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Re: From a woman's perspective
My first orgasm
P and I are always have good communication from daily stuff to our sexual preferences and likings so it was never an issue to point out what we prefer on bed so throughout our dating period, our foreplays and sexy time sessions just got better. It’s like we have a vision of ‘we seek to pleasure’ haha! This part may need a bit of visualizing especially the men because its hard for them to understand our orgasm feeling la.. Before P, the closest to orgasm I had was this ticklish + about to pee kind of feeling and I stopped my ex-partners from continuing because it was kind of unbearable. The stupid me didn’t know if I were to endure longer, I would probably get an orgasm from there. But then again, they do not have much patience so I didn’t expect much from them. Furthermore, sex drive was low. One day while P and I were casually talking, the conversation goes; P: eh, why you like never orgasm before ah? Me: I don’t know how an orgasm feels or how to attain this nirvana level leh P: I watched in porn is that the guy will finger the girl until she squirt. I only know these from porn, no such experiences before. Me: ya wtf, I saw the squirt is like really squirting water out, are you sure this is even possible? *I really find it a bit siao on the gush of water squirting out part. Is it really true that this can ever happened??* Me: but from my experience, fingering wasn’t very enjoying and at most i only got the ticklish + about to pee feeling and that’s it because I didn’t want to continue cuz it’s a bit unbearable *didn’t know it was the way to orgasm* P: next time you try to endure and overcome, see what happens? Me: ok, could try! So during one of our foreplay session, as usual P was very patient with my clit despite needing some time for me to warm up. Me: ehh, got the unbearable feeling already, stop stop! P: no la, let’s continue and see what happen, you endure ok? Me: arghhhh…. Arghhhhhh &&%^%PP*&^%(*&^%$#$%^&*( He continued to rub my clit while fingering me as I laid on my back trying to concentrate on getting an orgasm. Me: argh.. babe… don’t stop, I think I am going to get an orgasm… Though I don’t know what would an orgasm feels like but its just the instinct knowing that what is going to happen is an orgasm. P continued to rub my clit quickly to accelerate the climax. I arched my back and moan loudly while trying to control myself not to make him stop. Me: argh….. argh…. I am cumming…… The feeling I had was a hot gush of liquid seems to flow from my abdomen to my vagina and I was quivering when all these happened. No crazy squirting like in porn but both of us could feel the extreme wetness that just came from my vagina. I rolled to the side of the bed in a fetus pose trying to absorb and enjoy what just happened; the feeling was surreal as the thoughts went through my mind. Damn! I had my first orgasm and its so fucking shiok. Achievement unlocked too damn high for both of us, I got my first orgasm in my 25 years and he made the first girl orgasm in his 29 years. After that faithful night *cues dramatic music*, almost no sexy time session with P does not come without an orgasm. Now I really understand why some women enjoyed sex or rather orgasm so much because the feeling is so intensive and pleasured. **Tips: to orgasm faster, put a pillow or 2 behind your back while lying down so your clit is facing upwards while your partner play around with your clit and you don’t have to keep arching your back that is going to hurt after a while if need some time to climax. Really works~ Next part teaser: Dealing w monthly bleeding (menses lah) Our first anal experience
如果相見不會太晚 我們就不會悲傷 和你堂堂的手牽手 過得好簡單 若我有天不見了 或許你會比較快樂 雖然有萬般捨不得 也不願看你難割捨 若我有天不在了 請你原諒我的困擾 雖然你給我的不算少 只是我沒福氣要 Read my thread @ http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?t=419524 ![]() |
Re: From a woman's perspective
如果相見不會太晚 我們就不會悲傷 和你堂堂的手牽手 過得好簡單 若我有天不見了 或許你會比較快樂 雖然有萬般捨不得 也不願看你難割捨 若我有天不在了 請你原諒我的困擾 雖然你給我的不算少 只是我沒福氣要 Read my thread @ http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?t=419524 ![]() |
Re: From a woman's perspective
![]() N thx for the tips! |
Re: From a woman's perspective
Stupid me. It should be the opposite right, like guys saying 'I am glad to have an accommodating partner for adventures.' Haha! Thanks for reminding it should be the other way.
如果相見不會太晚 我們就不會悲傷 和你堂堂的手牽手 過得好簡單 若我有天不見了 或許你會比較快樂 雖然有萬般捨不得 也不願看你難割捨 若我有天不在了 請你原諒我的困擾 雖然你給我的不算少 只是我沒福氣要 Read my thread @ http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?t=419524 ![]() |
Good one!
Thanks for sharing! |
Re: From a woman's perspective
Hello dear, thanks for giving me a hard on so upped you & please continue the story.
We've stayed in several hotels in KL too, our favourite is Gardens with the curtains wide open & we'll do it on the lounge chair next to the window bay or doggie on the glass facing the office block ![]() Was yours Traders Hotel? |
Re: From a woman's perspective
![]() Nope, we stayed at Renaissance that's facing KLCC area and The Majestic is also a very couple-ish one that you can consider!
如果相見不會太晚 我們就不會悲傷 和你堂堂的手牽手 過得好簡單 若我有天不見了 或許你會比較快樂 雖然有萬般捨不得 也不願看你難割捨 若我有天不在了 請你原諒我的困擾 雖然你給我的不算少 只是我沒福氣要 Read my thread @ http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?t=419524 ![]() |
Re: From a woman's perspective
very good story sis. keep up the good work.
Re: From a woman's perspective
I think both parties should be a teaser sometimes, I think that will make the sex life more "enjoyable"? ![]() Coz we r dealing with a long relationship. |
Re: From a woman's perspective
Hi sis... really enjoyed a sharing from a lady perspective. Thanks and keep the updates on & may god bless you loving couple to have a good finale some days down the road... from lust to luv to marriage.
On this special date 6-9-2020, retired my luv 4 LADYGAGA! I like my NEW Queen Temptress = "Lady Lil'Tempt" On 9-9-2020, got my 1st +10Power ![]() Quote: Men are born between a woman's legs and spend the rest of their lives trying to get back in between them. Why? Because there's no place like home. |
Re: From a woman's perspective
Pretty good stuff
Quality Sex Toys - 2014 Specials |
Re: From a woman's perspective
Great story! Was gonna ask if you stayed at the Traders but another bro posed that question. Digress: Traders has a great view of the KLCC from the sky bar.
Any more follow up? Actually, it'll be better to build up with the emotional aspects of the story you know... (sexy times not withstanding) |
Re: From a woman's perspective
waiting for more of your adventures sis!
Re: From a woman's perspective
Hi guys, apologies for the hiatus and will continue for a whilel for some personal reasons. (aren't you guys glad this is not a continuous story to left you hanging?
![]() However, would like to share something digressing but still relevant to a woman's perspective.. I guess. My initial intention was just sharing my experiences and didn't expect to be overwhelmed with PMs (but I am flattered, then again, my looks may turn off whatever your initial fantasize was) and I did not have intentions to look for FB, ONS and all sorts of such requests. Neither was I looking for some dirty chat sessions. Just want was to share a little background between us; P whom I am in a complicated relationship with because he has a girlfriend of 3 years which both of them are cheating each other out but not willing to let go of each other for I don't know why so especially when both of them are almost non existing in each other's lives anymore. I am quite sure P and I aren't FB because apart from his attached status, we are basically like any normal couple. Yet many times, he disappoints me for not able to leave the gf because he 'didn't want to be the bad person'. Maybe, its true he might not love me enough but I choose to be in denial. Through the past year, I had my ups and downs struggling my emotions as a 3rd party of a relationship (no matter how broken the r/s is) and perhaps matured than before though I am still the loser who can't walk off another loser. So I got to join SBF few weeks ago and out of all the PMs, decided to continue chat on with X in wechat (I never had that apps before that). I knew he was married, I was also very clear to him I am not out to have casual sex whatsoever though sometimes we did touch a little about sexual stuff. He knew I wasn't comfortable with straight forward dirty talks which he was very nice to accommodate, we didn't had very in depth convos because day time he had work, night time he had to get back to his wife. Then, one day he asked if I would like to meet up which is definitely out of the question for me. He was cool anyway but I guess he was trying his luck. All these while chatting, I had in mind very clearly that he is married and I should stop all contacts despite being very comfortable chatting with him. I do not want to start getting emotional attached (ah.. girls. emotional) and complicate things, further more, a married man. So one morning, I decided to end off everything though initially he was insistent we could just be friends, but I want to respect him and his wife after going through the pain of being a 3rd party in a r/s, its not a very good feeling. I ended off very abruptly after he finally decided to respect my opinion. Though at this point of time, he may have long forgotten our little very boring chats, I am grateful for this short little friendship and I do owe him a little explanation on my abrupt ending and disappearance lest he thought 'little girls' are very emotional unstable. Though I still cannot find myself accept married men wanting to have fun out of their marriage, I respect their stands and I wish X well. See you guys soon after I sort out my mess. X
如果相見不會太晚 我們就不會悲傷 和你堂堂的手牽手 過得好簡單 若我有天不見了 或許你會比較快樂 雖然有萬般捨不得 也不願看你難割捨 若我有天不在了 請你原諒我的困擾 雖然你給我的不算少 只是我沒福氣要 Read my thread @ http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?t=419524 ![]() |
Re: From a woman's perspective
Take a break, go for a short vacation. For me, I always go for a pointless drive, its help to settle my emotions..
Btw, good luck to u. |
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