Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan
hahaha, bro MKM, dont believe him too much, he always said that....
Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan
Ok...if we meet up in next trip..I will make sure we organise at least a 1 day/nite trip to CA...On la! But U muz promise me to play '5,10' with my babe ok... And make her HIGH! Not with Milk thou...
Women ' s lives are hard. Morning, wash clothes. Noon, hang clothes. Evening, keep clothes. Nite, iron clothes. Midnight, take off clothes. After midnight, find clothes "我唔可以俾到你幸福,但绝对可以俾到你舒服" |
Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan
Huh..Really ah Wah lau...
Women ' s lives are hard. Morning, wash clothes. Noon, hang clothes. Evening, keep clothes. Nite, iron clothes. Midnight, take off clothes. After midnight, find clothes "我唔可以俾到你幸福,但绝对可以俾到你舒服" |
Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan
no lah, just kidding only, dont worry, if ur gal make u drink or want to play game, just ask him for help....he will rite bro tintin?
Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan
Ok la..but problem is my gal know I cannot drink and bad with dice..so she never wants me to drink but in turn..she always help me to drink if I really wanted to play dice...so I need some bros help to get her HIGH lor..hehehee..thou she will also get HIGH at night when I shag her...
Women ' s lives are hard. Morning, wash clothes. Noon, hang clothes. Evening, keep clothes. Nite, iron clothes. Midnight, take off clothes. After midnight, find clothes "我唔可以俾到你幸福,但绝对可以俾到你舒服" |
Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan
Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan
bro MKM , your mms look like prefer eat meat then drink lei !!!! hahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!
我最幸福的事,当过你的天使 最幸福的事,吹蜡烛时你总为我许愿的手势, 为挚爱的人 在左边心口保留位置 是最幸福的事。 |
Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan
i volunteer to be the meat this time ... |
Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan
在东莞市xx某工业村附近的一家“xx”歌舞厅里, 常有许多打工仔打工妹前往消遣,这些素不相识的人在这里相识且有了“感觉”后,往往立即就开房,发展起完全 没有金钱交易“一夜情”。 舞厅主要面向打工仔打工妹 xxx某酒店住下。晚上8时,在酒店门口截了一辆搭客摩托车,说要去“xx”歌舞厅。一听说是去“xx ”,年轻的搭客仔阿全立刻眉飞色舞地和xx攀谈起来。他说,“xx”和xx镇的其他歌舞厅都不一样,去那里 的女人几乎清一色都是打工妹。其他娱乐场所的“小姐” 都要收钱的,而在“xx”,“沟”这些打工妹是完全免费的。免费的项目并不只是陪你喝酒,甚至还可以“上床 ”。 正说着话,摩托车来到位于某工业村旁的“xx”歌舞厅。大门上写着“xx”的字样,霓虹灯上则闪着“x xxx”四个大字。此时虽刚过8时,但在面积约1000平方米的歌舞厅里,无论是座位上还是舞池里都挤满了 打工仔和打工妹。 该歌舞厅的消费相当便宜,一扎啤酒只需十四五元,葵瓜子4元一碟,但即便如此,许多打工仔打工妹在买了 2元一张的门票进来后,还是不舍得消费。他们只是站在歌舞厅内,偶尔到舞池里跳一跳舞。记者还在大门口售票 处看到,即使是2元一张的门票,有不少打工仔打工妹也是考虑良久才下定决心买的。 据了解,开业几年来,“xx”都不曾向前来消遣的打工仔提供过“小姐”。 连续两晚都有“艳遇” 连续两晚暗访发现,在歌舞厅里消遣的打工妹的确是很容易“沟”的。两天晚上,记者在歌舞厅里都轻易招来 了打工妹。 晚9时左右,记者在“xx”坐下没多久,同座的一名当地人就叫来3名在旁边站着的打工妹。因记者要时刻 留意歌舞厅里的情况,所以“热情”不够,那3名打工妹喝酒聊天1个多小时后即离开了。在走的时候,3名打工 妹没有向记者索取一分钱。而据记者了解,如果是从事“三陪”活动的“小姐”,只要你一同意她坐台,哪怕只坐 几分钟,也是一定要付足小费的。 已初步摸清情况的记者决定单独行动。在“xx”落座后,见旁边站着两名女子。:“小姐,是不是在等人? ”两女子表示并非在等人,然后毫不犹豫就在身边坐了下来。 两女子一个自称叫阿菲,来自湖北,到东莞打工已经半年;另一名稍显单薄的女子则叫阿莲,来自广东博罗, 亦刚来xx镇不久。两人都在xxx某玩具厂打工。除了中途到舞池跳过一次舞外,阿菲和阿莲在两个小时里一直 都在和记者聊天。两人除吃葵瓜子外,各喝了不到一杯啤酒,也不会玩常泡娱乐场所的人最爱玩的“骰子”游戏。 记者有意教了她们一下,但两人似乎都缺乏这方面的天赋,始终没能学会。 当地人笑言“太纯情” 大约晚10时左右,阿菲和阿莲说要回厂,离开了歌舞厅。事后,在听谈完当晚的经历后,当地一位朋友连笑 记者“太纯情”。 这位朋友说,只要打工妹愿意陪你坐下来一段时间,“那事”就多半能成了。在她们走之前,你应该邀请她们 吃夜宵。打工妹一般会说太晚回去厂里会关门,这时你就说“我在酒店开了房,有地方住,明早我可以送你去上班 。”只要这么一说,打工妹通常都会同意的。 在“xx”楼上的约20间房也尤需一提。记者暗访时发现,穿过写有“工作区”的大门,就可发现三楼有大 约20间房间。这些“工作间”里除了一张床、一张小桌子和凳子外,就别无他物了。入住这样的“工作间”,房 费需25-40元不等。据介绍,这些房间就是为那些达成默契的打工仔打工妹“行事”提供的“钟点房”。连续两晚都观察 到确有打工仔打工妹鬼鬼祟祟上去开房,完事之后又各自离去。 虽说是“一夜情”,但打工仔和打工妹之间也不是来者不拒的,从相识到达成“默契”据说也要看缘分。记者 还了解到,在东莞,这样的歌舞厅还有好几家。
我最幸福的事,当过你的天使 最幸福的事,吹蜡烛时你总为我许愿的手势, 为挚爱的人 在左边心口保留位置 是最幸福的事。 |
Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan
Hi Bro GTOKING, me newbies here, going over to SZ in july with two of my guys frenz, would like to ask u for help in booking hotels in SZ dong guan CP or CA side.
dont mind can help us out here?
Been There , Done That. NO REGRET!!!! -Bonk sisters(DONE) -Bonk "young" tight pussy(DONE), -双飞 - (DONE) -Bonk real Twins sisters. FAILED. PS: my frenz say: rabbit like to FCUK. so i am a horny rabbit.美美讲我是一只很会吃醋的兔子,我是吗? http://spread.ott.pm/spread_download/12/79166/CloudTV |
Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan
UFO like me may be the "exception" as mentioned above....Then how ah? Any solution Mayor? It would be damn chat lat if we go hunting in a group and I always the one go back empty handed. Cheers LTC |
Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan
I dont you will get nothing there, as long as you willing to make them happy and they know you willing to spend for them......hahahahaha age is not a gap for them, they want fun , they want to know rich friend who can spend for them.......... cheers
我最幸福的事,当过你的天使 最幸福的事,吹蜡烛时你总为我许愿的手势, 为挚爱的人 在左边心口保留位置 是最幸福的事。 |
Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan
Wow that's a good lobang man! 不可以让鬼老破坏。
Care to share via PM? |
Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan
Very interesting...This place near CA or CP? Can bring me? |
Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan
Looks like i will follow u on yr Sept trip leow. |
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