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Old 11-07-2007, 09:24 AM
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Re: What the most daring place u ever make love?

- Multiple stance on Small island linked to Siloso Beach. There is a hugh stony area(break-water). Did it facing the ships, ocean.. nice men.. properly concealed by the bushes.. at most is seen by the ships anchored far far away..

- Fingering/lapping/Bj in Multi-story c/p near Jurong point. Was only at the average level. Heehee.. goto stop when a car passes... was quiet crazy. should go higher...

- Free-style on Benches on East Coast Park. There was no moon at that night, so it was very dark. There are certain part of the park that there are some benches amongst the trees.. it was quiet open, but with the no-moon situation, and dark shades from the trees, it is very difficult to spot.

- Free sytle along Road along Jurong West. There are so many quiet road in the Factory portion of Jurong West. Was inside car, and free-style men...!

- Office. One style in storeroom of office. scary but excited men..

- Parks. Parks like Lower upper Seletar, East coast last carpark, roads along east coast park, sembawang park. Alot of "covered" locations.
Old 06-10-2007, 12:29 AM
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Re: What the most daring place u ever make love?

1) Some deserted part of Science Center
2) Staircase in Millenia Walk
3) HDB Corridor -.- Its very open... I dunno how come I dare to do that at that point of time
4) HDB Stairs
5) Some deserted part of a Sports Complex
6) Sentosa
Old 16-11-2007, 10:22 PM
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Re: What the most daring place u ever make love?

I guess tat time i was young, its kinda daring and fun.

1) in a chalet, banging my fling in the middle of nite while the rest are head even "looking" up beside me while i doggy my fling beside the bed
2)staircase, Point block, met this IRC gal for ONS only, never contact again. basically if anyone open the door, they will see us...was doing just outside the house staircase. I remember I went limp after that cos doing doggy in standing position at the staircase.
3)all though not so call daring but i think is thrilling....was humping this married lady (6 to 7 years ago, some old bird here know her too as Sofy) in the car, i manage to tilt her leg up against the side windows, banging in missionary style at the front seat, was darn shiok for both of us and i couldnt care less about cars coming in (with headlights still on) - the cars shine thru the back windscreen. I am not sure how to explain my position but hope u all got what i mean. Actually she is a very nice lady just tat her hubby neglected her.
4)met this gal at night, at her place, she steals me in though, and bang her, and leave without alerting the parents. Her sis saw me twice though. i visited her about 7times, the last time I was in the lift with her father.....I have to act blur and walk pass the house....
5)Someone I came to know 5-6 years ago, met and she wank for me at the staircase, and we lost contact soon after.. 5-6 years later, i end up in her bed, without her hubby....too excited and came too fast....
Old 16-11-2007, 10:54 PM
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Re: What the most daring place u ever make love?

I guess for me it would be the company's office.
Brought my GF to my office one saturday and bonk her on the sofa and office table .. quite shiok feeling ... just worried maybe another colleague had the same idea the same day
Old 17-11-2007, 12:21 AM
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Re: What the most daring place u ever make love?

seems like NUS is a popular place to hanky ah!
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Old 17-11-2007, 12:56 AM
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Re: What the most daring place u ever make love?

I got a ktv ger to bbbj me along GL Lor40 around 9pm. Damn shiok, people walking pass my car (with dark tinted windows) and I was stroking her hair while her head move up and down my cock....hehehe I eventually fired into her mouth and she swallowed every last tissue needed
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Old 17-11-2007, 04:27 AM
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Re: What the most daring place u ever make love?

Just wondering anybody tried toilet in aeroplane??? If yes care to share??? :P
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Old 17-11-2007, 05:08 AM
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Re: What the most daring place u ever make love?

Originally Posted by man13utd13 View Post
back seat of a cab(cant be bothered if taxi driver was watching as both of use were high from drinks and she just lifted her flare skirt,part her panties and i just put it in)

fingering in crowded mrt train where she was wearing a miniskirt (something like missionary position but standing up right with her back against the mrt walls)
Wow....bro u steady man!!!! Did in a cab and Mrt!!!
I salute u.
Old 17-11-2007, 10:44 AM
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Re: What the most daring place u ever make love?

Hello Brudders,

We are busy at work with Xmas coming so we hired some freelance (NOT that sort of FL) help for a month to help us.

One of the them was this quite hot babe, tall, slim (meaning not much of boobs), curvy butt and pretty face. I had my eye on her from day one but couldn't do much coz had no opportunity

Then opportunity knocked. It was her birthday earlier this week and we all had the usual drinks. I planned my move and decided to send her home and both of us using booze as excuse started smooching but couldn't do much coz she was finishing her Red Patrol.

2 days later, we were on MSN in the office and the conversation got very steamy. Cannot tahan already so I told her to go to the office loo and wait for me there.

She agreed.

So there we were my entire office working outside and we were shagging in the loo. She was quite game and obviously damn turned on also. She went down immediately to suck me and from the looks of it has obviously sucked quiet a fewn dicks. She was gooood. But about 4-5 minutes into it, she got up with that look in her eyes and said 'let's fuck'. Whoa!

She turned around and dropped her jeans. The butt was curvy AND creamy with a nice g-string that made me steam more. I entered her doggie style and pumped away but I knew I couldn't last so I signalled to her after some thrusting. She turned around and went down and carried on the awesome bj as I came in her mouth and she sucked me dry.

We dressed up and I left the loo first and once I was back at my desk, I smsed her that the coast was clear.

It was a damn shiok feeling! I mean I've had my fair share of fun at my workplace but never done something like that right in the middle of the day with the whole office still around and at work.

The sad part is there was no follow up after the loo shag and she finishes her stint with us next week.

Think she used me.


Kid A
Old 17-11-2007, 11:18 AM
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Re: What the most daring place u ever make love?

Many years back on a plane's toilet to NY in the middle of the nigh. I and my GF back then had quite a few drinks and were feeling real horny. Went into the toilet and had a real quickie, when we came out, there was an old lady waiting outside. Pretended nothing happen and walked back to our seats.
Women: "Men are like toilets, some are dirty, some are smelly & some are full of shit"

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Old 17-11-2007, 11:30 AM
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Re: What the most daring place u ever make love?

Originally Posted by Joanna View Post
Just wondering anybody tried toilet in aeroplane??? If yes care to share??? :P
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Old 17-11-2007, 12:00 PM
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Re: What the most daring place u ever make love?

Must be pretty exciting. Did thought trying but not enough guts and no chance too.

Originally Posted by websurfbastard View Post
Many years back on a plane's toilet to NY in the middle of the nigh. I and my GF back then had quite a few drinks and were feeling real horny. Went into the toilet and had a real quickie, when we came out, there was an old lady waiting outside. Pretended nothing happen and walked back to our seats.
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Old 17-11-2007, 01:51 PM
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Re: What the most daring place u ever make love?

Mine would be at the common staircase of my HDB flat. Lucky it was over very quick. That time young mah !
Old 17-11-2007, 03:21 PM
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Re: What the most daring place u ever make love?

I met this gal a few times with my buddy at a pub, I sent her home one of the nite almost 3am liao. Reached her house, luckily the dog did not bark while entering her house. Forgot to mention that she was very high liao, after helping her into her room, she removed her shirt and jeans, left with bra and panty.

Fast forward a bit, I bonked her (CIM) and left the house, her parents room was just a wall apart from hers...........

Subsequently, I did have another few encounters,
a) CIM by the car park below her apt (not HDB, parking lot and the ground level occupant is abt 3~4m away, not to mention abt those on 2nd and 3rd level onwards.
b) CIM on the 2nd level platform by the staircase at the pub, luckily someone came up after I was dried clean........
c) Bonked her inside an empty KTV room at the same pub.

I think the one at her house was most daring, what if her dad knocked on the door, knowing that her daughter already half drunk.....

Old 17-11-2007, 04:28 PM's Avatar is offline
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Re: What the most daring place u ever make love?

Originally Posted by AngMo69 View Post
another more local experience was when we did it in the Sentosa cable cars. Back then at least you could book a cable car for an evening meal, circling around there for 2 hours - complete setup with table and lamp put in for you. After eating we did some screwing. Whenever the car neared a station, we had to straighten the clothes, and look innocent, and then, when it went out again, straight back to where we left off..

No wonder I saw one cable car always shaking. I thought windy out there.
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