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Old 07-09-2015, 02:31 PM
Paul111111 Paul111111 is offline
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Re: FKK clubs in Germany rocks

Here is a post of my recent experience all over Germany. Bros can feel free to PM if they have any questions as I can answer them from the perspective of a English speaking Asian :

From FRA to NRW to NLD.

Here is my trip report visiting clubs from FRA to NRW to NLD.

FRA Clubs:

+ Mainhattan.

7/10 lineup- 25 girls.

Maybe two 8/10's. Some 5 to 6's. 20 to 30 girls total. Generally friendly girls.

Had a big issue with flies all over the place. It was almost Third-World country like with how many flies there were that day.

Food was tasty and freshly cooked at around 22:00. Chicken kebabs were great.

Outside was bigger than inside and pretty relaxing aside from the flies.

1. dark hair smallish girl. Had a tat written over a name (ex-BF?) on top of ass.

LFK only but was enthusiastic about fucking since apparently she had not gone to the room all night.

One of the "cooler" girls there but allowed hair pulling and pounding inside.

Always good to get someone that hasn't been pounded by 6 guys all night.

Service: 7/10 Looks: 7.5/10 Body: 7/10

+ Sharks.

8.5/10 lineup - 60 girls.

Huge variety in lineup. Generally speaking, "model" like skinny with young faces.

For sure five 9/10 faces. Young and easy on the eyes. "model quality" lineup. At least one Asian and a few black girls. But just not a lot of sexuality.

Cool "shark tank" and honestly the best inside facilities. International clientele. Mediocre food, but lots of variety.

You get the sense that "variety" is the point of this club as it's made to try to appeal to as wide a demographic as possible.

Feels a lot like any of the current Vegas clubs inside.

I was upstairs looking at all the action and actually counted that between 10:15 and 11:15, only about 20 rooms were taken.

Wouldn't surprise me if at least 1/3 of the girls didn't go to room that day.

+ World.

Camp World.

8/10 lineup - 30 girls.

Not as optically amazing as Sharks, but all of these girls just ooze sexuality (ie: want to be pounded).

No 9/10's for me but more than a few 8. 5/10's. A few fat girls but doesn't detract from the overall lineup.

Feels like a large campground. Average food but good facilities overall in a comfortable setting.

So much action at this place. Guys had to be aggressive in getting girls to the rooms as they were snatched up quickly.

Probably a few more guys than girls here yet the girls were getting taken constantly and at one point less than 5 total girls were out in the open.

1. Deodora Bulgarian. Fantastic PSE-level performance. I *MAYBE* tip once a year, but this performance was so outstanding.

I tipped her 20 e. Everything goes and she was just a Freak. Shortest girl there with a dirty blonde ponytail 7/10 face but big tits.

Said she only started working at World in August. I was at least her 5th guy that day so this sort of enthusiasm was great.

Best lay of the whole trip. Service: 9/10 Looks: 7/10 Body: 8/10.

2. Anya (could even be "Neya? Romanian. GND face, but that GND face is absolutely 8. 5/10 to me. Nice DFK but average acting at best. I blasted on her face.

And she ended up happily slurping on my jizz like it was made of gold (50 e worth of gold). Very playful attitude and I like that. Service: 7/10 Looks: 8. 5/10 Body: 8/10.

Alina Romanian had a nice body and good demeanor, but that sort of brunette look just doesn't really appeal to me because frankly if I wanted black hair like that, I'd go get a Chinese / Vietnamese / Korean girl that will be much prettier than these girls. I go to Europe for blondes.

Saw the girl that some have referred to as a "Maggie Grace" lookalike. I had to squint real hard to see the resemblance.

NRW Clubs:

+ Samya.

8/10 lineup - 45 girls.

Very good lineup on a Saturday with two 9/10 faces and a good bunch of 8/10 girls.

40 max girls and at least ten 5's. By midnight, the guys outnumbered the girls.

Seems that virtually every single girl that was working got taken to a room.

Small strip club atmosphere, no pools and such. Standing room by midnight. Food was good with the shredded chicken being very tasty.

Excellent bus boy service working there cleaning things up very quickly.

Loved the comfy beach chairs by the showers so you can see the girls that take showers after they finished w / a customer. Some girls didn't shower after a session.

10 girls deep for room waits at 3 am when I left.

1. Took short blonde hair Croatian girl with the biggest tits there. Was telling me about her and the other Croatian girls and their clique vs. The Romanian girls or something.

FIV, DFK all good to go. Got in the hour for 75. Some girls won't agree to it though (and will prefer 30 min), make sure to clarify beforehand. Service: 7/10 Looks: 7/10 Body: 8/10.

+ Acapulco.

7.5/10 lineup - 25 girls.

Pretty good lineup overall. Plenty of 8/10's and very doable for a Tuesday.

Great hideaway mansion feel as you drive up. Premises inside fit the profile and this was the most unique building of all.

Terrible food. Most people that grabbed it threw it away.

This was the only club where I saw a dark person (African) in the NRW.

Girls keep getting picked up to the rooms - 40 at play, I guess. But dead atmosphere otherwise.

The atmosphere of the place just seems kind of zombie-like. I don't know if it's laziness or what.

1. I got this thin white skinned girl with glasses. Mediocre session but she was very cute. Service: 6/10 Looks: 8/10 Body: 7/10.

+ Mondial.

7/10 lineup - 35 girls.

No 9/10's but at least 5 or more 8/10's. Plenty of doable 6/10's on a Monday. A few really young ones too that seem to really like the party atmosphere at a place like Mondial.

Sitting here, the question came to my mind: Where else in the world are you going to do 8/10's for 30 e?

Back alleys in Shenzhen? Remote villages in Laos? Those places have beautiful natural face girls, but the areas are way too dirty.

Mondial is really a clean and 'nice' environment to get what you want at a good value.

Small strip club atmosphere again but with Solid food and a good variety of it. Bath facilities are dated.

English was a challenge for most everyone here.

1. Took a Romanian as I believe 90% of the girls here are Romanian. Service: 6/10 Looks: 7/10 Body: 6/10.

Girls here will check all the boxes for GFE, but just zero sweetness to these girls. All Pros.

For all the complaints about Turks. They didn't seem gangster at all and were fun and happy go lucky guys. Interesting that there was next to no white people at this place. Seemingly all Turks.

I would much rather have this atmosphere than the dead at ACA.

+ Babylon.

7/10 lineup - 10 girls.

10 girls and even less guys than that. Minimum was at least a 6/10 and easily doable. No girl under 25.

Very sensual girls and even the ugliest one here was doable vs. The uglier ones at Mondial and some of the other NRW clubs was 4/10 or less.

Very laid back atmosphere and IMO the 2nd best facilities of all the clubs. Very fresh and newly renovated facilities. Solid BBQ.

The great thing about this club is that it's so relaxed, but not "dead" like Acapulco. It just feels like everything was "OK" in here and you can do whatever you want without judgement.

1. Took a Romanian 8/10 and she was equal in looks to the best girls at Mondial or Mainhatten. Slim with wavy dirty blonde hair.

Did not get her name but said she was just there to replace a friend for 2 weeks. Very good English and said she doesn't speak any German.

Best "GFE" and great acting and smiling throughout. Service: 8. 5/10 Looks: 8/10 Body: 7/10.

My favorite club.

+ GT.

7.5/10 lineup - 35 girls.

A few 8/10 but mostly in the 6/10 range with some old ones. Nothing below 25 year old as I can tell. Plenty of fake tits and that Professional look to the girls here.

The Country Club. Excellent facilities and food (4 chefs on board when I was there).

Just jam packed at 15:00 and I had to park at their 2nd lot.

+ LR.

6/10 lineup - 15 girls.

Just a lackluster lineup overall. A few 7/10 I suppose. Along with at least a few 4/10's.

This place has the feel of a small Mansion / house party BBQ with how small it is.

Probably the smallest club I went to.

NLD Club.

+ SixSens.

6/10 lineup - 20 girls.

Worst lineup and the best thing to be said is there were a few 7/10's. Plenty of 4/10's.

Best facilities and I had the best food here. Fresh grilled pork steaks and chicken breast was great.

Pleasant Country drive seeing all those cows of all varieties.

How would a club like this get customers pre-Internet? Seems more Belgians than others this night.

Best English at this club considering the International clientele.

Nice club overall, but doubt I'll ever be back as it's just not all that unique.

Overall Favorite Clubs:

Babylon. This is the place that I can see myself relaxing in every week if I lived there.

Samya. Best party atmosphere.

World. Favorite girls here.

Mondial. I had fun here. And of course, 30 e.

Sharks. Loved the feel of the club inside. High class feeling place. And obviously the best lineup optics.

GT. Like the Country Club atmosphere.

Acapulco. Good lineup and 40 e.




Some misc. Thoughts:

Samya and Mondial girls approached me more than any of the FRA clubs girls did.

There is a distinction in these forums between Service vs. Looks clubs, but to me, the bigger distinction is that of a Lounge Club (Babylon, GT) where you go to relax vs. A Party Club like Mondial and Samya.

Very disappointed that there were no natural redheads at any of these clubs. Where do those Irish girls work at?
Old 08-09-2015, 12:01 PM
weeep weeep is offline
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Lightbulb Re: FKK clubs in Germany rocks

Originally Posted by Paul111111 View Post
Here is a post of my recent experience all over Germany. Bros can feel free to PM if they have any questions as I can answer them from the perspective of a English speaking Asian :

From FRA to NRW to NLD.

Here is my trip report visiting clubs from FRA to NRW to NLD.

FRA Clubs:

+ Mainhattan.

7/10 lineup- 25 girls.

Maybe two 8/10's. Some 5 to 6's. 20 to 30 girls total. Generally friendly girls.

Had a big issue with flies all over the place. It was almost Third-World country like with how many flies there were that day.

Food was tasty and freshly cooked at around 22:00. Chicken kebabs were great.

Outside was bigger than inside and pretty relaxing aside from the flies.

1. dark hair smallish girl. Had a tat written over a name (ex-BF?) on top of ass.

LFK only but was enthusiastic about fucking since apparently she had not gone to the room all night.

One of the "cooler" girls there but allowed hair pulling and pounding inside.

Always good to get someone that hasn't been pounded by 6 guys all night.

Service: 7/10 Looks: 7.5/10 Body: 7/10

+ Sharks.

8.5/10 lineup - 60 girls.

Huge variety in lineup. Generally speaking, "model" like skinny with young faces.

For sure five 9/10 faces. Young and easy on the eyes. "model quality" lineup. At least one Asian and a few black girls. But just not a lot of sexuality.

Cool "shark tank" and honestly the best inside facilities. International clientele. Mediocre food, but lots of variety.

You get the sense that "variety" is the point of this club as it's made to try to appeal to as wide a demographic as possible.

Feels a lot like any of the current Vegas clubs inside.

I was upstairs looking at all the action and actually counted that between 10:15 and 11:15, only about 20 rooms were taken.

Wouldn't surprise me if at least 1/3 of the girls didn't go to room that day.

+ World.

Camp World.

8/10 lineup - 30 girls.

Not as optically amazing as Sharks, but all of these girls just ooze sexuality (ie: want to be pounded).

No 9/10's for me but more than a few 8. 5/10's. A few fat girls but doesn't detract from the overall lineup.

Feels like a large campground. Average food but good facilities overall in a comfortable setting.

So much action at this place. Guys had to be aggressive in getting girls to the rooms as they were snatched up quickly.

Probably a few more guys than girls here yet the girls were getting taken constantly and at one point less than 5 total girls were out in the open.

1. Deodora Bulgarian. Fantastic PSE-level performance. I *MAYBE* tip once a year, but this performance was so outstanding.

I tipped her 20 e. Everything goes and she was just a Freak. Shortest girl there with a dirty blonde ponytail 7/10 face but big tits.

Said she only started working at World in August. I was at least her 5th guy that day so this sort of enthusiasm was great.

Best lay of the whole trip. Service: 9/10 Looks: 7/10 Body: 8/10.

2. Anya (could even be "Neya? Romanian. GND face, but that GND face is absolutely 8. 5/10 to me. Nice DFK but average acting at best. I blasted on her face.

And she ended up happily slurping on my jizz like it was made of gold (50 e worth of gold). Very playful attitude and I like that. Service: 7/10 Looks: 8. 5/10 Body: 8/10.

Alina Romanian had a nice body and good demeanor, but that sort of brunette look just doesn't really appeal to me because frankly if I wanted black hair like that, I'd go get a Chinese / Vietnamese / Korean girl that will be much prettier than these girls. I go to Europe for blondes.

Saw the girl that some have referred to as a "Maggie Grace" lookalike. I had to squint real hard to see the resemblance.

NRW Clubs:

+ Samya.

8/10 lineup - 45 girls.

Very good lineup on a Saturday with two 9/10 faces and a good bunch of 8/10 girls.

40 max girls and at least ten 5's. By midnight, the guys outnumbered the girls.

Seems that virtually every single girl that was working got taken to a room.

Small strip club atmosphere, no pools and such. Standing room by midnight. Food was good with the shredded chicken being very tasty.

Excellent bus boy service working there cleaning things up very quickly.

Loved the comfy beach chairs by the showers so you can see the girls that take showers after they finished w / a customer. Some girls didn't shower after ...
Thank you very much bro for giving such a detailed and useful write up on the various clubs. With my very limited experience, I visited a few of them while I was in Germany. IMHO,the standard and pricing varies from club to club. Most of them do have websites for our preview but I find out the girls in the clubs are the definitely not as good as appeared in the advertisements. The bosses engaged professional models to pose suggestively. The girls are mostly from Eastern Europe and speak limited English. It is not uncommon to find many women above 30 working in the world oldest profession.

Please find out the scope of services, time and price before you select a girl. Do bear in mind that you could not expect Geylang type of service. I get mostly basic and mechanical services. Prices vary widely from EUR30 to EUR150 depending on the joints and quality of the girls.

Finally, I could get better service for cheonging in China, Thailand, Indonesia and Singapore. But I would say cheonging ang moh girls is quite an experience.
Old 09-09-2015, 04:51 PM
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Re: FKK clubs in Germany rocks

Been to frankfurt's palace many times...
No doubt plenty of nice looking european ang mohs in all these fkk clubs,99% u won't get any gfe at all. It's purely a business transaction n very commercial feeling.
Old 11-09-2015, 07:00 PM
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Re: FKK clubs in Germany rocks

Originally Posted by Paul111111 View Post
2. Anya (could even be "Neya? Romanian. GND face, but that GND face is absolutely 8. 5/10 to me.
If she got very large black mole on right side of her chest below her arm, then she is Anya. Neya on vacation from mid August, so if you go in early September, it was not Neya.
Old 11-09-2015, 10:16 PM
Shaved Shaft Shaved Shaft is offline
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Re: FKK clubs in Germany rocks

Seems FRA is the place to be. What about MUC? As good?

Any happening in the day?
Ah Lians rule ! !
Old 17-09-2015, 04:37 PM
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Re: FKK clubs in Germany rocks

No, Munich by far not as good. People go to Augsburg or ingolstadt. It's about one hour away with a car.

There are three locations in Munich, more expensive and worse service
Old 08-10-2015, 05:18 AM
greaseant8 greaseant8 is offline
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Re: FKK clubs in Germany rocks

weekend stuck in Germany again.. not a fan of blonde gals but nothing else better to do, so might visit one of the FKK (Boring to chiong alone). If any bros in Frankfurt on 13th-15th Nov, give me a shout, I have a rented car and can fetch u. Or if wanna meet for makan only, no chiong, also can...
Old 11-10-2015, 07:44 PM
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Re: FKK clubs in Germany rocks

Currently stuck in this boring roding, next to Cham, near Regensburg
Bro any nice place to recommend ?
Old 13-10-2015, 06:45 PM
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Re: FKK clubs in Germany rocks

Dunno about Cham, but when I was in Regensburg before, I went to FKK Hawaii in Ingolstadt. It is well equipped and with about 30 totally naked girls on the weekend I went, with 3 to 4 stunners. But it is a long drive on small roads, almost 2 hours.
Old 14-10-2015, 11:26 AM
c135 c135 is offline
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Re: FKK clubs in Germany rocks

Hi bros, what an informative thread. Thanks to all who contributed.
I'm going to Bremen/Bremerhaven next week, does any bro have any experience in FKK clubs there or have any recommendations? Thanks.
Old 11-11-2015, 02:51 PM
schnappii schnappii is offline
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Re: FKK clubs in Germany rocks

Any Bros at Berlin? Thought of heading to Artemis this weekend.

Last edited by schnappii; 15-11-2015 at 04:05 AM.
Old 15-11-2015, 04:00 AM
schnappii schnappii is offline
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Re: FKK clubs in Germany rocks

A little FR on artemis in Berlin

I was supposed to be there on a Saturday night but after much reviews, i decided to be there on a Friday night hoping that there will be lesser crowd, however it is not the case.

I was there at about 7pm after a couple of beers with some clients, gathering my courage to step into my first venture into FKK. Upon arrival i was disappointed as the counter was a line and i expected a huge crowd. Paid E80 and got my robe into the changing room. I read that we are supposed to shower, therefore grab a towel and went into the open shower room which is a open concept and shower with those guys with a larger and longer dick.

Once u enter the arena, all the girls are fully naked i hope Asia has this concept as u can roughly look at the gals figure before deciding. I went to the bar and ask for a drink and sat at the sofa. I could see the ratio is about 4 man to 1 lady...pack with lebanese or Iran man. I was sitting with a Japanese guy and we start talking, it was his first time into the club too. Anyway he left after some conversation, as i was looking around......a big German gal ask if i would like to go with her, i rejected as she is taller & bigger than me....soon after another blonde gal ask me for a threesome with another lady, i reject again as i can't concentrate on 3some....after 15 mins at the lounge a Bulgarian brunette gal (can't recall the name as its too loud) approached me and we started a conversation if we can start the ball rolling. Didn't talk much due to the language barrier but i could see she has a natural C breast size and petite. Asked for the price at E60 and off we went. We went to the 3rd floor for a room and its full. We have to go to a Kino room with rooms and curtain. Inside the kino room you can hear moaning sounds from other room. Once inside the room, she put on the towel on the bed, i strip to my birthday suit and she started BJ me for 5 mins to get it hard. BBBJ is not better comparing to the standard from Geylang ($150). I wasn't hard and she ask for additional E50 for caressing my balls and i told her firmly NO. My dick didn't get hard and she bo pia and start caressing my balls at her cost. I got hard and wanna to doggie her, she put on a condom and position herself with her ass closed, i don't like the position and ask her to open up and she said NO. No choice i just wanna get over and done with and started bonking was very mechanical and money mind....I guess our asian dick with angmo dick didn't get her moan. I don't enjoy as that much compared to Asian. Anyway i came soon after...I have to take out my condom and clean myself..fuckin sian and she hurry off.

Went to the basement to rest and watch some football (France vs Germany). There are sauna,steam room, pool and massage (by man) which does not interest me. After 45 mins, went to the lounge to lurk my surprise the customers is getting more...the ration is about 1 lady to 8 man. Sat a while and looking for my target. At this time, i notice couple waiting at Kino room and 3 floor meaning to said all the room is full. Kinda sian with too crowded and i left...

I like the concept of FKK but probably due to the overcrowding if not I think i could enjoy more.
Old 15-11-2015, 04:06 AM
schnappii schnappii is offline
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Re: FKK clubs in Germany rocks

Originally Posted by schnappii View Post
Any Bros at Berlin? Thought of heading to Artemis this weekend.
Paiseh my FR is supposed to be latter post i don't how to overwrite first few FR.
Old 08-12-2015, 07:32 PM
Jjames Jjames is offline
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Re: FKK clubs in Germany rocks

Any bros heading there last week of Dec?
Old 30-12-2015, 02:51 AM
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Re: FKK clubs in Germany rocks

Hi any bros in Berlin now?
I'm thinking my virgin trip to Artemis tomorrow and then maybe brothels next day.

Any bros wanna cheong together or just beer drop me a PM!
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