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Re: Why local gals prefer caucasians?
Yupz, the SPGs roaming the streets nowadays.
Wannabes with an AIR when talking. Seems like they think they're superior when dating Ang Mos? I've dated 2 Ang Mos before, Swedish & Australian. I asked a very typical question, why an Asian (me)? Both answered relatively the same. Most of the Ang Mos they meet here in Singapore are here for fun, not really what they feel as a partner. On that thought, I responded "could be the reason why some singaporean girls want Ang Mos for their boyfriend". Come to think of it, what's the end of all this? |
Re: Why local gals prefer caucasians?
Actually now the trend changed ...I see alot local women gg for indians...the 20s and 30s working class go for the north indians from India in sg while the younger schooling ones go for local indians eg their sch mates. I believe all this trend is due to media like Hollywood and Bollywood movies, and online influence from certain famous female bloggers who discriminate certain races of men.
Re: Why local gals prefer caucasians?
Those AM like SPG and most of them are dark, fat , short and ugly. The only + point is that that are to wear low cut super short and like white hot dog.
Re: Why local gals prefer caucasians?
Most don't actually "prefer" ang mo.
As GG said, they want someone who has got their shit together financially, emotionally and treats them nice. It just so happens that the average ang mo in singapore fits these 3 categories more than the average local. Most girls don't marry the most handsome man they meet - they marry the one that fits the above criteria. As most ang mo have the 3 above criteria, they are then grouped to be more suitable partners for women. So asian women look at tthe asian man in one corner, and the ang mo in another and think better take the chance with teh ang mo - higher percentage score all 3 above category. Same reason many Asian countries think Singaporeans are "money-faced"....they meet a few singaporeans who seem money hungry and then all singaporeans get grouped together and are moneyfaced. |
Re: Why local gals prefer caucasians?
Last edited by hotstuffm8; 26-05-2013 at 02:47 PM. Reason: trolololol |
Re: Why local gals prefer caucasians?
There is a secret to all these madness. Sorry to ladies if I divulge your secret ar. But unless drunk and strict one night stand, even if casual dating hor, I think ger still must see some sort of a fantasy/future with whomever they are dating lor. So I think the appearance of financial stability and well groomed is very important. Whether ang moh or not, spg or not. That's the internal standard that we need to hold ourselves. Irregardless.
I repeat, unless you are some sort of muscle bound he-man, there is no such thing as a casual fling for a ger (even if it is a casual fling!). Sorry that I gave this secret away. So the mindset of the SPG even if they appear to sleep around casually is that they are looking for an ang moh husband. |
Re: Why local gals prefer caucasians?
This leads me to my next topic, most girls I speak to hate "cheap" guys. And unfortunatley, most Asians fall into this category. Oh, and by no means am i saying that any race are more "decent" - guys are guys no matter where they are from. They all bail on girls they aren't keen on. Unfortunatley, this means most one night stands (c'mon lets be honest, at the end of the night you'll fuck anything thats skinny) - the next morning if she's not dating material you get the heck outta there. Sorry to hear about your cousin, but maybe she just had something for this guy. One example isn't enough to stereotype. People have preached that societies today are so mixed...well yes and no. Sure, mix relationships are more frequent, but no where near same race relationships. You just notice the mixed one more as they stand out. In Malaysia, I notice the Malay-Chinese couples as they are so far and few... Take all the ang-mo / local relationships, put them on an island, and then introduce a local/local couple and they will stick out and everyone will be saying..why do local like local only? |
Re: Why local gals prefer caucasians?
I personally think the logic is the same as why some local guys love and prefer Viet, Thai or PRC girls.
My female friends who dated Ang Mohs will always say they do so because their Ang moh boyfriends/husbands are more caring, more romantic and of course, better in bed because of bigger dicks (which personally I have doubts about it since some Asian man can have way bigger dicks than these Caucasians too. ![]() IMHO, local guys or Asian guys can be just as caring, as romantic and good in bed too (even better if you want me to say), IF they would want to. Most Asian guys especially Chinese, are bounded by our traditional upbringing and mindset and hence it's not easy for them to show their care and romantic behavior like how the Caucasians do. No offense to any Asian guys reading this too, sometimes it's the traditional mindset (read: man's ego) that's stopping you from all these actions that makes some woman prefer Caucasians. For the record, me and most of my local female friends still prefer to date Chinese guys instead of Ang mohs. But sadly most of the local Chinese guys that we know rather date foreign girls like Thai, Viet, PRCs and Malaysians. ![]()
勿以恶小而为之,勿以善小而不为 Read my diary where secrets revealed The AC Diary (Not updating until further notice) Last edited by ac171; 18-01-2013 at 11:27 PM. |
Re: Why local gals prefer caucasians?
Hey ACBG! why local men date thai viets and others is because most guys I know can't understand what the thai and viets say, so even when they quarrel, she sound sexy. When I quarrel with my kimchi. I don't understand most of what she is screaming about, all I see is her passion.
Re: Why local gals prefer caucasians?
Well being a British colony ... some call it post-colonial syndrome. AM more atas what.
When I was overseas, dated a AM blonde (actually not 100% sure real blonde or not) briefly ... find them free spirited. Got to 1st base only i.e. heavy petting, coz still high school. She was more straight forward in character compared to asian girls. I think SPG attracted to AM is an illusion (at times) that they more caring, rich and better in bed. I have seen many cases, they are neither of the above (bed part guess only) but SPG still stay with him. Prestigious I suppose. But some AM are genuinely nice, and so are asian man. So really up to individual. And yes I would prefer Thai or Pinoy wife if I have second chance. They treat husband better compared to S'porean wife. Of course there a nice S'pore wifes too. |
Re: Why local gals prefer caucasians?
AM guys tend to be more stable, @ the age of 18, most are already living on their own and supporting themselves.
In an Asian context, boys do not move out of their home unless 35 and above, married (dam HDB laws) or rich enough to afford their own private pad. Hence may seem to appear less mature. Plus, with a mother at home, doubt many local boys even do their own laundry. Different environment and culture breeds different type of guys. I guess most SG girls want someone mature & more serious. After all they say that women decline in value as they age! lol |
Re: Why local gals prefer caucasians?
A sufficiently large size of population gives rise to a huge variation of characteristics. Simply put, in a large community of ladies, there would be some that would lean towards certain types of guys in their preference; which, in the context that we are discussing, would be Caucasians.
Of course, one should not just observe this preference and deduce that Caucasians are preferred over other races; it is just as likely that there are ladies who prefer other races. Viewed from another point, there would also be guys who prefer a particular race/nationality over others. With sufficient number of guys observed to prefer a certain race/nationality, people may also be misled into thinking local guys prefer a certain race/nationality. Just my tiny 2 cents, all things being equal, there would be people who prefer one over another, be it in matters of heart/careers/likeability/etc. Point is, so long as you have gave it your all in your pursuits, then there would have been no regrets because you tried. ![]()
Hiatus. |
Re: Why local gals prefer caucasians?
Ang Mo here...
I guess opposites attract, at least that's the case for me. SG/oriental girls are much more misterious than the 'open book, heart on the tongue' white girls back in europe... |
Re: Why local gals prefer caucasians?
Flirtatious & open > hit on females more > higher chance of getting laid. It's a simple matter of probability. Add to that they're more generous & chivalrous > higher closure rate. Take that from a female. Us girls don't actually care much about race/nationality. Just treat us right & we'll return the favour. ![]()
路边的野花 Last edited by pantypleaser; 20-07-2013 at 03:52 AM. |
Re: Why local gals prefer caucasians?
路边的野花 |
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