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Re: Is there true love between us and PRC WL
The other big problem in ur future relationship is her bad temper. You'll be miserable. Everything being equal, I would rather marry a 7/10 gal w/ a good temper than a 10/10 w/ a bad temper. Just my 2 cents. |
Re: Is there true love between us and PRC WL
returning favors for ups.. slowly. If i have not rtn your up, please pm me. The CP page may have been refreshed and i can no longer see your details |
Re: Is there true love between us and PRC WL
Hmmm.... it is a "thinking" day for me..
Haiz.. after many weeks of trying to find Xiao Ping (From Sianren's thread) online, I finally chatted with her "LIVE" For the entire period, failing to get a response from her after she told me she was safe at home was quite tormenting... We are friends so I tot if she also treat me like that, then me and my GF chances slim liao. After YTD, felt better and yet strangely sad as I somehow yearn to hold her in my arms but in the end I said "Let's put things behind us and continue to be juz friends, I will visit u if I am around your hometown". That made me close the chapter and a happier man since now I have her as a friend with no SEX attached. Miss my GF and after reading some online posting, felt worse... luckily, Wu Li is still around so I can get some GFE from her tomorrow (She reminds me of my 1st GF at age 16.. those simple, Chun Chun love) Well, sharing the chinese postings below. 让大家感受一下什么是爱。。男孩和女孩是一对情侣,女孩喜欢感受下雨,男孩种是在下雨的时候为女孩撑着伞, 伞的大半部分都是遮着女孩的,每次雨水都打湿着男孩的身子,他没说什么,只是默默看着女孩陶醉的脸。他觉得 很幸福,女孩也觉得很幸福。 有天,男孩和女孩去游玩,男孩挽着女孩的手,正路过一个建筑工地,女孩兴奋的跳着嘴里还在说着些什么。 男孩很少说话只是默默的看着她开心自己也开心。正说着的时候突然从楼上落下一块不大不小的碎石,正朝女孩头 上砸来,此时已经来不急了,男孩一把抱过女孩,女孩尖叫了声。他想用自己的身体挡着碎石,正当快着地的时候 ,男孩猛的翻了个身让自己身体朝下,结果只是女孩的手被碎石砸到,骨折了。 女孩也才刚反应过来,痛的叫了出来,结果眼泪出来了,她想:古话‘夫妻本是同林鸟,大难临头各自飞’这 句话果然没错。想着强忍着痛从男孩身上爬了起来。看也不看男孩一眼慢慢的跑了。 此时男孩在背后呼唤着女孩的名字,声音颤抖,嘴唇已经发白。他拿出手机拨了女孩的号码,女孩没接, 再拨还是没接。反复几次他放弃了。只是手指在手机上按着什么,这时候男孩身边的血慢慢的蔓延开,他手垂了下 来手机趟在血泊中,再也没力气按下发送键。 第二天,女孩得知男孩在医院抢救的消息,也顾不上生气就往医院跑。当她到医院的时候,医生已经宣布男孩 抢救无效死亡了。原因是肺部失血过多。 原来当男孩想用身子挡着碎石的时候猛的发现地上矗立着一根十几厘米的钢筋。就猛的翻个身。用尽全身 的力气只让碎石砸到女孩的手。自己却让钢筋插进肺部。 男孩的母亲把男孩的手机交到女孩手里,女还看着那还未发出去的短信:亲爱的,对不起我还是没能保护 你,让你手受伤了……看到这里女孩再也忍不住了涌出眼眶,冲向到往男孩的天堂…… -------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -- 相爱的时候,女人会一次次地提出:我们分手吧! 男人只是本能的愤怒,他会猜疑她是不是因为另有新欢而背叛了他,他会气恼女人的绝情而大声呵斥她, 在女人真正转身地那一刻,男人除了悲愤地看着她的背影离去而没有一句挽留! 女人一路上一直期待男人会跑上来,拉着她的手,挽留她,说声:宝贝,我爱你!别走!等到泪已尽,仍 然听不到任何声响,爱情就这样夭折了! 男人怎懂女人?说分手只是为了被挽留! 每一次说分手,女人都会很害怕,怕你们会真的离去,每一次说分手,女人都很期待,期待你们的挽留, 让她知道你在乎他,你舍不得她走,每一次说分手,女人都很无奈,你的一些微妙变化让她不再肯定你是否还那样 爱她,所以她拿放弃做赌注,如果输了,只是你真的不够爱她!每一次当分手成了事实,女人会伤心欲绝,男人为 什么不懂女人的心思? 女人说分手,只是真的爱你!只是太在乎你!只是你的一些微妙变化让女人恐慌!让女人心不安!只是女 人想弄明白你是否还爱着她? 女人以为,爱情的迷茫不肯定会让自己有足够的勇气,做好准备等待男人最糟糕的答案,女人以为爱情就象一 个开关,啪地一声打开,啪地一声关闭,女人以为及时拨掉电源就可以幸免于毁灭,女人以为分手可以解决所有的 困惑、痛苦、忧郁,女人以为缓慢的生长可以愈合此处的断裂,女人以为她说分手你会挽留她! 然而这都是只女人的一相情愿,多少此时的男人是默默看着自己心爱的女人离去而没有挽留?女人的心凉 了,为什么男人不懂女人的心思? 女人只有独自在黑夜中哼着悲曲,用泪水把心中的苦涩一遍遍洗刷…… 你不够爱我 也许某一天 我想起你也是一件很远很远的事 那一天,在未来的未来 663H 再远处,是衰老,更远处,是死亡! 近处是分手,其实是真的爱你,太害怕失去你!只是你永远不懂!还是不懂! 命中注定无法永远! 男人永远不懂 ,女人说分手是为了挽留 40;碎石,正朝女孩头上砸来,此时已经来不急了,男孩一把抱过女孩,女 孩尖叫了声。他想用自己的身体挡着碎石,正当快着地的时候+
returning favors for ups.. slowly. If i have not rtn your up, please pm me. The CP page may have been refreshed and i can no longer see your details Last edited by aczeta76; 22-05-2008 at 02:44 PM. |
Re: Is there true love between us and PRC WL
Of course one could make an exception if the 10/10 gal is also very wealthy...ha ha. The strategy here is to get hitched, bonk her everyday, try to stick around for couple of yrs; and when u really can't tahan her terrible temper, divorce her n collect ur tens of millions! But this is a dangerous game, suitable only for men w/ formidable emotional control n detachment. If u fall for her despite her hideous temper, u will be a miserable slave until eternity! Joking aside, I hv seen both types of men described above. Ok, their wives are not exactly 10/10 but only 8-9/10. Good night! |
Re: Is there true love between us and PRC WL
stay away from PRC WL: all these are fakes - my own experience:
In the past, I have known a PRC WL woman for 6 months, she is quite charming and likeable, even her voice sounded so sweet. She once told me I am her dearest person in her life and want to be together with me. Maybe I had told her everything about myself, my pay and expenses...But to prove myself right that she is out to suck me dry dry slowly, I then planned and cocked up a story about myself, how pitiful I had became, and how I lost all my savings convincingly in just 2 weeks. True to my intuition, she then scolded me very nasty every few days, I also dont know what I have done to deserve that and nobody has ever scolded me that way in my life, she said she had given me many chances, asked me to stop bothering her, and stop calling her anymore, or she will change her hp number!!! Her true colors finally surfaced.... The scenario I wanted happened, how I wish she leave me faster haha! |
Re: Is there true love between us and PRC WL
KTV is the only place that we can found true love ... |
Re: Is there true love between us and PRC WL
All chabors need guys to be their financial backer ... so if they dont feel like working, they can just resign, not like us guys ....
Re: Is there true love between us and PRC WL
Minimum basics for girls to consider you - you must have money to buy a 4-room flat & stable income job S'pore & Msia girls is already behaving money-minded ..let alone those PRC WL lah.
KTV is the only place that we can found true love ... |
Re: Is there true love between us and PRC WL
Yes, bro a toast to us indeed!
And i just came back after a holiday trip with my gal We met in HongKong after a month. A week is tormenting not to mention four & a half. I picked her up @ the airport & we hugged each other for the longest time & tears flowed down her eyes. Luckily, her mascara is waterproof. This was a sextified trip for both of us, we were literally raping each other like apes. 4D3N of non stop action packed holiday. We discussed many issues, went touring, prayed @ the huang tai xian temple, petted @ a quiet corner in the Peak with a full lighted view of HK nightscape behind us.... She's mellowed a lot & took care of me like a lover and no, she didn't asked for money or commitment. We ate simply, shopped briefly and made out passionately. She's really deeply in love with me. Her orgasm was so intense each time that her face is perpetually pinkish red, dreamy eyes with a moist tender body covered by our sweat. She would want to bear me a child but she'd like a wedding in a church. Young gal's dream.... |
Re: Is there true love between us and PRC WL
China Girl: they will ask you outright how much you made, you will know most of them are in for the money and a better lifestyle. Sad to say this, but it is like a trade, you provide me with something and i will return in kind. Singapore Girl: They say they are not materialise, then last time where the 5 Cs come from? They are not materialistic, but they want a guy with a degree, a stable job most likely a manager or something, then car will be an advantage and you have to be funny, caring and pour your concern over them. The best part is most singapore girls hardly or don't cook at all, they are usually terrible in cooking, they are not used to doing house chores. You can say that they earn more BUT they freakingly also spend much more. Malaysia Girl: Dunno where to start and how to end for Malaysian girls. Hahahaha. So end up, its really what you want out of a relationship, someone to take care of you or someone of the same level as u... |
Re: Is there true love between us and PRC WL
Regardless of nationality, never look for KTV girls or WL lah... all these are low-life fucked up trashes.
Before China girls come to S'pore in 80's & 90's.. there are also s'pore & msia working in nightclubs as GRO selling their bodies but then now when is those old spore & msia niteclub's working ladies. They become old & disappear
KTV is the only place that we can found true love ... |
Re: Is there true love between us and PRC WL
Re: Is there true love between us and PRC WL
20yrs ago when a Singapore guy wants to marry a Malaysian girl. People talk. Then, Vietnamese, Filipinos, Thai, PRC etc etc. citizens from there just want a better life than home so they'll look elsewhere. If Singapore is still stuck in a 70s era with low education & salary of no more than S$500 today, our gals will be working elsewhere & looking to marry off. What will those people gossip about us? It's just that the PRCs come in such a huge army these days that the situation get magnified & of course their mentality to strike gold here. |
Re: Is there true love between us and PRC WL
Not quite true, either you haven't met the good ones or that my eyes got stamp
Re: Is there true love between us and PRC WL
KTV is the only place that we can found true love ... |
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