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Re: Thai Amulets...
Hey guys, playing with barangs is like playing with fire. Sooner or later you will sure get burn BIG TIME!
Re: Thai Amulets...
Bro care to elaborate further if you don't mind to share your knowledge with us? Playing with barangs, you mean all types of barangs or certain types of barangs only?
For every event that occurs, another will follow as a result of the first |
Re: Thai Amulets...
IZZUE 2 Support ur idea thatz playing withz barangz will lead to bigz timez firez . So tz a;; broz and sisz out therez DUN play play , justz pray pray . Whyz ? noz 1. Askz urself thiz if the barangz can offerz thy this and tat , wat can u in return offerz to the barangz noz 2. Do thou thinkz tat religious guru/monk willz makez barangz just to let to play playz or pray pray and protectz u ? If Ur anz is play play , thenz con masterz rezt thy case . . . . . . . . . . . Thinkz twicez or even thricez or more timez DUN PLAY PLAYZ Thisz PLAY PLAYz thingz is justz a marketing trick thatz CON artistez (eg. Sure itz a armulet 555 , nacro man ser 2) usez to lure victimz into their trapz . Thinkz thinkz thinkz ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Peacez be withz all victimz , do notz lose faith . Cos u willz lose urself in the process . Bewarez of CON NOT CLONE Signing offz from Cloneporter reportingz livez fromz CLONe LAND |
Re: Thai Amulets...
hi would like to ask if this shop in peoples park center is reputable to get thai amulets? thanks!
Antares Buddha Centre |
Re: Thai Amulets...
CANNOT MAKE IT! Alot of JTK leftover stock now worthless. Got one guy call frankie is the boss
Re: Thai Amulets...
Oh.............ho..............Brudder, i selling this y no call me? Wah Pianzzz, i boh pian ok, some many ppl come take 1 piece of cake, how to survive, no choice have to change strategy mah, u understand CKN amulets a not, very special a not? no expensive mak mak leow, cheapskate like u lor, the bubble burst leow haizzz, ppl now normal 2513 rian only selling $180 , last time 'gong gong ppl' like u buy from me for $280, bo pian & pai seh bro, have to make a living, how to be honest ![]() ![]() ![]()
Don't clone me, i'm the boss of SA, the one & most handsome man there. Dun try using my ass as a scoreboard, it got better usage than this when i'm out of business! |
Re: Thai Amulets...
oh..........ho...............can bad mouth Frankie means very sure you are D**wa from my forum, we brudder brudder, don't shoot shoot me ok, last time i outside say you lan jiao wer gone by the wind ok, you & me steady steady, , sor nee hor, Frankie oso i got supply him my things ok, beat dog must see who the master.....................oh................ho... .................i think you too much drinks & drugs, ask you not 'kill cow' you still doing, no gals no gals lor, who ask you not as handsome as me.............oh.................ho.............. ...Ren Yan dao chin kang kor.............................oh..............oh .....................ho........................
Don't clone me, i'm the boss of SA, the one & most handsome man there. Dun try using my ass as a scoreboard, it got better usage than this when i'm out of business! |
Re: Thai Amulets...
hi bro cheapskate,i found one and last one for u wif bone..cheap cheap sell u if u wan..
pm mi if interested.. |
Re: Thai Amulets...
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Re: Thai Amulets...
The YingTong I bought from steady poon pi pi bro Chris1982 at $198 with bone, so you want to find out who I am pls ask him. You are not 555 you are a coward hide behind computer screen and sabo others
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Re: Thai Amulets...
haiz y u bought it for so expensive..i can get for u for 170 the most..swee swee new one..
Re: Thai Amulets...
hi may i check with any bros that r familiar with ac daeng wat rai / ac thong wat sampaochey stuffs? any experience to share or even their price if can... thanks alot ....
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Re: Thai Amulets...
ellos , heroz sincez u not a cow . . . .. ward plz post a pix of thself herez thenz andz thy HP no. forz fellowz broz to verifiy . A challangez by clone master . Thankz for thy attentionz Elze dun talkz bigz bigz sing a songz haz haz haz haz rgdz |
Re: Thai Amulets...
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hi to all bro here. newbie here. after reading all the pages in here. i become more interested in thai amulet. Happen to pass by a thai amulet shop at rocher centre beside 7-11. near FLs but nt in FLU complex. shop name think is ko thai. any bro know these shop? any feedback?
Walk in the shop, ask the shop assistant any amulet to recommand For NS? as i going Ns soon at tekong. She recommand a amulet which is round and quite big. the cost is $200+ forget the exact price. She say this is all in one. quite like it, but too ex. so i ask another one. she recommand another which is LP thaud. one is $98 made of clay another $188 made of powder. and different batch. in the end i take $98. and there is a monk help do blessing. and kim po. donno wat tat. lady boss say is gd. in the end take 3 kim po, one forehead, 2 at hands.($2 each) i see all page here. less bro talk about LP thaud. But all bro say good, weather is real or nt. it still works. (quite proud about the power of LP thaud) So would like to ask bro here. 1. Any bro know this shop? any feedback 2. wat the different between powder and clay? 3. any LP thaud wearer care to share happeing story tat u know? like i have read about a car accident. the car crash until very jia lat. but driver nothing happen. 4. is LP thaud good for those guy serving NS? lastly thanks all bro here who help me grain knowledge about thai amulet in here. |
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