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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 11-01-2012, 06:54 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

I will probably go check out some places tonight around Orchard around 9 or 10 tonight. PM if anyone will be in the area.
Old 11-01-2012, 07:48 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Hi all,

was at pa****nt shopping ctr along katong. this place is filled with pinay pubs. went to J****n and got a lady called mary. sit down with me and tcss for 5 mins before asking for LD (i like it that they actually try to talk to you abit before asking for LD).

The following are the norm things happen like tuning of radio, caressing, sitting on your bro and rubba rubba.

She's probably leaving this weekend. but did saw some nice cheeks available. i think they hop from pubs to pubs in this mall.

Just a simple FR from me. hope its not very disappointing cause i'm new to this forum.
Old 11-01-2012, 10:01 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Nothing discreet about it Sire.

Everybody knows which shopping centre you are talking about...

Its been around for ages...

Guess you are new kid on the block...

Anyway Welcome and Salud

Originally Posted by cheongster84 View Post
Hi all,

was at pa****nt shopping ctr along katong. this place is filled with pinay pubs. went to J****n and got a lady called mary. sit down with me and tcss for 5 mins before asking for LD (i like it that they actually try to talk to you abit before asking for LD).

The following are the norm things happen like tuning of radio, caressing, sitting on your bro and rubba rubba.

She's probably leaving this weekend. but did saw some nice cheeks available. i think they hop from pubs to pubs in this mall.

Just a simple FR from me. hope its not very disappointing cause i'm new to this forum.
Old 12-01-2012, 12:32 AM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by ilovejuagen View Post
It is my honour to inspired u through my FR. Not only pinay pubbing is addictive, so is FR writing. What time is it now? See!!
Yes bro writing FR is also addictive.....but also a profoundly reflective process as i can enjoy and relive the memories on what went on my mind and of course to share the experience with fellow bros. The last bit is also to make quick mental notes on what could be done better the next time (eg. better hotel room, more time, more condoms).

thank you for your inspiration with the Hunter FRs. Happy bonking Sir!

Old 12-01-2012, 07:41 AM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Hey peeps..just to share something..i was at the pinoy pub at OT where the famous ktv is..the girls there are all not bad..few lOokers..some of them quite cute..initially there were not girls coming to our table..then slowly some of them of tthe girls who came to tcss with me looks quite seductive..then she asked for ld so i got her one..slowly all the grinding begin..and to my shocked..i realised she need nit wear bra and her boobs quite big and firm..think got C..nice small nipples also..hahaha..

I have another friend more best..before he bought the girl ld..she brought him for a quick bj!!! I must go there again..its fun!!! At least better than thai joint imo..but gf is thai..hahahaa

Hopefullt this fr is ok? Cos i first time post fr i think..v lOng nv post le..
Old 12-01-2012, 08:54 AM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Thanks to brother limborock's magnanimity I visited a quick car shop full of rage last night at Opie's place. I got a late start as I crashed after work. I was quite surprised when I arrived to find all the fine eating establishments nearby and had a local delicacy before I visited the car shop. As I approached, around 10:45, the car shop one of the mechanics invited me in. I took a seat and was offered a drink. There were about 8-10 mechanics sitting around. I asked for a Rum and Diet Coke. When she returned she placed a drink down and said, "We have no diet" So I asked what this was. She said "Rum and Coke" I said that isn't what I ordered and she replaced it with a whiskey and water. She asked if I was interested in a mechanic and I told her it seems like a good idea.

She organized a line-up but the mechanics seemed a bit disinterested. I chose one fairly quickly and then questions whether I made a wise choice when I saw that she was sporting braces. But she had a face which is 9/10 for me in this dark environment and a petite though not too thin body.

The mechanic and I started to chat about the usual stuff. How long are you here for, where are you from, where do you normally go. She was tactile but not aggressive. After about 10 mins, when my drink was half full, she asked if it would be ok for her to get a drink. I told her it was more than ok. She brought a 5 shot and set it on the table. There was a bit of light kissing by now and after the first shot she asked if I wanted to head to the garage. She said there is no bar in the garage so I was thinking there must be couches. "Sure", I said. We sat talking a bit more until right before she took the second shot she asked again and again I said "Sure" and off we went. I was surprised that there were just more high tables in the garage and there was no trace of any smoke.

I nurse my drink and she is going slow on the shots. She asks me to help reattach her bra strap. She turns around and I start to unclasp the bra. She says that I shouldn't do that, I should help reattach the strap. I do so but 4 mins after that the bra is off. She's got a pair of the nicest A-B cups I've seen in a long time. Perfect eraser nipples. We continue to chat and laugh and enjoy each others' company. Slowly she works her way down and she starts rubba rubba and I'm returning the favor, then asks if I want another drink. I decline but tell her to go get for herself and hand over my CC so they don't need to keep cashing me out. She comes back and not long afterwards the front grill is removed from my car. Slowly she's making her way down to check the exhaust system when another couple come in and sit in the opposite corner. She's a bit more cautious and keeps checking to make sure he's occupied and not paying attention. I'm wondering why this place has no smoke. As another 2 guys come in and are chatting away and I'd say not respecting that there are people in the middle of activities the smoke starts up.

As it gets smokier her inhibitions begin to fade. But our drinks are gone so I send her to refill for both of us. She returns and now there are two more brothers and lots of people coming in and out as they bring a lineup and get drinks. I tell her we really need a remote control for the smoke. After a few mins the smoke starts up again until I couldn't see past the end of my table. She goes back to checking the exhaust in a more concentrated way. Just as the exhaust starts crackling she backs away. She got a bit of it, but the rest had to be caught manually so as not to soil the pants. After cleanup we returned to the main area and chatted for a while. I asked her if she is good with numbers. She said she is. So I rattled off my phone number. She repeated it and then rushed to bring some notepaper. She wrote it down and then she wrote down her number and handed it to me.

Total damage for the tune-up, 2X15 for my drinks and 3X50 for hers.

I'm debating with myself if it makes sense to go back there again to see her or just try to coax her into seeing me off the clock. She lives not too far from my work so I could suggest we grab something to eat when she wakes as I'm finishing work. Conversation with her is pleasant enough that I won't be bored. If I go back then maybe she'll figure the way to get my mullah is to keep me coming back to the bar. I'd prefer to see her before work in a more convenient horizontal atmosphere.
Old 12-01-2012, 10:13 AM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

OBL, U mean ur OC pinay?

She din ask u follow her for xmas party?

Originally Posted by OsamaBinLaden View Post

Hayna ko! Redundant!

Think most bros who are subscribed to this thread know all these liao... No need to explain... These should go to a thread entitled "Pinay Pubs for Newbies"... If u want u can start one... Cos i think this thread is more to share and exchange experiences... Watever it is please DO NOT state the pub name or location openly...

Preparing for a short pinay action now... Since the Minister of Home Affairs (herself a pinay) is out wif her kababayan for christmas party... Not interested to join... Looking for my own party wif other pinays...
there is a thread for dh n professionals.

Post in the screwing maids thread for dh/professionals

Originally Posted by ratinacage View Post
should i write about non bargirls instead? the OFWs and the domestic help?? i have quite a bit of fun with those too.

Excuses for money n i am miles away from d girl....

Thts y i try to find professionals.... Usually they hv pride n steer clear of asking money.

Ur right... There is no end to their excuses..

Originally Posted by limborock View Post
Hi bro.. Welcome to the thread. Appreciate yr input.

Well since u mentioned it, guess some guys are probably turn off with gerls who have babies probably bcos of the ugly sight of the tummy and the stretch marks. Another reason could be bcos these are the gerls who may have more excuse than others to squeeze money from u with phrases like 'my baby sick', 'my baby bday coming', 'my baby going to start school next mth'.

Having said that, maybe u would like to share yr input on yr adventures in the pinay pub scene here?
Old 12-01-2012, 10:17 AM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Nice one tht.

Bro.. I dun think its abt money... Coz if u like d girl... U will find d money....

Thts how men are...

Most importantly... Its whether the money is well spent...? Right?

Originally Posted by Mike2009 View Post

Too many options, too little money....

Old 12-01-2012, 10:58 AM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Iv reduced my postings there in the Screwing Maids thread coz of the annoying school kids/noobs...

Darn annoying Sire.

Anyway i am glad that you are actively involved in the Pinay Screwing scene.... (BF/otherwise)

I should have renamed my thread to Screwing Pinays (on hindsight)

But i add the pinay professionals there as well...

In fact for a reasonably long period of time i am more into the professionals who are working here than the DHs.... So i tend to choose my DH screws these days...

Yes 2003 to 2007 was the peak wrt the Pinay Pub scene....

Many a days i would be sloshed, drowning my heads into the busty boobs or having my finger deep up someones pussy.

It was maximum value for $$$ from the Word go.... Groping their arses etc....

Sounds disgusting to the ear...... But even more disgusting is going Geylang for a screw.... i cant even get my dick up in GL. I was happier in the Bars.... My lil bro would stand in attention while walking past the pinays.

Originally Posted by Mike2009 View Post
Hi Bro The Lord

Thks for the compliment...Love your legendary postings and fantastic insights on Screwing Maids too.

Yes 10 years since i first got my first pub pinay in a pub in Katong (no longer there now)..nowadays will be more difficult with many playground slowly being destroyed. I would say the golden age for these pubs were in 2003-2007 when Duxton and PSC were in the prime

Thank you again bro The Lord and continue banging those fine pinay asses Sir!
Old 12-01-2012, 11:15 AM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Some of my cheong kakis of yore (just like the Ang Mohs) would ask me to go slow on the girl .... Their rules were :

1) Be super nice to the girl
2) Dun touch or grope her
3) Try to make a GF out of her... You will get free sex... she will respect you and stuff

For me .... i was going there to play and play i would to the max.....

I did not need to make a GF out of her.... I could get a GF anywhere else......

Why make a BG my GF? Yes the Ang Mohs do it and some of my friends do it..... But i can never get myself to doing it....

I am no monk/saint. Just the thought that she used to be a BG/prosti eats me up.... And secondly and most importantly we all have heard "you can take the girl out of the bar... but you cant take the bar out of your girl"

But those days the girls were quite easily satisfied.

One lady drink of $50 and you are assured of a HJ in the pub. Infact that LD of $50 could give you free sex the next day as well if you had a way with words with the girls.....

Yes the girls would say Oh i cant leave the house... if i am found out i will have to pay $$$ etc. But that was plain bull shit.... It was just to tell you "Sorry mate.... Whatever you wanna do happens in the pub and i am not going to get laid by you"

And there are smart girls who would insist that "Meetings or encounters would strictly be in the pub"..... "If you love me come get me in the pub..... I do not want to sit with other customers .... I would rather sit with you"

All this is plain BULL SHIT....


But unfortunately a lot of bros fall for this trap. We should not... They fall for the emotional trap.

Yes the girl maybe beautiful.... She may have the hottest arse or the best boobs or the nicest skin.... But comeon.... Unless you have a windfall to splurge from ....... and i think most of us do not belong to that category.... else we would not be in this forum in the first place...... you should not waste dollars like that....

Yes we want the thrill but at a price that is reasonable...... And no such thing about grand mother sick/needs medication/funeral etc..... Just say you flew out if you still want the girl.... you could make up any excuses.... By the time you fly back in she would usually not talk about the money.... But if she still does..... time to ignore and move on...

If you are not returning to fuck her then you could just say any crap.....

By easily spending $150 these days.... either the market has been spoiled or the bar has laid the ground rules for the minimum Dollar to be spent....
Old 12-01-2012, 06:27 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by Pita123 View Post
Thanks to brother limborock's magnanimity I visited a quick car shop full of rage last night at Opie's place. I got a late start as I crashed after work. I was quite surprised when I arrived to find all the fine eating establishments nearby and had a local delicacy before I visited the car shop. As I approached, around 10:45, the car shop one of the mechanics invited me in. I took a seat and was offered a drink. There were about 8-10 mechanics sitting around. I asked for a Rum and Diet Coke. When she returned she placed a drink down and said, "We have no diet" So I asked what this was. She said "Rum and Coke" I said that isn't what I ordered and she replaced it with a whiskey and water. She asked if I was interested in a mechanic and I told her it seems like a good idea.

She organized a line-up but the mechanics seemed a bit disinterested. I chose one fairly quickly and then questions whether I made a wise choice when I saw that she was sporting braces. But she had a face which is 9/10 for me in this dark environment and a petite though not too thin body.

The mechanic and I started to chat about the usual stuff. How long are you here for, where are you from, where do you normally go. She was tactile but not aggressive. After about 10 mins, when my drink was half full, she asked if it would be ok for her to get a drink. I told her it was more than ok. She brought a 5 shot and set it on the table. There was a bit of light kissing by now and after the first shot she asked if I wanted to head to the garage. She said there is no bar in the garage so I was thinking there must be couches. "Sure", I said. We sat talking a bit more until right before she took the second shot she asked again and again I said "Sure" and off we went. I was surprised that there were just more high tables in the garage and there was no trace of any smoke.

I nurse my drink and she is going slow on the shots. She asks me to help reattach her bra strap. She turns around and I start to unclasp the bra. She says that I shouldn't do that, I should help reattach the strap. I do so but 4 mins after that the bra is off. She's got a pair of the nicest A-B cups I've seen in a long time. Perfect eraser nipples. We continue to chat and laugh and enjoy each others' company. Slowly she works her way down and she starts rubba rubba and I'm returning the favor, then asks if I want another drink. I decline but tell her to go get for herself and hand over my CC so they don't need to keep cashing me out. She comes back and not long afterwards the front grill is removed from my car. Slowly she's making her way down to check the exhaust system when another couple come in and sit in the opposite corner. She's a bit more cautious and keeps checking to make sure he's occupied and not paying attention. I'm wondering why this place has no smoke. As another 2 guys come in and are chatting away and I'd say not respecting that there are people in the middle of activities the smoke starts up.

As it gets smokier her inhibitions begin to fade. But our drinks are gone so I send her to refill for both of us. She returns and now there are two more brothers and lots of people coming in and out as they bring a lineup and get drinks. I tell her we really need a remote control for the smoke. After a few mins the smoke starts up again until I couldn't see past the end of my table. She goes back to checking the exhaust in a more concentrated way. Just as the exhaust starts crackling she backs away. She got a bit of it, but the rest had to be caught manually so as not to soil the pants. After cleanup we returned to the main area and chatted for a while. I asked her if she is good with numbers. She said she is. So I rattled off my phone number. She repeated it and then rushed to bring some notepaper. She wrote it down and then she wrote down her number and handed it to me.

Total damage for the tune-up, 2X15 for my drinks and 3X50 for hers.

I'm debating with myself if it makes sense to go back there again to see her or just try to coax her into seeing me off the clock. She lives not too far from my work so I could suggest we grab something to eat when she wakes as I'm finishing work. Conversation with her is pleasant enough that I won't be bored. If I go back then maybe she'll figure the way to get my mullah is to keep me coming back to the bar. I'd prefer to see her before work in a more convenient horizontal atmosphere.
Great FR bro.....looks like u r going super fast love your car analogy style of glad your engine got a good servicing. Welcome to the club bro!
Old 12-01-2012, 06:40 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by The Lord View Post
Some of my cheong kakis of yore (just like the Ang Mohs) would ask me to go slow on the girl .... Their rules were :

1) Be super nice to the girl
2) Dun touch or grope her
3) Try to make a GF out of her... You will get free sex... she will respect you and stuff

For me .... i was going there to play and play i would to the max.....

I did not need to make a GF out of her.... I could get a GF anywhere else......

Why make a BG my GF? Yes the Ang Mohs do it and some of my friends do it..... But i can never get myself to doing it....

I am no monk/saint. Just the thought that she used to be a BG/prosti eats me up.... And secondly and most importantly we all have heard "you can take the girl out of the bar... but you cant take the bar out of your girl"

But those days the girls were quite easily satisfied.

One lady drink of $50 and you are assured of a HJ in the pub. Infact that LD of $50 could give you free sex the next day as well if you had a way with words with the girls.....

Yes the girls would say Oh i cant leave the house... if i am found out i will have to pay $$$ etc. But that was plain bull shit.... It was just to tell you "Sorry mate.... Whatever you wanna do happens in the pub and i am not going to get laid by you"

And there are smart girls who would insist that "Meetings or encounters would strictly be in the pub"..... "If you love me come get me in the pub..... I do not want to sit with other customers .... I would rather sit with you"

All this is plain BULL SHIT....


But unfortunately a lot of bros fall for this trap. We should not... They fall for the emotional trap.

Yes the girl maybe beautiful.... She may have the hottest arse or the best boobs or the nicest skin.... But comeon.... Unless you have a windfall to splurge from ....... and i think most of us do not belong to that category.... else we would not be in this forum in the first place...... you should not waste dollars like that....

Yes we want the thrill but at a price that is reasonable...... And no such thing about grand mother sick/needs medication/funeral etc..... Just say you flew out if you still want the girl.... you could make up any excuses.... By the time you fly back in she would usually not talk about the money.... But if she still does..... time to ignore and move on...

If you are not returning to fuck her then you could just say any crap.....

By easily spending $150 these days.... either the market has been spoiled or the bar has laid the ground rules for the minimum Dollar to be spent....
Hi Bro The Lord.

What a fantastic insight into the psyche and minds of the typical pinay. I agree with your quote "you can take the girl out of the bar... but you cant take the bar out of your girl"

Hopefully, bros will learn that most pinays in bars are masters of deception and we should not fall prey to the emotional trap they put us in. I read about a guy who killed himself over a pinay bargirl. Bros, beware and know where to draw the line and say enough is enough. In most cases, they use the same lines to most customers

And you are right Sir, there is no such thing as value for money now...a minimum of $150 on LDs alone....for you to have some fun. In the glory days $150 could last for a few days (probably inflation, but my salary hasn't go figure)

Another point I wanna highlight to pinay pubbing bros - When buying LDs, (especially from a bottle-eg beer, stout,), pls ensure that they open the bottle in front of you. I heard from a pinay cheongster that in bar he observed a guy pouring water and mixing it with a little beer in a Heniken/Tiger beer. Dont get conned by these tricks bro. (I have not seen it yet but now I will be even more cautious to this practice of unethical bar owners)

Great sharing bro The Lord and I am sure bros will benefit from your candid and yet immensely useful insights. I know you certainly reinforced my own personal beliefs.

Thank you Sir!

Old 12-01-2012, 07:51 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by Mike2009 View Post
Great FR bro.....looks like u r going super fast love your car analogy style of glad your engine got a good servicing. Welcome to the club bro!
Thanks. It was apt given the venue.
Old 12-01-2012, 07:57 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by The Lord View Post

Why make a BG my GF? Yes the Ang Mohs do it and some of my friends do it..... But i can never get myself to doing it....
I'd venture to say that Ang Moha and locals do it at the same rate. There was recent the story in Thailand of the Singaporen guy who went to the apartment he bought for his teerak and shot and killed his woman's lover who he'd hired to drive her in the car he ought for her.

All of the very wise advise can be applied to working girls whether they are Pinoy, Thai, Viet! Brazilian, etc.

Good luck bros. stay safe!
Old 12-01-2012, 09:33 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Enjoy bros my lil contribution
makes me hard now
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