure to exchange messages with, and some of them, I have met in person. Perhaps I am just lucky.

In general, the guys on this forum are surprisingly polite and well mannered, which kind of contradicts their persona when they expressed themselves here inside this forum. I know and I speak with experiences of meeting some of them. Am I right guys? There was only a minor scary incident during one of the meetups which one SBF guy arrange for a Happy Hour drinks and one of them got a little drunk for my comfort and luckily for me, the rest of the guys quickly arrested the situation before it got out of hand. I was literally scared to bits.

I understand some are really a gentlemen. I've no doubt of it. =)

I think what probably did not go down well was that you should not have continued to exchange messages with him. In so doing, you were probably inviting the scathing remarks. I am not trying to rub salt to your wounds here, but I think that is the issue.

If you are not ready - why upset the guy with remarks like "other offers more than $1000". Those kind of remarks just begs for a rude retort. I am not defending his dastardly remarks. I am just stating that if you re-read your string of back and forth exchange of messages, you have to admit you were yanking him as well.
I get your point of view and i agree but the issues is i apologize on the second mail even without any intention to disrespect him. But the email that he send back.

My lesson learnt is, you get what you elicit out of the guy.
Some say, they don't like being cock-teased and I agree. So if you are not ready, why pander? At least be upfront about your situation and state your intentions upfront. Some guys PM me and have suggestive invitations. I am humbly flattered by them, but have consistently responded with a firm and polite NO. And their responses have always been 100% of the time, very polite and they have continued to remain good 'penpals' in my PM mailbox.
Hmm maybe im not as lucky as you are, even i told the guys i have no intention of it, not to criticise anyone but they would see send message on having a quick fun. =(( I cant be always miss nice to everyone right? appreciate your time to reading this post.
Old 27-04-2012, 12:08 PM
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Re: Does all sbf guy behave this way?

Originally Posted by BEAT View Post
sis, just ignore this guy who think $$$ is everything. Got $$$ big fuck is it?
Two thumb up for you =)

Originally Posted by highlysex View Post
Hello TS,

Like Clint Eastwood said " The Good, Bad, Ugly "
There will always people like that in this forum so just ignore that A-hole n
move on, lots of beautiful people around you , no worries sis
I understand. Thankyou =)

Originally Posted by tgbwolf View Post
sis. told you before that there are black sheeps. hope you can "siam" from there in future.
You think play WOW or counter strike ahh how to siam? haha =(

Originally Posted by kryptoz View Post
men who can't handle rejection and only know how to act big behind the monitor is a disgrace. if he really have so much money, why try to pick girls online? he can easily do so outside.

such a disgrace. don't drag us men down.
well said well said.
Old 27-04-2012, 12:50 PM
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Re: Does all sbf guy behave this way?

in all groups regardless of religious, political, departments, friends or even a forum/union there are bound to be black sheeps, there are thousand of members but only a handful behave so.

This is a sex forum which means ppl gather here to discuss all things bout sex under the sun, there are people which can says all things and claiming pay any prices but to each its own, therefore take things easy and don't get annoy by some ppl as end of the day this is a good forum to many.
Old 27-04-2012, 01:28 PM
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Re: Does all sbf guy behave this way?

Originally Posted by asdfghjkl View Post
i like intelligent men ma.. kekeke, get wet each time i watch liang moan on TV..
liang? u mean zhuge liang?
not interested in exchange points.
Old 27-04-2012, 02:53 PM
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Re: Does all sbf guy behave this way?

Originally Posted by QueeniePeh View Post

yes agree!! got money big fuck ah! knn *sorry my ah lianish come out le.
then i respect u, my supporter heheh.

aiya you now then say!! tio bully over liao.

paiseh i noob ma. =(
okok. next time still have then u msg me, i help you settle ok?
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