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Old 22-07-2011, 04:14 PM
blohsg blohsg is offline
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

It's the arc of the hawny intern nurse ... will you b goin back to your pinos?
Old 22-07-2011, 04:41 PM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Originally Posted by blohsg View Post
It's the arc of the hawny intern nurse ... will you b goin back to your pinos?
Nope. Can't remember much about those times after the accident... for now I'm guessing it will be on the post-accident encounters.... And the frequent fuckbuddies of course...
Old 22-07-2011, 04:51 PM
blohsg blohsg is offline
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

O ... your temp memory loss from the concussion hasn't returned yet ?
Old 22-07-2011, 07:49 PM
EnigmaofSorrow EnigmaofSorrow is offline
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Originally Posted by blohsg View Post
O ... your temp memory loss from the concussion hasn't returned yet ?
Not really, but perhaps it's better I don't regain them... At least I can start on a relatively clean slate with Shirley if we eventually decide to get married... Haha.
Old 22-07-2011, 09:02 PM
blohsg blohsg is offline
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Oh ... right ... well ... first you've got to decide if that's what you want
Old 29-07-2011, 08:48 AM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Originally Posted by TobeNice View Post
Me want nurse ctc. can pm me??
Even if I could PM you her contact, I won't. This thread is about sharing of experiences, not contacts...

It won't be fair to the girl if I gave out her number at will...

Please go the the FL Dome or something...
Old 29-07-2011, 11:22 AM
Broslife Broslife is offline
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Bro please update!! Want more of Tina
Old 10-08-2011, 05:43 PM
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Thumbs up Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Bro EnigmaofSorrow
Pls come back for more......
Making me die cock standing....
Old 01-09-2011, 06:22 AM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Apologies for the long absence. Some stuff happened recently.

In case anyone is wondering, I did not meet up with Tina since the last
encounter. Not yet anyway.

I have also temporarily moved out of Shirley's house after National Day and
have been staying in camp since then. I'm not sure if this is going to be a
permanent thing, but I've not contacted her since then, and she has not
contacted me.

It's funny, what happened really.

What we had was a supposed non-exclusive relationship. She apparently did
not mind me still meeting Jenny and whoever else I met.

We were supposed to catch the National Day fireworks but it didn't happen.

Basically, we had an argument on the way to lunch while I was driving.

S: Why are you like this?

Me: Like what?

S: Why do you sleep with other girls?

Me: Er.

S: I know we aren't together, but I think I deserve more.

Me: What do you want from me?

S: I don't know. But this isn't working.

Me: I don't see anything wrong with it.

S: You think it's ok to sleep with another girl while you still sleep with
me? Or two? Or three?

Me: Look. We agreed that we aren't "steady" or anything...

S: That doesn't mean I sleep around too ok?

Me: I never said you couldn't-

S: What do you think I am? A slut?!

Me: Let me finish. I never said you couldn't live your own life.

S: That's it?

Me: What? You don't meet enough guys? You don't sleep around?

S: I don't.

Me: Well, I don't know and I don't really care what you do.

S: What do you take me for then? One of your sperm banks?

Me: What?


Me: You can't use that against me. You seduced me.


I wondered if it was that time of the month again. Which was weird as even
when she was PMS-ing, she never acted like this.

Me: Why are we even arguing about this?

Shirley was more or less tearing now, progressing into sobs.

S: Do you even like me?

Me: Well...

S: You can't even answer the fucking question.

Me: What's wrong with you?

S: What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you? Haven't I been nice enough
to you? Aren't my blowjobs good enough? My pussy tight enough?

Me: What's sex got to do with it?

S: If you thought I'm good enough, you wouldn't sleep around...

Me: For the last time, we aren't a couple...

S: All these months I've endured, thinking one day you'd change, ask me to
be yours and yours alone. I guess I was wrong.

Me: That isn't fair.

S: Have you been fair to me?

Me: Well...

S: Do you use condoms when you fuck your other slut?

Me: Er, no...

S: So I'm really not that special after all...

Me: Did I give you a STD?

S: No.

Me: Then?

S: Then what?

Me: What's the problem now?

S: I'm not your fuck buddy. I'm not your sex slave. Not someone you can fuck
and drop and go to someone else and come back to me.

Me: And?

S: I want an answer now. Either you choose me and no one else, or get out of
my life.

Me: That's not something I can answer now...

S: Then I think we should separate.

Me: What?

S: Get out of my house.

Me: Are you serious?

S: I don't want to see you again.

I was already quite pissed off.

Me: Fine. You don't even know what exactly you want. Don't take it out on

I turned around and drove back to her flat, packed my essentials and left,
throwing the housekeys at her.

Me: When you know what you want, let me know. Otherwise, I'll clear the rest
of my stuff another day.

She did not reply and I left.
Old 01-09-2011, 02:14 PM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

I hope things will turn out better for you, mate.
Old 01-09-2011, 05:11 PM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Dude you know what other word can you say beside good awesome and great??? The word for you is farking awesome I spent the last 5 hrs on your story on my I phone killing 2 batt to complete to this page... Dude keep up the good deed btw hope thing will be better for you n s Prost....
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Old 02-09-2011, 12:49 AM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Bro ... not the continuation I'd hoped for but all the best man ... seems like it's all hell breaking looose ... sigh ...
Old 02-09-2011, 01:40 AM
blueboat blueboat is offline
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Wish you the best bro...
Old 13-09-2011, 05:35 PM
EnigmaofSorrow EnigmaofSorrow is offline
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Over the extended period I self-confined myself in camp, I had enough time
to think about things. What I really wanted in life and such.

I decided that maybe I should really give Shirley a chance and perhaps
salvage whatever relationship we had left.

I tried calling her over a few days, but the calls were rejected and texts
went unanswered.

It got me thinking about what the fuck was going on?

It was almost a month since I left her place and was hiding in camp. She
never did contact me even once. Suddenly I was a little worried.

Did she find someone new?

Did she lose it and kill herself?

I made a trip down to her place and saw that the house was dark. Ringing the
door bell and knocking yielded no reply either. On my way back to the car
park, I checked the mailbox but it appeared empty. So she was around
somewhere but deliberately avoiding me.

Maybe I should give up.

I turned my attention back to work. Due to my injuries, I was no longer the
stand-in Platoon Sergeant, and the admin job they tried to make me do did
not really work out either. Thankfully, my CSM and OC sort of understood my
situation and I was tasked to assist my CQMS as there was some sort of
logistics audit coming up.

Seriously I had no idea what the fuck I was doing. The only time I
encountered anything to do with logistics was liaising with the CQMS for
ration indents, and ad-hoc requests for loaning stores. I never lost or
damaged any equipment before thus I never signed the dreaded 1226. Or was it

In any case, my CQMS and I were relatively close, having been batch mates in
BMT and SISPEC, and we went our separate ways after that. Sadly, he suffered
an injury and downgraded, eventually becoming a CQMS. I was kind of
surprised that to see him on the day he posted to my unit a couple of months
back after finishing his course, but at least I had another smoking/drinking
buddy now.

Helping him out in the store was quite fulfilling actually, as I was
learning new things. And it's pretty funny to have him call me sergeant even
though we are only 1 rank apart and were from the same batch. He even tried
to con me to revocate to a supply supervisor but I declined, preferring to
remain on the combatant track until it was certain that I would never

Anyway, I was busy the entire week helping out with the stores and it helped
me forget whatever was going on between me and Shirley.

On Friday evening, I was slacking in my bunk since I had nothing better to
do. My bunkmates PS3 had been removed due to the upcoming audit and the TV
would not work without the "rabbit-ears".

The CQMS, let's call him Alex, came over to my bunk for a chat.

A: Hey. It's the weekend. Not going home?

Me: I don't have a home.

A: Seriously?

Me: Nope. But I've been staying in for the past 2 weeks.

A: Something happened?

Me: Yeah...

A: Must be girls.

Me: One girl.

A: That's it? I thought you had loads of girls?

Me: Not really.

A: Haha. Ok. So you are just gonna stay in on a Friday night?

Me: Why not?

A: Go out la.

Me: Where? And with who?

A: Do you still club?

Me: Not really.

A: Got go LSB before or not?

Me: What's that? A new club?

A: Lup Sup Bar la.

Me: Cool name. But no.

A: Seriously?

Me: No. I haven't been to a Lup Sup Bar.

A: Oh ya. I forgot how easy it is for you to get girls...

Me: No la. Where got easy. I'm just lucky. Or maybe I'm unlucky...

A: Whatever la. You no girlfriend right?

Me: Don't think so...

A: Huh. What kind of answer is that? It's either a yes or a no.

Me: Ok. No. No girlfriend. For now.

A: Haha. Ok. So you want to go or not?

Me: Go where?

A: Got a few LSB la. You choose one la.

Me: Huh. Don't want la.

A: Go la. You worked so hard this week...

Me: Wah lau eh. You mean when I was a sect comd and stand-in PS I was

A: Haha. Different kind of work I was a sect comd once ok?

Me: Ya la.

A: So how? I got a few bottles open at a few places...

Me: How does this work again?

A: Go in, get a room, sing karaoke, drink, teh neh-neh. Have fun.

Me: Er... Don't this girls go from room to room?

A: Isn't that the fun of it? Different girls every few minutes!

Me: Where do you normally go?

A: Usually it's Armani or KSP.

Me: Never heard of them.

A: Mostly viet chicks la. Some quite hot...

Me: So?

A: If you are generous enough with your tips, you can negotiate further...

Me: Dude, I never had to have to pay for sex. I don't see why I should start

A: Sometimes no need to pay la. Depends how you talk to the girl lor.

Me: You got to be kidding. This kind of thing where got no need to pay?

A: Serious. I tried before.

Me: But you paid her before right?

A: Er. Ya.

Me: So what's the difference?

A: Now it's free lor.

Me: Wait. I remember that you were attached when we were in SISPEC...

A: Ya. Still attached.

Me: And you do all this?

A: Why not?

Me: Never mind.

A: So you wanna go or not?

Me: Er. Let me take a shower first then I'll decide.

A: Ok.

I grabbed my towel and toiletries. Alex lit a cigarette.

Me: Nabei! Don't smoke in my bunk can? Encik walk by we both die.

He opened the door and walked, pointing to the car park lots at company

A: Brother. Now what time. All go home liao la. Friday night.

I had a feeling it was going to be an interesting night...
Old 24-09-2011, 10:42 AM
Xensualize Xensualize is offline
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Hey TS it has been nearly 10 days since you last posted. Is everything fine or have your flings found out about this story? (;
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