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Old 27-10-2005, 01:17 AM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by Jun|ch|
I do not know loh,thats why i am curious.How i know people come pm me and tell me that??I cant say no mah.Just that i was abit shocked too loh.

Hopefully it is not true...perhaps u free to help me out to find out??

I am going hunting now...lots of decent babes at chedi fun fair.Not WLs hor...
So now i trying to get to the source and see whether they are going to post the truth or are they just lying.

So now I ask suteerak1099 this question already. So I see whether he is going to post the truth or tell a lie.

If you have the truth, just post it. No need scared. I done nothing wrong, so I got nothing to hide. If you have done nothing wrong, tell the truth and don't hide. Cos the truth is not meant to be hidden and stash away.


Those People who try to haolian how rich, how good they are in Sammyboy forum, in real life, we can call them Cannon Fairies.

Men will only be troubled by 2 issues.
1 is Money, 2 is Women.
When these 2 issues combined together, it becomes the biggest problem encountered for Men...

Old 27-10-2005, 02:29 AM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by Jun|ch|
Paisey hor,people like Mr Romance cheong bkk long b4 my time,i have much to learn about bkk than to show him ard.
I am new to bkk lah...maybe u will like to show me ard & intro some thaigirls to me....
Old 27-10-2005, 02:45 AM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by singrakthai
Oh Mr Romance, I found 2 more things i jealous about "dek nieow" Junichi already!

13) got 2 samsters say Junichi super handsome and is a Chick Magnet and they envy him very much! Don't believe? Please check out the URL dek nieow provided above. Not that he haolian hor?!!! He just wants to prove he is right and he is handsome and cute and is a chick magnet!

14) "EDUCATED" Agogo gf don't stay in wooden house instead, concrete house but choose to work in agogo bar for 20,000THB per month because Thai bf abandoned her and she... she just feels like working in agogo bar because her friend invited her to join......

I go watch Amazing Race first.. please reply so later i can come back and entertain u again! *LOL*
pertaining to pointer no 13...only 2 samsters meh? from wat I gather, shall be more leh....

I go watch Barcelona vs Malaga since I don like Amazing race....
Old 27-10-2005, 09:12 AM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by Mr.romance
pertaining to pointer no 13...only 2 samsters meh? from wat I gather, shall be more leh....
I go watch Barcelona vs Malaga since I don like Amazing race....
haha... oh is it? More than 2?!!! WOW!!! Iit chaa mak loey! Thats why I say he is pride of S'pore and God-send to Thai ladies! Half year in Thailand he becomes prince of agogo bars already... haha U lucky he now budget tight and didn't venture to the MP scene.. if not u also no where stand... hehehe
Old 27-10-2005, 09:21 AM
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Re: Advise please

Another long winded writer in the making???
ML: I like you style
CB: Really?! What style?
ML: Doggie style!
Old 27-10-2005, 09:36 AM
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Re: Advise please

And the list goes on...

i admit Jun|ch| is the only one in S'pore, JB and some say Batam (and now Thailand) who's able to:
1) make a agogo lady fall crazily in love with him.
2) and agogo gf who'll allow him to stay in her apartment, while also giving him maybe 100 or 200 baht everyday to eat at mc donalds and take bus travel around and go surf internet and post on SB forums and write about his "stunts".
3) Also not forgetting giving him at least 2,000THB to renew visa every month.
4) fucked agogo gf's colleauge for free without gf calling him at least every hour to spot check him while she's away attending to her grandma.
5) agogo gf promising him she'll never sleep with other men in agogo bar, but will work her ass off to make at least 20,000THB every month by getting at least 466 THB tips working EVERYDAY.
6) meeting a University girl at Siam Square and she must've instantly fell in love with him because she took the effort to show him and bring him to his gf's apartment.
7) at least 2-3 Thai women waiting to sponsor him.
8) being a soft heartie and loving gf so much, cannot go back s'pore because gf threatened to kill herself if he choose to go back s'pore to continue with his life even though promising her he'll bring her back to s'pore with him.
9) enjoy himself in Thailand meeting up samsters and not having to work.
10) make a living out of betting soccer, toto and investments (which has maturity date which are probably bonds, fixed deposits or insurance endowment plans).
11) speak "sawadeekrup" and "khob khun krup" like a Khon Thai....
12) has a long term plan for Thai gf by applying for gf to work in s'pore because she's "educated", but of cos not now because ....... its just talks at this moment...... (oh, not talks, but parents conservative and will not allow him being with a agogo lady so must run away from home to prove them he is serious.... and agogo gf's grandma too old and she must stay in Bkk to take care of her.. how fillial! I think i'm falling in love with this girl already!haha)
13) got 2 samsters(some says more than 2) say Junichi super handsome and is a Chick Magnet and they envy him very much! Don't believe? Please check out the URL dek nieow provided above. Not that he haolian hor?!!! He just wants to prove he is right and he is handsome and cute and is a chick magnet!
14) "EDUCATED" Agogo gf don't stay in wooden house instead, concrete house but choose to work in agogo bar for 20,000THB per month because Thai bf abandoned her (correction, she abandoned gangster bf) and she... she just feels like working in agogo bar because her friend invited her to join......
15) "EDUCATED" agogo gf's family used to own hotel in Koh Samui but now father and mother remarried.. but mother still remit 15,000 every month to support daughter's car and grandma.... so actually she got not much commitment and she's just working in agogo bar to pass time.
16) Used to sign on with air-force but broke bond after 2 years (maybe kanna tekan by inhuman 1st SGT untill cannot take it) and able to repay bond with "own" money which cost around $58k which he earned doing "sideline" businesses.
17) Able to own a nokia 8850 which was the second batch during the festive occassion,which costs S$1388 at that time. haha
18) bkkteens girls forced him to take photos as if he is some kind of celebrity and they paste his handsome photos on the door (?).... don't believe can go check it out at soi 33... or talk to the mamasan who'll definetly remember him cos he caused a big hoo-haa there.
19)with his current "savings" and "investments", he is able to buy house, car and live comfortabily or "start something" here in Thailand anytime.... but now jus wanna relax and have fun... hahaha

I'll add on when he got new stories to update. hahahaha
Old 27-10-2005, 09:43 AM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by singrakthai
19)with his current "savings" and "investments", he is able to buy house, car and live comfortabily or "start something" here in Thailand anytime.... but now jus wanna relax and have fun...
If like that how come he dun give his gal 20K Baht every month, then no need to work in bar liao mah
ML: I like you style
CB: Really?! What style?
ML: Doggie style!
Old 27-10-2005, 09:52 AM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by meatlover
If like that how come he dun give his gal 20K Baht every month, then no need to work in bar liao mah
hmmm.... because i am currenly staying in Confusing Thailand right now... so i get confused very very easily... some people say 1 thing this moment, then became another thing another moment.. makes me very confusing too.

In case he says i put words in his mouth again. Check out he self-intro for everyone to see leh! Don't believe?!!! He'll "show" u and "prove" to u!!! *LOL*

As for why he don't wanna provide 20k baht (S$800+) for his girl to stop her from working in a agogo bar..... well, i think untill now he didn't give a direct simple answer yet too... so go figure by urself lor. When u got the answer please help explain. I curious.
Old 27-10-2005, 10:18 AM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by singrakthai
hmmm.... because i am currenly staying in Confusing Thailand right now... so i get confused very very easily... some people say 1 thing this moment, then became another thing another moment.. makes me very confusing too.

In case he says i put words in his mouth again. Check out he self-intro for everyone to see leh! Don't believe?!!! He'll "show" u and "prove" to u!!! *LOL*

As for why he don't wanna provide 20k baht (S$800+) for his girl to stop her from working in a agogo bar..... well, i think untill now he didn't give a direct simple answer yet too... so go figure by urself lor. When u got the answer please help explain. I curious.

Yeah Bro I also busy watching Amazing race yesterday, got so many things to learn from the GURU /Ah Jarn of BKK cheong scene. now too many points to learn, let's all Prostrate ourselves before him. Now he chick magnet (automatically chicks flock to him) , can die for HIM,get treated like movie star/ Singer (like Film Rattanpoom). Well if u cant beat them join them, maybe in 7 months , u can speak/read/write like a khon thai, be another chick magnet, Earn money from not having a reg job.muahaha

Bro Jun, How about a career as a politician??? good at giving irrelevant answers, and deflecting attention from the real issue, Hmm why dont send your CV to TRT HQ? guess its near Petchburi road (correct me if i am wrong) .

Since after 7 months in BKK, u are the self professed BKK king and ultimate AGG scene cheonsters. Btw We arent interested in your background and self professed finiancial prowess, Though I seemed confused.

U showed us u can Afford S$58K to break your contract, and able to afford expensive phones on a NS allowance ( well you have just implicitly give the impression , u are making good $$$ from sidelines) , but yet cant seem to get a regular income in BKK, or come back to singapore to earn S$ and spend Baht in BKK. I wonder why??

anyway , thanks for the entertaining posts, as this is what this post is about, entertaining and food for my brain.


btw: bro SRT, can you continue on your Food thread in BKK, i begin to miss bkk for the FOOD too.
Old 27-10-2005, 10:28 AM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by bollocksman
... Now he chick magnet (automatically chicks flock to him) ..
Quick quick inform WHO and EU, with his help, they'll be able to isolate and consolidate all the infected birds with the H5N1 strain in one area

He'll be the saviour of this pandemic
ML: I like you style
CB: Really?! What style?
ML: Doggie style!
Old 27-10-2005, 10:40 AM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by meatlover
Quick quick inform WHO and EU, with his help, they'll be able to isolate and consolidate all the infected birds with the H5N1 strain in one area

He'll be the saviour of this pandemic
u sound like u have doubts in his "capabilities" leh!!! U didn't check out and!!! Not he say one ok?! SmallD and Warmnites say one!!! He merely proving himself by showing us the URL of what others commented about him! Don't put words in his mouth, ok?!
Oh, u met him too before wat.. why? U didn't get "attracted" by him? U doubt his "capablities" even after seeing his handsome face?
Old 27-10-2005, 10:48 AM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by singrakthai
u sound like u have doubts in his "capabilities" leh!!! U didn't check out and!!! Not he say one ok?! SmallD and Warmnites say one!!! He merely proving himself by showing us the URL of what others commented about him! Don't put words in his mouth, ok?!
Oh, u met him too before wat.. why? U didn't get "attracted" by him? U doubt his "capablities" even after seeing his handsome face?
I not doubting his capabilities. In fact, I know he got capabilities, thus will be of immense help to save mankind
ML: I like you style
CB: Really?! What style?
ML: Doggie style!
Old 27-10-2005, 10:48 AM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by singrakthai
Not he say one ok?! SmallD and Warmnites say one!!! He merely proving himself by showing us the URL of what others commented about him! Don't put words in his mouth, ok?!
Oh, u met him too before wat.. why? U didn't get "attracted" by him? U doubt his "capablities" even after seeing his handsome face?
We don't doubt la, we just confused , So we NEED the GREAT explain.

anyway I need an investment guru more, SO i need help from someone who could afford to pay off S$58K, and still afford to buy expensive mobiles on an active income of S$300/- a month, i guess he could make a lot of passive incomes from his sideline ventures.also I don't mind having some WL support my lifestyle where I sleep till 4 PM and play till 6AM, plus get movie star treatment at the GOGO bars, Suk Soi 33 massage place , but Hor i dont look like movie star ,look more like SHREK!.

Ohh Great ONe, i submit my humble Self to learn from thou..please advise.
Old 27-10-2005, 10:57 AM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by meatlover
I not doubting his capabilities. In fact, I know he got capabilities, thus will be of immense help to save mankind

He may be our our Hope !! to protect us from a Pandemic. the Pride of singapore, idol of BKK cheong scene.
Old 27-10-2005, 12:31 PM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by singrakthai
18) bkkteens girls forced him to take photos as if he is some kind of celebrity and they paste his handsome photos on the door (?).... don't believe can go check it out at soi 33... or talk to the mamasan who'll definetly remember him cos he caused a big hoo-haa there.
Like that must really get GMM Grammy or RS to quickly tie him up with a contract, maybe u can be quit your job and be his manager. THE NEXT THAI IDOL.....Jun Gigoloporn

Originally Posted by singrakthai
19)with his current "savings" and "investments", he is able to buy house, car and live comfortabily or "start something" here in Thailand anytime.... but now jus wanna relax and have fun... hahaha
This is the "BIGGEST HOLE" 大洞 statment I had ever heard since staying in Thailand!
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