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Old 01-05-2014, 01:47 AM
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Re: Feeling hopeless over physical appearance

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor View Post
This seems a plausible solution! thanks
Old 01-05-2014, 01:48 AM
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Re: Feeling hopeless over physical appearance

Originally Posted by PPGirl View Post
Stop complaining. U are much more fortunate than pple who are diagnosed with cancer. They have to go through chemo.. see their hair dropped day by day even though they dun wish to. And undergoin alot of pain too.
I think 1 thing u lack is self confidence.
I know such a response towards my problem is pretty common.

For example, if i tell others that i am depressed because i am short, balding & ugly, it is not something that everyone can relate to. Some common response would be "you should stop whining" or "you are just being superficial".

However, now let's say it's about a guy who overcome poverty to become rich & successful. It's natural for him to earn the respect of everyone around him.

But who's to say the struggle of having to overcome being short, bald or any physical defects is not as tough as that of being poor?

If i ever had a choice, i would rather come from a very poor family, but i have a good height and normal hair. At least i know that 10 years from now, as long as i work hard and save up, there is nothing to stop me from becoming rich or at least comfortable.

But if you are short, genetically balding or ugly, no amount of money or determination can change your destiny by much in that aspect.
Old 01-05-2014, 01:59 AM
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Re: Feeling hopeless over physical appearance

Originally Posted by arsenal_84 View Post
Stay positive and the good vibes will shine from within yourself.
Originally Posted by pleasurehobby View Post
it is easy to say, but the truth still stands.
Only when a person can truely appreciate and accepts himself, then can he enjoy life moving forward.
Originally Posted by demonhunter View Post
Having the bod and looks does have an advantage though .But nothing beats cash rich !
Originally Posted by hunter2005 View Post
just b positive / happy.. a positive singal will attract positive ppl.
married bro will rather not tie the knot if they can start all over again.. haha..
Thanks for all the encouragement & positive energy bros

Actually I've always been a fairly positive person all my life despite a whole load of health issues.
Old 06-05-2014, 03:36 AM
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Dear Bro, Sis here...

I have gone through a similar period of being very ugly. I was obese, short and pimply. People around me keep giving me advice of how I can beautify myself to be more pleasing in the looks department. I became low self esteem and slightly depressed from all this.

Luckily, I grew out of this stage from observing others and became slimmer with smoother skin as I learn to exercise, keep a strict diet and learn to exert myself to be confident in front of others.

You are not alone...if you sit down outside and observe the crowd, you will notice many couples who look "ugly" but very in love with each other. True love is never never about the looks. It is very much whether the both of you share the same frequency and care for one another. Even the most beautiful couple will "wilt" with age.

Tell yourself that you are not the only person with this concern and put it behind you. Walk out of your shell and join activities that will let you meet like minded females. (This I speak from my own experience.) Most likely you will meet someone suitable and move on to the family life shared with someone who treasures you...all the best!

happigirl @-}--
Old 06-05-2014, 06:35 AM
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Re: Feeling hopeless over physical appearance

Dear TS,

I sort of pity u that are still very concern about ur physical state instead of fighting for ur future. Last time I also have issue about whether I am handsome or good enough for girls etc. But now I realise most of them are right actually, it is not how u look, rather how thick is ur wallet and ur confidence. To get girls, the first time u have to do is improve ur life and be richer.

I always struggle with my weight issue, I also experience hair loss issue, last time I also got a lot of pimples. My schoolmate called me a ball chasing a ball during soccer match. My girls school mates, they dun talk to me cause they want nothing to do with me.

Now, Im not the same anymore. Even though, I am getting fatter like 100 kg liao due to organising parties and drinking too much, the girls never stop pouring themselves at me. Now I dun even wanna settle down.

Maybe if u can join me at my outing next time, I wont charge u anything. Just to help u and give advice. Hair loss can hide, I am hiding. Confidence can be built, money can be earned, girls are plentiful. What is there to worry about???????
Old 06-05-2014, 04:57 PM
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Re: Feeling hopeless over physical appearance

bro dont be sad, i am nearing 30s and i only have a gf once in my life.

now still alone. i am no difference from you

but if you live your life to the fullest, whats there to worry about settling down or not?

go take on challenges which you never encounter before. Take up courses which you think you might not even consider!

life is always grey if you don't inject color into it ! Cheer up Ts bro!
Old 07-05-2014, 08:04 PM
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Re: Feeling hopeless over physical appearance

Hey c'mon man...

Don't take it so hard on yourself man..

Other people have their own sets of problems as well..

A lot of guys have receding hairlines.. for guys not that bad, what if it's for a girl. It's much worse isn't it..

Don't forget, let me name you a few bald, good looking guys (i am in no way gay!!),
- Short and Rounded body bald: Vin Diesel
- Short and Fit Bald : Jason Statham
- Tall and Fit Bald: Dwayne Johnson

I myself am having lesser hair, but no problem, i'll just shave when i get to that stage..

Count your blessings to be yourself. There are many people who have more problems than us man.. You can't do anything to increase your height, nor your hair to come back to you. But if it's physical you're on about, how about going to gym? workout and stuff, get your body ripped... this is one physical thing that you can control.
Old 08-05-2014, 02:33 AM
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Re: Feeling hopeless over physical appearance

Short cannot find gf mea? got also not so tall females mah, maybe not yet met them...i personelly know some tat is like 150cm or 155cm...cos my wife 159cm...

Glad to hear ur skin is better now...

Hair blading> you can either change style give it botak lor..i hv fren that also blading then he make it like monk, it looks way better then trying to hide the fact...(still leave some hair really not nice imho...)
*That is; if you willing to change.

Dun go care wat ur colliegues or relatives say...Be yourself, must hv confidence..

Maybe try do some exercise & tone up a bit, make head like monks (my friend really do it & look very cool), wear tinted spec, give it a different style & a new lease of life for yourself.
You cannot get back what you currently have, if you choose to let it go.You cannot be sure by letting go now, you can get back watever you lost now, in the future.
Old 09-05-2014, 02:10 PM
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Re: Feeling hopeless over physical appearance

TS, I am literally judged all the time.

I am not pretty, have poor face complexion aka the female version of Mark Lee Guo Huang, not pretty features, flat pancake face and I have recently developed hives due to the heat when I returned back to SG.

When I was young, a singapore guy once told me this: "You are below average look as compared to any singapore girl."

One of my xboss also said this:"because you do not have the look and figure, you cannot do sales."

Don't feel bad about yourself. you don't need to hide. all you have to do is dress well and comfortably in your own skill. The confidence aura in you will attract people. Honestly, there are people that have real medical issues.

Like you, because of my ugly features and large pores with acne scars on my face, I also went into hiding. I hide for 12yrs and can say that I am still hiding as I write this to you.

But I am slowly and trying to build my confidence to meet people. Of course, it is easier said than done. Just recently, someone said I am ugly went I meet them for the first time both in person and in SMS. Just when I decide to come out and meet people I get criticised for being ugly again. It hurts and make me want to go back into hiding and yes, I went back into hiding.

So just try in baby steps to meet people, of course there are bound to have people who criticise you the first time.
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Old 09-05-2014, 03:46 PM
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Re: Feeling hopeless over physical appearance

I think if physical appearance is a huge problem...just go for plastic surgery...I have a couple of friends who did that and it boost their confidence level greatly....

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Old 09-05-2014, 04:32 PM
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Re: Feeling hopeless over physical appearance

Originally Posted by StoolPigeon View Post
I know such a response towards my problem is pretty common.

For example, if i tell others that i am depressed because i am short, balding & ugly, it is not something that everyone can relate to. Some common response would be "you should stop whining" or "you are just being superficial".

However, now let's say it's about a guy who overcome poverty to become rich & successful. It's natural for him to earn the respect of everyone around him.

But who's to say the struggle of having to overcome being short, bald or any physical defects is not as tough as that of being poor?

If i ever had a choice, i would rather come from a very poor family, but i have a good height and normal hair. At least i know that 10 years from now, as long as i work hard and save up, there is nothing to stop me from becoming rich or at least comfortable.

But if you are short, genetically balding or ugly, no amount of money or determination can change your destiny by much in that aspect.

I think u are seriously wrong man. I have many taller, yandao and smarter friends who wish to live like how I am living. Of course like I say before, short ugly and balding all these CAN SERIOUSLY be overcome by money and confident. U just have to learn how to do it. Firstly I must say money is very important. If u are rich and came from rich family, ur upbringing will be better u can do much more and expose much more. Girls dun suck on looks.... girls want something different from what they already know. Being interesting and smart and knowing more things in the society will make u so shiny among all those tall yandao but stupid guys. Ok not say stupid but normal working guys living and earning just to survive.

Money gives u confident too so try to get more of it. Seriously, when u are financially independent u can enjoy life and do much more. U have more time to date and try different stuffs. Life is not about girls too. On the materialistic term, which sg girl will wanna married a tall yandao but useless guy to suffer for life. U have to improve and get to a point u choose pple instead of them choosing u.

I have been thru ur kind of suffering before so I know. I have so much advices for u but dunno how to type here la. Today I might drop by FCLUB after my date. U can link up with me there. I show u how we play and party there. hahahah. PM me if u are keen.
Old 09-05-2014, 04:37 PM
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Re: Feeling hopeless over physical appearance

Originally Posted by discordpiggy View Post
TS, I am literally judged all the time.

I am not pretty, have poor face complexion aka the female version of Mark Lee Guo Huang, not pretty features, flat pancake face and I have recently developed hives due to the heat when I returned back to SG.

When I was young, a singapore guy once told me this: "You are below average look as compared to any singapore girl."

One of my xboss also said this:"because you do not have the look and figure, you cannot do sales."

Don't feel bad about yourself. you don't need to hide. all you have to do is dress well and comfortably in your own skill. The confidence aura in you will attract people. Honestly, there are people that have real medical issues.

Like you, because of my ugly features and large pores with acne scars on my face, I also went into hiding. I hide for 12yrs and can say that I am still hiding as I write this to you.

But I am slowly and trying to build my confidence to meet people. Of course, it is easier said than done. Just recently, someone said I am ugly went I meet them for the first time both in person and in SMS. Just when I decide to come out and meet people I get criticised for being ugly again. It hurts and make me want to go back into hiding and yes, I went back into hiding.

So just try in baby steps to meet people, of course there are bound to have people who criticise you the first time.
All those pple u know last time are CB kia.... IF they are so yandao pretty or successful and rich. THey wont be in ur social circle and talk to u liao. They will be in their own circles. So what does that mean. THey are still the same as u, they are not much better. Dun take it to heart. They are just bullshitting. I can find a girl ugly but I will not tell her in the face. A girl can be ugly but the body is something u can work on. I appreciate girls with good body but normal face lo.
Old 09-05-2014, 05:55 PM
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Re: Feeling hopeless over physical appearance

Originally Posted by subidowa View Post
All those pple u know last time are CB kia.... IF they are so yandao pretty or successful and rich. THey wont be in ur social circle and talk to u liao. They will be in their own circles. So what does that mean. THey are still the same as u, they are not much better. Dun take it to heart. They are just bullshitting. I can find a girl ugly but I will not tell her in the face. A girl can be ugly but the body is something u can work on. I appreciate girls with good body but normal face lo.
many thanks for the tip!!! I do not even have normal face, cos i only wanted normal, i am way below normal due to my skin like Mark Lee Guo Huang - orange peel skin.

and yes the one who said that I am ugly is a 48yo married short fart with 4 kids and a fat/half breed wife! he sure is one CBkia cos he is constantly looking for women to let his fat/half breed wife and himself to swing. too much sex has gone into his head! siao chong nao!

anyways too bad I neither have the body because i put on so much weight when I return to SG from staying overseas and it is a pain trying to loose it until now I can't eat and do not enjoy eating food anymore due to extreme dieting.

well i do have 1 or 2 honest friends that will msg me for no rhyme or reason and these are the friends that are genuine cos they just want to say hi to me and ask me out as real friend. greatly appreciate them.

i do hope to find a few more of such friends.
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Old 09-05-2014, 06:17 PM
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Re: Feeling hopeless over physical appearance

Originally Posted by discordpiggy View Post
many thanks for the tip!!! I do not even have normal face, cos i only wanted normal, i am way below normal due to my skin like Mark Lee Guo Huang - orange peel skin.

and yes the one who said that I am ugly is a 48yo married short fart with 4 kids and a fat/half breed wife! he sure is one CBkia cos he is constantly looking for women to let his fat/half breed wife and himself to swing. too much sex has gone into his head! siao chong nao!

anyways too bad I neither have the body because i put on so much weight when I return to SG from staying overseas and it is a pain trying to loose it until now I can't eat and do not enjoy eating food anymore due to extreme dieting.

well i do have 1 or 2 honest friends that will msg me for no rhyme or reason and these are the friends that are genuine cos they just want to say hi to me and ask me out as real friend. greatly appreciate them.

i do hope to find a few more of such friends.
What kao...... So short and old plus the wife so fat who wanna swing with them. Nabei.... erxin. I rather go club drink with my promoters get them high and gang bang with my bros....Some more they are local young and hot......

One thing I always learn in life. A person can be really lousy or ugly but never insult or shame them. U can beat them but not beat the face. Physical pain can be forgotten but feeling of hurt will be remembered for life.
Old 09-05-2014, 07:21 PM
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Re: Feeling hopeless over physical appearance

Originally Posted by discordpiggy View Post
many thanks for the tip!!! I do not even have normal face, cos i only wanted normal, i am way below normal due to my skin like Mark Lee Guo Huang - orange peel skin.

and yes the one who said that I am ugly is a 48yo married short fart with 4 kids and a fat/half breed wife! he sure is one CBkia cos he is constantly looking for women to let his fat/half breed wife and himself to swing. too much sex has gone into his head! siao chong nao!

anyways too bad I neither have the body because i put on so much weight when I return to SG from staying overseas and it is a pain trying to loose it until now I can't eat and do not enjoy eating food anymore due to extreme dieting.

well i do have 1 or 2 honest friends that will msg me for no rhyme or reason and these are the friends that are genuine cos they just want to say hi to me and ask me out as real friend. greatly appreciate them.

i do hope to find a few more of such friends.
Sis, such pple are superficial and not worth ur time or friendship; even if u look like Miss Universe...they're still superficial as they are still not ur friends.

Hving said tat, weight can be resolve by exercise and sensible eating....note tat I did not say diet . Acne scars can be reduce/eliminate thru exfoliation treatment....but end at the end of the's the inner u tat matters. Outer beauty is transient....inner beauty is lifetime .

Bros/sis, don't let shallow/insecure pple put u down; they only do so as tat is the only way that can make themselves feel good.
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