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Old 13-01-2008, 01:40 PM
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Re: Visa runs in Thailand still possible ?

Originally Posted by Norikasan55 View Post
Bro Peter, after you buy and try can let us know if the sound quality if good?
I know direct dial +66 / +65 is always very clear cuz.. its 1dolar+ per min.. but some of the non-direct dial not that clear and take time to connects. thanks.

Also are you trying to get IDP? If so can also share how to go about getting it.
i tried it liao, gf's using it on True to call me sometimes. On my side it's clear as crystal, and on her side it's as good as 009, +65 prefix
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Old 13-01-2008, 06:57 PM
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Re: Visa runs in Thailand still possible ?

Originally Posted by Norikasan55 View Post
Bro Peter, after you buy and try can let us know if the sound quality if good?
I know direct dial +66 / +65 is always very clear cuz.. its 1dolar+ per min.. but some of the non-direct dial not that clear and take time to connects. thanks.

Also are you trying to get IDP? If so can also share how to go about getting it.
I will give feedback, just be vigilant over this thread. But Bro Vm has confirmed it's good; I'll give you my opinion when I'm there.

As for IDP, I read in several sites that with Singapore DL, you can drive in Thailand, Laos and Cambodia.

Next thing is to get a satelite dish. Bro Vm got kangtao or not ??
Old 13-01-2008, 09:47 PM
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Re: Visa runs in Thailand still possible ?

Originally Posted by Norikasan55 View Post
Yeh.. I used to have this farang friend he ride his bike all the way up to Thailand for road trip. I wonder...

Y u need a satelite dish? u rent an apartment in bkk?
Going to stay there for as long as Thailand allows. So cannot be staying in hotel right ?

What is your interest in Thailand ?
Old 13-01-2008, 09:52 PM
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Re: Visa runs in Thailand still possible ?

Bro Vm,

Thinking of ways to earn a living in Thailand.

Got ideas???
Old 13-01-2008, 10:12 PM
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Re: Visa runs in Thailand still possible ?

as long as you apply for a IDP, you can drive in thailand, simple as that.
Satallite dish? no need la, when you rent your apartment, choose 1 with the dish already installed (look up at rooftop and if u see a satalite dish, likely they provide UBC(truecable)

if not, ask to install when you rent, cable guy will install for you 1 ma.. unless you are talking about LEECHING lol, den i not so sure liao.

living in thailand.. many ways also.. and also dependent on your lifestyle..

what is your reason for living in thailand? lol dont give the booboo about loving the culture and thai language, you and i honestly all know that this is just bull.

for me i ever spent 15k including rental in a month, and also 51k in a month. lol

judging from your lifestyle, you can guage what kind of jobs u can do, if u have a degree and can speak/write thai, try your luck with the job agencies.

if nothing, den try the internet, i used to stay there and with the internet age, money can be earned.. although the amount fluctuates alot :P

arbo, if ur CPF sibei alot, buy a good condo or house, rent it out and go thailand live on your rental from singapore lor :P
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Old 13-01-2008, 10:50 PM
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Re: Visa runs in Thailand still possible ?

Hi Bro VM,

I want to install a satellite dish so that I don't have to subscribe to UBC. UBC can cost a bomb and you don't get as many channels as satellite dish.

Come to think of it, may have to sign up with walen and learn how to write thai. But it's a long term investment, will take a long time before it can bear fruits.

You mentioned internet age, and you said "you stayed there". What do you mean ? Opening an internet cafe ? Till today nobody can figure out how internet cafes can make money.

CPF monies ? You and I know they're all trapped in CPF account for good unless you can obtain Thai citizenship, which is a very difficult task.
Old 13-01-2008, 11:00 PM
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Re: Visa runs in Thailand still possible ?

Originally Posted by Peter_North View Post
Hi Bro VM,

I want to install a satellite dish so that I don't have to subscribe to UBC. UBC can cost a bomb and you don't get as many channels as satellite dish.

Come to think of it, may have to sign up with walen and learn how to write thai. But it's a long term investment, will take a long time before it can bear fruits.

You mentioned internet age, and you said "you stayed there". What do you mean ? Opening an internet cafe ? Till today nobody can figure out how internet cafes can make money.

CPF monies ? You and I know they're all trapped in CPF account for good unless you can obtain Thai citizenship, which is a very difficult task.

no i dont own a internet shop lol, well there are internet based jobs for example. and even some things u can do like *ahem* betting sites etc lol
when i mean i stayed there i meant i stayed there like what you're about to, cuz back den i had a internet based job where anywhere as long i have my laptop and a decent internet connection i can work, as long i dont appear too drunk to on my lappy haha..

CPF monies are use to buy property lo, if u have shitloads, but a condo (singapore) renovate it and rent it out , i dont mean buy a condo(bangkok) with ur cpf.

UBC is now truevision or soemthing, quite alot of channels leh, chinese angmoh french also got. are you buying an apartment? cuz if you are, i duno where to buy the dish, but if you are renting, you need to ask the landlord 1st, and if they give the nod, den you can apply, and you can ask them where to get it . they'll know.
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Old 13-01-2008, 11:12 PM
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Re: Visa runs in Thailand still possible ?

Got shitloads of monies, go Australia or NZ liao.

Anyway, I'm working on a long term plan to obtain a PR. Of course b4 that, must marry a Thai tirak. So really hoping to do something worthwhile in Thailand and contribute taxes.
Old 13-01-2008, 11:29 PM
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Re: Visa runs in Thailand still possible ?

well in that case, not sure on ur expertise, if u can land urself a good job there (need degree and all that shit la) den good liao..

but again like people say, thailand's the best place to live but the worst place to make money

anyway, you might already know of this site, but if you dont, you can check it out, sometimes can get something (alot actually) out of there as well

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Old 13-01-2008, 11:41 PM
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Re: Visa runs in Thailand still possible ?

Originally Posted by Norikasan55 View Post

I seriously think getting a job in Thailand by your own is damn difficult unless you speak thai or write thai. Looking at their newspaper classified ads really make one feel sad about their education system and salary offered.
cuz you will be earning thai pay, but never able to afford tourist's enjoyments like what people here are doing liao.

infact its all boil down to ownself's sacrifices lo, like my friend tt owns a restaurent there actually did offer me a job as a acct mgr, but a THAI acc mgr's pay, which is like 15k a month? i could live there resonably if i want to, but on a personal level i cant accept that amount, so here i am in sillypore lol

15k a month i survive before there.. can go chiong once a week also, but if u wanna save money, can forget it lor, lol cuz after paying your rent and groceries, left peanut liao... somemore ar.. now bkk living stds are increasing also, things better more expensive, not just the beers :P

they do have a retirement visa but tts if you are >50.
bro peternorth can stay in thailand based on marriage visa,that would solve his problem on visas, not hard, but again i believe what he is more concerned is how to make a living there.

got visa no money also LL have to come back
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Old 14-01-2008, 01:04 AM
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Re: Visa runs in Thailand still possible ?

Originally Posted by vmtech View Post
living in thailand.. many ways also.. and also dependent on your lifestyle..

what is your reason for living in thailand? lol dont give the booboo about loving the culture and thai language, you and i honestly all know that this is just bull.

judging from your lifestyle, you can guage what kind of jobs u can do, if u have a degree and can speak/write thai, try your luck with the job agencies.

arbo, if ur CPF sibei alot, buy a good condo or house, rent it out and go thailand live on your rental from singapore lor :P
lol u are right about the booboo, many of us knows that too well if one wanna stay in thailand for

most of us wanna stay n work there. the question is how much we willing to accept working in thailand. how much is enough for us to live there?

getting a job in thailand is very very hard. mostly they prefer thai pple. even they want us, the pay wont be high and we also must be able to read n write thai. basic thai = forget it.

teaching job in thailand maybe possible but the pay is about 8k to 15k baht a mth. but the rather get a farang to teach english then getting a asian to teach english.

I try myself getting a job in thailand as a Manager so far the highest the company offer me is 50k baht a month. which is 3 x lower then what i get in sgp. some even lower. tax u still have to pay urself.

as for buying a house in singapore n collect rental n then move there is a good choice but now they have change the rule in thailand.

Last time so long u marry a thai, u can get a spouse visa with 15k sgd in ur thai bank account. u will be able to get a 1 yr spouse visa. Now no more the rules have change, u have to show prove that every month u have 40k bahts coming into ur bank account or ur wife earning 40k baht a mth then u can apply for a spouse visa.

many things have change in thailand. a good place to ask about this is in thaivisa. many farang actually stay there n they can provide good advice on this.
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Old 14-01-2008, 01:15 AM
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Re: Visa runs in Thailand still possible ?

Originally Posted by Peter_North View Post
Got shitloads of monies, go Australia or NZ liao.

Anyway, I'm working on a long term plan to obtain a PR. Of course b4 that, must marry a Thai tirak. So really hoping to do something worthwhile in Thailand and contribute taxes.

getting a PR u need to work there min of 2yrs then u can apply for PR n it may take up to 1 yr to get ur PR. i have a friend who stay in BKK for 10 yrs plus married a thai wife with 3 kids. he got his PR 1 yr ago. he got no problem staying there bcos he own a company there.

there is many way to stay there. 1 of them is to open a private limited company with a cap of 2M baht, u must show prove u have 2M baht in ur thai bank account. with that u can apply a work permit. if u dont have a 2M baht and u cannot be the director of the company therefore u cannot apply for a work permit.

marry a thai tirka wont get u a visa unless u or ur wife earn 40k baht a month then u can apply for a spouse visa. rules have change so best to go find out with the thai authority.

it not as ez as last time we can stay how long also no problem just do visa run can liao. not so clear cut anymore.

as for those satellite dish i think i remember there is some shop that u buy n use without every month pay. not sure there is still such shop ard. i check this 2 yrs ago n there were a few shop selling this in the north. cost about 1k sing.
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Old 14-01-2008, 01:22 AM
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Re: Visa runs in Thailand still possible ?

Originally Posted by Norikasan55 View Post
I think every sgreans wana go thailand stay long for the common reason?
Like VM said for all the culture sake haha.

I think they have this retirement-PR which at old age one can apply.

I seriously think getting a job in Thailand by your own is damn difficult unless you speak thai or write thai. Looking at their newspaper classified ads really make one feel sad about their education system and salary offered.
hehehe unless u have 80k sing to put in thai bank to get a retirement visa and still have to show prove every mth u have 20k baht coming to thailand. i have talk to farang in my girl hometown.

this pple actually stay there many yrs. this farang i talk to have been staying in thailand for 7 yrs and he told me about how to get a visa.

there is many diff version of how to apply a retirement visa but from the thai gov URL it said that u need to have 80k sgd baht a rough estimate in thai bank account n show prove u have income coming to ur account every mth.

many of the jobs require a min of degree. example i can give u to be a IT engineer at least a degree some even require a Master. pay there not very good indeed.

I have a thai friend she finish her master 4mths ago. she now earning about 22k baht a mth which is less then 1k. but to them is already very good. not many pple able to get that much.

IT engineers with 2 yrs exp and degree only earn ard 15 to 20k baht.

IT managers range for 30k to 50k.

Now adays MNC they no longer pay non thai high pay liao. they paying local pay package unless u are working in singapore n they send u there for short term posting there else can forget about getting high pay.
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Old 14-01-2008, 01:24 AM
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Re: Visa runs in Thailand still possible ?

Originally Posted by Norikasan55 View Post
Is that baht or sgd?

hehehe it should be in baht ^^
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Old 14-01-2008, 01:29 AM
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Re: Visa runs in Thailand still possible ?

I put SGD80K in Thai Company Account, and my tirak gets 51% and the remaining 49% I need 6 other shareholders ??? That is helluva hassle.

Get my tirak to be my proxy and pay tax on 40K baht "declared" earnings.
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