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Old 12-07-2022, 02:36 PM
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Re: most pervert things done?

one of my ex didn't let me cum on her face. so i started edging myself with we fuck with stop/start rhythm method.

when i pull out to cum, i push myself forward so my cock is over tummy, so my first few shots will hit her face.

she got annoyed the first time it happened.... then after that she started to let me CIM
Old 16-07-2022, 11:12 PM
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Re: most pervert things done?

Originally Posted by superkk View Post
one of my ex didn't let me cum on her face. so i started edging myself with we fuck with stop/start rhythm method.

when i pull out to cum, i push myself forward so my cock is over tummy, so my first few shots will hit her face.

she got annoyed the first time it happened.... then after that she started to let me CIM
Acquired taste
Old 17-07-2022, 10:46 PM
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Re: most pervert things done?

Interesting thread.
min 7 to exchange. I may not be able to up back some second round yet. will put in my list if i cant up you bk second round.
Old 18-07-2022, 12:33 AM
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Re: most pervert things done?

Originally Posted by KimSiew769 View Post
Perverted things done by my FB counted?

One of my FB is open minded and supports my panty fetish. we talked about her "sourcing" panties from her circle of frens and relatives for my fetish. so far she has brought me used panties from her sis-in-law (when she goes to her brother's place for dinner etc) , her ex-housemate (my FB lives alone now), her gym-mates (she will wait for them to undress from their gym attire and go into the shower and take the wet and used panties from their gym bag)

The latest one was from her extremely gorgeous colleague ( i met her once at their gathering) she is prob 32 and single.. very attractive and sexy (not the slutty dressed type of sexy)

they went on a business trip right after sg relaxed its restriction and stayed in the same hotel room. for the next 3 days, my FB sends me pictures of her colleagues used panties (when her colleague is out for breakfast etc) - she wears the ever popular VS and LS - V-lace soft silky type

when my FB is back, i went to pick her up (so i can see her colleague) and also pick up her panty - my FB only took one to avoid suspicion. it was a pair of peach LS, with lace at the edge trims and soft sikly material.. the smell was fantastic, with some stains on the crotch area..

we went back to my FB place and she uses that pair to masturbate me while she shows me her colleagues FB photos on her phone. she gets high and aroused everytime she does that for me and will cum fast when i finally fuck her
lucky guy.
Old 18-07-2022, 12:58 AM
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Re: most pervert things done?

Recently, had a company team dinner where I had a bit too much to drink.
I used the opportunity where we exceeded our target to hug my female colleagues....... all 3 female colleagues hugged me and I felt their neh neh pressing against my chest.

the win for me was the most chio and and young one which I treasured the hug... she still joked and say "eh..I complain you sexual harassment to HR ah"........ I laugh it off and say "eh...willing party leh"....
Old 18-07-2022, 09:04 AM
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Re: most pervert things done?

Originally Posted by Voorhees View Post
Recently, had a company team dinner where I had a bit too much to drink.
I used the opportunity where we exceeded our target to hug my female colleagues....... all 3 female colleagues hugged me and I felt their neh neh pressing against my chest.

the win for me was the most chio and and young one which I treasured the hug... she still joked and say "eh..I complain you sexual harassment to HR ah"........ I laugh it off and say "eh...willing party leh"....
Such comment cuts both way lor. While the younger ladies can be more liberal, they may also dislike certain behaviour. Best is when they initiate and not the man.
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Old 18-07-2022, 01:10 PM
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Re: most pervert things done?

I wonder if this is pervert haha.

Few years back, i invited my friend and her daughter 20+yrs old for xmas steamboat. I told them to wait for me so i can pick them up after work.

After bringing them to my house, i went for a shower. I have the habit of not closing my bed room door and toilet door. When i finished showering, i walked out from the toilet to wear my clothes. As when i walked out, i saw my friend's daughter walking to the toilet. Me and her looked at each other for a while then she walked into the toilet while i walk to my cupboard to take my clothes.
I believe she seen my whole front and back naked with only towel on my head.
After that we continue eating and nvr say anything this all the way till i sent them home.
Old 18-07-2022, 01:40 PM
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Re: most pervert things done?

This ain't perverted. It's your home afterall. Just curious why she didn't use the common toilet. Anyway, wonder she got eye candy or eye sore. Lol. ��
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Old 18-07-2022, 02:17 PM
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Originally Posted by junior_cannibal View Post
This ain't perverted. It's your home afterall. Just curious why she didn't use the common toilet. Anyway, wonder she got eye candy or eye sore. Lol. ��
She using the common toilet, just happened i walked out naked and she walk towards the common toilet. I believe she went home use dettol to wash her eyes hahaha
Old 18-07-2022, 03:28 PM
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Re: most pervert things done?

Originally Posted by Voorhees View Post
Recently, had a company team dinner where I had a bit too much to drink.
I used the opportunity where we exceeded our target to hug my female colleagues....... all 3 female colleagues hugged me and I felt their neh neh pressing against my chest.

the win for me was the most chio and and young one which I treasured the hug... she still joked and say "eh..I complain you sexual harassment to HR ah"........ I laugh it off and say "eh...willing party leh"....
This actually happened in one of the ex company's function, the guy that did it one week after the incident was beaten till near death, both legs and arms broken.
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Old 18-07-2022, 11:55 PM
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Re: most pervert things done?

Originally Posted by Archiearch View Post
This actually happened in one of the ex company's function, the guy that did it one week after the incident was beaten till near death, both legs and arms broken.
If that's the only incident, it's an overkill to beat the guy until like that.
Old 19-07-2022, 01:38 AM
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Re: most pervert things done?

Ironically something that I did was most pervert came at a time when I didnt know what I did was considered masturbating. Might be tame for you guys but just wanna share haha:

I only started watching porn and talking with friends about sexual stuff during sec 4 then this happened during lower sec. At this time I only knew that squeezing my cock between my thighs brought about this "Shiok" sensation and liquid would flow out, so this was the way I used to masturbate and since I usually did it with pants on, there were times I did it right beside people (like while watching TV with family) without any idea it was a taboo thing. I had always been a closet super pervert thought and always tried to catch my female friends' upskirts and downblouse (esp. back then when most girls are not super developed and they sometimes wear oversized uniforms).

One day in school I managed to catch my crush's downblouse - think her bra came off or something, I was standing beside her sitting down and basically had a free show for 10minutes teaching her stuff while staring right at her nipples, until I had this urge to "squeeze my cock" to relieve myself. So during the next lesson I basically shot a load in my pants beside my classmates. I could do it also because I sat right at the back corner of the class

During lunch, we decided to change into our PE attire since PE was 2 lessons later. Since our PE shorts had the netting, I decided to take off the cum soaked underwear and just go commando instead. Now was the lesson after lunch and everyone having food coma. I was still too "feeling it" and since everyone around me seemed to be dozing off, so i decided to start squeezing again while thinking of that downblouse before. Now that I was commando, it somehow felt even better than before and before I knew it, i had stuck my dick out (through the side of the pants with no classmates beside). With my bare thighs squeezing my cock, I shot a giant load within seconds that spurted all over the floor. Luckily someone sprayed deodorant before so the smell was covered and I had to pretend to spill some water to cover the stains on the floor lol
Old 19-07-2022, 02:36 PM
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Re: most pervert things done?

Originally Posted by skihon View Post
She using the common toilet, just happened i walked out naked and she walk towards the common toilet. I believe she went home use dettol to wash her eyes hahaha
Maybe she's one of the two people who strike the recent big lottery.
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Old 20-07-2022, 10:05 AM
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Originally Posted by junior_cannibal View Post
Maybe she's one of the two people who strike the recent big lottery.
Maybe then she have to share some with me as a good returns from my blessing
Old 25-07-2022, 11:09 AM
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Originally Posted by MontageEvening View Post
You into that too? Same here man! Same here except I did it with FL
yeah bro. i’m very into that. never fails to arouse me with her sweaty boobs and the squeeze is great. i will lick her sweaty boobs too. luckily she’s very accommodating though she will complain very hot and gets a little uncomfortable but will still finish it with me.
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