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Re: Shenzhen Info Needed
yes china police very on the ball these days
today news guangdong police smash a huge gambling network spanning china,taiwan and thailand together with thai police and taiwan police, 1000 over syndicate members have been arrested http://news.qq.com/a/20150401/037191..._biz= |
Re: Looking for China Di Tou Se for advice for investment
thank you for all brothers input.
I have already stated it is importing and exporting of electrical devices via China. Despite having a low capital, my turnover is pretty fast. |
Re: Shenzhen Info Needed
I was surprised as well, the massage girls didn't ask for tips hahah that came as a pleasant surprise. And also can choose girls, to be honest, I sat at the lobby and saw quite a number of massage girls passby, all not bad SYT. I think the place QC standard quite high.
Only the free 2x foot massage, ear candling etc need to give tips. I suppose those are not on company's payroll. I spoke to the girl the 2nd time I was there, she says she earns only 120rmb out of the 300. So still damn little, wanted to ask her out but need to buy 6 x300, so I changed my mind. |
Re: Shenzhen Info Needed
these girls just out for quick money why they prefer to work at spa ,because it is safer some do not want to risk it at xiang xi cun or luohu cun,raids are frequent outside compared to indoor venues do explore shenzhen east ,many spas there ,prices are lower than luohua buji district wink wink, hong kongers are going there more nowadays |
Re: Shenzhen Info Needed
Just to check is it really not that safe to engage we chat girls?
Re: Shenzhen Info Needed
Some will say no problem/great way whilst others will say you're gonna get your liver AND kidney carved out of you. Up to you to do some more reading etc and makeup your own mind. Just IMHO SEAJ
MONGERING DANGER: http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?t=508851 ![]() EVIL CLONES: sanuuk, osamabinladin, Snacky, various "..doggy.." IDIOTS/TOTAL LOONIES: ahtecklim, etct88, MGplayer, Xiaoqiang74. |
Re: Shenzhen Info Needed
Still obsessing and trying to ingratiate himself to MOI! LMFAO SEAJ
MONGERING DANGER: http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?t=508851 ![]() EVIL CLONES: sanuuk, osamabinladin, Snacky, various "..doggy.." IDIOTS/TOTAL LOONIES: ahtecklim, etct88, MGplayer, Xiaoqiang74. |
Re: Shenzhen Info Needed
rmb just for 1 shot moreover you cannot really see the girls in person from the web just my 2 cents end of the day a pussy is just a pussy imho the 150 rmb rate at xiang xi xun is the most budget and worthwhile price for a young china pussy anything more than that price we are pampering the girls unless you are getting a china girlfriend from we chat, for Wgs we should not overpay not even japanese men rate |
Re: Shenzhen Info Needed
recent news
a famous chinaman arrested in sting vice operation in changsha he is being detained by china police for 5 days and fined 500 rmb for'' vice related activity'' with a young girl in hotel click link below http://gd.qq.com/a/20150402/022081.h...15&ptlang=2052 |
Re: Shenzhen Info Needed
深圳男子招嫖20分钟完事 被嘲笑没用杀失足女 头条新闻南方都市报 [微博] 2015-04-03 07:41我要分享 2021 [摘要]法院宣判:故意杀人罪,判处死缓。 深圳男子招嫖20分钟完事 被嘲笑没用杀失足女 深圳市中级人民法院一审宣判,认为肖某松故意杀人罪名成立,但是鉴于被害人对案件的发生有一定的责任,因而 予以从轻处罚,判处死刑,缓期两年执行。宣判后,肖某松不服,认为判得太重,提起上诉。近日,广东省高级人 民法院作出终审裁决,驳回肖某松的上诉,核准了一审的死缓判决。 南都讯 记者李亚坤 男子通过网络招嫖,称遭失足女侮辱“不行”,加上服务时间也不够钟,冲突中,男子怒而杀死失足女。男子一审 被判死缓,提起上诉,近日,广东省高院驳回他的上诉,核准了这一死缓判决。 罪犯肖某松,系1983年出生,四川籍。事发在2013年9月6日晚间。当天晚上肖某松从网上找到一个招嫖 的qq号,约定与对方在龙华新区观澜街道一出租屋——肖某松的住所进行交易。两人同时还约定金额500元, 时间为两个半小时。 次日凌晨时分,两人见面后发生了性关系。不过根据肖某松的供述,二十分钟后他就不行了。此时失足女起床洗澡 ,穿衣服准备走人。肖某松认为两个半小时的服务时间还没到,自然不肯对方走。 于是两人就争执起来。失足女说从来没见过他这么没用的男人,还说肖某松的房间环境差,像猪窝。肖某松供述说 ,“她鄙视的眼光和看不起人的话语刺激了我作为男人的自尊,我很生气”。 肖某松拿起一把菜刀,女子大呼救命,肖某松一刀砍到失足女的肩膀。呼救声引起邻居的注意,领居们敲门,肖某 松更是慌乱,捂住失足女的嘴巴,继续持刀进行砍杀。砍死女子后。肖某冲洗血迹,开门对邻居说,两口子吵架没 什么好看的,随后借机逃离现场。 事发后,肖某松到处躲藏,他的姐姐曾劝说他自首,但是他考虑到孩子还小,潜回到重庆朝天门在一家餐厅做厨师 。直到三个月后,2013年12月26日,他被警方抓获。 法院宣判:故意杀人罪 判处死缓 深圳市中级人民法院一审宣判,认为肖某松故意杀人罪名成立,但是鉴于被害人对案件的发生有一定的责任,因而 予以从轻处罚,判处死刑,缓期两年执行。宣判后,肖某松不服,认为判得太重,提起上诉。近日,广东省高级人 民法院作出终审裁决,驳回肖某松的上诉,核准了一审的死缓判决。 相关搜索: |
Re: Shenzhen Info Needed
Hi guys, lucky we still got alot of info here also. Really must thks alot.
Re: Shenzhen Info Needed
If not, please just ignore. Yes, the quality in Hong Kong can be wanting unless one is willing to pay more; but sometimes, the equation with having to travel elsewhere to get quality/price works to just pay a bit more and monger locally. As for Shenzhen, yes the various chuens there still do have cheap BBS’s; you just have to be patient and come back again and again if the providers are not around at any given time – they’re not there for a reason and this works in your favor in also making you the client a bit safer too. And whilst mongering in Shenzhen is nowadays a bit more daunting – indeed in most parts of Southern China it is so – IMHO if you do a bit of your own research and take some usual precautions, you should be OK. After all, there are LOTS of guys mongering singly (especially to SZ) and nothing happens to most. And whilst little of what I wrote in my thread applies to your particular predicament, you may want to read it for when you one ventures to new mongering destinations/apply my suggestions for SZ: http://sbf.directory/showpos...&postcount=121 Good luck! SEAJ
MONGERING DANGER: http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?t=508851 ![]() EVIL CLONES: sanuuk, osamabinladin, Snacky, various "..doggy.." IDIOTS/TOTAL LOONIES: ahtecklim, etct88, MGplayer, Xiaoqiang74. |
Re: Shenzhen Info Needed
click link below to read http://news.qq.com/a/20150405/006827...15&ptlang=2052 |
Re: Shenzhen Info Needed
But I gotta wonder, what has this news of a guy dying whilst vacationing with his family got anything to do with a mongering board? In fact, many of your posts are just run-of-the-mill news items/little to do with mongering; that, coupled with your penchant to copy and paste looooong news articles - in Chinese on an English based board nonetheless - and repeating such on multiple threads! In view of Boss's exhortations to stop wasting his bandwidth, well..... ! Why not make it a practice to just post a short English summary of your news article with a link to it like you've done just now; and of course preferably on topics closer to a mongering board please. Unless of course you just want to lend credence to SEAJPukGai with you invariably quoting his stupid remarks and his offensive nick! Just suggesting. SEAJ
MONGERING DANGER: http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?t=508851 ![]() EVIL CLONES: sanuuk, osamabinladin, Snacky, various "..doggy.." IDIOTS/TOTAL LOONIES: ahtecklim, etct88, MGplayer, Xiaoqiang74. |
Re: Shenzhen Info Needed
i got some pms from bros here asking me for directions to xiang xi cun shenzhen's red light area so i should post it here for all newbies benefit
xiang xi cun 向西村 is in shenzhen nearest metro station hubei station you can take metro from luohu train station or bus no 17 from luohu it is all back alley street walkers, price range from 150 rmb to 200 rmb for 1 shot do be careful as there are plainclothes police around at night to be safe, i suggest you go during daytime from 12pm to 8pm |
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