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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 28-08-2022, 10:21 AM
lasupgoh lasupgoh is offline
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Re: Pub At Geylang

Just to wonder which pub is better now UPub or 497 eg : Lady , beer atmosphere etc anybro here can share the thoughts thanks 😊
Old 28-08-2022, 08:46 PM
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Re: Pub At Geylang

Originally Posted by lasupgoh View Post
Just to wonder which pub is better now UPub or 497 eg : Lady , beer atmosphere etc anybro here can share the thoughts thanks ��
I guess it's a matter of preference, as no Human is alike, thus only one alone can decide which is better, & there are many more other pubs along the stretch of Geylang Road. Each day is a new day & of new experiences than yesterdays, in this post Covid era, & it seems there are more visitors to our country, so the situation is changing & evolving everyday.

Perhaps, if I may, I would like to share the types of Pub Chionging based upon my observations over time, with bros to find a successful happy GFE feeling time. It is by no means conclusive, & neither am I an expert. There are far more expert bros here, & with deeper pockets & time than me.

Type A
He is the one who carefully selects a pub after reading reviews. Then he goes into the pub, with little expectations. His motive is to make friends with mgmt, staff & waitresses to build up rapport, slowly & friendly.

He would order a Tower, slowly sip the beer & enjoy the ambience & music, & waits. As a newbie, there would be regulars in the pub & will be served with better congeniality by staff & ladies than the newbie. It is only common as the newbie is a stranger on his 1st visit.

The choice of Tower than bottle is also calculated. 1 Chivas which seemed impressive will cost est $300, but can last for a few visits in 1 month. 1 tower & half to last the night will cost $150 per visit. 4 visits a month, based on beer will be $600. Which would the mgmt be more impressed?

As he makes a few more visits over time, perhaps in a month, & being always sober & friendly, not a troublemaker, give tips generously, the staff will treat him as a friend & given privileges - phone number to be informed of pub situation-quiet or crowded, with new ladies or not, discounts on drinks, always a place even if pub is crowded, etc.

Type B Pub hopper
He is a 'hit or miss' person. Never knowing the situation in a pub, he wanders in, sometimes to look-see & leave if no ladies without spending a cent, & wanders into another pub doing the same, or orders a jug of beer ( est $35) & waits to be served if there are ladies.

The disadvantage of this model is that if one is a newbie, the chances of ladies coming to his table is low, even if he orders a Chivas, as it will be the regulars whom the ladies will 1st choose based upon familiarity, & if the quantity of ladies is low, then he may not even be served at all.

In the end, it's all only a paid illusion, a form of escapism from the stress & servitude of work & home. Everyone needs a break sometime, or the mind will crack. Have fun, but realize the facts & not sink deep into a fantasy that one may have mental difficulty getting out.

If it is REAL GFE/ Girlfriend feeling & serious life partner one wants, it is better to find one, build up an honest relationship, etc from the real world-at work, at sports or hobbies club, or just pick up the courage & approach the girl you really like & tell her so. Or if already in a relationship, to find solutions to enhance it after taking such discreet breaks.

Good luck.

Last edited by Willamshakspear; 28-08-2022 at 09:00 PM.
Old 28-08-2022, 11:48 PM
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Re: Pub At Geylang

Originally Posted by Willamshakspear View Post
I guess it's a matter of preference, as no Human is alike, thus only one alone can decide which is better, & there are many more other pubs along the stretch of Geylang Road. Each day is a new day & of new experiences than yesterdays, in this post Covid era, & it seems there are more visitors to our country, so the situation is changing & evolving everyday.

Perhaps, if I may, I would like to share the types of Pub Chionging based upon my observations over time, with bros to find a successful happy GFE feeling time. It is by no means conclusive, & neither am I an expert. There are far more expert bros here, & with deeper pockets & time than me.

Type A
He is the one who carefully selects a pub after reading reviews. Then he goes into the pub, with little expectations. His motive is to make friends with mgmt, staff & waitresses to build up rapport, slowly & friendly.

He would order a Tower, slowly sip the beer & enjoy the ambience & music, & waits. As a newbie, there would be regulars in the pub & will be served with better congeniality by staff & ladies than the newbie. It is only common as the newbie is a stranger on his 1st visit.

The choice of Tower than bottle is also calculated. 1 Chivas which seemed impressive will cost est $300, but can last for a few visits in 1 month. 1 tower & half to last the night will cost $150 per visit. 4 visits a month, based on beer will be $600. Which would the mgmt be more impressed?

As he makes a few more visits over time, perhaps in a month, & being always sober & friendly, not a troublemaker, give tips generously, the staff will treat him as a friend & given privileges - phone number to be informed of pub situation-quiet or crowded, with new ladies or not, discounts on drinks, always a place even if pub is crowded, etc.

Type B Pub hopper
He is a 'hit or miss' person. Never knowing the situation in a pub, he wanders in, sometimes to look-see & leave if no ladies without spending a cent, & wanders into another pub doing the same, or orders a jug of beer ( est $35) & waits to be served if there are ladies.

The disadvantage of this model is that if one is a newbie, the chances of ladies coming to his table is low, even if he orders a Chivas, as it will be the regulars whom the ladies will 1st choose based upon familiarity, & if the quantity of ladies is low, then he may not even be served at all.

In the end, it's all only a paid illusion, a form of escapism from the stress & servitude of work & home. Everyone needs a break sometime, or the mind will crack. Have fun, but realize the facts & not sink deep into a fantasy that one may have mental difficulty getting out.

If it is REAL GFE/ Girlfriend feeling & serious life partner one wants, it is better to find one, build up an honest relationship, etc from the real world-at work, at sports or hobbies club, or just pick up the courage & approach the girl you really like & tell her so. Or if already in a relationship, to find solutions to enhance it after taking such discreet breaks.

Good luck.
Money buys love and affection… doesn’t matter which pub or KTV you go…unless you are single…🤣

Old 28-08-2022, 11:50 PM
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Re: Pub At Geylang

Originally Posted by 4Dguru View Post
Money buys love and affection… doesn’t matter which pub or KTV you go…unless you are single…🤣
Yes…. ! We are in a sex forum.. money counts … call the shots !
Old 29-08-2022, 12:41 AM
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Re: Pub At Geylang

Originally Posted by 4Dguru View Post
Money buys love and affection… doesn’t matter which pub or KTV you go…unless you are single…��
Money is only bits of promissory notes. No doubt, those mere pieces of paper can buy as you said, love & affection, but it is only illusionary. $10 today can bring a smile, $100 can bring one to a bed, $1,000 daily - promises of love ( or was it LUST from both sides-one for lust of sex & the other lust for money?) for long long time.

But we have to live in realities, not illusions or fantasy. If the partner can be bought for her lust & greed for money, HOW MUCH will satisfy her? $100K now, $1 million tomorrow, your life next? It's not like it never happened before, mistakes made by the foolish & paying for it now & for life.

How fun, take a break, pay always for services rendered, hurt or harm no one, but when the morning comes, realities await...
Old 29-08-2022, 08:34 AM
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Re: Pub At Geylang

Originally Posted by Chiochio1 View Post
However, the golden rule must be applied - None wants to be taken advantage of, nor should one take advantage of others. Others are only innocent & seek a living too. It's only money, & not much, no need to be too calculative. Have a bit of class, even in cheap joints, we are Singaporeans,

Cheers. My apologies if I offended anyone.
Wow bro thanks for the detail sharing. Respect on your chionging style [/QUOTE]

Got money no money never mind.
Pattern must be nice.
Old 31-08-2022, 09:55 AM
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Re: Pub At Geylang

Anyone tried to dabao at u pub or 497?
Old 31-08-2022, 10:00 AM
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Originally Posted by Durianinthesky View Post
Anyone tried to dabao at u pub or 497?
The rate now quite different from before the covid
Old 31-08-2022, 10:24 AM
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Re: Pub At Geylang

Originally Posted by Durianinthesky View Post
Anyone tried to dabao at u pub or 497?
The ones who succeed most likely won't mention here to avoid spoiling personal gain/market

Last edited by MisterPiakPiak; 31-08-2022 at 11:41 AM.
Old 31-08-2022, 12:42 PM
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Re: Pub At Geylang

Hahahhaa true
Old 31-08-2022, 01:33 PM
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Re: Pub At Geylang

Originally Posted by MisterPiakPiak View Post
The ones who succeed most likely won't mention here to avoid spoiling personal gain/market
Of course lah, cannot big mouth them mah.


Old 31-08-2022, 01:36 PM
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Re: Pub At Geylang

Originally Posted by lasupgoh View Post
The rate now quite different from before the covid
Got a feeling the VBs also gonna start pattern soon, more & more sugu ppl giving 50 & 100. Those 20 to 30 lupsup tips like myself gonna end up Sunday Funday at Lucky Plaza competing with bangala for maids soon.
Old 01-09-2022, 10:38 AM
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Originally Posted by MisterPiakPiak View Post
Got a feeling the VBs also gonna start pattern soon, more & more sugu ppl giving 50 & 100. Those 20 to 30 lupsup tips like myself gonna end up Sunday Funday at Lucky Plaza competing with bangala for maids soon.
It true the best is to ask them if they follow you go boom 💥 boom 💥 and negotiate the price before bring them if not just give $30 if they sit not long actually can give $30 depend on the FL if she butterfly long than just give $30 if she sit with you longer and not always butterfly can give $50 and the chances of bring her out is there
Old 01-09-2022, 10:40 AM
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Originally Posted by lasupgoh View Post
It true the best is to ask them if they follow you go boom 💥 boom 💥 and negotiate the price before bring them if not just give $30 if they sit not long actually can give $30 depend on the FL if she butterfly long than just give $30 if she sit with you longer and not always butterfly can give $50 and the chances of bring her out is there
Well say bro. The typical siam du/ viet diu kind of playing style. Shall try soon. From 1 bro Post here. The place seems small. What's the average rating for girl chioness
Old 01-09-2022, 01:16 PM
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Re: Pub At Geylang

Originally Posted by Durianinthesky View Post
Well say bro. The typical siam du/ viet diu kind of playing style. Shall try soon. From 1 bro Post here. The place seems small. What's the average rating for girl chioness
All may look good depending on individual taste, especially when going into a pub with lights dim AF. So just try to be prepared that the best looking one may turn out to look totally "different" after shower with all the makeup washed off
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