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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 29-02-2020, 03:00 PM
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Re: Wuhan flu

Originally Posted by obscenek2 View Post
That's the scary part. 2 pax of covid-19 positive can infected up 90 ppl over here in SG. Can't imagine if more positive traveler from other countries like South Korea/Japan/Italy etc come over here
This is already quite ok, 2 strike 90+

See Korea, 1 strike thousand and counting
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Old 29-02-2020, 07:21 PM
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Cool Re: Wuhan flu$$$$$l/9jgQdXGrA5fvHra16

Just be prepared to own up your 'strange places' if kana contact tracing loh...

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Old 29-02-2020, 07:28 PM
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Cool Re: Wuhan flu

Pieh sieh... Dunno how to post URL or pic.

It's about our Mdm Ho's saying - Even if you don't want your wife to know you gave been to strang places, you must own up and tell the contact tracing team.

Be prepared to own up your 'strange places'.
Old 29-02-2020, 10:59 PM
liketosleep liketosleep is offline
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Smile Singapore covid-19 update

29 February 2020, Saturday, leap year day. New cases was 4. Total confirmed cases rise to 102. Discharged for current day was 3. Total discharged so far is 72. Total still in hospital is 30. ICU: 7. Now TV got two songs supporting the fight against covid-19 virus. Together 2020 is by while The Light is by MediaCorp. The young will overcome. Cheers.
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Old 01-03-2020, 01:33 PM
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Re: Wuhan flu

Originally Posted by saltwet View Post$$$$$l/9jgQdXGrA5fvHra16

Just be prepared to own up your 'strange places' if kana contact tracing loh...
Your link not opening leh
Old 01-03-2020, 11:18 PM
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Smile Singapore covid-19 update

As at 12 noon, 1 March 2020, Sunday. New cases was 4. Total confirmed cases is 106. Discharged for the day was 2. Total discharged so far is 74. Still in hospital was 32. ICU: 7. Cheers.
Please up my points if you like my post.
Old 02-03-2020, 10:44 PM
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Smile Singapore covid-19 update

As at 12 noon, 2 March 2020, Monday. New cases: 2. Total confirmed cases: 108. Discharged current day: 4. Total discharged so far: 78. Still in hospital: 30. ICU: 6. Practise good personal hygiene. This coronavirus can help the gahmen wipe out the elderly poor above age 75 in batches starting with the oldest, then coming down exempting fit grandparents helping to take care of grandchildren. Those bed bound and with dysphagia could pass away during sleep. The budget deficit may turn out to be a surplus because many elderly would go to England without the gst vouchers. The young would have more space to manoeuvre without the old men and women blocking their way with their wheelchairs and PMAs. It is getting more expensive to stay in Singapore.
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Old 03-03-2020, 09:14 AM
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Re: Wuhan flu

Virus season is ending. Get ready to cheong . Some bros have cheong already
Old 03-03-2020, 10:21 AM
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Re: Wuhan flu

Originally Posted by Leo1966 View Post

Virus season is ending. Get ready to cheong . Some bros have cheong already
The risk is still there. Don't forget about other countries whose figures continue to rise. Virus can still be imported. Airport still have flights coming in daily.

Think of your family and friends using the big head brain and not the small head. Nasal swab and other test is not like using finger to dig nose. Nasal swab is a stick inserted high up into nose and this can make one's tear to flow, a painful process.
19 Years in SBF and still counting. Dare not count the $ spent though.
Old 03-03-2020, 10:47 AM
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Re: Wuhan flu

Originally Posted by NorthGuy View Post
The risk is still there. Don't forget about other countries whose figures continue to rise. Virus can still be imported. Airport still have flights coming in daily.

Think of your family and friends using the big head brain and not the small head. Nasal swab and other test is not like using finger to dig nose. Nasal swab is a stick inserted high up into nose and this can make one's tear to flow, a painful process.
Totally agree with bro NorthGuy. Don't bring the virus back to your family especially if you have kids, as well as your friends that trusted that you would not be one of those who will get the virus.

Nowadays, I only go to the genuine hard massage from those established shops. It's lower risk and value for money. In case really damn unlucky get the virus from the shop, it is still not so bad as in your don't get it from the WL or FL.
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Old 03-03-2020, 10:35 PM
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Smile Singapore covid-19 update

As at 12 noon, 3 March 2020, Tuesday. New cases: 2. Total confirmed cases so far: 110. Discharged for the day: 0. Total discharged so far: 78. Still in hospital: 32. ICU: 7. Source from . More restrictions for people coming from Iran, Italy, South Korea and China. Be socially responsible, wash your hands with soap frequently, do not shake hands.
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Old 04-03-2020, 10:08 AM
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Re: Wuhan flu

Originally Posted by jask357 View Post
Totally agree with bro NorthGuy. Don't bring the virus back to your family especially if you have kids, as well as your friends that trusted that you would not be one of those who will get the virus.

Nowadays, I only go to the genuine hard massage from those established shops. It's lower risk and value for money. In case really damn unlucky get the virus from the shop, it is still not so bad as in your don't get it from the WL or FL.
Upped you +126


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Old 04-03-2020, 10:28 AM
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Re: Wuhan flu

Really scare of contact tracing. Haiz. Horny but dare not go anywhere. No KTV no massage. Need to DIY. How long will this last? On the positive side, got lots of saving.
Old 04-03-2020, 10:30 AM
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Re: Wuhan flu

Originally Posted by asdfghjk1234 View Post
Really scare of contact tracing. Haiz. Horny but dare not go anywhere. No KTV no massage. Need to DIY. How long will this last? On the positive side, got lots of saving.
Savings into stocks bro, now is the time!
Old 04-03-2020, 10:37 AM
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Re: Wuhan flu

Yes waiting for it to fall further. No KTV no massage everyday see OL swallow saliva. Haha. Must endure at least one more month. Wondering how the spa and KTV survive. Haha.
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