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Old 22-09-2014, 10:25 AM
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Re: To love or be loved?

Originally Posted by siri View Post
hahaha ya my friend always ask me to find someone who love me first.... don't fall in love first she said... but I think 人是犯贱的...

hahaha if got love no sex how? got sex no love? I think this one quite easy for many samsters here...
Well, nowadays many go for 'Someone who love one more' over 'To love someone more'.

If you and that person have the same mentality, one is difficult to find the other half.

At times when comes to love, one have to give in a bit, in order to find the other half.
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Old 22-09-2014, 10:39 AM
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Re: To love or be loved?

Originally Posted by siri View Post
so I have a burning question:

Love someone or wait to be loved?

Maybe should say in this way...被爱=shiok, 爱人=painful

So easier to choose right?
Of course shiok lor!

Old 22-09-2014, 10:43 AM
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Re: To love or be loved?

Originally Posted by ben2011 View Post
Maybe should say in this way...被爱=shiok, 爱人=painful

So easier to choose right?
Of course shiok lor!

Hahaha but 爱人=painful is not always true also~

To love, no doubt will need sacrifice and hurt sometimes. It's just whether the pain is worth tiding through for that while. But if loving is persistently painful then something somewhere is wrong...
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Old 22-09-2014, 11:09 AM
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Re: To love or be loved?

Originally Posted by BiRd13 View Post
Well, nowadays many go for 'Someone who love one more' over 'To love someone more'.
Which probably explains y it's harder to find love, or happiness if u may call it, these days.
Many r not willing to pay d price for love, aft a couple of hurtful experiences. Imo, u dun pay, u dun get it..dun deserve it more than those who do, at least to say.

Old 22-09-2014, 11:50 AM
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Re: To love or be loved?

It is best to find someone who love you as much as you love him/her and will not be particular about who love who more.....Never look for someone who expect you to love him/her more....Such people are usually very selfish people and care only about their own feelings. And in the long run, such relationship are not going to work. Because one day you will be mentally exhausted when you are in such a relationship....

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Old 22-09-2014, 12:03 PM
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Re: To love or be loved?

Originally Posted by happywoody View Post
for love to work it has to be both ways
yes definitely, I always believe it has to be both ways. then sex and daily interaction will fun and not be chore or go stale.

Originally Posted by BiRd13 View Post
At times when comes to love, one have to give in a bit, in order to find the other half.
no point, i have had given and was most willing to give in all the time until being submissive but end up?! i was being abused and the lies even after he was caught, he still dismissed it.

Originally Posted by oxeso View Post
Which probably explains y it's harder to find love, or happiness if u may call it, these days.
Many r not willing to pay d price for love, aft a couple of hurtful experiences. Imo, u dun pay, u dun get it..dun deserve it more than those who do, at least to say.
talk is cheap, i paid and still paying at this moment but still not loved lols!

its a no win situation for... whatever and however much i give out in love, still no one loves me back hahahah! oh well!

now.... i just hide... like wall paper and background picture... live like a TRON... no one will notice
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Old 22-09-2014, 01:07 PM
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Re: To love or be loved?

Originally Posted by discordpiggy View Post
no point, i have had given and was most willing to give in all the time until being submissive but end up?! i was being abused and the lies even after he was caught, he still dismissed it.
In this way, is you love him more than he love you.
A guy who does not respect his partner, and abuse her, isn't one to keep...

But glad you have left him
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Old 22-09-2014, 01:41 PM
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Re: To love or be loved?

Originally Posted by BiRd13 View Post
In this way, is you love him more than he love you.
A guy who does not respect his partner, and abuse her, isn't one to keep...

But glad you have left him
Left him... long time ago... but he is still fresh in my memories... i even left the country for quite a while... wondering in a foreign land alone... to try to forget him... still licking my wounds and trying to forget him... by having lots of sex can?!
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Old 22-09-2014, 06:48 PM
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Re: To love or be loved?

Originally Posted by BiRd13 View Post
Well, nowadays many go for 'Someone who love one more' over 'To love someone more'.

If you and that person have the same mentality, one is difficult to find the other half.

At times when comes to love, one have to give in a bit, in order to find the other half.
ya I believe it's hard to find too. it's either u let yourself sink in first then decide if it's all worth it. never try never know?

but by the time you know, game already over for u le lol
Old 22-09-2014, 09:54 PM
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Able to love also quite nice at least there someone there for you to shower your love..

Of course cannot expect that person love as deep as you.. As it cannot be measure at all..

Being loved and able to love will be the most prefect for both

I would think it is impt the two right person connect the same frequency & loving each other & enjoy the process together
Old 22-09-2014, 10:50 PM
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Touching song!

Old 23-09-2014, 08:48 AM
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Re: To love or be loved?

Originally Posted by discordpiggy View Post
Left him... long time ago... but he is still fresh in my memories... i even left the country for quite a while... wondering in a foreign land alone... to try to forget him... still licking my wounds and trying to forget him... by having lots of sex can?!
Can understand how you feel. When my 1st left, I couldn't get over with her for a period of time. About 3- years was torturing myself...
Anyway, past is past le... Well, having lots of sex with 1 partner is a way of distress and forget as well... Having lots of sex with lots of partner is a way of torturing yourself (even though may be enjoying the 'process')

Originally Posted by siri View Post
ya I believe it's hard to find too. it's either u let yourself sink in first then decide if it's all worth it. never try never know?

but by the time you know, game already over for u le lol
So don't sink too much. Just like diving. You can control how deep you can go... When you are getting use to the depth, or feel like going even deeper, then proceed on...

But then again, when dive deeper, and eaten by shark, or got stuck and died, don't regret... Think back, at least you enjoy the diving process... =)
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Old 23-09-2014, 07:52 PM
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Re: To love or be loved?

Originally Posted by BiRd13 View Post
Can understand how you feel. When my 1st left, I couldn't get over with her for a period of time. About 3- years was torturing myself...
Anyway, past is past le... Well, having lots of sex with 1 partner is a way of distress and forget as well... Having lots of sex with lots of partner is a way of torturing yourself (even though may be enjoying the 'process')

So don't sink too much. Just like diving. You can control how deep you can go... When you are getting use to the depth, or feel like going even deeper, then proceed on...

But then again, when dive deeper, and eaten by shark, or got stuck and died, don't regret... Think back, at least you enjoy the diving process... =)

hahaha true enough. But I guess the most important thing is...

happy can already! don't think don't care too much ah. What will come will come... never come means not yours to come! hope yours come soon k! hehe
Old 23-09-2014, 08:51 PM
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Re: To love or be loved?

Originally Posted by siri View Post
hahaha true enough. But I guess the most important thing is...

happy can already! don't think don't care too much ah. What will come will come... never come means not yours to come! hope yours come soon k! hehe
Well said!

Most important thing is gotta to try many, then will know which one will fit in nicely lol
Good luck to us all, to find the one n only!
Old 26-09-2014, 10:24 AM
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Re: To love or be loved?

Originally Posted by siri View Post
hahaha true enough. But I guess the most important thing is...

happy can already! don't think don't care too much ah. What will come will come... never come means not yours to come! hope yours come soon k! hehe
Haha... Hmm...

Well, true in the way that what comes will comes...
Again, how long will it have to take?
When later you think back after it finally come, you will felt that it's wasted... even though both shared some happy moment together
But think again, if have give up before it come, probably you may be happier than that.

So rules of life, when you know there's no ending to it, give it up and find the next. Don't waste your time/youth and the other person time/youth too
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