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Old 11-01-2012, 08:23 PM
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Re: Batam, Bintan, Balai Field reports

Am in town for a couple of nights..... any kakis would like to hook up.... kindly PM me

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Old 08-02-2012, 10:31 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Batam, Bintan, Balai Field reports

Hi bros!!

Anyone who could please suggest places where i could pick girls in bintan for the day, please do.
Me and some buddies will be going over the weekend. Thanks.
Old 09-02-2012, 01:43 AM
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Re: Batam, Bintan, Balai Field reports

Originally Posted by deem View Post
Hi bros!!

Anyone who could please suggest places where i could pick girls in bintan for the day, please do.
Me and some buddies will be going over the weekend. Thanks.
Why you want pick up the girls? The girls fall down ah? Like dat go to park see the children play lor. If the little girl fall down, then you quickly run go there pick her up.
Old 09-02-2012, 12:50 PM
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Thumbs down Re: Batam, Bintan, Balai Field reports

Originally Posted by Sex Kid View Post
Why you want pick up the girls? The girls fall down ah? Like dat go to park see the children play lor. If the little girl fall down, then you quickly run go there pick her up.
Trying hard to be funny, mate?
Old 14-02-2012, 09:44 AM
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Re: Batam, Bintan, Balai Field reports

With recent reports about police bust on the on-line char bors and that some 80+ guys are being investigated...... just wondering whether any Brudders are involved?

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Old 28-03-2012, 12:51 AM
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Re: Batam, Bintan, Balai Field reports

Hi Bros,

Anyone can recommend me a nice hotel in Bintan?
Somewhere close to "China Town" or the place where all the chinese businesses are?

Old 04-04-2012, 11:13 PM
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Re: Batam, Bintan, Balai Field reports


i am going batam this week. havent been there for a year.

any nice ktv joint which have pretty girls? hope to get one by 2pm ...haha

please recommend
bro who up me pls post a reply so i can up u back asap but can only up once a day so pls be patient....
Old 10-04-2012, 09:54 PM
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Re: Batam, Bintan, Balai Field reports

Old Chinatown could be the Jalan Pelantar II area. One nearby on this road is Hotel Laut Jaya. But nearer to the jetty, 3-5 min walk is Hotel Melia. This was formerly Hotel Sanno. I used to stay there. Don't know how near it is from Hotel Melia to old Chinatown. Hotel Melia is near Bintan Indah Mall. A lot of Chinese kopitiam on the street. Hotel Melia was better than Hotel Laut Jaya. But the last time I was in Tj Pinang was in 2004. Sorry its not up to date. Cheers
Old 09-05-2012, 03:34 AM
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Re: Batam, Bintan, Balai Field reports

Any report on Bintan or Balai?
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Old 11-11-2012, 04:52 PM
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Re: Batam, Bintan, Balai Field reports

Hi Guys,

I am a newbie going to Bintan for the first time on 12 nov to 13 nov. Any info or HP to contact and hotel will be greatly appreciated. tks in advance
Old 12-11-2012, 09:09 AM
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Re: Batam, Bintan, Balai Field reports

Hi bros,
Planning to go batam to the coming weekends.. Been years since the last time I went there.
Any kind soul can share contacts which can speak Chinese/English/Hokkien?
Old 12-11-2012, 09:13 AM
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Re: Batam, Bintan, Balai Field reports

Me too going soon,
Anyone got some contacts to share?
Old 23-11-2012, 01:37 PM
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Indonesia suffers setback in fight against AIDS

Report from The Jakarta Post dated 23 November 2012 :-

Indonesia suffers setback in fight against AIDS

INDONESIA - A new report published by the United Nations (UN) shows that Indonesia has suffered a setback in its campaign against HIV/AIDS.

In the report, released in conjunction with the 2012 World AIDS Day, the Joint UN Program on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) records that the rate of new HIV infections in Indonesia, along with several other countries such as Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and the Philippines, increased by more than 25 per cent between 2001 and 2011.

The report also said that in Indonesia HIV-prevention programs for males who have sex with males (MSM) stood at less than 25 per cent, or very low.

The coverage of HIV-prevention programs for commercial sex workers in Indonesia and two other countries, Bangladesh and Pakistan, also reached less than 25 per cent.

The prevalence of the HIV infection among people who use drugs by injection in Indonesia has reached more than 35 per cent.

Responding to the report, Health Minister Nafsiah Mboi said on Wednesday that it was "so embarrassing".

"Millions of dollars are spent annually on HIV/AIDS programs to curb the spread of the disease in this country. Yet, there is such a low coverage of HIV-prevention programs. I don't know what mistakes I have made. It [the report] was shocking to me," she told reporters on Wednesday.

"The World AIDS Day Report 2012" launched by UNAIDS on Tuesday reported some significant progress made in recent years.

The report showed that 25 low- and middle-income countries, half of which are in Africa have achieved more than 50 per cent reduction in the rate of new HIV infections.

"I don't know what else we can do to try to change the situation," she said.

Data from the National AIDS Commission (KPA) shows that the prevalence of consistent condom use is still low although it has been associated with lower prevalence of HIV infections and other sexually-transmitted diseases.

"[The consistent use of condoms] among sexual workers reaches only 40 per cent," KPA chairman Kemal Siregar said.

The 2012 UNAIDS report deals another blow to Nafsiah who assumed her post only five months ago.

Soon after she filled the new position, which was left vacant following the death of then health minister Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih, Nafsiah enganged in a fierce debate with lawmakers and religious groups accusing her of hatching a plan to distribute free condoms to teenagers.

UNAIDS country coordinator Cho Kah Sin said that Indonesia should not be preoccupied with the numbers presented in the report. The report, he said, outlined statistics which outlined the situation during the 10-year period from 2001 to 2011.

"There is a group of countries in the Asia Pacific region where, by comparing the statistics from baseline data in 2001 to 2011, we see a rise in new HIV infections," he told The Jakarta Post.

The rise in infections in several countries, including Indonesia, comes from the fact that the rapid increase of infection in the country starts later compared to other countries. Cho added that the situation was also caused by the low coverage of HIV-prevention programs despite good intensions.

UNAIDS predicts that there will be an increase of about 76,000 new HIV infections in Indonesia every year.

"I think this is much more important to realise," Cho said.

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Old 23-11-2012, 04:37 PM
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Re: Batam, Bintan, Balai Field reports

Any bros keen to go in Dec for a 2D1N trip? Planning to go..
Old 15-12-2012, 01:24 PM
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Exclamation Bintan trippers out there??

I am planning to head over to Bintan for a long weekend next week. I have mongered/cheongered around the world but this is my first across the strait. I have identified the Pelangi Hotel which I think was formerly called the Rainbow Hotel. The Rainbow was formerly well written up as a nice and central location in Tanjungpinang. Can anyone tell me if the Pelangi is the renamed Rainbow hotel? Also would appreciate any cheongster's guidance on what are the best hotels for this type of horizontal vacation?.

Finally, any Bintan experienced Bintan cheongsters up for another round? I was planning on taking the ferry on 12/20 in the afternoon and returning 12/23. If any of you are willing to teach me the Tanjungpinang ropes in exchange for many ice cold drinks, I am supplying the refreshments! Just drop me a PM and I'll follow up for sure.
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