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Old 30-05-2007, 01:58 PM
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Re: Recommendations for make out places for kinky motorists

Drive up to the end of the road leading to Alkaff Mansion. The street is not lighted but there's enough light for you to see anyone creeping up to watch you. Another place is the old JTC carpark at the Jurong Town Hall Road, it's lighted but there are no cars, parked in the middle of the large carpark space and it can be quite exciting, like bonking in the open but still have time to react if approached by police cars.
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Old 30-05-2007, 02:28 PM
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Re: Recommendations for make out places for kinky motorists

punggol hdb car park, went there once recently, upper most leve empty and got 2 section somemore, the car park is situated in the corner of the estate, so no need to worry abt ppl in the flat can see u.
Old 30-05-2007, 03:58 PM
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Re: Recommendations for make out places for kinky motorists

Originally Posted by koites View Post
You mean the carpark's open round the clock? That sounds cool.
I dont know leh. The last time I went there was almost 12 midnight and the gate was not lock at all. Total darkness and no car at all.

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Old 30-05-2007, 04:05 PM
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Re: Recommendations for make out places for kinky motorists

There have been places mentioned in the east, west and north, any recommendation that is in the central or south ??? Thanks.

God made butter, God made cheese, God made me for you to please.
Old 31-05-2007, 09:58 AM
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Re: Recommendations for make out places for kinky motorists

Originally Posted by blurwit View Post
That site stays by a lot of bagala...
Doing at that place at ur own risk!
And dun forget it is near LCK training area. The scout might be spying on u using IR scope hahahaha
Old 31-05-2007, 10:01 AM
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Re: Recommendations for make out places for kinky motorists

I mentioned this area in the other thread but for benefit of thread starter, i will say again.

Near sungei tengah. If u know whr farm mart is, there road leading to farm mart is actually a loop. Go to the top of the loop, alot of heavy vehicles park there but hardly see anybody passing that area. Went there a few time and can see a few cars shaking there. Can try but abit eerie though
Old 31-05-2007, 10:15 AM
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Re: Places for kinky motorists...

Originally Posted by diesel View Post
3. Punggol park - Punggol park (from jetty towards Punggol Marina Club) used to be untouched by public. Now, that place is "ruin" with people going there fishing.
Watchout for peeping tom there, kena once recently
Old 31-05-2007, 10:22 AM
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Re: Recommendations for make out places for kinky motorists

Originally Posted by chinmafan View Post
jurong bird park carpark after 3am. not even a bird is awake except the 1 u using.
why jurong bird park when u can go up to jurong hill??? mid-hill carpark offers much more privacy. unless yr girl is pavarotti, her screams will not reach the top where all the not so smart ones do their car-rocking exercises...

lim chu kang road all the way to the end. that site got 1 adandon hdb estate.
eeerrr... that site quite famous for being very "dirty" leh!!!

Originally Posted by Microsoft View Post
Carpark at Mandai Zoo in early morning. Or turn right into track 15 the moment u turn into the rd leading to Mandai zoo. Drive all the way to the end. Use to have a "carpark" which is nothing more then a grass patch. Tat was a couple yr bk now dunno any changes onot.

Sometime c 1 or 2 car parked far apart and shaking like hell but empty most of the time so i guess the pivacy is gd.
oh, man!!! those were the days... confirmed that side got no army boys doing nite training. by the way, there is a dirt track just before your location. even more privacy, but have to reverse out after going in...

Originally Posted by Cyber_God View Post
There have been places mentioned in the east, west and north, any recommendation that is in the central or south ??? Thanks.
yes, just found out. behind united square, u will see quite a few small scale exclusive condos. the roads r quite haphazard. quite a few "blind" spots there. moreover, after 12am, u would be lucky to spot a car every hour... seems like the rich dont party that much.

if u r adventurous enough, there is an abandoned bungalow at the very end of the road... gate not locked last time i saw... but looked quite eerie and no reason why such prime land should be lying there doing nothing... cheers.
Old 31-05-2007, 10:27 AM
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Re: Recommendations for make out places for kinky motorists

The secluded park along Changi coastal road near air-cargo center.
Old 31-05-2007, 11:07 AM
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Re: Recommendations for make out places for kinky motorists

Jurong Bird Park' car park is not as bright as Hill Top
Old 31-05-2007, 11:38 AM
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Re: Recommendations for make out places for kinky motorists

Originally Posted by XboxSG View Post
Jurong Bird Park' car park is not as bright as Hill Top
since i dont live near there anymore, i will tell u. u will see a mid-hill carpark before u reach the hilltop. got to go there then u will understand what i mean. just dont keep looking out for the hilltop and u will soon see a small carpark on the left side when u r driving up. not so brightly lit as the top. 1 more thing, there is a lot just beside the utility building there. no lamp-post there, all other light blocked by the small building and more importantly, a bird's eye view of the whole carpark. u can see if there r cars coming in but they might not be able to see u from most angles...

trust me, bro... lived there for 30 years liao... been bringing girls there for more than 10 years liao!!! cheers
Old 31-05-2007, 11:57 AM
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Re: Recommendations for make out places for kinky motorists

Originally Posted by blurwit View Post
That site stays by a lot of bagala...
Doing at that place at ur own risk!
yes, i tink their hostel is just there only. u can see them sitting by the railings at night.

Originally Posted by _AXL_ View Post
since i dont live near there anymore, i will tell u. u will see a mid-hill carpark before u reach the hilltop. got to go there then u will understand what i mean. just dont keep looking out for the hilltop and u will soon see a small carpark on the left side when u r driving up. not so brightly lit as the top. 1 more thing, there is a lot just beside the utility building there. no lamp-post there, all other light blocked by the small building and more importantly, a bird's eye view of the whole carpark. u can see if there r cars coming in but they might not be able to see u from most angles...

trust me, bro... lived there for 30 years liao... been bringing girls there for more than 10 years liao!!! cheers
yes i 2nd that too.
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Old 31-05-2007, 12:02 PM
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Re: Tuas Jetty

Originally Posted by diesel View Post
Tuas jetty is after the incinerator. Tuas jetty may be difficult to find because there is a slip road (not a road T-junction) on the right.

It is very-very-very ulu! It can be dark without moonlight. My advice, go there during full-moon! Bring some refreshments to enjoy beautiful night scenery. It is windy (more than 16 knots) and you won't feel warm or humid at all.

To give you a better written road direction, there is one road (before the slip road leading Tuas jetty) on the right which will lead to the granite collection point. Lots of wild but fierce dogs. These dogs chase after strange vehicles! I am not joking. Please do not turn in to that road.
that's tonight!!! who want to go for ecursions. but remember to wear armour incase we heng heng beo Gekosg car and kana walop by him.
Old 31-05-2007, 12:04 PM
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Re: Recommendations for make out places for kinky motorists

Originally Posted by blurwit View Post
That site stays by a lot of bagala...
Doing at that place at ur own risk!
nevermind, i only do with PRC in the car. so give those bangala a free show also not bad. anyway they are too dark for me to realise their existence. haha
Old 31-05-2007, 12:09 PM
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Re: Recommendations for make out places for kinky motorists

Originally Posted by Cyber_God View Post
There have been places mentioned in the east, west and north, any recommendation that is in the central or south ??? Thanks.
marina south park. but need motorbike and mosqito coil. big car park at sentosa.

i haven tried before 1. just imagine only. haha
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