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Old 07-01-2012, 01:18 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by hayhay View Post
i also hate this type of guys? some guys here, thought that the maid get laid by us, will defintely be veri horny to get laid by others??

some of the guys also ask me that they want with big breast and young some more? FFFF they think i'm OKT, this type i wont pass them any ctc.

think again, we have to work for it nicely to them and treat them as a human being.

they are maid too bad they are born in a poor country not like singapore,
think back if you are born in there country and they are born in singapore, do you want them to treat you the nicely or treat you like shit like what some you guys treat to maid??

we have the same colour of blood that is red.don tell me you blood colour is white or blue.

treat them nicely,like how you court other girls, is the same way but may be easier.
totally agreed ...bro
Old 07-01-2012, 05:08 PM
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Re: "well made" pina

Just for ur info...this lady is away in Cebu for a 2 week vacation. She said she will inform me when she returns. Will update all when she does return. Happy weekend!!!

Originally Posted by luvurss View Post
A small request to the brothers who have had the pleasure of being with this lady... a short FR from you will be most appreciated for the benefit of other brothers who are hesitating to commit .. Btw....she has lightened up on some of the Do's and Dont's ) ...when translated, it are in for the time of your life!!!
Old 07-01-2012, 05:16 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Got lotsa pinays lined up.

One is a pinay who wants me to meet her family members.

Well get family permission then screw... More shiok?

And also lined up for screwing are three professionals including a nurse.

Life is good.

Be good to them...

They give you their pussies innreturn.

Treat dem well
Old 08-01-2012, 02:37 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

Totally agreed with luvurss, that is why my dog dog domestic helper still beri beri happy with me mah. Lol.

Originally Posted by luvurss View Post
FINALLY.... there seems to be some serious advice/conversation abt treating "maids" as human beings. The very term "maids" is used in such a demeaning way by many samsters and thats a reflection of poor upbringing. We so desperately seek bodily pleasures from these "maids", yet we talk abt them like they are a lower form. If we so readily want pleasure from them, what level do we belong to if they are seen to be low forms of life?? I am so happy to see that the senior brothers are actively involved in educating our brothers who treat "maids" like mere meat!! Once you change your mindset and treat these ladies like equals, you can be guaranteed of a great time with them. Don't give them false hopes with empty promises. Make your intentions clear and if they go along with it, you know you are in for the time of your life!! Respect Begets Respect!! Happy bonking brothers!! disrespect meant to any brothers here
Old 08-01-2012, 10:17 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

Anyone heading to OT for tea dancing or something similar elsewhere? Care for a wingman? Went many times before but still trying to learn the ropes.
Old 08-01-2012, 12:44 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by hayhay View Post
Just finish a section with a poiny maid I just know from facebook, today was the first meeting,told me meet at 2pm but in the end meet her at 4pm.

Kns I was out so have two hrs time to waste so head down to city plaza, see can find some Indonesia maid to bonk, I always like indon maid but don why alway not
must chance in getting them, only twice I bonk indon maid before.saw one indon maid with bangla, she smile at me but in the end lose her, don know where she go? So LL go macritchie reservoir, alreadi thought should have nothing with this poiny maid no chance to Bonk her,

but turn out she was veri horny in the reservoir keep on touching my didi, in the end bonk her in the toilet at mac Ritchie reservoir
just finish my first bonk of the year, with this lady that I know for facebook, we had a great bonk in hotel, 2hrs x 3fj with cd, she is veri horny and wet, once in the room no shower and straight away asking to be bonk, breast huh? Should be A? Love ppl to suck her breast, when I fingering her pussy is so wet to be bonk,when ask her why so wet, she told me waitng for me to bonk quickly
Old 08-01-2012, 10:58 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Im nogood at tea dances.

Despite that iv have a line up waiting to get F*d

Had nice meat today

Originally Posted by Pita123 View Post
Anyone heading to OT for tea dancing or something similar elsewhere? Care for a wingman? Went many times before but still trying to learn the ropes.
Old 08-01-2012, 11:00 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Knn.... U take what ah...?

U like He man... Like super man


Three bonks in two hours?

I did only one bonk in two hours.

Dick can stand i dun need viagra... But no energy

Originally Posted by hayhay View Post
just finish my first bonk of the year, with this lady that I know for facebook, we had a great bonk in hotel, 2hrs x 3fj with cd, she is veri horny and wet, once in the room no shower and straight away asking to be bonk, breast huh? Should be A? Love ppl to suck her breast, when I fingering her pussy is so wet to be bonk,when ask her why so wet, she told me waitng for me to bonk quickly
Old 09-01-2012, 12:50 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

So I started the afternoon by popping into BF for the tea dance. Other times I've gone there I didn't get off the stairs. It was so crowded that I just turned around and left. Getting there about 2:30 or 3 there were a few tables left. I grabbed a table, some women ended up joining the table but none that I was interested in. I eyed a woman in another group that fit my profile. At one point she was sitting down typing on her phone and I went over and feigned looking at what she was typing. When she looked up I smiled and scooted away like I was just caught doing something naughty. One of the other women in the group motioned me over and I started dancing with them. Then another woman arrived and I realised that she was the one I was actually eyeing up earlier but she'd been in the bathroom. She and the one with the phone were dressed similarly. Oh well, I'm not THAT picky. One of the women told me I should go get my drink and move it to their table. I did. We danced and had some fun but there was no chemistry building so I eventually eased myself away and out the door.

On the way to OT I was texting and suddenly this Chinese woman in her late 40s is walking aside me trying to chat me up. Where are you going? Where are you from? I look up annoyed and tell her to get away from me. I speed up a bit and lose her. As I approach the OT entrance she's alongside me again, "Are you from Arabia?" "No. Go away!" as I head up the steps into OT.

As usual I started at Q. Now even without hitting on anyone I genuinely enjoy the dancing and atmosphere. So I spent a good amount of time keeping an eye out but having a good time dancing. I danced with a few women but none of them were near my type. While dancing I noticed an Amazon. Tall and proportionate. She was dancing with a tiny girl. I was having a hard time picturing this large woman as a DH. When I say large I don't mean fat at all. Just normally proportioned for her height.

After a while I decided to take a look around and see what else was on the menu. I hopped in the elevator and hit TF or is it TT? As I exited TF one two of the male FW was getting pushed outside CH and chased to the stairs. A lot of commotion and gawking. A bit of yelling and one of the bouncers was standing at a podium and pounding a gavel/hammer/club on the top making a loud noise. Not sure if that is a warning of what may come or to alert other bouncers. I worked my way down to NG and eventually to I which was dead.

As existed the elevator in front of Q another male FW was getting smacked up side the head as he was run out of the place. I made my way back inside and head back into the thick of things. I saw a few SYT but they were either with some male FW or wouldn't make eye contact. At some point I decided to head to the other side and find a place to sit and rest a bit. At this point I saw the Amazon again near that stage. We made a bit of eye contact and eventually she started dancing not too far from me. So I moved in and we danced a bit and eventually got closer. During a lull in the music we exchanged names and at some point we spoke about what time she had to get back. She working for Brits so they don't care what time she gets back. I suggested that if she wants we can get something to eat before she goes back. She likes the idea. We spend a good amount of time sitting between dancing and talk about life and whatnot. I offer her my number at one point and she asks if I want hers. She's a widow with a son back in PI. She started to come to dances a year after her husband died. All in all we develop some nice chemistry. At one point she says that she likes talking to me as I'm not boring. Now and then I peck her on the cheek but each time I move a bit closer to her lips. My hand is on her thigh and she is concerned I will move it up and I assure her I won't and ask her to trust me. Eventually a peck on the lips but she doesn't like to kiss with so many people around. She wants to know what my plans are for CNY. She has 3 days off. I tell her I'll be in Thailand touring. Soon she kisses me and a bit after that we are on the way out the door.

Asking an Asian woman what she wants to eat is like throwing a tennis ball against the wall. It just comes right back to you. So I decide we're going to go to this Japanese place in Shaw that I like. As we are turning the corner to go up the escalator in front of the Gelatto place she asks if I like to see movies. I say that I do. She jokes and says maybe we can see one now. Then says "no no no... just joking" I look up and see that a movie I'd wanted to see is on in 30 mins. So I point that out to her and say let's go. She agrees. Up we go. There are two seats left in the last row so I grab them. During the advertisements and some of the trailers there is nobody else in the row. Some light kissing. By the time the movie starts the seats next to me fill but the seats next to her remain empty. Throughout the movie we are intertwined in all sorts of configurations. Lots of DFK. At one point I have my hand down the front of her bra grazing her nipple but she's worried someone will see us. Eventually she's sucking on my finger. As the movie ends we leave and she's holding onto my arm like an old girlfriend. I'm heading to the MRT, she's heading to a bus. In the tunnel under Orchard, right before we part ways, she pulls me off to the side for one more quick DFK and asks me to SMS her when I reach home. I do so. She does the same a bit later.

I'm kinda busy next Sunday but for this I'll make time. Debating whether to go to a Hotel 81/Fragrance somewhere or just take her to my condo. Advice appreciated.
Old 09-01-2012, 09:55 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

Lovely FR.


You really took effort to write it.

Never bring gal home even if ur unmarried

Originally Posted by Pita123 View Post
So I started the afternoon by popping into BF for the tea dance. Other times I've gone there I didn't get off the stairs. It was so crowded that I just turned around and left. Getting there about 2:30 or 3 there were a few tables left. I grabbed a table, some women ended up joining the table but none that I was interested in. I eyed a woman in another group that fit my profile. At one point she was sitting down typing on her phone and I went over and feigned looking at what she was typing. When she looked up I smiled and scooted away like I was just caught doing something naughty. One of the other women in the group motioned me over and I started dancing with them. Then another woman arrived and I realised that she was the one I was actually eyeing up earlier but she'd been in the bathroom. She and the one with the phone were dressed similarly. Oh well, I'm not THAT picky. One of the women told me I should go get my drink and move it to their table. I did. We danced and had some fun but there was no chemistry building so I eventually eased myself away and out the door.

On the way to OT I was texting and suddenly this Chinese woman in her late 40s is walking aside me trying to chat me up. Where are you going? Where are you from? I look up annoyed and tell her to get away from me. I speed up a bit and lose her. As I approach the OT entrance she's alongside me again, "Are you from Arabia?" "No. Go away!" as I head up the steps into OT.

As usual I started at Q. Now even without hitting on anyone I genuinely enjoy the dancing and atmosphere. So I spent a good amount of time keeping an eye out but having a good time dancing. I danced with a few women but none of them were near my type. While dancing I noticed an Amazon. Tall and proportionate. She was dancing with a tiny girl. I was having a hard time picturing this large woman as a DH. When I say large I don't mean fat at all. Just normally proportioned for her height.

After a while I decided to take a look around and see what else was on the menu. I hopped in the elevator and hit TF or is it TT? As I exited TF one two of the male FW was getting pushed outside CH and chased to the stairs. A lot of commotion and gawking. A bit of yelling and one of the bouncers was standing at a podium and pounding a gavel/hammer/club on the top making a loud noise. Not sure if that is a warning of what may come or to alert other bouncers. I worked my way down to NG and eventually to I which was dead.

As existed the elevator in front of Q another male FW was getting smacked up side the head as he was run out of the place. I made my way back inside and head back into the thick of things. I saw a few SYT but they were either with some male FW or wouldn't make eye contact. At some point I decided to head to the other side and find a place to sit and rest a bit. At this point I saw the Amazon again near that stage. We made a bit of eye contact and eventually she started dancing not too far from me. So I moved in and we danced a bit and eventually got closer. During a lull in the music we exchanged names and at some point we spoke about what time she had to get back. She working for Brits so they don't care what time she gets back. I suggested that if she wants we can get something to eat before she goes back. She likes the idea. We spend a good amount of time sitting between dancing and talk about life and whatnot. I offer her my number at one point and she asks if I want hers. She's a widow with a son back in PI. She started to come to dances a year after her husband died. All in all we develop some nice chemistry. At one point she says that she likes talking to me as I'm not boring. Now and then I peck her on the cheek but each time I move a bit closer to her lips. My hand is on her thigh and she is concerned I will move it up and I assure her I won't and ask her to trust me. Eventually a peck on the lips but she doesn't like to kiss with so many people around. She wants to know what my plans are for CNY. She has 3 days off. I tell her I'll be in Thailand touring. Soon she kisses me and a bit after that we are on the way out the door.

Asking an Asian woman what she wants to eat is like throwing a tennis ball against the wall. It just comes right back to you. So I decide we're going to go to this Japanese place in Shaw that I like. As we are turning the corner to go up the escalator in front of the Gelatto place she asks if I like to see movies. I say that I do. She jokes and says maybe we can see one now. Then says "no no no... just joking" I look up and see that a movie I'd wanted to see is on in 30 mins. So I point that out to her and say let's go. She agrees. Up we go. There are two seats left in the last row so I grab them. During the advertisements and some of the trailers there is nobody else in the row. Some light kissing. By the time the movie starts the seats next to me fill but the seats next to her remain empty. Throughout the movie we are intertwined in all sorts of configurations. Lots of DFK. At one point I have my hand down the front of her bra grazing her nipple but she's worried someone will see us. Eventually she's sucking on my finger. As the movie ends we leave and she's holding onto my arm like an old girlfriend. I'm heading to the MRT, she's heading to a bus. In the tunnel under Orchard, right before we part ways, she pulls me off to the side for one more quick DFK and asks me to SMS her when I reach home. I do so. She does the same a bit later.

I'm kinda busy next Sunday but for this I'll make time. Debating whether to go to a Hotel 81/Fragrance somewhere or just take her to my condo. Advice appreciated.
Old 09-01-2012, 12:29 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by The Lord View Post
Knn.... U take what ah...?

U like He man... Like super man


Three bonks in two hours?

I did only one bonk in two hours.

Dick can stand i dun need viagra... But no energy
wahahaha, my lord,if dick can stand okie liao insert to the pussy you automatic will move, no matter got energy anot.

actually is 3fj plus 1, one time cant cum so not counted??
Old 09-01-2012, 07:09 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by The Lord View Post
Lovely FR.


You really took effort to write it.

Never bring gal home even if ur unmarried
Too detailed?

She SMSed this morning telling me how much she enjoyed last night and it almost caused her to forget about work. Told her I look forward to seeing her again and she replied that I got her. Wonder whether she'll prefer to skip the tea dancing next week and go straight to another kind of dance.

I bring BGs back to my place. But I guess with them it is more a more defined agenda.

So I guess it'll be off to Fragrance or H81. I'll read a bit to figure out what to expect and which location will be best.

BTW anyone that wants to help recoup my rep based on my report....much appreciated.
Old 09-01-2012, 07:36 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Indeed a detailed piece of FR from bro Pita123. Good luck on your romp next weekend, and bag the pussy for a big bang.
Old 09-01-2012, 09:52 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Just interupt abit ..... saw quite a few maids around my estate noticed they like to stare when they walk past u. Maybe i should master my courage to say hi to them, who knows there might be a happy enounter.

I shall try someday but i have yet to see any to my liking.
Old 09-01-2012, 11:43 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

U wan to fuck is ok...

But not from ur estate my dear bro unless ur single.

U dun wan trouble

Fuck those from other estates

Originally Posted by HelloDaniel View Post
Just interupt abit ..... saw quite a few maids around my estate noticed they like to stare when they walk past u. Maybe i should master my courage to say hi to them, who knows there might be a happy enounter.

I shall try someday but i have yet to see any to my liking.
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